East Midlands 6

East Midlands 6

CIVIL UNITED AERODROME ARP 524952N 0011940W AD ELEV 306FT EAST MIDLANDS AVIATION CHART - ICAO EGNX KINGDOM GUND (Geoid Undulation) = RUNWAY/TAXIWAY/APRON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The height of the Geoid (MSL) above the APRON / RWY / TWY SURFACE BEARING STRENGTH Reference Elipsoid (WGS 84) at the stated position. RWY 09/27 Grooved Asphalt 78/F/C/W/T AUTHORITY BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC Central Apron Concrete 63/R/D/X/U ELEVATIONS AND HEIGHTS ARE IN FEET Central-West Apron Concrete 74/R/C/W/T AIP ELEVATIONS IN FEET AMSL 467 East Apron Concrete 63/R/D/X/U HEIGHTS IN FEET ABOVE AD (161) West Apron Concrete 78/R/C/W/T Taxiway A/G/H/M/S/W Asphalt 66/F/C/W/U Taxiway B/F/J Concrete 78/R/C/W/T VAR 1.1°W - 2017 - 1.1°W VAR Taxilane C/CA/D/Q/R/T/U/V Concrete 63/R/D/X/U Taxilane N Concrete 74/R/C/W/T EAST MIDLANDS I-EMW & I-EME N D 109.35 Highest Elev in TDZ 306 I-EMW 109.35D Rwy 27 Thr Elev 282 IEMW Annual Rate IEMW(Ch 30Y)IEME 524952.30N 0011902.87W / (GUND Elevation 160) 524952.88N 0011830.94W 524953.30N 00118.07.30W of Change 0.15°E 524957.99N 0011940.24W (GUND Elevation 160) 357 Radar 322' Rwy 09 Thr Elev 306 (51) 524950.36N 0012048.86W GUND Elevation 161 ILS D GP I-EMEIEME 109.35 (Highest Elev in TDZ) 287 524949.73N 0012123.06W Anemometer VDF 30m 9°M ILS 2269°M6 Stopway Anemometer GP 324 322 2893m x 46m 27 284 (16) PPAPIAPI ((3°)3°) (18) MMEHTEHT 5555 30m 0089°M89°M W Twy Stopway PPAPIAPI ((3°)3°) 09 MMEHTEHT 5555 A1 W1 Twy M S1 332424 332222 W2 A2 Twy H Anemometer ((18)18) Twy G ((16)16) M1 S2 Twy S Fire A3 H1 Station A4 Twy A G1 M2 A6 Twy A A5 H2 A7 G2 A8 Taxiway A V Mobile Obstacle U Q R T Traffic 323 (17) Twy D M N Twy T Airside Road T A9 w A10 B TTwywy MMAA J RRVLVL M3 y East Apron T F Twy N Twy B AApronpron MA Blast Twy C Fence J Twy CA M4 West Apron M5 Blast Central Apron CCentralentral WWestest Twy J MMaintenanceaintenance Fence ApronApron Hangar AArearea NNorthorth T T Terminal w Blast Building y M Fence M Cargo Cargo Building Car Control Buildings Maintenance Tower Car Park Area 467 Car Park (161) Park WWashbayashbay WWindind TurbinesTurbines MMaintenanceaintenance 445151 AreaArea SouthSouth ((145)145) Car 445454 Park ((148)148) Car Park Car Park 100 0 100 200 300m 500 0 500 1000ft COM 001001 1830W1830W ATIS 128.225 EAST MIDLANDS INFO TWR 124.000 EAST MIDLANDS TOWER 121.900 (GMC) EAST MIDLANDS GROUND 121.600 EAST MIDLANDS FIRE LIGHTING APCH 09/27 900m HI coded C/L 5 bars. 420m LI C/L with 1 bar. THR 09 HI green with green W bars. THR 27 HI green with green W bars. RWY 09/27 Elev HI bi-d with LI omni-d component. Colour coded C/L. TDZ RWY 27 900m. End lights red. TWY Green C/L with blue edge on corners. Turn-offs amber and green CHANGE (11/16): MAG VAR. RUNWAY HEADINGS. PAPI MEHT VALUES. HOLDS M4 & M5 ADDED. C/L with blue edge lights. Taxi holding positions. AD AMDT AERO INFO DATE 04 AUG 16 2-EGNX-2-1 13 Oct 11/2016 2016 CIVIL UNITED AIRCRAFT GROUND MOVEMENT/PARKING/DOCKING ARP 524952N 0011940W AD ELEV 306FT EAST MIDLANDS AVIATION CHART - ICAO EGNX KINGDOM RUNWAY/TAXIWAY/APRON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS GUND (Geoid Undulation) = STAND COORDINATES STAND COORDINATES STAND COORDINATES STAND COORDINATES STAND COORDINATES The height of the Geoid (MSL) above the APRON / RWY / TWY SURFACE BEARING STRENGTH 2017 - 1.1°W VAR 1 524940.93N 0011937.43W 12R 524937.11N 0011950.53W 33 524941.94N 0012001.01W 76R 524941.23N 0011912.67W 107 524937.19N 0012107.72W Reference Elipsoid (WGS 84) at the stated position. RWY 09/27 Grooved Asphalt 78/F/C/W/T 2 524940.95N 0011936.09W 14 524937.31N 0011952.91W 40 524942.66N 0012005.29W 77 524940.61N 0011908.23W 108 524937.90N 0012109.55W AUTHORITY Central Apron Concrete 63/R/D/X/U BEARINGS ARE MAGNETIC 3 524942.27N 0011937.80W 14R 524937.40N 0011953.12W 41 524941.11N 0012005.34W 77R 524941.30N 0011908.75W 109 524937.22N 0012112.17W ELEVATIONS AND HEIGHTS ARE IN FEET Central-West Apron Concrete 74/R/C/W/T 3L 524942.14N 0011937.80W 15 524937.03N 0011955.43W 42 524940.50N 0012004.52W 78L 524941.37N 0011904.83W 110 524937.81N 0012114.86W AIP East Apron Concrete 63/R/D/X/U ELEVATIONS IN FEET AMSL 467 4 524943.45N 0011937.86W 16 524936.98N 0011957.86W 43 524939.71N 0012004.91W 78 524940.67N 0011905.29W 111 524937.13N 0012116.62W HEIGHTS IN FEET ABOVE AD (161) West Apron Concrete 78/R/C/W/T 4L 524942.95N 0011937.81W 17 524936.92N 0012000.31W 44 524938.31N 0012005.19W 78R 524941.34N 0011906.79W 112 524937.76N 0012117.51W Taxiway A/G/H/M/S/W Asphalt 66/F/C/W/U 5 524943.13N 0011938.99W 20 524942.17N 0011946.24W 45 524936.91N 0012005.12W 79 524941.32N 0011902.83W 114 524937.81N 0012120.22W 500 50 100 150m Taxiway B/F/J Concrete 78/R/C/W/T N 6 524942.06N 0011939.06W 20R 524942.16N 0011946.80W 70 524942.53N 0011923.37W 80 524941.36N 0011900.81W 120 524939.32N 0012046.66W Taxilane C/CA/D/Q/R/T/U/V Concrete 63/R/D/X/U Annual Rate 100 0 500ft 7 524940.95N 0011939.00W 21 524942.18N 0011947.35W 70R 524943.04N 0011923.26W 98 524937.97N 0012045.61W 121 524937.43N 0012046.57W Taxilane N Concrete 74/R/C/W/T of Change 0.15°E 8 524937.83N 0011940.99W 22 524942.13N 0011948.52W 71 524941.77N 0011921.77W 99 524938.30N 0012048.56W 122 524937.12N 0012045.56W 8R 524938.04N 0011940.24W 23 524943.82N 0011948.61W 72 524941.20N 0011919.98W 100 524938.29N 0012048.78W 123 524935.88N 0012045.50W 9 524937.74N 0011943.30W 24 524942.09N 0011950.26W 73 524940.38N 0011919.74W 101 524938.04N 0012051.69W 124 524934.65N 0012045.44W 9R 524937.73N 0011943.48W 24L 524942.10N 0011949.71W 74 524940.29N 0011917.04W 102 524938.18N 0012055.19W 125 524933.24N 0012045.95W 10 524937.70N 0011945.61W 25 524942.40N 0011950.63W 75 524940.51N 0011914.11W 103 524938.13N 0012058.31W 125L 524933.37N 0012045.15W 10L 524937.70N 0011945.43W 30 524942.62N 0011958.23W 75R 524941.20N 0011914.62W 104 524938.06N 0012101.27W 125R 524933.55N 0012043.90W 11 524937.66N 0011947.92W 31 524941.92N 0011956.94W 76L 524941.27N 0011910.71W 105 524938.01N 0012104.07W 200 524939.74N 0012039.17W 12 524937.36N 0011950.38W 32 524941.98N 0011958.98W 76 524940.56N 0011911.17W 106 524937.95N 0012106.90W 201 524936.97N 0012038.95W 202 524934.76N 0012038.84W 203 524932.73N 0012038.74W RWY 09/27 Twy M S1 Twy H Twy S Twy G M1 S2 H1 A4 Twy A G1 M2 A6 A5 H2 A7 Twy A G2 A8 Twy A V T U 2233 R Q Fire Twy D M N 5 4 TTw 770R0R w Station J 3300 y T East Apron A9 MA 4L TTwywy MA 4400 25 T F A10 B 31 21 20 3 7700 78 RRVLVL M3 24 6 75 77 L AAprproonn 33 32 24L22 20R 3L R R Twy M CCentrentraall Blast 71 Twy B MA T 76 78 79 80 w Central Apron 72 76 WWestest 4411 7 1 2 Fence 73 R y R L AApronpron 77 78 West Apron M 4422 75 76 J 200 Twy C 74 4433 120 M4 A Twy N Blast Twy C T Cargo w Fence Cargo Building M5 y 99 4444 100 Building N 102 10L 98 10 103 101 104 105 106 8R 108 14R 114 110 12 8 112 121 MMaiainntenancetenance 11 9R 9 107 109 Twy J 14 111 AArearea Noortrth 45 12R 122 201 17 16 15 Temporary 123 Blast Terminal Building Hangar Fence Cargo 124 202 Building Control 125L125R Maintenance Tower Area 125 203 Waashbayshbay MMaintenanceaintenance AArearea SSoutouth COM ATIS 128.225 EAST MIDLANDS INFO TWR 124.000 EAST MIDLANDS TOWER 121.900 (GMC) EAST MIDLANDS GROUND 121.600 EAST MIDLANDS FIRE LIGHTING APCH 09/27 900m HI coded C/L 5 bars. 420m LI C/L with 1 bar. THR 09 HI green with green W bars. THR 27 HI green with green W bars. RWY 09/27 Elev HI bi-d with LI omni-d component. Colour coded C/L. TDZ RWY 27 900m. End lights red. TWY Green C/L with blue edge on corners. Turn-offs amber and green C/L with blue edge lights. Taxi holding positions. CHANGE (11/16): MAG VAR. HOLDS M4 & M5 ADDED. AD AMDT AERO INFO DATE 04 AUG 16 2-EGNX-2-2 13 Oct 11/2016 2016 CIVIL UNITED AERODROME CHART ARP 524952N 0011940W AD ELEV 306FT EAST MIDLANDS AVIATION A380/AN225 GROUND MOVEMENT - ICAO EGNX KINGDOM A380/AN225 Ground Movement - 2017 1.1°W VAR A380 Ground Movement Only AUTHORITY Operational Taxiways AIP Aprons N Annual Rate of Change 0.15°E 2893m x 46m 27 Twy A TTwy w T y wy W A 09 A1 W1 Twy M S1 W2 A2 Twy H Twy G M1 S2 Twy S A3 H1 A4 Twy A G1 M2 A6 Twy A A5 H2 A7 G2 A8 Taxiway A V U Q R T Fire M N Twy D Tw Station Airside Road T A10 A9 B TTwywy MMAA w J RRVLVL M3 y T East Apron T F Twy N Twy M AApronpron T TTwywy B MA T w w y y Twy C N Blast J M Twy CA Fence West Apron TTwy J M4 w Blast y M5 Central Apron Fence J MMaintenanceaintenance CCentralentral WWestest AArearea NNorthorth AApronpron Terminal Building Cargo Cargo Building Control Buildings Maintenance Car Park Tower Area Car Park WWashbayashbay WWindind TTurbinesurbines MMaintenanceaintenance AArearea SSouthouth Car Park Car Park Car Park 100 0 100 200 300m 500 0 500 1000ft CHANGE (11/16): MAG VAR.

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