1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2547 H. R. 5848. A bill for the relief of Mrs. truth and righteousness of God. May EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Millicent Moore; to the Committee on they be equal to the challenge of every The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Claims. task as they frame the policies and ad­ H. R. 5849. A bill for the relief of Mrs. pore laid before the Senate the following Grace A, Phillips; to the Committee on minister the affairs of government for letters, which were referred as indicated: Claims. our beloved country. Give them clarity of mind and courage CLARIFICATION OF CERTAIN CUSTOMS LAWS By Mr. ·MATHEWS: A letter from the Acting Secretary of the H. R. 5850. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Mary of heart as they take counsel together Treasury, transmitting a draft of proposed Desmond; to t he Committee on Claims. for the building of a better world in legislation to clarify the customs laws relat­ H. R. 5851. A bill for the relief of Second which peace and prosperity shall be the ing to the customs supervision of lading and Lt. l<,rancis W. Anderson; to the Committee glorious possessions of all Thy children.- unlading of carriers, the furnishing of cus­ on Claims. In Christ's name we bring our peti­ toms services outside regular business hours, By Mr. RYTER: tions. Amen. and the extra compensation payable to cus­ H. R. 5852. A bill for the relief of Bronislaw toms employees for overtime services, and Stalicia; to the Committee on Immigration DESIGNATION OF ACTING PRESIDENT for other purposes (with an accompanying and Naturalization. PRO TEMPORE paper); to the Committee on Finance. By Mr. SIKES: H. R. 5853. A bill for the relief of Mrs. The Chief Clerk read the following EXPORTATION OF CERTAIN COMMODITIES Theresa Price; to the Committee on Claims. letter: A letter from the Sc:cretary of Commerce, H. R. 5854. A bill for the relief of Mrs. UNITEl> STATES SENATE, transmitting a draft of prop::>sed legislation Jessie Louise Raines; to the Committee on PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, to continue in effect section 6 of the act of Claims. Washington, D. C., March 22, 1946. July 2, 1940 (54 Stat. 714), as amended, re­ To the Senate: lating to the exportation of certain com­ PETITIONS, ETC. Being temporarily absent from the Sen­ modities (with an accompanying paper); to ate, I appoint Hon. BURNET . R. MAYBANK, a the Committee on Military Affairs. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Senator from the State of South Carolina, to FACILITATION OF DECENTRALIZATION OF and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk perform the. duties of the Chair during my VETERANS' ADMINISTRATION and referred as follows: absence. A letter from the Administrator of Veter­ 1721. By Mr. ANDREWS of New York: Res­ KENNETH MCKELLAR, ans' Affairs, transmitting a draft of proposed olution adopted by the Federation of Italian­ President pro tempore. legislation to facilitate th'e decentralization American Societies in Buffalo, N. Y., express­ Mr. MAYBANK thereupon took the of the Veterans' Administration (with an ac­ ing lts desire to the President of the United companying paper1; to the Committee on States. Harry S. Truman, to have Mr. Earl chair as Acting President pro tempore. Finance. Brennan appointed to the post of Ambas­ THE JOURNAL REPOR'r OF ADMINISTRATOR OF RENT CONTROL, sador to the Government of Italy; to the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA . Committee on Foreign Affairs. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by 1722. By Mr. O'TOOLE: Petition signed by unanimous consent, the reading of the A letter from the President of the Board 60 residents of the Thirteenth Congressional Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, District of New York, opposin{.'" any legisla­ dar day Thursday, March 21, 1946, was transmitting, pursuant to law, a report of tion or restrictions which may be proposed the Administrator of Rent Control for the dispensed with, and the Journal was District of Columbia, covering the peri9d that will bring about partial or national pro­ approved. hibition; to the Committee on the Judiciary. from July 1 to December 31, 1945 (with an accompanying report); to t;,e Committee on 1723. By Mr. PLOESER: Resolution of the LEAVES OF ABSENCE Central Council, American War Dads, to the District of Columbia. Mr. CARVILLE. Mr. President, I ask DISPOSITION OF EXECUTIVE PAPERS place a strict embargo on the exportation of unanimous consent to be absent from lumber and other building materials which A letter from the Archivist of the United are needed for home construction; to the the Senate during next week on official States, transmitting, pursuant to law, a list Committee on Ways and Means. business. of papers and documents on the files of sev­ 1724. Also, resolution of the Missouri State The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- eral departments and agencies of the Gov­ Association of Master Plumbers, opposing the pore. Without objection, leave is ernment which are not needed in the con­ area pricing orders G-31 and Gl-4 applicable granted. duct of business and have no permanent to Kansas City and St. Louis, as being detri­ value or historical interest, and requesting mental and discriminatory to the plumbing Mr. WILLIS. Mr. President, I ask action looking to their disposition (with ac­ industry of that area; to the Committee on unanimous consent of the Senate that I companying papers); to a Joint Select Com­ Banking and Currency. may be permitted to absent myself from mittee on the Disposition of Papers in the the sessions of the Senate for the next Executive Departments. 10 days, until the first week of April. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore appointed Mr. BARKLEY and Mr. SENATE pore. Without objection, leave is BREWSTER members of the committee on granted. the part of the Sentate. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1946 MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED ADMINISTRATION OF INDIAN LANDS- BILL SIGNED (L9gislative day of Tuesday, March RESOLUTION OF INTERSTATE ASSOCI­ 5, 1946) A message from the House of Repre­ ATION OF PUBLIC LANDS COUNTIES sentatives, by Mr. Megill, one of its clerks, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, announced that the Speaker had affixed Mr. CORDON. Mr. President, there on the expiration of the recess. his signature to the enrolled bill <H. R. has been sent to me a resolution adopted Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D. D., pastor 5671) making appropriations to supply by the Interstate Association of Public of the Gunton-Temple Memorial Pres­ urgent deficiencies in certain appropria­ Lands Counties, with reference to which byterian Church, Washington, D. C., tions for the fiscal year ending June 30, · I would comment at some length were it offered the following prayer: 1946, and for other purposes, and it was not the resolution itself is self -explana­ tory. I rea~ it at this time: 0 Thou whose blessings cannot be signed by the Acting President pro tem­ numbered, grant that our lives may be pore. Resolution 7 Whereas the seve·ral Indian tribes through­ rich in the cardinal virtues of temper­ ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED out the Nation have surplus funds to their ance, prudence, -justice, and fortitude, credit in the hands of the Federal Govern­ and in faith, hope, and love. The Secretary of the Senate reported that on March 21, 1946, he presented to ment amounting to several millions of dollars; May we rejoice in the blessed promise and that no good thing wilt Thou withhold the President of the United States the Whereas it is the desire of the United from those who do justly, love mercy, enrolled bill (S. 1354) to authorize the States Indian Service to perpetuate its ward­ and walk humbly with the Lord. En­ permanent appointment in the grades of ship of the various tribes and the members able us by Thy grace to .repel every self­ general of the Army, fleet admiral of the thereof by attaching to said Indians addi­ United States Navy; general in the Ma· tional acreage which will likewise lend some ish propensity and every willful purpose. color of reason for continued administration We pray that these Thy servants, con­ rine Corps, and admiral in the Coast and thus furnish an additional excuse for scious of their high calling and oppor­ Guard, respectively, of certain individ­ the perpetuation of the United States Indian tunity, their privilege r.nd trust, may be uals who have served in such grades Service and of its annual appropriation now guided in a special way by the eternal during the Second World War. totaling $41,000,000 per year; and 2548 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 22 Whereas it is the intention of the Un_ited 1 mous consent, the second time, and States, and I also recognize the difficulty States Indian Service to use a substantial referred as follows: of applying any yardstlck with respect amount of said surplus tribal funds to buy to wages to every situation in every com­ deeded land and thereby further raid the By Mr. WALSH: tax base of western counties already burdened - S. 1978. A bill to authorize the restoration munity throughout the United States. with Indian reservations; and - of Philip Nielmm, Jr., to the active list of the But we embarked in 1938 on a program Whereas it is the opinion of Federal offi­ United States Navy . with appropriate rank calculated to attempt to hring up to a cials who are in a position to express an opin­ and restoration of pay and allowances; to the higher standard the wages of substand­ ion upon such matters that said funds can Committee on Naval A1fairs.
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