STATISTICAL ABSTRACT VIZIAHAOARAM DISTRICT 1988-89 Compiled and Published by Chief Planning Officer Visianagaram. NIEPA - DC III H i D553 7 truib unit, •-■I rducadondi J. R. ANAND, 1. A. s. VIZIANAGARAM Collector and ^<'(1 July, 1990 District Magistrate PREFACE The Stastical Abstract of Vizianagaram District for the year 1988-89 is Fifth in its series of Publications. The coverage in the present issue has been improved svi1f\c'\entW by District Economy, Mandalwise. This publication is being released Every Year regularly since 1985 - 86. I am sure the publication w ill serve as a useful reference book for the General Public, Planners, Administrators, Research workers and also Special Agencies like D. R. D. A., I. T. D. A., Scheduled Caste, Backward Caste and other Corporations that are involved in the formulation and implementation of various developmental activities in the District. I am thankful to all officers of the District for their cooperation in furnishing the Information to the Chief Planning Officer, Vizianagaram. The efforts of Sri D. Dakshina Murty, Chief Planning Officer, (Full Additional Charge), Vizianagaram and his staff, with special reference to Shri A. Venkateswara Rao, Stastical Officer, in bringing out this publication are appreciated. Any suggestions for the improvment of this publication are most welcome. J. R. ANAND District Collector INDEX Table Item Page No. No. 1. Salient Features of the District i-viii 2. Important places in the district ix-x 3 Administrative Divisions in the district xi 4. Members of Parliament and Legislative Assembly xii 5 Members of Zilla Praja Parishad xiii 6 . Chairman and Vic-eChairman of Municipalities xiv 7. Comparision of the District with state xvi 1. Population : 1.1 Variation in Population 1901 to 1981 1 1.2 Population Statistics - Summary 2 1.3 Area, Population and Density of Population Mandalwise 1981 3 1.4 Rural and Urban population Mandalwise 19iil 4 1.5 Villages classifed according to size of Population Mandalwise 1981 5 1.6 Population of Towns and cities l9Sl 6 1.7 Male and Female Population-Mandalwise 1981 7 1.8 Distribution of Population by workers and non workers Mandalwise-1981 8-10 1.9 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population Mandalwise 1981 11 1.10 Literacy, Mandalwise 1981 12 II__Medical & Public Health : 2.1 Government Medical Facilities 1988-89 13 2 2 Government Medical Facilities-Mandalwise 193S-89 14 2.3 Government Medical Facilities Typewise 1988-89 15 2.4 Family Welfare Activities - 1988-89 16-17 2.5 Medical Services-institution-wise 1988--89. 18-19 (ii ) Table Item Page No, No. III. Climate and Rainfall : 3.1 Maximum and Minimum Temperature 1988 and 1989 20 3.2 District Average Rainfall - Seasonwise and Month-wise 21 1984-^5 to 1989-90 3.3 Annual Rainfall, Siationwise, 1985-86 to 1988-5^9 22 3.4 Normal and Actual Rainfall-Station-wise and Month-wise 1988-89 24-27 3.5 Mandalwise Latitude and Longtitude particulars 28 [I IV. Agriculture : 4.1 Land Utilisation-Mandalwise 1988-89 30-33 4.2 Area under Principal Crops 1984-85 to 1988-89 34-37 4.3 Area under Principal Crops-Mandalwise and Seasonwise 38-47 19^8-89 4.4 Average yield of Principal crops 19'81-82 to 198S-89 48-49 4.5 Out-turn of Principal Crips 1981-82 to 1988-89 50-51 4.6 Area under High yielding variety crops 1988-89 52-53 4.7 Farm Harvest prices of Major Agricultural Commodities 1984-85 to 1988-89 54 4.8 Distribution of Land Holdings, Mandalwise 1986-87 56-61 4.9 Number and Area of Operations Holdings, Mandalwise 62-65 and Social group wise 1986-87 4il0 Factory wise quantity of Sugarcane crushed 1986-87 to 1988-89 6 6 4.11 Agricultural Machinery and Implements, Mandalwise 1987 67 4.12 Details of Godown Capacity and Stocks stored 1988-89 6 8 V. Irrigation : 5.1 Major and Medium Irrigation Sources 1988-89 69 5.2 Minor Irrigation Sources (I & P; Mandalwise 198S-89 70 5.3 Minor Irrigation Sources (PR) Mandalwise 1988-89 71 5.4 Area irrigated sourcewise 1983-84 to 1988-69 72 5.5 Net area irrigated Sourcewise and Mandalwise 19i^8-89 73 (iii) Table Item Page No. No. 5.6 Gross Area irrigated Sourcewise and Mandalwise 1988-89 74 5.7 Area of Principal Crops irrigated, Mandalwise 1988-89 76-79 5 .8 Area of Principal Crops irrigated, Source-wise 1887-88 and 1988-89 80 5'9 Area of Principal Crops irrigated 1984-85 to 1988-89 81 VI. Livestock and Veterinary Services : 6.1 Veterinary Services 1988-89 82 6.2 Veterinary Services, Mandalwise 1988-89 83 6.3 Livestock and Poultry population, 1977, 1983 and }%1 6.4 Livestock and poultry population (Rural) Mandalwise 1987. 86-»9 6.5 Livestock and poultry Population (Urban) Mandalwise 1987 90-91 6 .6 Dairy Development Activities 1986-87 to 1988-89 92 VII. Forests : 7.1 Eastimated area under Teak and Bamboo as on 31.3.1989 93 7.2 Forest Revenue, Product-wise 1985-86 to 198S-89 94 VIII. Industries : 8.1 No of Factories working under Factories Act 1986-87 to 1988-89 95 8.2 No of Factories Registered under Factories Act. Mandalwise 96 1987-88 and 198S-89 8.3 Trading and Non-trading Rice-Mills Mandalwise as on 31.3.89 97 8.4 Sectorwise break-up of Existing S.S.L Units as on 31.3,89 98 IX. Minerals : 9A Mandalwise Mineral Resources 1988-89 99 9.2 Proiiction of Minerals in Vizianagaram District During the year 1988-89 100 (iv) Table Item Page No, No. X . Fuel and Power : 10.1 Growth of Transmission and distribution of lines in Vizianagaram District as on 31*3-87 to 31 3.89 101 10.2 Power consumption-Categorywise in Vizianagaram District 1986-87 to 1988-89 102 10.3 No of Services and connected laod Category wise in Vizianagaram district as on 31 3.1989. 103 10 4 Electricity facilities extended, Mandalwlse as on 31.3.89 104 X^ Ttanspoii aiWi Comnmnicatien; ll; l No of Railway Stations and Route Kilometerate 1985-86 to 1988-89 105 11.2 Motor vehicles position in the district as on 31.3.87 to 31.3 1989. 106 11.3 Length of roads in ihe district as on 31-3.1989 107 11.4 Motor Driving licence issued 1985-86 to 1988-89 i08 11.5 No. of post offices, Telegraph offices, Telephone Exchanges and Public call office as on 3 1.3,89 HO- 1 11 11.6 Workingof A.P S R.T.C. 1985-86 to 1988-89 112 11.7 Community Radio Sets-VCandalwise as on 31 3.1986 to 31.3-1989 113 XII. Public Finance : 12.1 National Small Savings in the District 1988-89 114 12.2 Land Revenue - Mandalwise 1988-89 115 12.3 Sales Tax circlewise 1987-8S and 1986-89 116 12.4 No. of Bank Branches, Mandalwise as on 31-3-1989 117 12.5 D C.B. of Rentals - State Excise 1988-89 118 12.6 Working Results of L I.C. in Vizianagaram District 1988-89 119 XIII. Prices : 13.1 Consumer Prices Index Mumber of Industrial workers 1977 to 1989 120 (V) Item Page No. No. J3.2 Monthly average Retail prices of Essential Commodities 1988-89 122-123 13.3 Monthly average wholesale prices of selected Commodities Vizianagaram Centre 1988-89 124 13.4 Monthly average wholesale prices of selected Commodities Parvathipuram Centre 1988-89 125 XIV. Labour and Labour Welfare : 14.1 Registration and Placements by the Employment Exchange ia respect of Educated applicants. 126 14.2 No. of applicants on the Live Register Classified by Broad occupation division as on 31-3-1989, 127 14.3 Registration and Placements by the Employment Exchange during 1988-89 128 14.4 Registration and Placements by the Employment Exchange in respect of Special Categories of applicants 1988-89 129 14.5 No of Employers using Exchanges and Vacancies notified 198S^89 110 14 6 Strikes and Lock-outs during 1984'-85 to 198^-89 13! 14.7 Distribution of Employees in State Public Sector according to Mandals and Sectors as on 31-3 1988. 132-135 14.8 Distribution of State Govertiment and Allied Sector Employees according to Social Status as on 31-3-4988 1 3 5 14.9 Distribution of State Public Sector undertaking Employees according to Mandalwise and Category wise of posts as on 31-3-1988 >j3 7 XV. Education : 15.1 No of Educational Facilities 1988-89 138 15.2 No. of Primary Schools, Enrollment and Teachers 1988-89 140-141 15.3 No. of Upper Primary Schools, Enrollment and Teachers 1988-89 142-143 15.4 No. of High Schools, Enrollment and Teachers 1988-89 144-155 t v i ) T^i?ie Item Page No, _____________ No. i5.5£^ I Results of ffe8~89 146 1.56 CoIIegei |pr ^ 148-149 jySl Institutions for professional Educatioii 1^88-^ 150 XUi- Community Development : m; 16.1 Activities of Zilla Praja Parishad 1987-88 and 1988-89 151 16.2 Income and Expenditure of Gram Parichayats l98c-87 to 1988-89 152 ill: :iiUAn\/ohmS S; ■ XVII. Co-operation; Koij 7':^ j v Working of Weavers Co-oplrative Societies, M|ndalwikd l988-fe9, 153 17.2 Workingjof iFishdriemCo-opejratiye So^j^ti^s M 1 y88-89 154 IXB Working of Industrial Co-operative Societies Mandalwise 1958-89 155 17.4 Woiikingiof IQi^rfetrCo-bpefatlMe CentfaKBank, Vizianagaram €£■1 1985-86 to 1988-89 'n:-),:- „ ^156 f|j5 o f MilfclPj^dupefs Co-operative Societies 19^^8-89 ,157 11.6 Working of Vizi^a]^tana;Qisjtrict Cooperative Marke^Uing Sode|^^Etd.,LdujdRg l^ ^ § 7 tpf 198|-89 ; r 158 17."^!" Short-term and Medium terni Agcic|i^tjUJ‘al Losans disttibuted by the Co4)piBratiyeiCmtl€l B^nlCl985i-86 to l§8^~89 J59 aO 3!-: , ; -------¥T’-¥i»c-TH ifG pj: ^yp', }) ' -i ' ' ■: ^ 18.1 No, of Institutions, Disposed and pendencies of suites 1986-87 to 1988-^ 160 18.2 Type of Registered Documents and Value of properties : ii transferred during 1987-88 an4:i9)^789 ; ; , j | 161 t\y f r-‘s XIX.
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