1 Winkfield Parish Council Planning and Highways MINUTES of the Special Meeting of Council to Consider Plans and Highways matters held virtually via Zoom on Tuesday 6th October 2020 at 7.30pm. Committee Members Present :- Cllr N Atkinson Cllr O Barreto Cllr T Blakemore Cllr Ms E Blyth Cllr Ms V Browne Cllr M Fernandez Cllr Ms M Gaw Cllr Mrs V Griffin Cllr Mrs D Hayes MBE Cllr Mrs A Michie Cllr G Paxton Cllr N Polydorou Cllr D Wall Cllr R Warren Also in Attendance :- Lindsay Dale, Assistant RFO Cllr Colin Dudley 01 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllr Barber due to technical issues. 02 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Mrs Hayes MBE noted that as a Borough Councillor and member of the Planning Committee, she could be present when any of the applications presented to Winkfield Parish Council are considered by BFC. It was therefore noted that she would reconsider any application at the Borough Planning Committee with an open mind, taking account of any additional information and that any view expressed today may therefore change. 03 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Cllr Mrs Michie noted a typographical amendment required at item 10. The minutes will be re-presented for approval next month. 04 PLANNING APPLICATIONS - New & Amended A working party of the Council was held on 2nd October 2020 at 10am via Zoom to consider, discuss and provide an initial opinion on each of the planning applications validated during the month. The meeting was open to all members of the Council. All Councillors were invited and encouraged to attend. In attendance were: Cllr Blakemore Cllr Mrs Browne Cllr Fernandez Cllr Ms Griffin Cllr Mrs Michie Cllr Paxton Page No 1 04- 1 19/00847/OUTAA Plot Ref :-41/2019 Type :- OUTLINE Applicant Name :- Shanly Homes Date Received :- 30/09/20 Location :- Palm Hills Estate Date Returned :- 08/10/20 London Road Bracknell SL5 8RS Proposal : AMENDED APPLICATION 30/09/2020 Ascot Outline application for demolition of existing Palm Hills complex and redevelopment of site to provide 81 dwellings (15no. one bedroom, 8no. two bedroom, 49no. three bedroom and 9no. four bedroom) with associated car parking, landscaping and amended access onto London Road (means of access, appearance, layout and scale to be considered, landscaping reserved for future consideration). WPC Comment November 2019: Observations : Recommended refusal. It was proposed by Cllr Paxton, seconded by Cllr Warren and with one abstention RESOLVED that:- 1. The Highways Assessment carried out in June 2020 (during lockdown) is not an accurate or realistic reflection of the highways situation at this location. The addition of 81 houses with access and egress onto London Road (particularly given that there is no apparent restriction on turning right from the proposed junction) is highly problematic in terms of both logistics and safety. WPC's concerns in respect of this are not mitigated by the Highways Assessment provided. 2. The proposal would result in the erosion of the green corridor on the London Road, which WPC does not consider to be appropriate or acceptable. 3. The proposed development would unacceptably increase pressure on local infrastructure. 4. The proposals would have a detrimental impact on the character of the local area, contrary to Policy CS7 of the Core Strategy and saved Policy EN20 of the Bracknell Forest Local Plan, as well as the Council's Design SPD. 5. There is no plan provided to prevent leaching from the former tip site, and as a result WPC has serious environmental and health concerns. 6. The provision of quality green spaces within the proposal is inadequate. 04- 2 20/00213/TRTPO Plot Ref :-38/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 16/09/20 Location :- Little Birches Date Returned :- 08/10/20 The Warren Bracknell RG12 9FU Proposal : Martins Heron & The Warren TPO 249 - Application to prune 2 trees Observations : Observation. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Michie, seconded by Cllr Blakemore and with one absention RESOLVED that WPC would leave the determination of this application to the informed expertise of the Page No 2 officer. 04- 3 20/00215/TRTPO Plot Ref :-36/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 03/09/20 Location :- 45 Date Returned :- 06/10/20 Whitelands Drive Ascot SL5 8LS Proposal : Ascot TPO 6 - Application to prune 1 tree Observations : Observation. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Michie, seconded by Cllr Baretto and with one abstention RESOLVED that WPC would leave the determination of this application to the informed expertise of the officer. 04- 4 20/00217/TRTPO Plot Ref :-37/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 09/09/20 Location :- Land To The Rear Of 89 Date Returned :- 08/10/20 Hythe Close Bracknell RG12 0UZ Proposal : Forest Park TPO 107 - Application to fell 6 trees Observations : Recommended refusal. It was proposed by Cllr Paxton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Michie and with one abstention RESOLVED that insufficient documentation has been provided and WPC is therefore unable to determine that the loss of six trees is justifiable. 04- 5 20/00247/TRCA Plot Ref :-39/2020 Type :- CONSERV Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 23/09/20 Location :- Clarence House Date Returned :- 08/10/20 Winkfield Lane Winkfield SL4 4RU Proposal : Winkfield And Cranbourne CONS AREA - Application to fell 1 tree Observations : Recommended refusal. It was proposed by Cllr Wall, seconded by Cllr Warren and with one abstention RESOLVED that insufficient documentation has been provided, and WPC is therefore unable to determine that the loss of a tree is necessary. 04- 6 20/00248/TRTPO Plot Ref :-39/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 23/09/20 Location :- 2 Date Returned :- 08/10/20 Ballin Gardens Ascot SL5 8FU Proposal : Ascot Page No 3 TPO 288 - Application to prune 1 tree Observations : Observation. It was proposed by Cllr Wall, seconded by Cllr Ms Blyth and with one abstention RESOLVED that WPC would leave the determination of this application to the infromed expertise of the officer. 04- 7 20/00253/TRTPO Plot Ref :-40/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 30/09/20 Location :- 72 Date Returned :- 08/10/20 New Road Ascot SL5 8QQ Proposal : Ascot TPO 288 -Application to fell 1 tree Observations : Observation. It was proposed by Cllr Paxton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Michie and with one abstention RESOLVED that WPC would leave determination of this application to the informed expertise of the officer, but would ask that the ownership of the tree be checked, as examination of the documentation provided suggests that the tree in question is in the conservation area. WPC would further ask that any felled trees be replaced appropriately. 04- 8 20/00254/TRTPO Plot Ref :-40/2020 Type :- TRTPO Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 30/09/20 Location :- 18 Date Returned :- 08/10/20 Charterhouse Close Bracknell RG12 0XF Proposal : Forest Park TPO 106 - Application to fell 1 tree Observations : Observation. It was proposed by Cllr Barreto, seconded by Cllr Wall and with one abstention RESOLVED that WPC would leave the determination of this application to the informed expertise of the officer and would ask that any trees felled be replaced appropriately. 04- 9 20/00607/FUL Plot Ref :-27/2020 Type :- FULL Applicant Name :- - Date Received :- 09/09/20 Location :- Larkfield Date Returned :- 08/10/20 Chavey Down Road Winkfield Row RG42 7PB Proposal : Winkfield & Cranbourne Demolition of 1 existing dwelling (Larkfield) and erection of 11 new dwellings, together with new vehicular and pedestrian access, car parking, landscaping, SuDs and Green Infrastructure Observations : Recommended refusal. It was proposed by Cllr Browne, seconded by Cllr Paxton and with two abstentions RESOLVED that this is an overdevelopment of the site. Application 18/00119/FUL for 10 dwellings on this site was refused by the planning inspector at appeal, as the development would involve a greater number of houses than the Page No 4 cul-de-sacs to the north and south on a similar or smaller site area. This current application is for 11 dwellings; 1 more than the disallowed appeal. 1.Plots 1, 3 and 4 have small rear gardens and are therefore located very close to the existing properties in Chavey Down Road 2.Plot 1 has a garage and single parking space. Although compliant with the current BFC Parking Standards SPD, garages are not frequently used for parking of cars and the single parking space is likely to result in parking stress on the visitor spaces 3.There would be a negative effect on the character and appearance of the area. The development would conflict with Policies CS1, CS7, CS9 of the Bracknell Forest Core Strategy 2008 and Policies EN8, EN20 and H5 of the Bracknell Forest Local Plan. The proposed application would impact negatively in terms of protecting the local character and landscapes including in locations beyond the settlement boundaries 4.The local infrastructure does not support this development. The local school is oversubscribed, there are no doctors' surgeries in the Parish and the applicant's Transport Statement recognises that 82% of journeys are by car. This is not a sustainable development location and residents of these properties are likely to predominantly use cars for journeys to work and local facilities 5.WPC questions the foul sewerage capacity as further north along Chavey Down Road, there are serious utility problems of which BFC is aware. It is noted that the proposed foul drainage strategy has not been approved by Thames Water. 6.The application is contrary to the Character Areas Assessment (CAA) Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2010, in relation to Area D of the Northern Villages study area, which the site lies within.
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