FEBRUARY, 1962 Vol. 25 No. 2 ',I , ', , ANOTHER II·J< PRODUCT ® ® Modern Sanitizer and Cleaner Provides Extended Bactericidal Activity Extensive lab tests and dairy experience in even hardest water, brightens and con­ conclusively prove that PENNSAN is an ditions stainless steel, controls bacterio­ effective sanitizer. Further, it retains its phages without affecting starter cultures. bactericidal power even after drying on PENNSAN is a unique chemical sanitizer stainless. steel for as long as 24 hours! -a new concept to serve more sanitizing % REDUCTION IN BACTERIAL COUNT and cleaning needs. AFTER EXPOSURE ON STAINLESS STEEL Write now for free booklet to B-K Dept. 1 hr. 4 hrs . 7 hrs. 2 4 hrs. PENNSALT CHEMICALS CORPORATION ESCHERICHIA COLI East: 3 ·Penn Center, Phila. 2, Pa. Trial 1 100 99.2 100 99.5 W est: 2700 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Trial 2 100 99.2 99.6 98.9 Trial 3 99.6 98.2 99.2 100 MICROCOCCUS CASEOL YTICUS Trial 1 98.9 99.5 98.0 100 ~'>I!:U%~~ 0 Trial 2 99.5 96.5 98.5 100 Trial 3 100 94.5 99.0 9a.5 ~ Pennsan= Pennsalt .::-a;:::. PENNSAN is the superior bactericide ··1.."'<:~=---r.:::• .::..: serving modern Chemicals sanitization. It removes ~ ESTABLISHED I 850 and prevents milkstone and films, works ': :. Ll ---~/~1:/ Tim fU~e ::_~/~;~~:/sPJifl Uf~t-eike HAYNES-SPRAY U.S. P. LIQUID PETROLATUM SPRAY GI«Jued M Med ~ ~ : OU. UNITED STATES PHARMACEUTICAl STANDARDS SAN ITARY VAlVES CONTAINS NO ANIMAl OR VEGETABlE FATS . ABSOlUTElY HOMOGENIZER NEUTRAl. Will NOT TURN PISTONS - RING$ RANCIO - CONTAMINATE OR SANITARY TAINT WHEN IN CONTACT WITH FOOD PRODUCTS. SEAlS & PARTS CAPPER SliDES & PARTS POSITIVE PUMP PARIS SANITARY- PURE GLASS & PAPER filliNG MACHINE PARTS ODORLESS -TASTELESS and for ALL OTHER SANITARY MACHINE PARTS whkh are NON-TOXIC cleaned doily. Tke Jffculelut HAYNES-SPRAY Jffetlcd ~ .£~ C~tVlltl3 Mtitk fke Jfflfk 0~ ruul CIJde R~ luj ike U.S. P.w& Hea£& Setwiu The Haynes-Spray eliminates the danger of contamination which is possible by old fashioned lubricating methods. Spreading lubricants by the use of the finger method moy entirely destroy previous bactericidal treatment of equipment. Big Man PACKED 6-12 oz. CANS PER CARTON SHIPPING WEIGrlT- 7 LBS. THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING CO. ••• IN YOUR FUTURE AND OURS 418 0 lorain Avenue • Cleveland 13, Ohio Insuring a dependable supply of pure, fresh milk for growing America is a responsibility Heil shares with you and the entire dairy industry. We take this responsibility seriously, and the record proves it. For over 25 years, H eil has pioneered major advancements in the sanitary design of milk stor­ age and transport tanks. We think it's one im­ portant reason why more milk goes to market in ; Heil tanks than in all others combined! M I LWAUKEE, WI S C 0 N S I N New plastic pick-up tank underscores Heil leadership ... superior insulation for greater protection . large-rad ius SNAP INTO ~LOW COST.-•• RE-USABLE corners for easier, more sanitary cleanout. fiTTINGS ~ LEAK-PREVENTING NEOPRENE GASKET lor Sanitary Fittings I tk4e ·'! ~ $NA"P!J'I'l'E ;'/eWaHta<JU: Tight joints, no leaks, no shrinkage Time·saving, easy to assemble Sanitary, unaffected by heat ar fat$ Self-centering I No sticking to fittings '' Non-porous, no seams or crevices Eliminate line blocks Odorless, polished surfaces, easily cleaned Help overcome line vib'rations Withstand sterilization long life, use over ond over A yoilable lor J•, 1~ ·, 2•, 2W" and 3"' fittings. Packed 100 to the box. Order through your dairy supply house. THE HAYNES MANUFACTURING CO. ' 4180 lorain Avenue • Cleveland 13, Ohio I NOTICE Attractive Membership Lapel Button and Decal NOW AVAILABLE , Convolution - Blue . .. Circle & Bar - Silver . ... Field - Blue i. Letter "S" - W hite . .. Lettering - Blue f No. _____ ___ ___ _3 1 / 4" Decals @ 25c each= $ __ ___ ___ _ No. __ __ ____ Lapel Buttons @ $1.00 each= $ __ ____ ____ , International Association of Milk & Food Sanitarians, Inc. Box 437, Shelbyvtlle, Indiana ACTUAL SIZE 11-II-II-II-II-I I - II--I-+ I - I I-II- II- II- II- II- II- I I-II- MI-II- MI- 11- II- I I - + II-II-11- MI- Il- II- II- 11-II- 11- II- I I-II- II- II-I-I i i Procedure for i i i The Investigation i of Foodborne Disease I f Outbreaks f Recommended by i INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK AND FOOD i SANITARIANS, INC. i COPIES OBTAINABLE FROM i Intemational Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians, Inc. i Box 437, Shelbyville, Indiana i i Prices: Single Copies, 50 cents each: 100 or more copies, 35 cents each. i 25-100 copies, 45 cents each. Pleases do not end stamps. i Iotice: Limited number in Spanish translation at 50 cents each. i j +--·- - ·- - ·- ··-··-··- ··- ··-·-··- ··- ··- ··-··-··- ··-··- ··- ··- ··-··-·-··-··-··-··-··- ·-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-·+ II OFF ICERS Jourruzl of President, CHARLES E. vVALTON Laramie, \Vyo. President-Elect, RAY BELKNAP C hicago, Illinois MILK and FO OD First Vice-P·res·ident, JoHN H. FRITZ vVashi.ngton, D. C. Second Vice-PTesident \ VALLACE c. LAWTON Minneapolis, Minn. TECHNOLOGY Secretary-Treasumr, KARL K. JoNES Indiana State Bt!ard of Health , Official Publication Indianapolis, Indiana International Association of Milk and Food Sanitarians, Inc. Executive Board R EG. u. s. P AT. OFF, \1\ll LLIAl\•I v. HICKEY JOHN J. SHEURING VoL 25 February, 1962 No.2 CnAnLEs E. vVALToN JoHN H. Fnrrz Contents Page \•VALLACE; C. LAWTON KARL K. }ONES Editorial: HAY BELKNAP ' 'Velcome to Our New Affiliate Publication Board H . S. Adams _____ ___ ___________ __ __ ------------- - - --- 35 Dn . .f . C. OLsoN, JR. H. L. THOMASSON KARL K. JONES Chlorinated Hydrocarbons D eposited in Biological :Material Editors L Plants and Plant Products Dn. J. C . OLSON, JR., Associate Editor, E . H. Marth --------------------------------------- --- 36 D ept. Dairy Industry, U niversity of M inn., St. Paul 1, Minn. The National Milk Sanitation Bill and Its Probable II. L. THOMASSON, Executive Secretary Effect on Northeastern Milk i'viarkets and Managing Edito r, Box 437 , Shelbyville, Indiana. A. C. Dahlberg - ---------------- --- ---------- ----- --- 41 Microbial Analysis of Commercial Frozen Fish Sticks Associate Editors .T. T . R. Nickerson, G. ]. S-ilverman, M. So lberg, C. A. ADELE- ________ Cbicago, Illinois 7 D. W • Duncan and ld'. M . .Toselow ------- ---- ------- 45 H . S. ADAMs _____ Inclianapolis, Indiana lvl. P. BAKEI\ ____________ Ames, Iowa Sediment Testi ng of Bulk Tank Milk On The Farm F. \.Y . BAHDEH ____ New York, New York F' C BASELT lew York New York B . ]. Uska -------------- --- ----- ---------------------- 48 L: A·. B.LACK-______________ Ci.t1cinnati, Ohio .f . C . FLAKE- _________ Chicago, Illinois Committee Reports ___ ________ ---- --- - - --- ------------____ ---- 51 .f oHN H. FRITZ_____ Wa£hington, D. C. L. G. HAHMON ___Eas t Lansing, M icl1. News and Events -------------------------------- - -- --- - ----- 59 E. K. H Annrs ________ Cincin na ti, Ohio ; C. A. H uNTEn ________ Topeka, Kansas Notice to Members IA 1lFS, Inc. ---------------------------- 60 C. K. JonNs Ottawa, On tario, Canada 0 . \•V. KAUFMANN __ East Lansmg, Mich. Papers Presented at Affiliate Association l\tleetings ____________ 63 W. C . LAWTON ____ St. Paul, Mi.tmesota \ \1. S. MuELLEH _______ Amherst, Mass. Calendar of Meetings _____ ------------___ ___ ___ ___ __ ______ 64 K. G. WECKEL __ _ Ivladison, \.Yisconsin J. C. \VH ITE- _______ Ithaca, New York Questions and Answers -------------------------- - - -------- 65 The Journal of Mille and Food Technology Affiliates of IAMFS, Inc. ----------------- ----------------- 68 is issued monthly beginning with the January number. Each volume comprises 12 numbers. \ Published by the International Association of Classified Ads ___ ____ __ ------- - ----------------- ------ -------- V Milk and Food Sanitarians, Inc., with execu­ tive officers of the Association, B lue Ridge Rd., P . 0 . Box 437, Shelbyvltle, Ind. Index to Advertisers - - - - --- ------------------------------ - - ---- V Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Shelbyville, Ind., Mar.ch 1952, under the Act on Mat·ch 3, 1879. EDITORIAL OFFICES: J. C. Olson, Jr., Bu sin ess Matters : Correspondence regarding should be sent to the executive officer of the .-\ :-i:-.CH' iau.: E'ditr r. Dent. na ir ~ · Industr.r, Uni­ business matters, advertising, subscriptions, Association, P. 0 . Box 437, Shelbyville, Ind. versity of Minn., St. Paul, Minn . .: H. TJ. orders for s ingle copies, etc., should be ad­ Thomasson, :Ma naging Editor, r. 0. Rox 431 dressed to H. L. Thomasson (address above). Members hip Du es: :?olembership in the Shelbyville, Ind. Internationa l Association of Milk a nd Food S ubscription Rates: One volume per year Sa nita ri a ns, In c., is $7.00 per year, which in­ Ma nuscripts : Correspondence regarding man­ IndiYidual non-members, Governmental anli cludes annual subscription to the Journa l of ,, uscripts and other reading material should Commercial Organization subscription, Mil k a nd Food Tec hnology, All co r respo n d~ I be addressed to J. C. Olson, Jr., Associnte l yr. .. ................... $8.00 ence regarding membership, remittances for l·:d itor, De nt. nair.'· Tndu str ~ · . l'ni,·ersit:r of dues, failure to receive copies of the journal, ) liinn. , St. Paul, Minn. Public and Educational Institution changes of address, and other such matters Libraries, l yr. .. ...... ~ .................... $6.00 should be addressed to the Executive Secretary " Instruction to Contributors" can be ob ~ Single Copies .... ~ ............................................. $1.00 t.ained
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