![Congressional Record—House H6757](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
June 20, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6757 Board of Visitors to the United States I would ask the chairman if he would ADERHOLT to restore funding for the Air Force Academy: work with Mr. LIPINSKI, the gentleman ARC, Appalachian Regional Commis- Mr. DEFAZIO, Oregon from Illinois, and me to provide fund- sion, to $65 million in this bill. This Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ, California ing for the H-Prize as we move forward amendment brings the Commission’s Mr. LAMBORN, Colorado in conference with the Senate. funding up so that it’s equal to the f Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Chairman, I ap- President’s request in the previous preciate the gentleman and Mr. LIPIN- year’s funding level. ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOP- SKI’s request for funding for this very The Appalachian Regional Commis- MENT AND RELATED AGENCIES worthwhile program, and certainly sion is very important to my district APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2008 look forward to working with him as and many other districts from New The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- well as the gentleman from Illinois as York to Mississippi. The Appalachian ant to House Resolution 481 and rule we go to conference. Regional Commission is a model for XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina. I Federal economic development initia- the Committee of the Whole House on thank the gentleman. tives, and has been a responsible stew- the state of the Union for the further The Acting CHAIRMAN. The Clerk ard of the Federal funds it has received consideration of the bill, H.R. 2641. will read. over the years. For example, in fiscal b 1248 The Clerk read as follows: year 2006, across all investment areas, DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION each dollar of ARC funding was IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) matched by $3.14 in non-ARC public Accordingly, the House resolved For salaries and expenses of the Depart- project funding, and each ARC dollar itself into the Committee of the Whole ment of Energy necessary for departmental invested leveraged $11.55 in private in- House on the state of the Union for the administration in carrying out the purposes vestment in ARC projects over time. further consideration of the bill (H.R. of the Department of Energy Organization This restoration of funds will be offset 2641) making appropriations for energy Act (42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.), including the hire by a $30 million reduction to the De- and water development and related of passenger motor vehicles and official re- partment of Energy’s administrative ception and representation expenses not to agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- account. tember 30, 2008, and for other purposes, exceed $5,000, $304,782,000, to remain available until expended, of which $2,390,000 shall be I understand that the Appropriations with Mr. LYNCH (Acting Chairman) in available for necessary administrative ex- Committee must make difficult deci- the chair. penses to carry out the loan guarantee pro- sions this year. However, over the last The Clerk read the title of the bill. gram under title XVII of Public Law 109–58, 10 years, funding for the ARC has re- The Acting CHAIRMAN. When the plus such additional amounts as necessary to mained level, at around $65 million, Committee of the Whole rose on Tues- cover increases in the estimated amount of and the region continues to receive less day, June 19, 2007, amendment No. 19 cost of work for others notwithstanding the Federal assistance per capita than the offered by the gentleman from Min- provisions of the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 rest of the country. Additionally, the U.S.C. 1511 et seq.): Provided, That such in- nesota (Mr. KLINE) had been disposed of House of Representatives had voted to and the bill had been read through page creases in cost of work are offset by revenue increases of the same or greater amount, to authorize the ARC at levels much high- 25, line 6. remain available until expended: Provided er than $65 million. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Chairman, I further, That moneys received by the Depart- The 410-county region still faces a move to strike the last word. ment for miscellaneous revenues estimated complex set of economic and social The Acting CHAIRMAN. The gen- to total $161,818,000 in fiscal year 2008 may be challenges, and will need continued tleman is recognized for 5 minutes. retained and used for operating expenses support from Congress. Without basic Mr. VISCLOSKY. I would like to use within this account, and may remain avail- infrastructure, economic development my time and recognize the gentleman able until expended, as authorized by section 201 of Public Law 95–238, notwithstanding the and improvements in the overall qual- from South Carolina for a colloquy. ity of life, the Appalachian region will Mr. INGLIS of South Carolina. I provisions of 31 U.S.C. 3302: Provided further, That fees collected pursuant to section continue to lag well behind the rest of thank the gentleman for yielding. 1702(h) of Public Law 109–58 shall be credited the Nation. Mr. Chairman, I thank you and the as offsetting collections to this account: Pro- I ask my colleagues to support this ranking member for your work on this vided further, That the sum herein appro- bipartisan amendment to restore fund- bill. priated shall be reduced by the amount of ing for the commission to levels equal Two weeks ago the House passed the miscellaneous revenues received during 2008, with the President’s request and the H-Prize Act of 2007. The H-Prize was and any related appropriated receipt account current funding level for this program. balances remaining from prior years’ mis- overwhelmingly supported here in the Mr. Chairman, I would like to yield 2 House with a vote of 408–8, and last cellaneous revenues, so as to result in a final fiscal year 2008 appropriation from the gen- minutes to the gentleman from Ala- year 416–6. The H-Prize is a nonbureau- eral fund estimated at not more than bama (Mr. ADERHOLT). cratic way for government to achieve $142,964,000. Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Chairman, I its goal of harnessing America’s entre- AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. SPACE rise today in support of Congressman preneurial spirit to tackle our energy Mr. SPACE. Mr. Chairman, I offer an SPACE’s amendment, which is of course challenges. The best part is, if no one amendment. funding for the ARC, Appalachian Re- wins the government doesn’t have to The Acting CHAIRMAN. The Clerk gional Commission, in this year’s En- pay. will designate the amendment. ergy and Water appropriations bill. We need $6 million, Mr. Chairman, to The text of the amendment is as fol- Many Americans may not be aware fund the H-Prize at its inception. Of lows: that this was a program that was es- that amount, $1 million would be used Amendment No. 4 offered by Mr. SPACE: tablished back in 1965. ARC was cre- to fund a prize for advancements in Page 25, line 14, after the second dollar ated to address the persistent poverty components or systems related to hy- amount insert ‘‘(reduced by $30,000,000)’’. and the growing economic despair of drogen storage, $4 million would be Page 37, line 19, after the dollar amount in- the Appalachian region, which is an used to fund a prize for development of sert ‘‘(increase by $30,000,000)’’. area that extends from southern New prototypes of hydrogen-powered vehi- The Acting CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to York to northeast Mississippi. At that cles or other hydrogen-based products, the order of the House of Tuesday, time in 1965, one out of every three Ap- and $1 million would be used for admin- June 19, 2007, the gentleman from Ohio palachians lived in poverty. Per capita istration of the prize competitions. (Mr. SPACE) and a Member opposed income was 23 percent lower than the The Secretary of Energy was granted each will control 5 minutes. U.S. average, and high unemployment authorization for creating prizes in the The chairman recognizes the gen- and harsh living conditions had, in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The H-Prize tleman from Ohio. 1950s, forced more than 2 million people gives structure to this prize authority Mr. SPACE. Mr. Chairman, I yield in that area to leave their homes and in accordance with recommendations myself 2 minutes. seek work in other regions. from industry, academia, government Mr. Chairman, I am offering this bi- Even today, ongoing changes in de- and venture capitalists. partisan amendment with Congressman clining sectors of the economy, such as VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:29 Jun 29, 2011 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\ERIC\H20JN7.REC H20JN7 rmajette on DSK89S0YB1PROD with MISCELLANEOUS H6758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 20, 2007 manufacturing and textiles, exacer- erty. And the ARC is a major part of putting it at last year’s enacted level. bated by globalization, changes in continuing to address these challenges The bill provides a 10 percent increase technology, and the recent downturn in in my district and across the region. for DOE’s Departmental Administra- the economy have hit this region very, Now is not the time to cut ARC fund- tion account. very hard. It has threatened to reverse ing. This amendment will simply bring There has been at least $105.5 billion a lot of the economic gains that were ARC funds back up to last year’s level in new Federal spending over the next made in these communities over the and the President’s requested level of 5 years authorized by the House Demo- past several years.
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