KingdomKingdom ProtistaProtista TheThe worldworld ofof Protists:Protists: Animal-likeAnimal-like ProtistsProtists Plant-likePlant-like ProtistsProtists Fungus-likeFungus-like ProtistsProtists PROTISTSPROTISTS DOMAINDOMAIN EUKARYAEUKARYA KINGDOM PROTISTA Any eukaryote that is not classified as a fungus, plant, or animal is a PROTIST ProtistProtist DiversityDiversity 200,000200,000 speciesspecies comecome inin differentdifferent shapes,shapes, sizes,sizes, andand colorscolors AllAll areare eukaryoteseukaryotes –– havehave aa nucleusnucleus andand membrane-boundmembrane-bound organellesorganelles COMMONCOMMON EXAMPLES:EXAMPLES: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Volvox, Plasmodium VERYVERY DIVERSEDIVERSE GROUPGROUP mostmost areare unicellular,unicellular, microscopic,microscopic, aerobicaerobic Some are autotrophic, heterotrophic, sexual, asexual ENDOSYMBIONTENDOSYMBIONT THEORYTHEORY Early eukaryotes developed symbiotic relationships with prokaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells lived inside eukaryotic cells Over time, the smaller prokaryotic cells evolved with the eukaryotic cells to become mitochondria and chloroplasts EXCRETIONEXCRETION ANDAND OSMOREGULATIONOSMOREGULATION Water balance = osmoregulation Done by contractile vacuole Wastes removed by diffusion REPRODUCTIONREPRODUCTION Asexual Mitosis and cytokinesis Budding – similar to mitosis except daughter cell is smaller than parent SEXUALSEXUAL REPRODUCTIONREPRODUCTION Union of gametes forms a diploid zygote = fertilization 44 typestypes ofof sexualsexual reproduction:reproduction: 1. Syngamy – fertilization between two individuals 2. Autogamy – two gametes fuse within one organism 3. Parthenogenesis – development of organism from gamete without fertilization 4. Conjugation – exchange of nuclear material between two individuals ProtozoansProtozoans Animal-likeAnimal-like ProtistsProtists ProtozoansProtozoans UnicellularUnicellular –– mademade upup ofof oneone cellcell HeterotrophsHeterotrophs –– theythey eateat otherother organismsorganisms oror deaddead organicorganic mattermatter ClassifiedClassified byby howhow theythey movemove PhylaPhyla ofof ProtozoansProtozoans AmoebasAmoebas FlagellatesFlagellates CiliatesCiliates SporazoansSporazoans AmoebasAmoebas:: thethe blobsblobs NoNo cellcell wallwall MoveMove usingusing pseudopodspseudopods –– plasmaplasma extensionsextensions Amoebas: the blobs • Engulf bits of food by flowing around and over them NOTES HIATUS: Complete the following activity: Amoeba Anatomy Worksheet FlagellatesFlagellates:: thethe speedboatsspeedboats (Phylum(Phylum Zoomastigina)Zoomastigina) UseUse aa whip-likewhip-like extensionextension calledcalled aa flagellaflagella toto movemove SomeSome causecause diseasesdiseases OthersOthers aidaid inin digestiondigestion ofof cellulosecellulose ((termitetermite gutgut faunafauna)) TrichomonasTrichomonas foetusfoetus :: cowcow diseasedisease TrichomonasTrichomonas vaginalis:vaginalis: anan STDSTD CiliatesCiliates:: thethe hairyhairy onesones MoveMove beatingbeating tinytiny hairshairs calledcalled ciliacilia CiliateCiliate anatomyanatomy TRICHOCYSTSTRICHOCYSTS –– spindlespindle shapedshaped alternatingalternating betweenbetween basesbases ofof cilia;cilia; usedused asas anchoranchor andand toto paralyzeparalyze preyprey OralOral groovegroove –– shallowshallow furrowfurrow onon oneone sideside ofof cellcell usedused toto gathergather foodfood LocomotionLocomotion –– cilia;cilia; avoidingavoiding reactionreaction contactcontact withwith unfavorableunfavorable conditionsconditions andand willwill movemove awayaway Reacts to contact, temperature, gravity, water currents, electric currents, acidity and other chemicals NOTES HIATUS: Complete the following activity: Ciliate Anatomy Worksheet SporozoansSporozoans:: thethe parasitesparasites Non-motileNon-motile -- DoDo notnot movemove LiveLive insideinside aa hosthost OneOne typetype causescauses malariamalaria ((Plasmodium)Plasmodium) MalariaMalaria inin redred bloodblood cellscells PneumoniaPneumonia inin AIDSAIDS patientspatients AlgaeAlgae PlantlikePlantlike ProtistsProtists WhatWhat areare Algae?Algae? MulticellularMulticellular –– mademade ofof moremore thanthan oneone cellcell PhotosyntheticPhotosynthetic –– makemake theirtheir ownown foodfood NoNo roots,roots, stems,stems, oror leavesleaves EachEach hashas chlorophyllchlorophyll andand otherother photosyntheticphotosynthetic pigmentspigments PhylaPhyla ofof AlgaeAlgae Divided into groups by pigment color PHYLUM EUGLENOPHYTA PHYLUM DINOFLAGELLATA PHYLUM HETEROKONTOPHYTA PHYLUM CHLOROPHYTA EuglenophytesEuglenophytes:: TheThe SurvivorsSurvivors AquaticAquatic MoveMove aroundaround likelike animalsanimals CanCan ingestingest foodfood fromfrom surroundingssurroundings whenwhen lightlight isis notnot availableavailable EuglenophyteEuglenophyte anatomyanatomy DiatomsDiatoms:: TheThe GoldenGolden OnesOnes HaveHave shellsshells mademade ofof silicasilica (glass)(glass) PhotosyntheticPhotosynthetic pigmentpigment calledcalled carotenoidscarotenoids –– givegive themthem aa goldengolden colorcolor DinoflagellatesDinoflagellates:: TheThe SpinningSpinning OnesOnes SpinSpin aroundaround usingusing twotwo flagellaflagella ResponsibleResponsible forfor RedRed TidesTides CreateCreate toxinstoxins thatthat cancan killkill animalsanimals andand sometimessometimes peoplepeople WhenWhen agitatedagitated undergoundergo reactionreaction thatthat producesproduces lightlight bioluminescentbioluminescent Icky. PHYLUM HETEROKONTOPHYTA Red algae, brown algae, golden algae DidDid youyou knowknow thatthat therethere’’ss algaealgae inin youryour house?house? AA LOTLOT ofof it?it? Well,Well, therethere is.is. HereHere’’ss anan assignmentassignment…… ““ThereThere IsIs AlgaeAlgae inin YourYour House!House!”” RedRed AlgaeAlgae:: TheThe……uhuh……RedRed OnesOnes SeaweedsSeaweeds Multicellular,Multicellular, marinemarine organismsorganisms HaveHave redred andand blueblue pigmentspigments BrownBrown AlgaeAlgae:: TheThe BrownBrown OnesOnes thatthat areare brownbrown TheyThey havehave airair bladdersbladders toto helphelp themthem floatfloat atat thethe surfacesurface –– wherewhere thethe lightlight is.is. UsedUsed toto makemake aa varietyvariety ofof productsproducts AsAs aa thickeningthickening agentagent inin puddings,puddings, iceice creamcream UsedUsed asas foodfood forfor animalsanimals (processed)(processed) GreenGreen AlgaeAlgae:: Yeah,Yeah, YouYou GuessedGuessed it,it, thethe GreenGreen OnesOnes MostMost livelive inin freshfresh waterwater CanCan bebe unicellularunicellular oror multicellularmulticellular LiveLive alonealone oror inin groupsgroups calledcalled coloniescolonies ContainContain chlorophyllchlorophyll bb isis theirtheir mainmain typetype (which(which isis veryvery similarsimilar toto landland plants)plants) Fungus-likeFungus-like ProtistsProtists CharacteristicsCharacteristics inin CommonCommon AllAll formform delicate,delicate, netlikenetlike structuresstructures onon thethe surfacesurface ofof theirtheir foodfood sourcesource ObtainObtain energyenergy byby decomposingdecomposing organicorganic materialmaterial PhylaPhyla ofof Fungus-likeFungus-like ProtistsProtists PlasmodiumPlasmodium SlimeSlime MoldsMolds CellularCellular SlimeSlime MoldsMolds WaterWater MoldsMolds DownyDowny MildewsMildews SlimeSlime MoldsMolds LiveLive inin coolcool moist,moist, shadyshady placesplaces wherewhere theythey growgrow onon damp,damp, organicorganic mattermatter PlasmodiumPlasmodium SlimeSlime MoldsMolds FormForm plasmodiumplasmodium:: aa massmass ofof cytoplasmcytoplasm thatthat containscontains manymany diploiddiploid nucleinuclei butbut nono cellcell wallswalls oror membranesmembranes –– itsits feedingfeeding stagestage CreepsCreeps byby amoeboidamoeboid movementmovement –– 2.52.5 cm/hourcm/hour PlasmodiumPlasmodium continuedcontinued…… MayMay reachreach moremore thanthan aa metermeter inin diameterdiameter FormForm reproductivereproductive structuresstructures whenwhen surroundingssurroundings drydry upup SporesSpores areare disperseddispersed byby thethe windwind andand growgrow intointo newnew plasmodiumplasmodium CellularCellular SlimeSlime MoldsMolds InIn feedingfeeding mode,mode, theythey existexist asas individualindividual amoebicamoebic cellscells WhenWhen foodfood becomesbecomes scarce,scarce, theythey comecome togethertogether withwith thousandsthousands ofof theirtheir ownown kindkind toto reproducereproduce MayMay looklook likelike aa plasmodiumplasmodium WaterWater MoldsMolds andand DownyDowny MildewsMildews LiveLive inin waterwater oror moistmoist placesplaces FeedFeed onon deaddead organismsorganisms oror parasitizeparasitize plantsplants FuzzyFuzzy whitewhite growthsgrowths EwwwwwwwEwwwwwww.
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