EMERGENCY NUMBERS FIRE . CLEAR LAKE EMERGENCY (To Report Fires Only) ............................ 3211 ADMINISTRATIVE .............................................................. 4658 FIRE. ELLINGTON AFB .......................................................... 7229 SECURITY GUARD· CLEAR LAKE ........................................ 2691 MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBERS NORMAL DUTY HOURS DISPENSARY· CLEAR LAKE, BUILDING 8 MAJOR INJURIES, DISASTER ........................................ 3815 MINOR INJURIES, ILLNESSES ........................................ 4111 NASA AMBULANCE .......................................................... 4111 DISPENSARY ANNEX· ELLINGTON AFB, BUILDING 339 EMERGENCY ...................................................................... 7715 OTHER THAM NORMAL DUTY HOURS To reach the MEDICAL DUTY OFFICER or NASA AMBULANCE call the: TELECOMMUNICATIONS BRANCH DUTY OFFICER .. 3911 FIRE DEPARTMENT (Oxygen or Resuscitator) ............ 3211 THIS DIRECTORY IS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY AND IS PUBLISHED FOR NASA USE. IT WILL MOT BE DISTRIBUTED INDISCRIMINATELY, HOR TO NOH-NASA ACTIVITIES EXCEPT WHEN SUCH DISTRIBUTION CAM BE JUSTIFIED AS BEING BENEFICIAL TO NASA. MANNED SPACECRAFT CENTER TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information . • • • ii Long Distance Calls . iii Federal T elccommunicotions System (FTS) iii Leased Lines . iii Collstoothercities .......................... xi Definitions of Abbreviations . xii Site Mop . xiii Official MSC Routing Symbols . .. xiv Official Addresses . xxi Organizational Directory , . • . • . 1 Alphabetical Directory . .. 21 MSC - Houston . 21 MSC - Bethpoge . 93 Contractor Representatives . 94 Contractor Alphabetical Directory . 97 Closs ified Section . , ..... , . 109 TO DIAL You If Kemah Are NASA NASA NASA Houston Friendswood Dickinson FTS League City CI ear Lake Ellington Numbers Seabrook La Porte Located Operator Nassau Bay At NASA 87+ 9+ 9+ 8+ Ext. No. Ext. No. 0 Clear Lake 0 Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No, NASA 3+ 387+ 9+ 9+ 38+ Ext. No. 30 30 El I ington Ext. No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Listed No. Friendswood Consult Consult Consult Consult Kemah HU3-+ HU3-+ Not Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Nassau Bay HU3-0123 Ext. Ext. Authorized Company Company Company Company League City D 1rectory Directory Directory Directory Seabrook Consult Consult Consult Consult Not Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone Dickinson 932-4534 932-4534 932-4534 Authorized Company Company Company Company Directory Directory Directory Directory Consult Consult Consult Consult Not Telephone Telephone Telephone Telephone La Porte 421-0990 421-0990 421-0990 Authorized Company Company Company Company Directory Directory Directory D ireqtory HOW TO TRANSFER CALLS AT NASA-CENTRX 1. Depress switch hook one time to count of two. 2. T cl I sw!,d. opr. new station to which call is to be transferred. SWITCHBOARD HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 8:00 pm Dial 'Operator' 8:00 pm - 7:30 om Dial 3911 or 3111 Saturday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Dial 'Operator' 5:00 pm - Monday - 7:30 am Dial 3911 or3lll Chief Operator Dial 3885 OPERATION OF SWITCHBOARDS BY OTHER THAN AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. TELEPHONE SECURITY The telephone i..s....rul1.a secure means of communication. Do not discuss classified material over the telephone. LOCAL OUTSIDE CALLS - For Official Use Only To call a number in the Houston Exchange from the MSC dial system, dial '9', wait for the dial tone, and then dial the number. INTEROFFICE CALLS - See inside front cover. TRANSFERRING CALLS Direct in-dial cal Is can be transferred to another extension by depressing the button in the telephone receiver cradle ONE I IMF The MSC operator wi 11 transfer the call. Direct out-dial or interoffice calls cannot be transferred. In this instance it will be necessary to hang up and re-dial the desired extension or number. CONFERENCE CALLS Conference calls on incoming and outgoing calls will be established by the MSC operator. a. Direct In-Dial Calls - Flash the operator and tell her the extension number of other people you want on the I ine. b. Out-Going or Interoffice Calls - Dial the operator and tell her the extension and/or telephone numbers of the people you want on the I ine. CHANGES IN TELEPHONE SERVICE OR EQUIPMENT Requests for installation or modification of telephone equipment will be submitted on MSC Form 516 to Office Services Division, Telecommunications Branch. ATTACHMENTS TO TELEPHONES The telephone company furnishes oil equipment necessary to provide telephone service. In the interests of safety and good service, no equipment, apparatus or device not furnished by the telephone co"1pany may be attached to, or used or con­ nected with its foci I ities, except as otherwise provided in the telephone company's tariffs. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL ANY PERSONNEL MOVE, ADD ADDI­ TIONAL EQUIPMENT, ALTER, OR REPAIR A TELEPHONE OR ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT. TELEPHONE REPAIR SERVICE Call extension 3885. VISITORS' CALLS Visitors may place long distance Collect calls with the MSC operators. If they want to pay for the call, they must use a pay station. ii CHANGES IN TELEPHONE DIRECTORY LISTING Any changes or corrections in the telephone directory listings should be submitted on MSC Form 149 to Office Services Division, TelecommL·nications Branch. LONG DISTANCE CALLS - For Official Use Only em ICY REGARDING OFFICIAi I ONG DISTANCE CALLS It is essential that official calls be restricted to the conduct of official business of such urgency that no other means of communication will suffice. When telephone calls to other cities are necessary every effort must be made to utilize the NASA leased lines and/or the FTS rather than cocr,mercial cables. l. LEASED LINES - The following leased lines are available and should be uti Ii zed to the fu 11 est extent. TO TERMINATION POINT DIAL Bethpage, N. Y. RASPO 3776 Cape Kennedy, Fla. Florida Operations Manager 2226 Cape Kennedy, Fla. Apollo AMR Test Office 2227 Cape Kennedy, Flo. Switchboard (Ask for extension) 3246 Downey, Cal if. NAA Switchboard (Ask for extension) 4985 Downey, Cal if. RASPO 3277 Downey, Ca I if. RASPO - Engineering Division 3276 Huntsvi I le, Ala. Redstone Arsenal Switchboard (Ask for extension) 3278 White Sands, N. M. PSDF Dial 84 plus Ext. 2. FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM - In order to receive full benefit of the FTS, it is essential that the following instructions be followed when making calls. To avoid unnecessary calls to the FTS operator for informa­ tion, each user should maintain a comprehensive list of frequently called numbers. HQW ID IISE To reach a telephone in a distant city - a. Check to see if the City you are calling is listed. b. Dial the FTS access code. '87' from Clear Lake - '387' from Ellington. c. Wait for second dial tone, then dial the area code, and continue dialing the number as listed. d. It will be necessary to reach the FTS operator in the distant city for informa­ tion, assistance or to call non-Government numbers. FTS operator numbers are listed below for your convenience. To call Government agencies served by the FTS - use the FTS Telephone Users Guide dated July 1964. If the party you are calling is not available and you want to be called back, leave your name, area code, and telephone number. Do not give your access code. IQ REPORT TRQI !RI E. Dial your MSC operator and inform her of your telephone trouble. iii THE EDI I OWING CITIES ARE AVAIi ARI E ON THE EIS NETWORK CITY AREA CODE FTS OPERA TOR Aberdeen, S. Dok. 605 225-0250 Aiken, S. C. 803 253-8371 Akron, Ohio 216 535-1851 Albany, Calif. 415 556-9000 Albany, Ga. 912 226-1761 Albany, N. Y. 518 472-4411 Albany, Oreg. 503 926-5811 Albuquerque, N. Mex. 505 247-0311 Alexandria, La. 318 445-6511 Alexandria, Va. (See Washington, D. C.) Allentown, Pa. 215 597-3311 Altoona, Pa. 814 944-4501 Amari Ilo, Tex. 806 376-5151 Ames, Iowa 515 232-0011 Ann Arbor, Mich. 313 663-8541 Anniston, Ala. 205 325-3011 Appleton, Wisc. 414 272-8600 Argonne, Ill. (AEC Only) 312 739-7711 Arlington, Va. (See Washington, D. C.) Ashevi I le, N. C 704 254-0961 Athens, Ga. 404 548-5641 Atlanta, Ga. 404 526-0111 Atlantic City, N. J. 609 344-4011 Auburn, Ala. 205 263-7521 Auburn, N. Y.. 315 473-3350 Auburn, Wash. 206 833-6500 Augusta, Maine 207 622-6171 Austin, Texas 512 476-6411 Bakersfield, Cal if. 805 963-3611 Baltimore, Md. 301 752-8460 Bangor, Maine 207 942-8271 Baton Rouge, La. 504 348-7181 Battle Creek, Mich. 616 962-6511 Bay St. Louis, Miss. (NASA Only) 601 467-7511 Beaumont, Tex. 713 835-3911 Bellingham, Wash. 206 734-5454 Beltsville, Md. (See Washington, D. C.) Berkeley, Cal if. 415 841-5121 Bethesda, Md. (See Washington, D. C.) Bethpage, N. Y. (NASA-Grumman Aircraft Only) 516 575-0574 Bi 11 ings, Mont. 406 245-6623 Biloxi, Miss. 601 354-3881 Binghamton, N. Y. 607 772-0150 Birmingham, Ala. 205 325-3011 Bismarck, N. Dok. 701 255-4011 Bohemia, N. Y. (MacArthur Airport (FAA Only)) 516 588-1000 Boise, Idaho 208 342-2711 Boston, Mass. 617 223-2100 Boulder, Colo. 303 442-2161 Boulder City, Nev. (Bureau of Reclamation Only) 702 293-2161 Bridgeport, Conn. 203 367-3681 Brockton, Mass. 617 583-4500 Brookhaven, N. Y. (AEC Only) 516 924-6262 Brooklyn, N. Y. (See New York, N. Y. ) Brownsville, Tex. 512 225-5511 iv CITY AREA CODE FTS OPERATOR Bruceton, Po. (Bureau of Mines Only) 412 892-2400 Buffalo, N. Y. 716 842-3311 Burlingame, Calif. (See Son Francisco, Calif.) Burlington, Iowa 319 366-2011 Burlington, Vt. 802 862-6501 Butler, Po. 412 287-4781 Butte, Mont. 406 442-9040 Cambridge, Mass. 617 223-2100 Camden, N. J. 609 963-2541 Canoga Pork, Calif. (AEC Only) 213 341-1120 Canton, Ohio 216 455-8971 Cosper, Wyo. 307 265-3330 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 319 366-2011 Champaign, 111. 217 525-4011 Charleston, S. C. 803 253-8371 Charleston, W. Vo. 304 343-6181 Charlotte, N. C. 704 372-0711 Chorlottesvi I le, Vo. 703 296-5171 Chattanooga, Tenn. 615 266-3151 Cheyenne, Wyo.
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