Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86578-4 - An Introduction to the Medieval Bible Frans Van Liere Index More information Index of Manuscripts Cited Cambridge, Trinity College Oxford, Bodleian Library R.17.1: 32 Auct. D.4.10: 106, 169 Junius 11: 185–186 Chicago, Newberry Library Case 19.1: 231 Paris, Bibliotheque` Nationale Case 203: 25 Lat. 9380: 35 Lat. 11,937: 94 Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 1 5 7 9 12 21 25 27 41 54 64 Amiatinus : – , , , , – , , , , Saint Gall, Stiftsbibliothek 72 94 211 246 , , , MS 913,fol.148ff.: 151 Freiburg, University Library 334 252 Stuttgart, Wurttembergische¨ Landesbibliothek MS : n HB.II.16: 94 London, British Library Vatican Library Add. 10,546: 35–36, 95, 242–243 Vat. gr. 1209: 24 Add. 15,253: 33 Vat. lat. 1027: 170 Add. 24,142: 73, 94 Add. 43,725: 24 37 777 9 46 Verona, Biblioteca capitolare Add. , : , 6 91 181 182 Add. 40,006: 47–48 MS : , – Add. 45,025: 9, 24, 46 ¨ Cotton Nero D. IV: 107, 189 Vienna, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek Egerton 3031: 47 MS 1179: 248 Harley 2805: 35 MS 2554: 248 Royal 1.B.X: 24, 47, 169 Royal 1.D.V-VIII: 24 York, Minster Library Add. 2: 213 New York, Pierpont Morgan Library XVI.D.13: 47 M.240: 249 XVI.K.6: 253 M.719-720: 252n XVI.N.6: 97 M.962: 154 XVI.Q.3: 97, 105 303 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86578-4 - An Introduction to the Medieval Bible Frans Van Liere Index More information Index of Biblical References Genesis 11:5105 1:1131–132 15:3125 1:2171 15:11 110 1:31 44 17 168 2:344 17:45 168 2:17 110, 112 2 Samuel 2:21 124 11 247 3150–151, 242–244 1 Kings 3:1242 8:22–30 55 3:7152 17:10 245 3:14 244 17:17–24 245 3:22 150 2 Kings 5:5 110 14–15 129 5:24 65 21 201 10:10 131 Tobit 14:17–20 244 14:6 113 14:18–20 119 2 Maccabees 22 118, 124 12:42 77 22:1–19 119 Job 22:2124 18:14 232 22:10–11 244 26:13 232 28:12 229 Psalms 37:22–24 245 1106 41:50–52 66 4212 Exodus 630, 213 12:21–27 245 944 16:1–36 244 16:10 247 20:4238 21 30 34:29 88 22 44, 117 Numbers 23 36, 44, 247 13:21–23 244 27 30 20:11 245 32 30, 213 21:4–9 117 38 30, 213 21:6–9245 39 30 Deuteronomy 50/51:1106 4:44 44 51 30, 213, 247 544 53 30 18:4131 68 30, 247 1 Samuel 80 30 1:1167 90:4 112 3:3–542–43 95 212 304 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86578-4 - An Introduction to the Medieval Bible Frans Van Liere Index More information Index of Biblical References 305 97 30, 247 3:18 89 101 30 Zechariah 102 30, 213 12:10 85 108 30 4 Ezra 109 30 14:19–48 27, 57 110:1 117 Matthew 118 117 1:23 133 119–133 115 5:3 252 130 30, 213 5:17 59 137 112 7:12 59 137:9 110 10:8–10 222 143 30, 213 12:40 114, 116 146 44 22:40 59 147 44 22:44 117 Proverbs 23:5233 13:21 232 28:19 40 Ecclesiasticus Luke 15:14 77 10:172 Isaiah 20:31 167 1:371 16:16 59 7:14 133–134 24:44 59 7:15 133 John 11:1–11 133 3:14 117 53 117, 133 3:16 43 Jeremiah 6:54 122 27:1131 7:8–10 138 Lamentations 10:9137 3:19 231 19:34 245 Baruch Romans 3:477 5:12 244 Daniel 1 Corinthians 2128 14:34 227 7128 2 Corinthians Hosea 3:6 113, 262 1:2131 Galatians 11:185 1:18 115 Joel 4:21 117 444 1 Peter Amos 2:7 117 4:13b 86 1 John Jonah 5:7–890 1:1 114 Jude 2:1245 14–15 65 4:688 Revelation 4:11 115 4:461 Habakkuk 8:11 231 3146 19:17 249 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86578-4 - An Introduction to the Medieval Bible Frans Van Liere Index More information Subject and Author Index Aage of Denmark. See Augustine of Dacia Alleluia movement, 222–223 Abbreviations, Latin, 90 Alphabet, alphabetical, 30; chapter partitions, Abel, 145 44–45; concordances, 231;Gothicbible,181; Abelard, Peter. See Peter Abelard Hebrew, 60, 71 Abraham, 119, 129–130, 245, 256 Alphonso X of Castile, king, 250 Acca of Hexham, bishop, 146 Amalek, 125 Accessus, 167 Ambrose (benefactor of Origen), 33 Achard of Saint Victor, 222 Ambrose of Milan, 42, 76, 145, 147; Vetus Latina Acre Bible, 194 and, 82 Acts of Peter, 71 Anagogy, 121–122 Acts, book of, 53, 56, 194, 198 Andrew of Saint Victor, 42–43, 98–99, 100–102, Adam of Dryburgh, 161 125; calendar, 128; historical commentaries, Adam, 124, 129, 145, 150, 242–244, 257 155, 159; literal sense, 132–134 Additions, textual, 90–91 Anecdotes, 123–124 Advent, 210, 255 Angelic messenger, Francis of Assisi as, 130 Afra. See Vetus Latina Angelomus of Luxeuil, 121 Ages, six of history, 128–129.Seealso Angers, France, 93, 240 Dispensations Anglo-Saxons, 5, 8, 31–32, 91–92, 184–185 Ahaz, king, 133 Animals, 125, 232;camel,125;donkey,71, 118, Alain of Lille, 227, 229–231, 233 125, 234, 254, 261;dove,114, 116; fish, 116, 119, Alberic of Troisfontaines, 169 245; lobster, 152;locust,152;lion,232, 245;ox, Albigensians, 191 120, 261;pelican,232, 245; serpent, 119, Alcala,´ university of, 103 242–244; sheep, 9, 21, 125, 219, 247.Seealso Alcuin bibles, 64, 89, 96.SeealsoTours bibles Brazen serpent; Ox and donkey. Alcuin of York, 211; commentaries, 146–147, 149, Anna, mother of Mary, 70 151; as scholar, 34–35, 184; Vulgate correction, Anne, Queen, 202 93, 94–95 Annotations, 86–87, 104–105, 148–149, 189.See Aleppo Codex, 23, 59, 61 also Variants Alexander de Villa Dei, 170 Annus Domini, 157 Alexander Neckham, abbot of Cirencester, Anselm of Laon, 153–155, 156 171–172 Antichrist, 223, 224 Alexandria, 62, 142, 181 Anti-Judaism, 115–116, 117–118, 132, 149 Alexandrine exegesis, 142 Antinomian, 196 Alfred, king, 179–180, 187 Antioch, 142 Allegory, 106, 112–115, 119–120, 136, 161; Antiochene exegesis, 142, 149, 152 allegorical reading, 116–118, 138–139; Apocalypse of Ezra, 65 commentaries, 146; compilations, 144–145; Apocalypse of Moses. See Life of Adam and Eve guides to, 232–234; history and, 126–127; Apocalypse of Paul, 71 images and, 247; interpretation, 248; Apocalypse, the, 113, 246, 249.Seealso midrashim and, 123–124 Revelation, book of 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86578-4 - An Introduction to the Medieval Bible Frans Van Liere Index More information Subject and Author Index 307 Apocrypha, 47; art and, 257–258; authority, Baugulf, abbot of Fulda, 93 72–73, 76–77; dramas and, 257–258; Early Bavaria, 250 Christian, 15–16; New Testament, 67–68, Beauvais, 159, 255 69–71, 262; Old Testament, 15, 53, 56–57, Bede, the Venerable, 8, 76, 92, 145–146, 147; 61–62, 63; vernacular translations of, 186 calendar, 157–158;churchhistory,185–186, Apostle’s Creed, 216, 228 232, 244; sermons, 216–217, 237 Apostles, 66–68, 70, 71, 85–86, 191; Peter and Beguines, Beghards, 196–197, 214 Paul, 8, 9;Twelve,130, 237 Bel and the Dragon, 55, 64.SeealsoDaniel Aquila of Sinope, 84, 87 Belgic Confession, 56–57 Aquinas, Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas Ben Asher family, 23.SeealsoMasoretes Arab astronomy and science, 157 Benedict Biscop, 8, 237–238, 244 Aragon, 193 Benedict of Nursia, 30–31, 34, 129 Aramaic Bible. See Bible translations, Aramaic Benedict, Rule of, 30–31, 40, 212 Arator, 185 Benedictines, 82, 108;nuns,162 Arian Christianity/Arianism, 26, 91, 142, 181, Beowulf, 151 182 Bernard Gui, 192, 196 Aristotle, causes, 167; philosophy, 134, 167 Bernard of Angers, 240, 240 Arius, 26, 181 Bernard of Clairvaux, 125, 161, 215, 220–221 Ark. See Noah Bernard of Septimania, 93 Arms of Christ, 253, 253 Bernardino of Siena, 222–223 Arsenal Library, Paris, 194 Bernward of Hildesheim, bishop, 244 Art, Apocryphal and, 257; Flemish painters, 258; Berthold of Regensburg, 222, 225, 227 worship and, 240–241 Bestiaries, 232, 245 Artes praedicandi, 229–230 Beuron, abbey, 82, 108 Arthur, king, 233 Bibel auf Deutsch, 205.SeealsoLuther, Martin Askew, Anne, 48 Bible de Saint Louis, 249, 250 Askew, John, 48 Bible historiale complet´ee (The Augmented History Astronomical Book, 66.SeealsoBook of Enoch of the Bible), 195 Astronomy, 157 Bible historiale, 194–195, 198, 248.SeealsoGuyart Athanasian Creed, 29 Desmoulins Athanasius of Alexandria, 69 Bible moralis´ee, 248–250 Atlantic bibles, 38 Bible of Mainz, 48–49 Atlas, 38 Bible of Saint-Jacques, 97 Augustine of Canterbury, 5, 91 Bible translations, 204–205; Aramaic, 58, 101, Augustine of Dacia, 121 103; Coptic, 180;Greek;Syriac,180, 197.See Augustine of Hippo, 42, 62, 71–72, 77; allegory, also Vernacular translations 120, 125; commentaries, 142, 147, 148; exegesis, Bible, as Biblioteca, 46; contradictions in, 244;Jewsand,118; hermeneutics, 126; 138–139; divisions, 27, 97, 169;asdoctrinal metaphor, 120; readers, 122–123; textbook, 137; God as author, 111, 136; layout, Retractationes, 76; Septuagent and, 83–84; 41;literacy,173, 177–180, 188–189, 192, 203, sermons, 216; states, 128; typology, 116–9; 220; liturgical use, 92, 209–211; paraphrases, Vetus Latina and, 82–83; Vulgate criticism, 88 182–183, 204–205; possession of, 45–46, Augustinian Rule, 40, 198 177–180, 203–204;prefaces,106–107, 167; Author, instrumental, real, 136 truth of, 113; use of, 47–48;asWordofGod, Authorial intent, 135–136, 137 14, 111 Auxerre, Ireland, monastery, 149 Bible, Greek.
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