JOBNAME: Scholtz PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 19 11:21:05 2015 Index Abebe,A 69 conservation and sustainable Abuja Treaty,African Union 22, 45 management of land resources adaptive capacity 64–5 Africa, legal perspectives on climate Decision on Climate Change and change 54–5 Development 52–3 ASEAN and Singapore Declaration forest exploitation 65 on Climate Change 289–90, Great Green Wall for the Sahara 297–8 Initiative 58 Africa, legal perspectives on climate greenhouse gas emissions 57 change 51–71 migration through climate change adaptive capacity 54–5 66–70 African Convention on the Nairobi Declaration on theAfrican Conservation of Nature and Process to Combat Climate Natural Resources 62–3 Change 53–4, 55, 57–8 African Convention on Human and New Partnership forAfrica’s Peoples’Rights (Banjul Charter) Development (NEPAD) 60 61–2 pollution control 64 African Ministerial Conference on RevisedAfrican Convention on the Environment (AMCEN) Nature and Natural Resources 57–8 63–6 African Monitoring of the socio-economic concerns 63–4 Environment for Sustainable state cooperation, importance of 66 Development (AMESD) project technology transfer and joint research 58 programmes 65–6 African Union seeAfrican Union UN Millennium Development Goals 55 Climate for Development inAfrica UNFCCC and Kyoto accession 54 programme (ClimDev-Africa) vegetation cover, sustainable use and 58 rehabilitation of 65 Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) 58–9 waste management 64 common position, consensus water resources 64–5 problems 57 Africa, sustainable development of common position, emergence of 52–7 SADC’s watercourses 72–101 common position, problems with African Network for Basin sustaining 56–7 Organisations (ANBO) 91 Conference ofAfrican Heads of agriculture irrigation, need for State and Government on efficient 73 Climate Change (CAHOSCC) benchmarking sustainable 54–5 development 91–2 417 Werner Scholtz and Jonathan Verschuuren - 9781781951781 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:09:54AM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scholtz-Regional_Environmental_Law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 1 / Date: 11/3 JOBNAME: Scholtz PAGE: 2 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 19 11:21:05 2015 418 Regional environmental law ecosystems, water needs of 74 transboundary water management energy resources, need for adequate cooperation as regional 73 integration mechanism 84–91 environmental impact assessment transboundary water sources by (EIA), importance of 91 co-basin countries, sharing of Global Water Partnership 79 74–5 Integrated Water Resources UN Conference on Water, Mar del Management (IWRM) 77–83, PlataAction Plan 78 89–90, 91, 92, 96–9 UN Millennium Development Goals Integrated Water Resources 81, 84 Management (IWRM), water as common symbol of historical development 78–82 humanity, social equity and Integrated Water Resources justice 82–3 Management (IWRM), water contamination problems 73 international fora involvement World Summit on Sustainable 78–81 Development (WSSD) 80–81, International Conference on 83, 95 Freshwater, The Bonn Keys World Water Forum and Ministerial 79–80 Conference, Second 79 International Conference on Water Africa, sustainable development of and the Environment (ICWE) SADC’s watercourses, 78–9 IncoMaputoAgreement 92–9 InternationalYear of Water agreed flow regimes 98 Cooperation (2013) 84 as effecting mechanism of IWRM SADC CommonAgenda 84–6 approach 96–9 SADC Guidelines 89–91 First UseAgreement 93 SADC Guidelines, environmental historical development 93–5 management information system Joint Incomati Basin Study (JIBS) (EMIS) 90 94–5 SADC Guidelines, environmental Joint Water Commission (JWC2) management programme and between SouthAfrica and strategic environment Mozambique 94 assessment (SEA) 90–91 local communities and other SADC Guidelines, environmental stakeholders, participation policy 89–90 concerns 99 SADC Mandate for Water Second UseAgreement 94 Cooperation 84–6 shortcomings 98–9 SADC Protocol on shared sustainable utilisation principle 97 watercourses 47–8, 86–8, Tripartite Permanent Technical 100–101 Committee (TPTC) 94, 96–8 SADC Protocol on shared unique qualities 95–6 watercourses, River Basin women’s central role, lack of Management Institutions recognition of 99 (RBMIs) similarities 88 African Commission on Human and time considerations 74 Peoples’Rights transboundary river basin Centre for Minority Rights management (TRBM) as Development (Kenya) v Kenya successful tool 82–3 39–41 Werner Scholtz and Jonathan Verschuuren - 9781781951781 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:09:54AM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scholtz-Regional_Environmental_Law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 2 / Date: 11/3 JOBNAME: Scholtz PAGE: 3 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 19 11:21:05 2015 Index 419 DRC v Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda African Convention on the 110, 113 Conservation of Nature and Endorois Welfare Council v Kenya Natural Resources 120 113–14 ConstitutiveAct 103 MichelotYogogombaye v Senegal 123 developed states, development Social and Economic Rights Centre assistance to developing (SERAC) v Nigeria 38–9, 108–9, countries 111–12 110 development and ecological Sudan Human Rights Organisation v considerations, links between Sudan (Darfur case) 110, 113 119 African Commission on Human and New International Economic Order People’s Rights (ACHPR) 102–3, (NIEO), Declaration on the 122–3 Right to Development 111–13, African Convention on the 119–20 Conservation of Nature and New International Economic Order Natural Resources 32–5, 62–3, (NIEO), Programme forAction 120 120 African Convention on Human and Protocol to theAfrican Charter on Peoples’Rights (Banjul Charter) Human and Peoples’Rights on seeAfrican Union (AU), human the establishment of anAfrican rights and the environment, Court on Human and Peoples’ African Charter on Human and Rights 123–5 Peoples’Rights (Banjul Charter) Protocol to theAfrican Charter on African Economic Community, Human and Peoples’Rights on creation of 21–2, 25, 32 the Rights of Women inAfrica African Ministerial Conference on the 118–19 Environment (AMCEN) 42, 57–8 sustainable development, Brundtland African Monitoring of the Environment definition 117 for Sustainable Development African Union (AU), human rights (AMESD) project 58 and the environment,African African Union (AU) Charter on Human and ConstitutiveAct 4, 59–60 Peoples’Rights (Banjul Charter) Kampala Convention and Climate 103–4 Induced Displacement 66–70 common heritage of mankind and Kampala Convention and Climate human rights framework, links Induced Displacement, domestic between 112–13 implementation monitoring 69 development right 206–7 Kampala Convention and Climate and judicial adjudication 113–14 Induced Displacement, legal perspectives on climate change implementation problems 69–70 61–2 normative framework 59–70 ‘peoples’interpretation 110 programmes 57–9 peoples’rights to economic, social African Union (AU), human rights and and cultural development the environment 102–27 110–15 African Commission on Human and peoples’rights to economic, social People’s Rights (ACHPR) and cultural development, and 102–3, 122–3 benefit sharing 115 Werner Scholtz and Jonathan Verschuuren - 9781781951781 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/23/2021 10:09:54AM via free access Columns Design XML Ltd / Job: Scholtz-Regional_Environmental_Law / Division: Index /Pg. Position: 3 / Date: 11/3 JOBNAME: Scholtz PAGE: 4 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Mar 19 11:21:05 2015 420 Regional environmental law peoples’rights to economic, social data-bank-stored environmental and cultural development, and information, retrieval facility 32 community consultation and environmental justice and empowerment 114–15 compensatory relief for peoples’rights to a general environmental, social and satisfactory environment economic losses 42–3 favourable to their development environmental protection legislation 107–10, 115 development 32 protection mechanisms 121–5 environmental protection and poverty regional environmental law 33, reduction 26–7 37–41 Executive Council 24–5 solidarity rights 105–15 financial aid packages and sustainable development 116–21 technology transfers 44 African Union (AU), regional game reserves 39–41 environmental law 21–50 greenhouse gas emissions in 1999 Protocol on Environment and developed countries 43 Natural Resources Management hazardous waste processing and 46–8 disposal 36–7 Abuja Treaty 22, 45 indigenous communities’rights 34, African Convention on the 38–41 Conservation of Nature and institutional framework 23–30 Natural Resources 32–5 Kyoto Protocol and climate change African Economic Community, 44–5 creation of 21–2, 25, 32 Lagos Plan ofAction and natural African Ministerial Conference on resource development 30–32, 45 the Environment (AMCEN) 42 LusakaAgreement on Illegal Trade in agricultural performance 27 Wild Fauna and Flora 35–6 Assembly of Heads of State and MillenniumAfrica Recovery Plan 25 Government 23–4 Minimum Integration Programme Bamako Convention (Management of (2010) 49 Hazardous Wastes Within Nairobi Declaration on theAfrican Africa) 36–7, 44 Process for Combating Climate Banjul Charter (African Charter on Change 42–4 Human and Peoples’Rights) 33, normative framework 30–48 37–41 Omega Plan 25 Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety 24 Organization ofAfrican Unity climate change adaptation measures, (OAU), creation of 21–2, 25 and cooperation with developed poaching 35–6 countries 43, 44 pollution problems 36–7 climate change response 41–5 procedural rights 34 climate change response, funding property rights 39–41
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