Xweisj6 Wonw Éy4, >Öm>

Xweisj6 Wonw Éy4, >Öm>

sW3¯6FxsI6 @))$ eu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 ^(-u4 SUMMER 2004 ISSUE 69 xWEIsJ6 wonW Éy4, >Öm> An interview with Elisapie Isaac, “Taima” kN[7us5 whmQIui4 i5÷Atc3g5 « b3Cus5 wuxllx3†5 wuxl7u4 k3cCh5g5 « xsMpIq5 wk8i4 yKo3ts2 « v?mgc4f5 W?9oxtbq5 Nunavimmiut speak their minds • Alcoholics Anonymous in the north • Memories of an Inuit leader • Federal government developments … and much more! WA5pJ5 kN[s2 wkq8i4 Serving the Inuit of Nunavik Ì4fNi s9li / THIS SEASON wonW vtgxC4f, w7ui4 vJq3nChxMs3iz bsgZsQxu4 r9oc5yxhi bf5nsMs3g6. b8N WNhx7mEc5bg6 W5yxosuZhx3hi xqÔt5yhil w1qD8Ni3ui4 x7ml wkw5 ñz8îoCu Nioµ5yx6 mr[4 fxS‰n8 mr[4 kNogò5 tudtQ?z5 toIsAtc3ym5hi r=Zg3ixt9lA yKjx5ty?9oxlil mim5yx§a5hi. Wzhk5 n9lus5 wo8ixtq8k5 xWEIsMsJ6. wkw5 WAmIq8i4 kN[7u. wMsJdtgxc3g6 wk8i4 W?9odtÌ3ymJi4 èuy Ñ sWQIc3uJA5 m3Îi4 xyq8i4 x3ˆi4 WJ8NyMs3iq8k5 sfiz: x7ml fÑ4 b3Czi xqc tŒ8isymJu5. mr[4 w2WQIcExc3S6 vJytbs5yxm¯b Wix3ioEi4f5 wkoEi4f5 WsygcoEi4fl W?9od t ÌE ymIq5 xqctŒ8if5. ¥M Ax5–fl5¥ x7ml utx3J4 N2Xl4. xsM5yi3jl eg3qsChx3iu9l ®NsIi4 st3[sAt5nIi4 wkw5 wMsA8Nyd9lQ5 vNboµu iDx3isMs3g6 gnC5nix3bsmEc5bMs3g6 vNboµu b3Cu ®NsI3tA5 mrbZhx3ij5. sW3znsMs3gu. X9 µt8 vNbj5 xzJçmEQIsq8Ng6. WQxo3hi, Makivik Corporation b8N scMsJ6 bm8N iDx3i6 wozix3tlA vNbus5 hNu4 Makivik is the ethnic organization mandated to represent and promote the interests WAmstc3m¯54. xoxNMsquÔZlx6 xuhk5, b8N ® ¥8-Jox8 of Nunavik. Its membership is composed of the Inuit beneficiaries of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA). Makivik’s responsibility is to ensure r=Zg3tsMzA8âm5 kN[7usk5, !^–i4 x3ÇAi4 WA5pMs3hi. the proper implementation of the political, social, and cultural benefits of the b8N iDx3[b3tyZhxMsÔZlx6 fÑ4 b3Cziusi4 x7ml Agreement, and to manage and invest the monetary compensation so as to enable the Inuit to become an integral part of the northern economy. whµlQIc7mE5hi drstj5 WdIoxaymJ5 h3Cwymiq8i4 kNogc3k5 ßmJ3ysi4f5 ie5nsys§a7mb. bfIsQxcq8NMzJ6 mr[4 eu3Dxq5 b8N Bloc Quebecois-f5 r=Zg3tQo3bz kÌ6, w¿8 o[x4, mr[4f5 eu3Dxq5 kwbs?2S5 mr[s2 gnC3nix3[zk5. gis3c bs?5g5 xrc3tNQ5 wk8k5 W?9odt5nIo8k5 èuy Ñu fÑ9l b3Czi xqctŒ8iu4. bf8NbsJ5 ckwos3li kN[7us5 whµltq8i4 vmQxyix3m¯5, ryxi whmQIsJ9l b=Zi mr{[s2 S3gi3nq5b whmQIgw8NE1qbq5. g1zh5tyKA5 wkw5 Wix3ioEi3u4 yKo3y†5, iEs8ic5yxMs3g5 b5huz x9MoD5y eu3Dxos3tj5, gnC5ni4 x9Max3ymJi9l, x5paxi9¬8î5. x†y, gÇDty GyM†5H, sçMstyl x9McystlQ5. vtm5y˜Exu4. b4fx iEs8ic3uJ5 kÌu4 wk8ªozJu4 x9Mt7mE7u4 kwbsJc3ixt9lA v?mgc4f5 wkoEp7mEq8k5 Makivik Magazine xg¿u. Makivik Magazine is published quarterly by Makivik’s Information Department. bZbZsJ3o, iEs8ixSA5 rNoµ4f5 sW3¯ys5yxixExq5. It is distributed free of charge to Inuit beneficiaries of the JBNQA. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Makivik Corporation or its Executive. W1axoD5y x8iÖoly x7ml e5Öz5yxli W1axly. We welcome letters to the editor and submissions of articles, artwork, or wcl5ysyx3ixSy, x7ml b=Zi x3ÇAu Xs3zc3ysyx˜dN3Sy. photographs. Please include your full name, address, and telephone number. mr{[f5 S3gi3nq5 Wb €bu, xzJ3ç6 ÷i Wb, xzJ3ç2 gzoz W5nb3[ni4 WD3Xoxt5yi3i4 WA5p[7u €bu xMf, xzJ3ç2 gzoz mrbZhx3if5 WD3Xoxt5yi3u4 WA5p[7u Upon meeting Elisapie, €8bi w5gñ5, ®NsIoEp7mE4 ÷p Ít, x9Mt7mE4 the amount of dedica- tion it takes to promote Makivik Executive oneself as a performer Pita Aatami, President Johnny Peters, Resource Development Vice-President becomes clearly evident. Adamie Alaku, Economic Development Vice-President She is working hard at it Anthony Ittoshat, Treasurer George Berthe, Secretary and is passionate about her singing and making mr{[f5 WNh5toµq8i4 Nf3nmE8it8i4 cspmIsdpKA5, xyoµq8il herself vulnerable in front W[Qc5bMs3bt8i4 gn3tyAt5ni4 x9MbsJ5ni9l eu3Dxox5ti4 W5yxymt5yicMs3gi4. of audiences all over the We wish to express our sincere thanks to all Makivik staff, as well as to all place. Three students from others who provided assistance and materials to make the production of this magazine possible. her hometown, Salluit, DANIEL EPOO wà5guô vNbcDmZ5b. had questions to ask her. eu3Dxos3t / Editor The kind of Canada we want. Ù2 uxh / Bob Mesher We also congratulate two other women for their scsys2 É2Xk5 k5tEº5/ Translation ñu Sgo4 / Sammy Putulik achievements: Sheila Watt-Cloutier and Mitiarjuk Nappaaluk. çpx rosb6 / Harriet Keleutak The federal election took up a lot of news time across the coun- ™? Wl3©5 / Eva Pilurtuut try this past spring. Paul Martin is still the prime minister. Starting eu3DxD3bsJ5 / Layout out, he said the election would be about the kind of Canada that w5yx5tC tã8f8k5 / Etsetera Design Inc. we want. Disapointingly for many, Guy St-Julien is no longer the MP x9MymJ1awAbsmJ5 mr{[f5 gnc5bstAtoEi3u4 WA5p[zk5 representing Nunavik, after 16 years of service to the region. He Published by the Makivik Information Department had pushed hard to get a riding for northern Québec and was also P.O. Box 179, Kuujjuaq, Quebec J0M 1C0 Canada very concerned about the effects gun legislation has on natives sçMstz / Telephone: (819) 964-2925 who subsist by hunting. It is yet to be seen which Nunavik con- eu3Dx5 yM2Wxi x5pax6: wonW Éy4 i5/l5Ìg6 cerns our new Bloc Québecois representative, Yvon Lévesque, will g÷8gu, gn3iQpq5 n9lus5 gn3i÷3tlQ5 cEbs/s2 make headway with, but Inuit political leaders eagerly look for- i5/Dts/zi4, >Öm>-u4. x5pox[iz: Ù2 ux§2 ward to meeting him. They also look forward to the realization of Cover photo: Elisapie Isaac singing in Toronto, while fans a new Inuit Secretariat at DIAND in Ottawa. in Salluit enjoy her CD, “Taima”. Photo by Bob Mesher In the meantime, we hope that everyone has a fun summer. eu3Dxq5 Play it safe and don’t overindulge in the drink. Good luck with the fi shing, and let’s hope this will be a great year for berries. mr[4f5 ISSN 1481-3041 2 wloq5 / Contents kN[7us5 scsy5nq5 4 sW3¯6FxsI6 @))$ SUMMER 2004 Nunavik Speaks eu3Dx5 ry5Jtø5 ^(-u4 ISSUE 69 µ4 Çu4 xsMpIc3i6 9 Mark R. Remembered wonW Éy4 xW3hbsJ6 17 Elisapie Isaac Interview wk4tg5 woãAtc3i6 wo8ix[5ti Inuktitut in our Schools 24 kN[7u nNá5 gnC5nb3cudtq5 Nunavik Creations Update 32 WdItA5 Legal Tips 35 èuy Ñ x1ml fÑ4 b3Czb xqctQAtq8k5 wMsÔA8Ni6 37 wkw5 bW‰5 vNbu xzJ3çz5 Ôy fhZ6, vNbs2 v?mzb xzJ3çz Ù9 µb8, JBNQA Eligibility BOB MESHER kNc3çymJ9l yKo3tz5 [x9 ¿8Ö8, sz9oc3ht4 wkgw8Ni4 W1axti4, vNbu- kNogc5nè5 scctŒ8iªozJi4 vt1zyic3tlQ5 xgÛu, ÉEo !(, @))$-u. Wix3iK5 ITK President Jose Kusugak, Prime Minister Paul Martin, and First Nations Chief 42 Phil Fontaine, backed by Inuit performers, at the Canada-Aboriginal Peoples Roundtable Piniarnivut in Ottawa, April 19th, 2004. wkw5 cz5bÔq5b SJz Air Inuit Propwash 49 v?mgc4f5 W?9oxtbq5 sN hNV / WHAT IS THIS? Federal Government Developments 52 ñMcstÌD8NSt5FñM8îAtÌD8NSt5 ßuz x5paxu4Fx5pdtu4 kN[7u5 gnC5ã5 hNs7m¯5 NMs5y lxgxD[5. hNsJE5yi3k5 NMs5yQxDtt5 Nunavik Notes 54 x9Mb3[f5 xs9Mt9lQ5 sKz gÇ3lt4 “Mystery Photo Con test” x5paxu4 NlN3gu4 Wos5pAtc3i6 s?i gÇDtu. s[Z3gw5 WJ8NyxdN3St5¡ Youth 68 You could win $100 if you guess what this mysterious picture is. Mail your answer to “Mystery Photo Contest” at the address shown below. Good Luck! NMsbsQx˜3g5 ƒ4Jxu ie5ygi ñM8îAtÌQx9ä5 / BONUS PRIZES y2t7WE @$, @))$-u. Drawing will be held in Kuujjuaq on ybm5 mr{[f5 eu3Dxq5b Év9Mos5ht4 s[iDdtq5. Friday, September 24th, 2004. Four Makivik Magazine T-shirts. x5paxu4 NlN3gu4 §y dqx6 ƒ4Jxus6 nMc- Wos5pAtc3i6 syxMsJ6 R!))-i4 NMs5yyx3hi mr{[s2 gnc5bstAtoEi3u4 sfiz w5y?sbi4 coE5tgi4. xyq5 WA5p[z5 Wzhw8â5 NMs5yymMsJ7uJ5 sfx Mystery Photo Contest ñu yN3N6, øu¥ ñ8b x1ml µr. §. Makivik Information Department x3Ng4. P.O. Box 179 Susie Koneak of Kuujjuaq won Kuujjuaq, QC $100 by correctly guessing this stack zine a mag J0M 1C0 of chairs. The only other three correct guesses were from Sammy Shennungnuk, Leimeicey Saunders, and Maggie S. Angnatuk. MAKIVIK 3 kN[7us5 sc3S5 giIsJc3tlA kN[s2 whµltq8i4 fÑ4fk5 Nunavik Speaks Presenting Nunavik’s concerns to Québec r4Zg3hi vt[4 kNooµ5 v?m4fq8i4 ÷i €bu É5gwMsJ6 cspn3†i4 m3yx9 nÍu9l pÇ g™7u9l xgxZ3Ìt5hQ4 ñuA8Ngi4 si4vsyc3ht4 kN[7u4 WIsm5ht4 >kNø5 vt1z[z8i> vt1zisJ[i3u5 ƒ4Jxu. Ì4fx ò3dIsm5ht4 sçQx3gymMsÔ4 Wt5yAt5nc5naxMsÔ4 x©tc5yxht4 gnC5ndbsJi4 woz5ht4 kN[7us5 ckgw8N6 gryix3bsmAtq5 x5pQI1qMEQxq5 fÑ4ubs6 kNc3gk5, gryAtbc3uht9l kN[7us5 wªy3uA5 ckwoziq5 N9odxEIs1qiq8i4. On behalf of KRG, Johnny Adams gifted researchers Marcelle Chabot and magazine eu3Dxq5 Gérard Duhaime with coffee table books of Nunavik at the “Town Hall” meeting in Kuujjuaq. The two guest speakers provided useful information about the statistical differences between Nunavik and the rest of Québec, as well as the standard of PHOTO: BOB MESHER mr[4f5 living in Nunavik. MAKIVIK 4 5 kN[7us5 c7usMs3gu sçA8NyMsJK5 whmQI3ui4 W5Jtc3ht4 Nunavimmiut had an opportunity recently to speak their minds ck6 fÑ4 v?mzb WA5pAtq5 wkw5 kNq8i %% d˜i gi/ concerning how the Québec government services should be deliv- sc5bg5nsm¯b. ered north of the 55th parallel. !)% szbk3gi4 vtmQx3ggcMsJK6 kN[s2 kNooµq8i5 Over 105 delegates from all communities in Nunavik met in WymJi4 ƒ0Jxj5 Ôi !*, @))$–u >vt5b[7u> vtmicEx3ght4 Kuujjuaq on June 18th, 2004 to attend a “Town Hall” meeting and to rsQx3ght9l xWEstsJi4 fÑ4fk5 ck6 v?m4f5 WA5pJ5nsm¯b react to questions posed by Québec on how the province’s govern- wkdtui4. kN[s2 r=Zg3tq5 wk5bcMsJ5 wkdbsJgw8Ni4 ment should serve its citizens. Nunavik representatives comprised x7ml iDx3bsmJi4 bf5nst5yMsJi4 s[Z3gi4 wk7mE8il both regular citizens and elected officials in equal proportion, and wkgc3il bµi kNc3gi4. fÑ4f5 v?mzi5 WymJcMs3g6 reflected youth, adults and elders of the region. Present from the ˆMQx3ymJi4 kNooµ5 whµltq8i4

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