THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA President, Boies Penrose Honorary Price-President', Roy F. Nichols Vice-Presidents Richmond P. Miller Harold D. Saylor Ernest C. Savage Thomas E. Wynne Secretary\ Howard H. Lewis Treasurer^ George E. Nehrbas Councilors Benjamin Chew Robert L. McNeil, Jr. Mrs. L. M. C. Smith Thomas C. Cochran Henry J. Magaziner Martin P. Snyder H. Richard Dietrich, Jr. Bertram L. O'Neill Frederick B. Tolles Mrs. Anthony N. B. Garvan Henry R. Pemberton David Van Pelt Joseph W. Lippincott, Jr. E. P. Richardson H. Justice Williams Caroline Robbins Counsel, R. Sturgis Ingersoll I Director^ Nicholas B. Wainwright e$> cp <£ cjj Founded in 1824, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has long been a center of research in Pennsylvania and American history. It has accumulated an important historical collection, chiefly through contributions of family, political, and business manuscripts, as well as letters, diaries, newspapers, magazines, maps, prints, paintings, photographs, and rare books. Additional contributions of such a nature are urgently solicited for preservation in the Society's fireproof building where they may be consulted by scholars. Membership, There are various classes of membership: general, $ 15.00; associate, $25.00; patron, $100.00; life, $300.00; benefactor, $1,000. Members receive certain privileges in the use of books, are invited to the Society's historical addresses and receptions, and receive The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography. Those interested in joining the Society are invited to submit their names. Hours: The Society is open to the public Monday, 1 P.M. to 9 P.M.; Tuesday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. The Society is normally closed from the first Monday in August until the second Monday in September. INDEX Abbott, Elizabeth Sergeant, 438 Allen, William, Fenian, 106 Abbott, George Maurice, 437 Alricks, Peter, 487, 488 Abercromby, Gen. James, defeat of, 440, 456 American Academy of Art, N. Y., 223, 227 Abernethy, Lloyd M., rev. of Ostrander's American Academy of Music, Phila., mass American Civilization in the First Machine meeting at, 102 Age, 1890-1940 . .., 132-134 American Catholic Historical Society, Fenian Abington Quarterly Meeting, 151, 152 papers in, 103W Abolitionists, The New York Abolitionists, by American Civilization in the First Machine Sorin, rev., SSArSSS Age, 1890-1940 . ., by Ostrander, rev., Abrahams, Lionel, i88» 132-134 Academy of Music, Phila. See American American Education: The Colonial Experience, Academy of Music 1607-1783, by Cremin, rev., 394~395 Adams, Henry, 328 American Historical Record, 352 Adams, John (173 5-1826), 50, 513; and American Museum, of du Simitiere, 352 Zionism, 158 American Revolution: attitude of college pro- Adams, John Quincy: opinion of Wm. Duane, fessors toward, 50-72; The Battle of Sara- 369; portraits of, 270-271 toga, by Furneaux, rev., 545-547; The Adams, Mrs. John Quincy, portraits of, 270- Boston Massacre, by Zobel, rev., 113-115; 271 The North Carolina Continentals, by Ran- Adventist Church, 157 kin, rev., 547-548 Agriculture, in Palestine, 188 American Society for the Dissemination of the Alden, H. M., 305 Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church, Alden, John R., rev. of Somerville's Wash- 151 ington Walked Here: Alexandria on the The American South, a Brief History, by Potomac, 288 Billington, rev., 558-559 Alexander, Edwin P., Down at the Depot; Amity, ship, 490 American Railroad Stations from 1831 to Amsterdam, Classis of, 202 1020, rev., 129-131 Andrew Carnegie, by Wall, rev., 280-282 Alexander, Bishop Michael Solomon, 161, Andrews, Rev. Jedediah, sermons of, 215,216 165, 167 Andrews, Rev. Robert, 69 Alexander Hamilton & American Foreign Pol- Andrews, Wayne, rev. of Kaufmann's The icy: A Design for Greatness, by Lycan, rev., Rise of an American Architecture, 134-135 401-402 Andros, Gov. Edmund, 489 Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republi- Anglicans. See Church of England can Government, by Stourzh, rev., 117-118 Anglo-American Political Relations, 1675- Alexander Hamilton: The Revolutionary Years, 1775, Olson and Brown, eds., rev., 261-262 by Mitchell, rev., 115-116 Anticlericalism, in col. Am., 217, 218, 219W Alexandria, Va., 288 Architecture, The Rise of an American Archi- Alison, Rev. Francis, 62 tecture, by Kaufmann, rev., 134-135 Allan, Ensign John, 456 Archives, of Philadelphia, 427-428 Allegheny Mountain, Pa., Railroad tunnel Arms, manufacturers of, 104 through, 94 Armstrong, Maj. George, 446, 449, 461, 463, Allegheny Portage Railroad, 75, 80, 94; in- 464 clined planes of, 84 Armstrong, Gen. John (1717-1795), on Allen, Carlos R., Jr., rev. of Brant's The Forbes Expedition, 433, 434, 435, 447, 451 Fourth President: A Life of James Madison, Armstrong, Gen. John (1758-1843), 224 121-122 Armstrong, Capt. William, 477, 478 Allen, Michael M., i88w Arnold, Thomas, 51, 52 Allen, Capt. Samuel, 460 Art exhibitions, 227 Allen, William (1704-1780), 30, 40, 353, 354, Art schools, at Pa. Academy of the Fine Arts, 357, 359 221-238 565 566 INDEX October Artillery, of Forbes Expedition, 440, 447 Barton, William, 437 Artillery and Ammunition of the Civil War, Barton, William P. C. (1786-1856), 437 by Ripley, rev., 128-129 Bashore, Ralph, 256 Asch, Isaac, 174 Bassett, Lt. Thomas, 478 Ashmead, William, 35$ Bath Springs, Bristol, 48777, 510 Ashton, Joseph, 173 The Battle of Saratoga, by Furneaux, rev., Assembly, Pennsylvania (colonial, 1682- 545-547 1776), enhanced powers of, 6, 16 Baumann, Roland M., rev. of Lycan's Alex- Association for Promoting Jewish Settlement ander Hamilton & American Foreign Policy: in Palestine, 18777 A Design for Greatness, 401-402 Aston, Capt. George, 475, 480 Bay, Rev. Andrew, 432, 433 Atlantic City, N.J., So Young . So Gay! Beakes, William, 503 Story of the Boardwalk, 1870-1970, by Beall, Capt. Alexander, 456 McMahon, rev., 131-132 Beall, Capt. Joshua, 456 The Atlantic Monthly: Owen Wister con- Beatty, Rev. Charles, 43977 tributes to, 297, 301, 302, 308, 309, 316, Beckett, J. C, 9877 324, 326; Sarah Butler Wister writes for, Bedford, Duke of, 9 307 Bedford, Pa., Forbes Expedition at, 436-483 Aurora, Phila. newspaper, 366; praised by passim Thos. Jefferson, 368; sold by Wm. Duane, Beef, for Forbes Expedition, 457, 471 381 Beissel, Conrad, 197, 205, 212 Aydelotte, Frank, biog. of, rev., 282-283 Bell, Dr. John, 231 Bellini, Carlo, 69 Benbridge, Henry, . American Portrait Painter, by Stewart, rev., 548-550 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 367 Benezet, Anthony, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23 Bache, Richard, 374 Benezet, Daniel, 35377, 359 Bacon, John, Sr. (1740-1799), 521, 523, 526 "Benjamin Franklin: Gunrunner?" by Paul Bacon, John, Jr. (1777-1859), 523 H. Smith, 526-529 Bailey, Capt. Andrew, 4477?, 450?? Bennett, Edmund, 493 Bailey, John, 74 Bentley, George, 307 Baker, Henry, 497, 499, 506, 509 Betten, Neil, rev. of Stave's The New Deal Baldwin, John, 502 and the Last Hurrah, Pittsburgh Machine Baldwin's School, Miss, 340 Politics, 283-284 Ballet, and Fanny Elssler, 274-276 Bibliography, supplement to Charles Evans' Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 96 .397-398 Bananas, 191 Biddle, Algernon Sydney, 339, 340 Bank of Northern Liberties, Phila., 366 Biddle, Nicholas (1786-1844), 374; purchases Bank of Pennsylvania, architecture of, 240 casts for the Academy, 224 Bank of the United States, 1st, 368, 371 "Big Wheels in Philadelphia: Du Simitiere's Bank of the United States, 2nd, 370, 374, List of Carriage Owners," by Robert F. 376; architecture of, 240 Oaks, 351-362 Banking: Pa. banking law of 1814, 370, 372; Bigler, Goy. William, and Herman Haupt, 78 in Phila., 366; and politics after 1837, 405- Biles, William, 492, 502 406; and politics in the Civil War, 415-416 Billington, Monroe Lee, The American South, Bannan, Benjamin, 38777, 388 a Brief History, rev., 558-559 Banner, James M., rev. of Robinson's Slavery Binney, Barnabas, 52 in the Structure of American Politics, 1765- Binns, John, 374, 375 1820, 54^-543 Biographies, by Owen Wister, 322 Baptism, lion Birch, Thomas, as Keeper of the Academy, Baptists: found Rhode Island College, 50; 234 oppressions of in Am. colonies, 51 Birkey, Dr. J. A., 160 Barclay, David, Sr. (1682-1769), 8 Birmingham, Stephen, The Grandees, Amer- Bard, Dr. Samuel (1742-1821), 64 ica's Sephardic Elite, rev., 562-564 Barnard, Thomas, 56 Bishop of London. See London, Bishop of Barralet, John James, 22177,229, 231, 232,234 Blacklists, 79 Barrow, Thomas, 46077 Blackwood, Capt. John, 472, 478, 479 Bartholomew, Mr., 472 Blair, Rev. John, 66 Barton, Elizabeth Sergeant, 437 Blane, Ensign Archibald, 478^ Barton, Thomas, 'Thomas Barton and the Blanket coats, 477 Forbes Expedition," Hunter, ed., 43T-483 Blanshard, Brand, 282 1971 INDEX 567 Blanshard, Frances, Frank Aydelotte of Bristol, Pa.: early names of, 486; as ship Swarthmore, rev., 282-283 building center, 507 Bias, Gil, story of, 513, 515, $\bn "Bristol: The Origin of a Pennsylvania Mar- Board or Trade (Lords Commissioners for ket Town," by Terry A. McNealy, 484-510 Trade and Plantations), 9 Brock, Joan Huff (Mrs. Thos. Brock), 494 Bode, Carl, 318 Brock, Thomas, 494-510 passim Boehm, J. P., 21 yn Brodhead, Lt. Charles, 446 Bond, Dr. Phineas, 359 Brown, David Paul, and Warder Cresson Bond, Dr. Thomas, 359 insanity case, 174, 178, 179 Bonfires, 34 Brown, Henton, 28 Boome, Ralph, 503?/ Brown, Ira V., rev. of Campbell's The Slave Booth, Christopher C, 537-539 Catchers: Enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Borah, Senator William, 248 Law, 1850-1860, 276-277 Borradale, John, 505 Brown, Richard Maxwell, 261 Bosomworth, Capt. Abraham, 458, 472 Brown, William, 23 Boston, Mass.: characterized by Owen Wis- Brown, William L., 175 ter, 300; social clubs of, 140-141 Brown University: early faculty of, 51; The Boston Massacre, by Zobel, rev., 113-115 founding of, 50-51; Revolutionary senti- Boston News-Lettery 55 ment in, 52 Boston Tea Party, 56, 58 Browne, Peter A., and hair test for insanity, Bottles, Flasks and Dr.
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