
85 M o rxism- Len i n ism-M oo ism Mooism - A New Stoge in the Development of the Proletoriotrs Science of Revolution By the Organisation of Revolutionary Communists of Afghanistan declared, "The CPC is guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetung Thoughl" Many of the world's communist pailies and organisations that had arisen against Khrushchevite revi- sionism and Soviet social-imperial- ism adhered to lvfarxism-Leninism- Mao Tsetung Thought. In 1973, the teninists of Afghoniston (Mqo Tsetung Tenth Congress of the CPC threw Thought), -AV'/TW Advent of Maoism away the Lin Biao-istreference to the "era of the total collapse of imperial- The intemational proletariat's science Maoism was born in the midst of ism" and let the science of proletarian of revolution has been applied, sharp class struggle" After eight years revolution shine brighter. strengthened and further developed of revolutionary war against the The setback of the revolution in during one and a half centuries of Kuomintang, Mao Tsetung was cho. China and the usurpation of power by class sruggle since the pubiication of sen as the leader of the Communist the Chinese revisionists was the the C ommrnist Manife sto. ldarx dis- Parfy of China by the Tsunyi conf,er- beginning of new attacks on Mao covered this science and esablished ence. Thi*q meant the victory of Mao Tsetung's contributions which were its basic foundations. Lenin raised it Tsetung's line, after yean of sfuggle to cause serious confusion in the to a new level, and then Mao devel- against "left" and right lines that had ranks of the intemational communist D oped it to a still higher level. Thus the dealt fatal blows to the Chinese revo rnovement. But the line struggle E science of revolution of the interna- lution in the preceding years. Ten around Marxism-Leninism-Maoism o tional proleuriat has advanced and years after this meeting, the Seventh continued on a world scale. This I become more developed through Congress of the CPC, held in 1945 struggle was expressed in the autumn o three qualitative stages: 1) Marxism, following the epic Long March and of 1980 with the First International 2) I-eninism, and 3) lvlaoism. the war of resistance against Japanase Conference of Marxist-Leninist d In today's situation it is vital to imperialism, emphasised thac "The Parties and Organisations and its s stress Mao Tsetung's contributions tro Chinese Comrnunist Paay is guided Communique and took on interna- this science and his qualitative devel- by Marxism-Leninism and the tional prominence with the second (o= opment of iL This emphasis sepamtes Thought of Mao Tsetung." conference of Marxism-Leninism- (o the ranks of proletarian revolutionar- Even though at the Eighth Congress Mao Tsetung Thought (Maoist) gl ies from those of various revisionists of the CPC the ptra,se "lvlao Tsetung parties and organisations that led to who have betrayed proletarian revo- Thought" was eliminated, the stmggle the formation of the Revolutionary lution and revised ttre basic founda- continued. In the 1950s, after the vic- Intemationalist Movement. tions of the science of revolution of ory of the Chinese revolution, Mao's The RIM Declaration considers the international proletariat. As the ideas began b gain influence in other "Mao Tsetung Thought" a develop- Declaration of the Revolutionary @untries, and in China itself the appli- ment of Marxism-Leninism, saying, I n er natio twlis t M ov eme n t states: cation of these ideas y6s rlisplayed in "we emphasise that Mao Tsetung 'Upholding Mao Tsetung's qualita- tlrc storrny mass sfuggles of the Great Thought is a new stage in the develop tive development of the science of Lr4 Forward and the building of ttre ment of Marxism-Leninism...." It people's communes. The struggle poins out that the most important against Khrushchevite revisionism principle of Mao Tsetung Thought, tfre gave anew dimension to ldao Tseumg "theory of the continuation of the rev- and among the class conscious work- Thought and expanded its influence olution under the dictatorship of the ers and other revolutionary-minded on a world scale. But it was with the proletariat", is the line of demarcation people in the world today. The princi- Great holetarian Culnral Revolution between lvlarxism and revisionism: ple involved is nothing less than (GPCR) that Mao Tsetung Thought "...Only he is a Marxist who extends whether or not to uphold and build emerged as a new level in the devel- the remgaition of class sruggle to the upon the decisive contributions to tlre opment of Marxism-Leninism and recognition of the dicatorship of the prolewian revolution and the science Chairman Mao was establistred as tlre proletariat and to the recognition of of Marxism-Irninism made by Mao leader of ttre world revolution. On this the objective existence of classes, Tsetung. It is therefore nothing less basis, summing up the GPCR, the anagonistic class contradictions and than a question of whether or not to Ninth Congress of the CPC in 1969 of ttre continuation of the class stmg- 86 gle under ttrc dictatmship of ttrc prole- the basis for the existence of a pro- 2) His three basic points with ariat throughout the whole period of cess from begnning to end. regard to the economic policies of socialism until communism." 2) He masterfirlly applied dialecti- New Democracy are: The term "Maoistrn" was first used cal materialism in politics, using the a) Uprooting feudalism on the basis by the Communist Party of Pem. The law of contradiction o analyse events of applying the policy of "land to the PCP have used this expression in andpolitical stmggle. tiller". numerous documents which have also 3) Mao Tsetung developed and b) Expropriating all foreign and been published by RIM since its for- deepened the dialectical materialist domestic economic institutions that mation. It was also adopted at the theory of knowledge by deeply are "monopoly in nature" or whose eighth plenary session of the second studying the two leaps: from practice scope is beyond private managemenl Central Committee of the Revo- t0 theory and then from ttrcory back c) Leading, controlling and limiting lutionary Communist Party, USA in to practice, emphasising practice as private capital so that "it would not 1988. The term Maoism has not yet the main aspect. be able to take control over the fiveli- been established among the forces of 4) Mao Tsetung succeeded in tak- hood of the people." RlM, who still refer to Marxism- ing philosophy to the masses. In This economic policy was imple- Irninisrn-Mao Tsenrng Thoughr doing so, he pulled philosophy out of mented during the long process of the lvlaoism correctly shows that Mao's books and libraries, snatched it away New Democratic revolution in China contributions are as precious as and on from the monopoly of philosophers, from the establishment of the first the same level as those of Mam and and turned it into an active material revolutionary base area (1927) until Irnin; it clears up any incorrect under- force. the socialist revolution and prepared standing or underestimation regarding 5) Dialectically analyzng the rela- the gfound for socialist construction lvlao's contributions and thus indicates don benreen the base and the super- in China. more clearly than the term "Mao structure, he countered the metaphys- 3) Mao Tsetung pointed to bureau- Tsetung Thought" the third stage in ical, one-sided conception of the rela- crat capitalism as a form of capital- the development of the proletariat's tion between base and superstructue, ism created by imperialism in the science ofrevolution. So we consider waged struggle against economist oppressed countries as a lever of it correct to use Maoism rather than interpretations of Mandsm and coun- domination. This question is of vital Mao Tsetung Thought. Maoism, in tered the revisionist theory of the our opinion, will sooner or later development of the productive become generalised among the partici- forces. He said that while the base pants and supporters of RIM, replac- affects the superstructure and deter- ing lvfao lbemg Thought mines its nature, and ttris is the prin- (o cipal aspect, the superstructure also expropriation is a vital necessity in Contributions of Mao Tsetung affects the base and at times deter- laying the foundations for socialist (') qt to the Development of mines its character. On this basis, he construcUon. Marxism-Leninism developed Lenin's view that "politics is the concentrated expression of eco- Scientilic Socialism = As we lnow Marxism consists of nomics" and emphasised tllat revolu- =o tfuee component parts: philosophy, tionary politics must dominate all 1) New Democratic revolution political economy and scientific fields. Thus Mao Tsetung gave revo- in this era, revolution in the dominat-- o socialism. lutionary consciousness its proper ed countries is one of the two comPG t The qualitative development of place in regard to the revolutionary nents of the wodd p,roletarian revolu- o ttrese three parts results in the qualita- transformation of the world and tion, along with revolution in the As opposed to = tive development of Marxism as a developed Lenin's slogan, "witltout a imperialist counfies. whole to a higher level. Mao's contri- revolutionary theory there can be no the imperialist countries, revolution butions have meant qualitative leaps revolutionary movemenl" in the dominated countries does not in all three pars of Mamism, raising have an immediately socialist charac- this science to a higher level than Political Economy ter, but rather a national-democratic ldarx and IJnin. We will take up this character which under proletarian question in tfuee sections. 1) lvlao Tsetung further developed leadership takes a socialist orienta- the political economy of socialism.
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