1. WORKS INFORMATION 1.1 Description of Works This Method of Working Plan details the ongoing regular runway restrictions to allow for maintenance activities. The periods of restriction have been identified in consultation with Air Traffic Control (ATC) to minimise disruptions to airlines and will be reviewed if operational demand changes. The work comprises the normal day to day activities carried out at any aerodrome and will not exceed 30 minutes to reinstate the runway to full operational status. The scope of works will be dependent on the maintenance requirements at the time; however multiple activities will be carried out. For all stages the works may comprise any of the following works; • Airfield lighting maintenance • Line marking • Mowing • Detailed inspections • Pavement Maintenance • PAPI Maintenance • Runway Strip Maintenance • Minor Project works • Instrument Landing System (ILS) testing – (requires an additional 1 hour of closure, once every 3 months) • Instrument Landing System (ILS) will be unavailable if maintenance is required on the ILS system or for works in the associated Vehicle Critical Area As a result of the works outlined above, it is anticipated that the following facilities will be affected. - Full Length Runway 03/21 and either of the following taxiway crossings o Taxiway A9/C9 and Taxiway N/D between Taxiway A & Runway 03/21 or; o Taxiway A9/C9 and Taxiway W between Taxiway B & Taxiway C or; o Taxiway A9/C9 only Or - Full Length Runway 06/24 o Taxiway V and Taxiway W east of Taxiway C o Taxiway J1/J2, Taxiway A between Taxiway D and Taxiway V, and Taxiway W east of Taxiway C 1.2 Execution of Works Timings Works are scheduled every Friday and will commence at 0800hrs (WST) and be completed by 1200hrs (WST) of the same day. If there is a requirement to extend the working hours due to the nature of the works (e.g. a pavement overlay) the closure may be extended by no more than 4 hours (till 1600hrs WST). NOTAMs for extended working hours will be published no less than 7 days prior to the closure. Extension of a 03/21 closure must be approved by the GM Airfield Operations. Runway 03/21 will be closed 2 Fridays in row and Runway 06/24 will be closed on the third week as per the schedule in Attachment 1. The revised schedule commencement date is 13th July 2018. The actual date and time of commencement will be advised by a NOTAM, to be issued not less than 48 hours before work commences. Perth Airport Pty Ltd –MOWP YPPH 001/18 Amendment 1 2 1.3 Delayed Flights As has been implemented in previous Runway 03/21 closures, the Airport Control Centre will monitor flights expected to require 03/21 prior to the runway being closed. It is imperative that operators advise the ACC if their flight requiring Runway 03/21 is delayed and the expected departure or arrival time. The ACC will expect advice that the flight will either: 1. Require Runway 03/21 and why; 2. Will opt for departure off runway 06/24; 3. Will opt to delay until after the runway reopens at 1200(WST) PAPL will consider the impact of the delay on the works and the potential knock on impact to other flights in determining if the closure can be delayed. The ACC and Operations team will record the on-time performance of these flights and will follow up with airlines if consistently late departures begin affecting the effectiveness of maintenance activities. 1.4 Sequence of Works The works will be programmed as 4 stages as detailed in attached drawings, FS-10199 Sheet 1 to FS-10199 Sheet 4. Only one stage will be run on any week. Stage: Runway: Taxiways: 1A Full Length Runway 03/21 Twy A9/C9 and Twy D/N 1B Full Length Runway 03/21 Twy A9/C9 and Twy W (between Twy B & C) 2A Full Length Runway 06/24 Twy V and Twy W (east of Twy C) 2B Full Length Runway 06/24 Twy J1/J2, A and Twy W (east of Twy C) Note: Actual dates and stage will be promulgated via NOTAM which will be published not less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the stage. Refer to Attachment 1 for programmed closure dates for Runway 03/21 and Runway 06/24. Perth Airport Pty Ltd –MOWP YPPH 001/18 Amendment 1 3 2. RESTRICTIONS TO AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 2.1 Location and Duration of Works Stages STAGE 1A Estimated Duration: • 4 hours (0800 till 1200 local) Airport Restrictions: • Runway 03/21 will be unavailable. • Twy A9, Twy C9, Twy D between Twy A and Runway 03/21, Twy N. • The runway will be made available for declared emergencies with 30 minutes notice to the works organisation. • Access to the runway intersection will be on time limited works basis and will be coordinated by the WSO in communication with ATC STAGE 1B Estimated Duration: • 4 hours (0800 till 1200 local) Airport Restrictions: • Runway 03/21 will be unavailable. • Twy A9, Twy C9, Twy W between Twy B & Twy C. • The runway will be made available for declared emergencies with 30 minutes notice to the works organisation. • Access to the runway intersection will be on time limited works basis and will be coordinated by the WSO in communication with ATC STAGE 2A Estimated Duration: • 4 hours (0800 – 1200) Airport Restrictions: • Runway 06/24 will be unavailable. • Twy V and Twy W east of Twy C • The runway will be made available for declared emergencies with 30 minutes notice to the works organisation. • Access to the runway intersection will be on time limited works basis and will be coordinated by the WSO in communication with ATC STAGE 2B Estimated Duration: • 4 hours (0800 – 1200) Airport Restrictions: • Runway 06/24 will be unavailable. • Twy A between Twy D and V, Twys J1 and J2, and Twy W east of Twy C • The runway will be made available for declared emergencies with 30 minutes notice to the works organisation. • Access to the runway intersection will be on time limited works basis and will be coordinated by the WSO in communication with ATC Perth Airport Pty Ltd –MOWP YPPH 001/18 Amendment 1 4 2.2 Emergency Information Aircraft Emergencies, Medical Emergencies & Diversions The runway will be made available for declared emergencies; however, the Runway status will be subject to the time given to make good the works if the arrival is within the 30 minutes’ notice period. Any works not completed will be advised to ATC along with advice on the unserviceability. Airport Emergencies If an incident should occur at Perth Airport and emergency procedures are activated as detailed in the Perth Airport Aerodrome Emergency Plan, based on the size and scale of the incident, works may be temporarily suspended or ceased for that particular day. The WSO supervising the works is responsible for communicating suspensions or cessations to the works party during an emergency. ARFF vehicles responding to an incident in close proximity to an active work site shall be limited to a maximum speed of 40km/h. ARFF should, as a first resort, request routing from ATC that avoids active works areas. Airport/Airfield Emergency Notification (to WSO) Upon declaration of an Airfield or Airport Emergency the Senior Airport Operations Officer is responsible for notifying all site supervising Works Safety Officers. The SAOO will advise the nature of the emergency and whether or not a specific works site will be affected by the response (e.g. cessation of works/removal from site). 2.3 Markers, Markings & Lighting Unserviceability Markers Due to the nature of the work, being time limited in nature, white runway closure markers will not be used. Lit runway closure markers may be used pending CASA approvals. Night works are not part of this MOWP. The WSO shall ensure unserviceability markers are positioned in accordance with drawings FS-10199 sheets 1 - 4. Where works will be close to an active taxiway crossing or if works are on pull back within an active taxiway crossing then unserviceability cones should be used at edge of the taxiway strip to identify the area to pull back to. Works Safety Officers may, at their discretion, reduce the works area. However, doing so must not cause any further restrictions to aircraft operations than those detailed within this MOWP. The WSO is to ensure markers are collected prior to reopening the runway. Lighting Any lighting circuits that will be isolated for works and that require notification as per the Manual of Standards (MOS) - Part 139 Aerodromes, will be advised in the published NOTAM. Any isolations required for works conducted on aerodrome lighting during the closure will be reinstated prior to reopening. General The Works Safety Officer is to ensure all markings and markers are appropriately maintained for the duration of the works. Perth Airport Pty Ltd –MOWP YPPH 001/18 Amendment 1 5 Aerodrome markings and markers in areas affected by the works will be provided by, or placed under the direction of the Works Safety Officer in accordance with the MOS and this MOWP appropriate to the plans for each stage. Temporary markings and lights must not be installed, altered or removed without the authority of the Works Safety Officer. 2.4 Adverse Weather & Low Visibility Operations As weather conditions limit the types of maintenance to be carried out, the works may not proceed if adverse weather is forecast for that day or visibility on the day is consistent with Low Visibility Operations. Upon request from ATC to return the runway to full service due deteriorating weather conditions, the works organisation will complete the work in progress and return the runway to service as soon as practicable.
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