TAXING HER PATIENCE: the year in Senior Bella Cude brandishes a sign that criticizes President Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns while expressing another ELECTION DAY protest message in the words 53 written on her stomach. As many Fall Mac students express views on Election of 2016 as 200 McCallum students walked Fall out of school on Inauguration Day REVIEW before, after Trump’s surprising electoral win at the start of fourth period to Orlando Shooting join the thousands of protestors “When“When itit camecame toto thethe OrlandoOrlando shooting, I | who assembled at Auditorium feelfeel likelike itit waswas aa hugehuge blow to the LGBT | Before The Election: Before The Election: Shores. “It was really liberating American community. Now everyone has “My preferred candidate is Gary Johnson. “This year’s election is a lot more of a and empowering to see everyone reasonreason toto feelfeel less safe in their own home Page by G. Brady, K. Blount, M. Ruiz, A. Raper Page Page by G. Brady, K. Blount, M. Ruiz, A. Raper Page CURRENT EVENTS Before The Election: I don’t think either the Democratic or mess then last election because we knew rally over one cause,” Cude said. andand that sucks because there are very CURRENT EVENTS “My favored candidate is Donald Trump. Republican candidates are trustworthy. I Obama was going to do a good job, and Photo by Grace Brady. fewfew safesafe placesplaces forfor minoritiesminorities in America. I really think that this country needs a think they both lie a lot.” this election we are trying to find a ItIt destroyeddestroyed thethe assuranceassurance of getting change, and I think that he thinks that person to do the same good that he did.” protection in their homes.” he can make a difference. I also like the After The Election: fact that he is unfiltered, and he is not so “I feel like we need to stick together After The Election: —MONICA HARt (‘17) politically correct.” as a country in moving forward to be “We should see how much of a disaster successful. I think the protests are kind this will turn into. I feel like in the After The Election: of pointless and very hypocritical. Hillary community I am with (the LGBT “I am happy with the results. I am a supporters would ridicule Republicans if community), there will be a lot of fear, but Pokemon GO minority at McCallum because I support they protested.” there will also be a lot of determination “My“My littlelittle sistersister waswas reallyreally obsessed with Donald Trump. Since I was surrounded —NOAH COOLEy (‘19) to stand up and fight for what have been Pokemon GO, and I also worked as a by people who thought differently I felt fighting for so we don’t go back another lifeguardlifeguard wherewhere peoplepeople wouldwould try and smaller with my opinion, but I never had 10 years.” get free admission into the pool because 2ND PLACE GABY FAGELMAN: PIANO-BASED RAP MITCHELL STANFORD: Fagelman was first inspired to create her piano- based rap clothing line during a party, when a HIP-HOP rap song came on and she noticed the surge of Stanford’s designs were inspired confidence people began to exhibit. by current trends in hip hop and the “I started to get really inspired by piano based rap, fashionable styles he noticed around and the softer qualities that it had,” Falgelman said, McCallum. Fagelman’s creative use of color expresses this “[In] McCallum as a whole, everyone’s thought and uses music to help. fashion sense kinda made me inspired “My color choices for my clothes are red for to design,” Stanford said, “[I] created passion, white and black for the battle between something [that] has been worn by many.” purity and temptation, and brown for grit,” Fagelman The line is mostly for men, but includes said, “The best part is being able to express your two women’s outfits. creative vision and watching it come to life on each “Maybe this will be my first step into my model.” career in college,” Stanford said. Anna Marceau (‘19) Weatherly Giblin (‘20) p Matthew Ball ('17) p Gaby Fagelman (‘18) t Adrian Dorsey ('19) u Nellie Johnson (‘17) VICTOR MATA: WITCH-HOUSE Inspired by witch house music, head designer Victor Mata (‘17) has a collection of goth, catholic, and modern clothing. “I designed this collection because it’s like my homage to goth culture I have so much passion for the goths,” Mata said. Last year, Mata won the fashion show and earned the spot as head designer for the 2017 show, a title that means a lot in the fashion business. “I’m honored to be the head designer,” Mata said, “But just because I am head designer doesn’t mean that I’m not equal with the other designers.” Tess McMillan (‘18) Cal Hurd (‘18) any doubt.” GENEVIEVE TEMPLE: ROCK Representing the grunge and rock music of the 90’s, Genevieve Temple’s designs use a lot of plaid, black, fishnet and sheer fabrics to represent the style of the decade. “I really had to keep in mind the difference between everyday outfits and runway, high-fashion designs,” Temple said. Temple has been to a career in fashion from a young age, so displaying her work in a large scale production is a step towards that dream. “I wanted to be a fashion designer in kindergarten but I started sewing in 3rd grade,” Temple said. Lilly Ponce (‘18) Marley Bell (‘18) —ALYKS WARIng (‘18) theythey justjust wantedwanted toto getget thethe Pokemon —A MCCALLUM JUNIOR thenthen leave.leave. SoSo itit waswas kindkind of like this big (name withheld upon request) Before The Election: phenomenon.” “I support Donald Trump because I am a —HENNA MCRAE (‘19) Republican and my first choice Ted Cruz got eliminated. I like how Donald Trump handles things.” A Knight survey After The Election: Celebrity Deaths “The“The mostmost impactfulimpactful thingthing was all my of 150 students “I feel like there is nothing we can do childhoodchildhood celebrities dying, like Carrie taken in October. now because he won, so we will have to see what he does for the next four years. Fisher and David Bowie. All these people I think he is going to surprise everybody thatthat youyou grewgrew upup withwith andand felt like you Before The Election: with the things he will do.” knew are now dead. Who let George R.R. “I support Hillary Clinton because she —ELIJAH GRIFFIn (‘19) Martin write 2016?” is the most qualified candidate, and the —ANDREA BBARRERA CCASTRO (‘18) alternative is probably one of the worst presidential candidates we have ever had.” Before The Election: Before The Election: “This election is the worst. If you don’t “I am planning on voting for Hillary. I’ve After The Election: vote for Hillary, you are voting for Trump ”The election, although shocking and pretty much been a sworn Democrat since because the third party won’t win. The I’ve had a sense of politics.” horrifying, pays tribute to the Americans one thing that makes me nervous about who have in fact been left behind: those Hillary is that she changed her views After The Election: Aleppoleppo living in the rust-belt left unemployed so quickly. I mean what if that happens “I feel afraid. The things I thought I knew “I“I knowknow thatthat it’sit’s basicallybasically a war within its due to the decline of industry and during her presidency?” about my future have been taken. I don’t own country. I’ve seen so many videos of manufacturing. In the next four years, know if I can get married, I don’t know if innocentinnocent childrenchildren dyingdying andand eveneven more Americans need to learn how to find After The Election: I’ll have any sort of job security because horrible violence. I saw a video of two common ground and come together as “I am terrified after this election. I can’t my boss will be able to fire me for no littlelittle boysboys losinglosing theirtheir brotherbrother and I didn’t the nation, and only then can we progress wait for all my rights to be slowly be taken reason. I don’t know if I can live safely in a realizerealize itit waswas that gruesome.” as a country.” away by Mike Pence. I can’t wait to be lot of the parts of the country anymore and NUBIIA RIVIVAs (‘18) harassed. I really think that this will have a that’s terrifying,” — —EMMA BAUMGARDNEr (‘18) major impact on this country.” —ELI STEPHEns (‘19) —OLIVER Kuhns (‘17) Brexit “When“When II firstfirst heardheard aboutabout it I was shocked because you don’t really hear about thisthis kindkind ofof thingthing happeninghappening in a First World country. I guess it was kind of a coincidencecoincidence that this happened the year Donald Trump was elected. I understand theythey werewere underunder aa lotlot ofof stress, but it’s kind of childish that they just left instead of attemptingattempting to fix the issue.” —JUDAH CLArk (‘19) DEBATE NIGHT IN AMERICA The Bottle Flipping Challenge Students weigh in on second debate, held on Oct. 9 at Washington University in St. Louis “I“I thinkthink itit waswas aa reallyreally neatneat trend because youyou could play it anywhere, unlike games “It was the most “I think some good points “I remember trying to do “It was crazy; they are likelike soccer.soccer. JustJust throwthrow aa bottlebottle in the air unorganized thing I’ve were made, but they my homework and not like celebrities now. It andand mess with it until you can do it right.
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