MUST EAT AMSTERDAM MUST EAT AMSTERDAM AN ECLECTIC SELECTION OF CULINARY LOCATIONS LUC HOORNAERT PHOTOGRAPHY: KRIS VLEGELS CONTENTS €: UNDER € 12,5 • €€: € 12,5 - 25 • €€€: € 25 - 40 • €€€€: OVER € 40 Average price for a regular main dish and a drink. La Perla - €€ 78 Breda - €€€ 82 West NOORDELIJKE IJ-OEVER North Proeflokaal A. Van Wees - €€ 86 WESTERPARK JORDAAN HISTORISCH CENTRUM Fromagerie Abraham Kef - €€ 90 Centre OOSTELIJKE EILANDEN OUD WEST SPIEGELKWARTIER Balthazar’s Keuken - €€ 94 INDISCHE BUURT OOSTERPARKBUURT OUD ZUID DE PIJP Beulings - €€€€ 98 DE PLANTAGE SCHINKELBUURT East WATERGRAAFSMEER Librije's zusje - €€€€ 102 South Patisserie Holtkamp - € 106 BUITEN VELDERT RIVIERENBUURT Steakhouse Piet de Leeuw - €€€ 110 Guts&Glory - €€€€ 114 ZUID-OOST Rijks - €€€ 118 De Japanner - €€ 122 Samhoud Places - €€€€ 126 CENTRE - 6 Geisha - €€€€ 126 Sea Palace - €€ 6 Papabubble - € 126 Mae Somjaj - € 10 New King - €€ 126 Gebroeders Hartering - €€€€ 14 Bridges - €€€€ 126 Vermeer - €€€€ 18 The White Room - €€€€ 126 Taka Japanese Kitchen - € 22 Gandhi - €€ 127 Bord'eau - €€€€ 26 Pressroom - €€€ 127 Ton Ton Club - € 30 Jordino - € 127 Anna - €€€ 34 Shah Jahan - €€ 127 Kaagman en Kortekaas - €€€ 38 Envy - €€€€ 127 Gartine - €€ 42 Rosie's - €€€ 127 Bak - €€€€ 46 Portugalia - €€ 127 Marius - €€€ 50 Mashua - €€€ 127 CONTENTS 4 Worst - €€ 54 Het Buffet van Odette - €€ 127 Spingaren - €€ 58 Sushisamba Amsterdam - €€€€ 127 De Klepel - €€€ 62 Le Bouchon du Centre - €€€ 127 Toscanini - €€€ 66 Auberge Jean & Marie - €€€ 127 Daalder - €€€ 70 Reurings - €€€ 127 Bordewijk - €€€€ 74 Zaagmolen - €€€ 127 NORTH - 130 De Pasteibakkerij - €€ 218 Vuurtoreneiland - €€€€ 130 Gastrobar Indonesia - €€€ 222 FC Hyena - €€ 134 Tunes Restaurant & Hangar - €€ 138 Bar by Schilo - €€€€ 227 Hotel de Goudfazant - €€€ 142 Chang-I - €€€€ 227 The Beef Chief - € 146 En Pluche - €€€ 227 Restaurant Coba Taqueria - €€ 151 Le Garage - €€€€ 227 Stork - €€€€ 151 The Fat Dog - €€ 227 Café Modern - €€€ 151 Albina - €€ 227 The Butcher - € 227 EAST - 152 Sir Hummus - € 227 Pension Homeland - €€€ 152 Umeno - €€€ 227 Mama Makan - €€€ 156 The Roast Room - €€€€ 227 Mediamatic ETEN - €€ 160 Hakata Senpachi - €€€ 227 Rijsel - €€€ 164 Halvemaan - €€€€ 227 Antep Sofrasi - €€ 168 Khan - €€ 227 Merkelbach - €€€ 172 Tjin's - €€€€ 227 Scheepskameel - €€€ 177 The Brunchroom - €€ 177 WEST - 228 Wilde Zwijnen - €€€€ 177 Brandt&Levie - € 228 Jacobsz - €€ 177 MOS - €€€ 232 La Vallade - €€€ 177 Foodhallen - €€€ 236 De Kas - €€€ 177 Beyrouth - €€ 240 De Lobby Fizeaustraat - €€€ 177 De School/Restaurant DS - €€€ 244 Partisan - €€€ 248 SOUTH - 178 Pendergast - €€€ 253 Taiko - €€€€ 178 Graceland BBQ - €€€ 253 Café Caron - €€ 182 Morgan & Mees - €€€ 253 Izakaya - €€€ 186 Champagneria Five CONTENTS Omelegg - € 190 Brothers Fat - €€€ 253 5 Yamazato - €€€€ 194 Mijnheer De Wit Le Hollandais - €€€€ 198 heeft honger - €€€ 253 As - €€€€ 202 Oceania - €€€ 206 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 254 De Leeuw Zuurwaren - € 210 Horno La Maria - €€€ 214 COLOPHON 256 CENTRE perfect fusion of its neighbouring regions, India and China. This results in in IndiaandChina.Thisresults neighbouringregions, its fusionof perfect Thai food is one of the most widely appreciated foods in the world. It is a Itisa intheworld. foods widelyappreciated themost isone of Thai food complex flavours, which please many palates. whichpleasemany flavours, complex MAE SOMJAJ MAE T +31651175049-www.maesomjai.com Koningsstraat 25 - 1011 ET Amsterdam 25-1011ET Koningsstraat Tue.-Sun. 12.00-21.00 Tue.-Sun. CENTRE 11 MAE SomJAJ € Laab Kai a real Thai experience Thai chefs work hard to balance all in this tiny kitchen. All the sauces and the flavours and influences they dips are made to order using a mortar put into a dish, and this is not an and pestle to obtain exactly the right easy task, especially for someone texture. In an era of hi-tech kitchen who is not from Thailand. Thai food equipment, this is a real statement. A charms with its freshness and subtle second statement is the restaurant's spiciness, and is mostly composed of refusal to adapt Thai flavours to the healthy ingredients. Western palate. Often with gastronomical cultures, Mae Somjaj is proud of her Thai a lot of focus gets lost once the food dishes and when eating here you def- crosses the border, and Thai food is initely understand why. Don’t come no exception, so that eating at a Thai here if you’re in a hurry because at place in Holland is rarely an exciting Mae Somjaj everything is made from € experience. Luckily, however there scratch. No fast-food versions of Thai AJ AJ are exceptions, such as this small, classics, but precision and depth of J humble place in the Koningsstraat. flavour. The ever-popular Laab Kai, om S or spicy minced chicken salad, is a E The restaurant is filled with objects real stunner and has a balance close MA and pictures that remind the guests to perfection. Balance is, in fact,the 13 and the owners of home. A lot of Thai key word at Mae Somjaj. E people eat here which, in my opinion, R is a good sign, especially in terms of Your taste buds will never forgive ENT C authenticity and taste. The kitchen you if you don’t go for the authentic staff is women only, and I’ve rarely Thai experience in this humble grand seen more dedication and focus than eatery. CENTRE KAAGMAN EN KORTEKAAS of Amsterdam and turn it into an overnight success. Both partners are are partners Both success. anovernight andturnitinto Amsterdam of inthecentre canopenarestaurant you that andGielproved Bram Friends bursting with talent. Bram takes care of the guests andGielisthechef. the guests of care takes Bram withtalent. bursting T +31202336544-www.kaagmanenkortekaas.nl Sint Nicolaasstraat 43-1012NJAmsterdam Sint Nicolaasstraat Thu.-Sat. 18.00-22.30 Thu.-Sat. 39 CENTRE KAAGMAN EN KORTEKAAS €€€ Daily changing menu Besides being a great and talented taught him to keep dishes overall chef, Giel is also a true artisan. He’s natural, without fancy frills, and no been working in kitchens in Belgium nonsense—the Italian way. and Holland since he was 12. His two main sources of inspiration Reading through the menu at Kaag- €€€ in Amsterdam are the top-notch man & Kortekaas, it's hard to make S Italian restaurant Toscanini and Will a choice: every dish looks tasty and AA Demandt of the iconic Bordewijk tempting. Giel’s cooking is refined but TEK R restaurant, where he was a chef for raw, enticing, and teasing, with a lot O many years. of feeling for precision and elegance. K EN He’s one of those chefs who is happy N A Giel has an insatiable hunger for enough to have found his own langu- M knowledge about artisan gastronomy age, his own style, and who always has and has become a great all-round chef. one of his two guardian angels look- KAAG He excels at making charcuterie (cold ing over his shoulder. He will never 41 meat) and is truly great at adding the copy Toscanini or Will Demandt, but E excitement factor to simple, informal he will use their wisdom to season his R dishes. He transforms simple, everyday own creations. His cuisine is the ulti- ENT C dishes into real gastronomical delights. mate combination of contemporary The experience he gained at Toscanini raw cuisine and artisan classic. CENTRE is a pity that most of those seem to be warmed up leftovers of an already analready of upleftovers bewarmed seemto those of most that is apity It concept. or innovative new a so-called open with restaurants new Many old and dry concept. This is not the case at Guts&Glory. thecaseat Thisisnot concept. old anddry Daily 18.30-22.00, closed on the first Monday of themonth of Monday onthefirst closed Daily 18.30-22.00, GUTS&GLORY Utrechtsestraat 6-1017VNAmsterdam Utrechtsestraat T +31203620030-www.gutsglory.nl 115 CENTRE GS UT &GLORY €€€€ Free range Polderhoen Guillaume de Beer and Freek Van formations. Who can resist the sight of Noortwijk are the creative chefs behind a chicken roasted to perfection? These sister restaurant Daalder in the Jordaan. Rolls-Royce free-range chickens are They came up with ‘Fish and chicks, soaked in homemade aromatic brine cows and pigs’ as a concept. Their idea prior to preparation to boost the fla- is as simple as it is brilliant. By focussing vour. Then there’s a choice between on a different animal every four months, the classical approach, a whole Pol- they create a new and exciting restau- derhoen roasted to perfection accom- rant every season. It is not only exciting panied by sublime French Fries and a for the patrons but also for the chefs who crispy fresh salad. Or you can go for can focus completely on how to get the the more creative approach in which best out of the chosen ingredient. every part of the chicken is featured in tasty original dishes. How about Chapter 1 is Polderhoen, a free-range the delicious thighs, served as pulled breed of chicken. This French breed, chicken with hoisin, spicy black beans €€€€ the Hubbard JA757 to be precise, was and sour cream? The Polderhoen-dog RY RY chosen because it grows very slowly was created by Brandt & Levie and is O L G with the result that the flesh is tight served with sauerkraut, fried onions & and full of flavour. The chickens are and homemade pickles. T U bred in a pure organic setting, allowing G S them time to grow as slowly as possible, For Chapter 2, Guillaume and Freek are 117 which is better for the animal and bet- considering fish in all its expressions. E ter for the meat that will eventually end Autumn will be entirely dedicated to R up on our plates. beef whereas winter will be all about ENT C pork. This first chapter is all about this infa- mous chicken in all its forms and trans- I can hardly wait… EAST MERKELBACH Middenweg 72 - 1097 BS Amsterdam T +31 20 423 3930 - www.restaurantmerkelbach.nl Tue.-Sat. 8.30-23.00, Sun.-Mon. 8.30-18.00 €€€ H C LBA KE R E M 173 In the wonderful park that also hosts the De Kas restaurant, you can find st the last remaining country estate within city limits: Huize Frankendael.
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