NNNUAL, REPORTS OF THE OFFICERS O F T H E iOWN OF EAST CONGMEADOW - 9wr February Twenty- first to December Thirty=first Nineteen Hundred Fourteen Annual Reports OK THE Town Cler1c, Treasurer, SELECTMEN, Sehool Committee AND OTHER OFFICERS OF TAE Town of East Longmeadow, February 21 to December 31, 1914. Springfield, Mass.: Cyrus w. Atwood, Printer. 191 5. 0 Town Officers. CLERK AND TREASURER. 0. 1*, O(. Is WoIxo-1- 1- SELECTMEN AND OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. FRANK C. BURTON, Chairman JOHN L. DAVIS WALTER - 111. FORSYTH ASSESSORS. 0. Louis WOLCOTT ( 1916) ATTERviN H. PEASE ( 1917) CHARLES H. BUGBRE ( 1915) SCHOOL COMMITTEE. GEORGE H. WHEEf,FR, Secretary ( 1916) MERVIN K. PEASE ( 1915) 11ENRY S. ASHLEY ( 19.17) TRUSTEES OF TOWN LIBRARY. MRS. ALIARY E. Hu.NN ( 191-7) LAURENCE C. DAVIS ( 1916) Afits. ADELIA H. NVILDER ( 1915) WATER COMMISSIONERS. FRANK C. BURTON ( 1917) FRANK H. WHITAKER ( 1916) JOHN L. DAVIS ( 1915) COLLECTOR OF TAXES GEORGE F. KiBBE CONSTABLE. GEORGE F. KIBBE. AUDITORS. EDWARD M. BURT JAMES C. ROBBLE INSPECTOR OF ANIMALS. ASHER IMARkIlAlf SLAUGHTER ' HOUSE INSPECTORS. FRANK C. BURTON E,,rHA.N HANCOCK POUND KEEPER. ASHER MARKHAM FENCE VIEWERS. SELECTMEN SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES AND INSPECTOR OF COAL. HENRY S. ASHLEY SURVEYOR OF WOOD AND LUMBER. W. S. CHAMPLIN PUBLIC WEIGHERS. EDWARD J. SPEIGHT F. H. WHITAKER GEORGE DURKE.E L. E. WHITAKER HERMAN TOWER JAY W. TRAVAR BOARD OF HEALTH. SELECTMEN SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. ASHER MARKHAM FOREST FIRE WARD. As:H_ER MA-R-X:HA-X Principal Votes at Town Meeting Voted: To accept the following reports as printed in annual report:— Assessors', Town Clerk' s, Town Treas- urer' s, Tax Collector' s, Auditor' s, Selectmen' s, report of Selectmen acting as Water Commissioners, Overseers of the Poor, Board of Health, Milk Inspector, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Inspector of Animals and Pro- visions, Slaughter House Inspectors', Library Trustees, Reports of School Department. Voted: Unanimously, that the sum of twenty- five hundred dollars ($ 2, 500), be appropriated for permanent improvements on the Shaker Road, said sum to be used in correction with the state road fund, under the super- vision of the State Highway Commission, $ 1, 250 of same to be raised in the taxes of 1914 and $ 1, 250— borrowed for the purpose— payable during the fiscal year 1915. And that the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen be hereby authorized to borrow the deferred payment on the note of the town, with interest not to exceed 5 7o per annum, to be paid from 1915 taxes. Also that if the State Highway Commission does not assist the town in correction with this improvement, the Selectmen are to proceed with the improvement on their own responsibility. Voted: That the dog money be appropriated for schools. Voted: That the Assessors, under authority of Chapter 679, Acts of 1913, be instructed to issue to the Collector, is soon as practicable after making their canvass in April, a certificate or certificates of all persons liable to be assessed fora poll tax only for the year 1914, and that the Collector be instructed to forthwith collect the poll taxes from the persons entered in such lists in comform- ity with the provisions of said chapter and other laws applicable thereto. That the Collector be instructed to make complete col- lection forthwith of all taxes now outstanding that were assessed previous to 1913, and to make complete collec- tion of all 1913 taxes before October 1st, 1914, by due process of law if necessary. Also that interest at 67o per annum be charged from October 1st, 1914 on all 1914 taxes remaining unpaid November 1st, 1914. Voted: To raise and appropriate the sum of fifty dol- lars ($ 50), for Soldiers Aid, $ 20 of which may be used for Memorial Day. Voted: To raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred and seventy- five dollars ($ 375), for the Library, 75 of same to be used for new cases. Voted: To raise and appropriate the sum of two hun- dred dollars ($ 200), for the suppression of the illegal sale of liquors in this town. Voted: That the town pay for Surety Company bonds for all officers required to furnish a bond. Voted: Not to petition the Bureau of Statistics for an audit of the town' s books. Voted: That the Selectmen, the School Committee and the Water Commissioners -with the Town Treasurer be appointed a committee to investigate personally or by em- ployment of clerical assistance, improved methods of accounting in use elsewhere, and authorized to install, this year, such new system as they may conclude best adapted to the growing needs of the town and the de- mands of State Departments for periodic reports. Said committee is hereby authorized to expend such sums of money as may be necessary to establish such system and for clerical assistance in starting and carrying out the system, and to hereby raise and appropriate the sum of $ 300 for- that purpose.-urpose.- Voted:-Voted: To place five street lights on Elm Street be- tween the H. I. Moody corner and the Springfield line. Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to contract with the State Highway Commission. 7 Voted: To make no change in the name of 1\!Mapleshade Avenue. Voted: That the town accept the bequests under the will of Sherman D. Porter, late of Springfield and native of this place, and to authorize the town treasurer to ac- cept and collect the same. Voted: To raise and appropriate the sum of five hun- dred dollars ($ 500), to pay City of Springfield for water. Voted: That the " Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow money from time to time, in the name of the town, in anticipation of revenue of the present municipal year, to an amount not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($ 20,000), with interest thereon at such rate as may be determined by said Treasurer and Selectmen, and to issue a note or notes of the town there- for, payable within one year from the date of said notes. Any debt or debts incurred under this vote to be paid from the revenue of the present municipal year. Voted: To raise and appropriate the sum of nine hun- dred dollars ($900), for installation of a steam heating plant in the Town Hall building. Voted: To accept Edmund Street as a public street, from Maple Street to the line of the Wilbur property, a distance of about 1481 feet as laid out by the Selectmen, and to instruct the Selectmen to have complete plans of it prepared for filing and to set permanent bounds de- fining the limits of said street. Voted: To adopt the following as by-laws of this town, to become fully operative when approved by the Attorney General and published as required by State law. NOTIFICATION OF TOWN MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS. The warrants for all town meetings and elections shall be directed to the tax collector, a constable or some police officer of the town, and every town meeting or election shall be notified by posting attested copies of the warrant r Hp callirig the- same in- not less than three public places in the town, seven days at least before the time of said meeting or election. One copy of said warrant shall be posted at some place in or near the Town Hall, one copy at some point near the Baptist Church and one copy at Foley Corner, so called. ANNUAL ' rOA-VN TWEETING. The annual town meeting for the election of town officers and the transaction of other business shall be held on the first 1VIoiiday in February of each year. The polls for the election of town officers shall be opened as early as sit o' clock A. M. and may be closed at 2 o' clock . P. M. The meeting for the transaction of other business shall be opened as early as 10 o' clock A. M. and remain open during the pleasure of the meeting. QUORUM. At any town meeting for the transaction of other busi- ness than the election of town officers, ten per cent. of - the registered voters of the town shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and no business except adjournment to a future time or without date shall be iri order unless such quorum is present. FINANCE OR BUDGET COMMITTEE. At every annual town election three persons shall be elected on the official ballot to serve with the town offi- cers hereinafter named as a finance or_budget committee, with duties herein defined. The committee shall con- sist of the following town officers in addition to the members directly elected, the treasurer, and one member from each of the following boards, selectment,, school committee and water commissioners, named by the board of which they are a member, making together a com- mittee of seven members. It shall be the duty of this committee to investigate the needs of the town, particularly the financial require- ments of the several departments and the determination of. the amounts required to carry out the work of the town for the ensuing year. 9 Said committee shall annually hold at least two public hearings, due notice of which shall be given, at which any citizen of the town may be heard, and they shall hold other hearings on the request of ten voters. The committee shall prepare for printing in the an- nual town report their recommendations as to appropria- tions required for ensuing year, and also their report on matters submitted to them.
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