+IHIIIIHIHIHI I I H H +5 - DJGI T 02906 2239 11/30/93 H 62 R. I. J EWI SH HI STORICAL ASSOCIA TION 130 SESS I ONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Rhode Island Jewish Passover Savings --HERALD See Pages 14 & 15 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXXVIV, NUMBER 18 NISAN 3, 5753 /THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1993 35¢ PER COPY Living in a Different World: A Closer Look at Gay Jews by Omar Bradley came an experience in fear, Herald AssistJint Editor pain and anguish over her in­ The world of gay 1rnd lesbia 11 ability to stop what she knew Jews is one of hope ill t/1e wake of was wrong. hypocrisy, promise over persecu· Pam grew up to realize that lion and, per/raps, love i11 place of she had different feelings about loathing. They exist in the her sexuality. Although she shadow of one world while striv­ had a boyfriend and eventually ing fo r acceptance in a brave new married, Pam wasn't happy one. Although ma11y would like to and soon divorced deny tht'ir existence because of the stigma their orientation ··1 think they {temples] would bring to tlie community, should be much more sen­ they are real and wa111 to be ac· cepted. sitive about gay issues, les­ While Pam was just a child, bian issues and specifi· she was sexually abused by her cally AIDS issues. " teacher and her father and nothing was done about it. " It - Pam, a Jewish lesbian took place my whole life," she confided to a reporter, asking It took Pam more than 17 ALONE - "Pam," a Jewish lesbian, says the Jewish community makes no place for gays. that her real name not be used. years - JO of them in therapy Hrrald photo by Omar Bradlry " I was totally mortified by - to overcome the trauma of what he [her father} did.... I abuse and accept her homosex­ was so angry I didn't speak to uality. " I personally feel it's an him for a year." orientation and that it's geneti­ Rabin: Progress in Peace Talks Protests to her mother cally bound.. .. I don't think en­ brought no relief. " I had al­ vironment is the cause, because ready been sexually abused by I don't feel there's a cause and a teacher in the fifth grade, so I effect," she said referring to the Now Up to Syrians, Palestinians was already a victim," she two commonly held theories lamented. Her childhood be- (Contin1-1ed on Page 20) by Larry Yudelson waiting to hear from Syria what vince public opinion both at NEW YORK UTA) - Re­ sort of peace it envisions in ex­ home and in Israel that he truly sponsibility for the peace pro­ change and whether it is will­ desires peace. In the Realms of Carolina cess now rests with Syria and ing to sign an agreement that Sadat's efforts were made campus was set for a banquet. the Palestinians, Israeli Prime does not depend on the status most manifest in his celebrated by Mike Fink " Welcome," said Evelyn Minister Yitzhak Rabin told of negotiations with the other J 977 trip to Jerusalem. Herald Contributing Reporter Schultz, who had arranged the leaders of Jewish organizations partners. The _prime minister sug­ It was in the city by the sea, annual meeting and dinner of here last week, toward the end Rabin said he told President gested that by its willingness to last day of winter, the fi rst the Sousa Mendes Society. of his weeklong visit to the Clinton on March 15 that so far, negotiate, his Labor govern­ spring evening, the lion of Portuguese rose and Kedem United States. Syrian President Hafez Assad ment has placed Syria in a new March still making the en­ Israeli white wines were Having agreed in principle to '"has not done even 1 percent"' bind. trances a little hard to maneu­ By the hearth a horseshoe­ brought round to fill the a withdrawal of forces on the of what the late Egyptian Presi­ "Assad thought he could go ver. shaped table in chamber of glasses. Flowers and fancy nap- Golan Heights, Israel is now dent Anwar Sadat did to con- to r.egotiations without making a (Co11tinued on Page 24) the castle on the Salve Regina (Continued on Page 16) Forum Forges Links Between Blacks, Jews by O mar Bradley Africa, to make the ··01ack­ HerJild Assisl~nl Editor Jewish Forum" a reality. As a myriad of people The evening saw a dramatic slowly filtered into Salomon turnout of students, faculty Center at Brown University and concerned citizens from Monday evening to witness an­ other rhctoncal discussion on " f believe that those who black-Jewish relations - one sensed a bizarre duality: Blacks have been and are still per­ and Jews have more in com­ secuted have a special mon than they think. responsibility to all who The forum of Or. Henry Louis Gates Jr., Professor suffer.'' MJChael Dyson and Dr. - Daniel Zalik Michael Berenbaum repre­ sented the essence of black and the Jewish and black communi­ Jewish intelligentsia on race ties that swelled the auditor­ relations. The fact that all three ium to full capacity. men could sit comfortably with Zalik paced through the one another reflected the very crowd several times before a issue of coalition itself. Adding visitor was able to stop him to the umty theme, Daniel and .ssk, " What's going on?"' RIVETING - Brown students and members of the community are riveted listening to Dr. Zal1k, from the Jewish Student After awhile, the truth Michael Berenbaum spe:ak on black-Jewish relations at the Salomon Center on Monday nig ht. Umon, collaborated with finally came oul. .. I've C)(peri­ ll~r•ld photo by Om.,, 8r•dl~y Eleanor Brown, a student from (Cont111ued on Page S) r T H E RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, MARC H 25, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Writers To Appear at Library Forum to Focus on The Providence Public Library will host Providence Special Needs Adoption \.~ S? Jo11mal staff writers, G. Wayne :JNEWS~ and Alexis Magner Miller, as Representatives from the The forum, "Open Your special guests for a March 29 Rhode Island adoption com­ Heart To Tuesday's Child," is c::> BRIEFS t-r, Book and Author Reception at munity will be available to an­ sponsored by the Ocean State ~ the Central Library, 225 Wash­ swer any questions about spe­ Adoption Rescue Exchange ington St., from 5 to 7 p.m. cial needs adoption at a forum (OSARE). Singles are invited to partici­ Wayne will field questions open to the public on March 30 General information about pate in the fifth annual Sin­ from his latest, The Work of at 7:30 p.m. The forum will be the children waiting to be gles Auction to benefit the H11111,m Hands: Surgical Wo11der held at Children·s Friend and adopted, the adoption process Cystic Fibrosis Foundation al Cl,i/dren's Hospital, which is Service at 153 Summer St. in and support groups and ser­ March 26 at 8 p.m. at the a compilation of the series he Providence. vices in Rhode Island will be Holiday Inn at the Cross­ ran in the Journal in '91, about offered. In addition, adoptive ings. For more information, call 739-6900. a pediatric surgeon at Boston's parents and representatives Children's Hospital, Hardy 'Sandwich' Generation from various agencies will ad­ Hendren. G. Wayne Miller O William K. Dally Is Topic at Program dress special needs adoption. A The Children's Museum of Alexis will be available to video on the special needs Rhode Island invites discuss her latest release, Tum­ The Rhode Island Chapter of adoption process will also be preschoolers to attend . i11g Tl,irty: Hints, Hopes and the Bryant College Alumni As­ shown. "What Color Day" on Hysteria, a humorous look at of both books will be available sociation is sponsoring a con­ A question-and-answer pe­ March 26 from 9:30 a.m. to every woman's "favorite year" for purchase and autograph­ tinuing education program that riod and refreshments will con­ I :30 p.m. at 58 Walcott St., - their 30th. ing. All inquiries may be di­ will offer help to families si­ clude the evening's program. Pawtucket. The event will The reception will be free rected to the public relations multaneously caring for elderly For more information, call include games and planting. and open to the public. Copies office at 455-8090. parents and young children. OSARE at 724 -1910. For more information, call "Families in the Sandwich 726-2592. Author To Speak at E. Greenwich H.S. Generation" will be held March 27 from 9 a. m. to noon Daughter of Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Betty Osman, Ph.D., author academic subjects, must be at Bryant College. Gloria Ner­ Rhode Island will sponsor of No 011e To Play With: The learned and can be taught. ney, Smithfield town adminis­ Richard Wright YMCA Healthy Kids Day Social Side of Learning Disabil­ Social skills enable all people trator, will be mistress of cere­ on March 27 at 17 area ities, will be the speaker at the to have better relationships monies. Coming to RIC YMCAs throughout New first Patricia Klibanoff Memo­ with peers, to be sensitive to Topics will include: Intro­ Julia Wright, daughter of England. The event will in­ rial Lecture to be held March other people's feelings, and to ducing the Sandwich Genera­ Richard Wright, the late clude games, sports and ac­ 3 l at 7:30 p.m.
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