san • Carrillo role likely in WEST EUROPE. opposition meeting Falangist support f oi§§ F r o m Our Correspondent M a d r i d , J a n 3 with the release of ,Señor Car- S e ñ o r Santiago C a r r i l l o ,V* "the rillo on bail, whlqn is tanta- mi political amnesty to Communist leader, is trying to mount to recognising his right mi make up for lost time after be- to stay i n Spain and take part i n i n g barred from openly taking politics, it is thought l i k e l y that part i n opposition politics i n the Government w i l l n o w be aid Spanish democracy S p a i n for 37 years. H e is w i l l i n g to proceed with the F r o m H a r r y Debelius M e a n w h i l e right-wing ex- expected to attend tomorrow's talks. ' . tremists reacted to the rash of ;| meeting of the opposition's M a d r i d , Jan 4 "v; S e ñ o r Joaquin Satrustegui, pro-amnesty demonstrations i n I negotiating team to discuss T h e fascist-rooted Falange the L i b e r a l representative i n the surprisingly j o i n e d the clamour .the north w i t h 'new' death ii future contacts w i t h the Govern- group, was quoted i n the news- M ment. for a broader amnesty today. threats to the \ editors of the paper Hvja del Lunes as M S I The self-styled " authentic * sec- ' Basque weekly •; magazine' | . S e ñ o r Carrillo.was released on s a y i n g : " T h e Government w i l l | ¡ | ¡ t o r " of the party sent a l e t t e r , Berriak. A n o n y m o u s telephone b a i l four days ago from f i n d a satisfactory solution to § p ¡ ¡ to S e ñ o r A d o l f o S u á r e z , the- calls, t e l l i n g them that they ^ M a d r i d ' s Carabanchel prison. H e the problem of the Spanish BBm P r i m e M i n i s t e r , listing five con- Would be blown up, came only f i s accused of i l l e g a l association, Communist. Party." ditions for advancement " a l o n g days after arsonists burnt out ^ a l t h o u g h it is most u n l i k e l y that H e r r Schmidt, the West Ger- the road to d e m o c r a c y " . the magazine's San Sebastian , he w i l l ever come to t r i a l . H e m a n Chancellor, is due to see The Falangists wanted the . offices. ' • • i h e l d a meeting with the party's the P r i m e M i n i s t e r i n M a d r i d voting age lowered to 18 ; repre- T h e weekly, which began pub- ^executive committee over the on Thursday i n S e ñ o r S u á r e z ' s sentation i n Parliament for c u l - ; : i weekend. 1 l i s h i n g only last September,-has new residence at t h e M o n c l o a tural and neighbourhood assoc- angered' right-wingers re-' y . Contacts between the opposi- Palace. T h e move'.from the iations ; abolition .of the ; peatedly because of its pro-. B t i o n and the Government stop- Castellana has been made for National Movement, the p o l i t i c a l Basque editorial line.. y p e d when police arrested S e ñ o r security reasons and to give organization i n w h i c h they were ^ C a r r i l l o and se,ven other C o m - more status to his office. - incorporated by General. In M a d r i d a select committee ¡ m u n i s t s . T h e opposition decided of nine representives of the There was no f u r t h l L , F r a n c o ; elimination of the re- "not to start further contacts opposition, designated by their development i n the k i d n a p p i n g quirement for political parties u n t i l they were released. parties to, negotiate w i t h / the of S e ñ o r A n t o n i o M a r i a deT to seek official approval a n d ' W h e n the opposition .included : Government about the c o m i n g O r i o l today after the second register; and amnesty ' f o r ' elections, today found a new Communist i n their team it deadline on his life r a n out at political prisoners, iwas thought that S e ñ o r A d o l f o midnight. A new note was sent j The appeal for ampesty coin- face at their discussions. The. jSuarez, t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r , to the evening newspaper cided w i t h other similar appeals Spanish Communist P a r t y was j w o u l d refuse to accept this un- Informaciones yesterday con- from many p o l i t i c a l organiza- represented, b y S e ñ o r Santiago jder right w i n g pressure. The f i r m i n g that he was s t i l l alive. tions, and w i t h a continuing ' C a r r i l l o , h o ' longer i n h i d i n g series' of demonstrations, ' par- after his brief spell in the Cara- ticularly i n the Basque country. banchel prison and his subse- However the Falangist appeal quent release • pending t r i a l on had little else i n common w i t h a charge of " illegalEspañola associa- the demands of the demonstra- tion tors. T h e idea of parliamen- M a d r i d , Jan 4.—The Spanish tary representation o n anything opposition leaders, meeting here iWEST EUROPE. but a proportional or geographi- today, selected a four-man cal basis is a clear throwback commission .to negotiate w i t h to General Franco's so-called S e ñ o r S u á r e z . The commission " organic democracy " ; and the d i d not include any communists. HSpanish reforms keep interest of the Falange i n _ It's members a r e : S e ñ o r amnesty seems to have de- veloped only since S e ñ o r Felipe González, of • the S u á r e z ' s Government at last be- Spanish Socialist W o r k e r s ' « l u p momentum of gan to arrest right-wing thugs as P a r t y ; S e ñ o r A n t o n Canellas, w e l l as leftists. of the Christian Democratic A s for the abolition "of the P a r t y ; S e ñ o r J u l i o Jauregui, jdriveto democracy National Movement, hard-core representative of the B a s q u e s ; Falangists have always favoured and S e ñ o r J o a q u i n Satrustegui, F r o m H a r r y Debelius over the issue by the tactical that, i f only i n secret, because manoeuvre. They have given g | g the movement absorbed them o f the L i b e r a l Party,—Agence M a d r i d , Jan 5 0- their team the specific task of g g | | and diminished their influence., France-Presse. It was K i n g Juan Carlos's negotiating on o n l y two issues: thirty-ninth birthday today and a broader amnesty and recogni- I E p •^•Spaniards had a few things to tion for a l l political parties. g « Eelebrate: a decree excluding A l t h o u g h a head-on collision g f | | ^ c o n s c i e n t i o u s objectors from has thus been avoided, it could • : S l m i l i t a r y service ; the temporary come later. Opposition leaders | | g > I ; ^ a v o i d a n c e of a collapse in nego- told reporters last night that a r • t i a t i o n s between Government second team—possibly i n c l u d i n g ! : H;,and opposition ; the release of a Communist—will be chosen ¡¡ja number of Basque pro- to handle the next r o u n d of amnesty demonstrators ; and a talks with the P r i m e M i n i s t e r .
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