Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, l5(l):1-3, 1999 Copyright O 1999 by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc. MOSQUITOES OF FORT CAMPBELL, KENTUCKY (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) JAMES P. MOORE The Center for Field Biology, Austin Peay State University, Clnrksvilte, TN 37044 ABSTRACT. A survey of the mosquito fauna of Fort Campbell, Kentucky (Christian County, Kentucky, and Montgomery County, Tennessee) was conducted from May 1996 to May 1998. A total of 528 mosquito colllction sites were sampled in the most comprehensive mosquito collection effort on the military installation since 1976. A total of 42 mosquito species were identified, including new locality records for 14 species. KEY WORDS Distribution, new records, military, Tennessee, U.S. Armv INTRODUCTION or without dry ice; and mechanical aspirator (Haushen's Machine Works, Toms River, NJ). Fort Campbell, Kentucky, an active U.S. Army Some larvae and pupae were reared to adults for installation, is located on the Tennessee-Kentucky identification. Larval and pupal specimenswere ex- border, 70 km northwest of Nashville. TN. The in- amined whole, or slide-mounted using CMC-10 stallation includes more than 425 ktr and is located media (Masters Chemical Co., Bensenville, IL) or within 4 counties, 2 in Kentucky and2 in Tennes- Canada balsam. Adult specimens were examined see.Fort Campbell is home to severallarge military unmounted or pin-mounted on paper points. Iden- units, including the lo1st Airborne Division (Air tification to specieslevel was made using standard Assault), the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), light microscopy and the taxonomic referencesof and tlte l60th Special Operations Aviation Regi- Darsie and Ward (1981), Darsie (1986), Harrison ment (Airborne). The mission profiles of Fort and whitt (1996), and Reinert et al. (lgg7). Campbell military units include frequent trips to Locations of collection sites and solar and lunar distant locations, including Africa and Latin Amer- data were determinedby Global Positioning Satel- ica. For that purpose, the installation is also the lite (GPS) receivers. Additional solar and lunar data home of more than 300 military aircraft. The po- were provided by the 19th Air Support Operations tential for introduced speciesof mosquito, and their Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Fort Campbell. Field pathogens, must be considered a public health meteorological data were measured using a variety threat. Despite this situation, little effort has been of instruments. Soil and water temperatures at a made in recent years to document the species of depth of 10 cm and air temperatures at a height of mosquito that reside on Fort Campbell. 1 m were obtained using digital maximum-mini- From May 1996 to May 1998, a survey was con- mum thermometers. Relative humidity readings at ducted of the mosquito fauna of Fort Campbell. a height of 1 m were taken using a sling psychrom- This survey included 387 larval and pupal and 141 eter. Measurements of accumulated rainfall adult collection sites within were a 5o-km, area of the made using a rain gauge. installation (Christian County, Kentucky, and Montgomery County, Tennessee).This study area was selected for its diversity of habitat, its prox- RESULTS imity to human activities, and its lack of overhead Forty-two speciesbelonging to genera artillery fire or other hazardous military operations. 8 of mos- quitoes (Table 1) were collected during The study area included the cantonment area, fam- this survey, confirming the continued presence of 28 ily housing areas, open fields, wooded areas, species and establishing new locality records marshes,streams, and lakes. Larval mosquito hab- for an addi- tional 14 speciesof mosquito. The survey itats included permanentand temporary surface*a- failed to confirm the presenceof 11 other ters, tree holes, rock holes, and artificial containers. speciesthat were expected based on prior collections (U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Med- MATERIALS AND METHODS icine [CHPPM], personal communication; Bruce Harrison, North Carolina Department of Environ- I.arval and pupal collections were made by sev- ment :rnd Natural Resources [NCDENR], personal eral methodsbased on the habitat, including &pp"a communication),the report of Carpenter(1952), in- direct pour from small artificial containers. and the formation cited by Saugstad (1977), or the geo- siphon technique. Adult mosquitoes were collected graphical distribution maps of Darsie and Ward using sweep net; Centers for Disease Control (1981) and Reinerret al. (1997). (CDC)-style light traps (incandescentwhite light, The flrst major mosquito egg hatch of L99i oc- Model 1012, and fluorescentultraviolet light, Mod- curred during the first week of February, following el 1212, John W Hock Co., Gainesville, FL), with a'77-mm rainfall episode.Field conditions for the JoURNAL oF THE AMERTcANMoseuno CoNrnol AssocrlrroN VoL. 15, No. I Table 1. Mosquito taxa (Diptera: Culicidae) collected from May 1996 to May 1998, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Aedes (Aedes) cinereus Meigen' Culex (Culex) pipiens Linnaeus2 Aedes (Aedimorphus) vexans (Meigen) Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say2 Aedes (Ochle rotatus) canadensis canadensis (Theobald) Culex (Culex) restuans Theobald Aedes (Ochlerotatus) dorsalis (Meigen) Culex (Culex) salinarius Coquillett Aedes (Ochlerotatus) dupreei (Coquillett)t Culex (Melanoconion) erraticus (Dyar and Knab) Aedes (Ochlerotatus) fulvus pallens Rossl Culex (Melanoconion) peccator Dyar and Knabt Aedes (Ochlerotatus) grossbecki Dyar and Knabr Culex (Neoculex) territans Walker Aedes (Ochlerotatus) infirmatus Dyar and Knabt Culiseta (Climacura) melanura (Coquillett)l Aedes (Ochlerotatus) sticticus (Meigen) Caliseta ( Culiseta) inomata (Williston)r Aedes (Ochlerotatus) tormentor Dyar and Knab O rthop o do my ia alba B aker Aedes (Ochlerotatus) trivittatus (Coquillett) O rthopodomyia si gnife ra (Coquillett) Aedes (Protomacleaya) hendersoni Cockerell' Psorophora (Grabhamia) columbiae (Dyar and Knab) Aedes (P rotomacleaya) trise riatus (Say) P sorophora (Grabhamia) discolo r (Coquillett) Aedes (Stegoniyia) aegypti (Linnaeus)! Psorophora (Janthinosoma) cyanescens (Coquillett) Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) P so rop ho ra (J ant hi no so ma) fe ro x (v on Humboldt) Anopheles (Anophele s) barbe ri Coquillett Psorophora (Janthinosoma) horrida (Dyar and Knab) Anophele s (Anopheles) c rucians Wiedemann P sorophora (P sorophora) ciliata (Fabic\rts) Anophele s (Anophele s) pe rplexens Ludlowl Psorophora (Psorophora) howardii Coquillettt Anophele s (Anopheles) punctipennis (Say) Toxorhync hite s (Lync hie lla) rutilus septentrionalis Anopheles (Anopheles) quadrimaculatus Say (Dyar and Knab) Anopheles (Anophele s) smaragdinus Reinertl U ranotaenia (U ranotaenia) sapphirina (Osten SackenT Anopheles (Anopheles) walkeri Theobaldr ' New locality record. ? Using the taxonomic reference of Darsie and Wrd (1981), the larvae and adults of Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefascutrs cannot be separated based on morphology. Fort Campbell, Kentucky, is located in a region of overlapping distributions for these species. week included a photoperiod of 10.5 h, air temper- Army during l9M and 1945 (Carpenter 1952) and ature from -1.8 to 17.2"C, relative humidity from by New Jersey light traps during 1963 to 1987 60 to 73Eo, soil temperature from 5.5 to 9.0'C, and (CHPPM, personal communication). Four of the l1 water temperature from 2.3 to 11.8'C. The initial species had been collected by New Jersey light species produced was Aedes vexans (Meigen), traps during 1963 to 1987 (CHPPM, personal com- which appeared in biting collections from late munication), including Aedes mitchellae (Dyar), March until mid-November. Other larval species Aedes sollicirans (Walker), Aedes taeniorhynchus produced during the first week of February includ- (Wiedemann), and Culex nigripalpus Theobald. ed Aedes sticticus (Meigen), Aedes canadensis Three species have never been collected on Fort canadensis (Theobald), Aedes infirmalzs Dyar and Campbell but were expected based on the geo- Knab, and Aedes grossbecki Dyar and Knab. graphical distribution maps of Darsie and Ward The most pestiferous species of mosquito on Fort (1981). These species include Aedes atropalpus Campbell, based on human-biting collections, were (Coquillett), Aedes thibaulti Dyar and Knab, and Ae. vexans, Aedes triseriarus (Say), Culex restuans Psorophora mathesoni Belkin and Heinemann. One Theobald, ard Psorophora ferox (von Humboldt). species, Aedes atlanticus Dyar and Knab, was ex- Bloodfeeding on humans by at least one of these 4 pected based on the maps of Darsie and Ward species occurred from late March until mid-No- (1981), and U.S. Army collection records. A por- vember. tion of the military records for Ae. atlanticus-tor- At 70 tree hole collection sites. Ae. triseriatus mentor was obtained under the Freedom of Infor- was the sole culicid occupant of 49Vo of the sites. mation Act (CHPPM, personal communication), Aedes triseriarzs shared its habitat with other spe- with additional records cited by Saugstad (1977) or cies of mosquitoes in another 6Vo of the sites. Or- provided by Bruce Harrison (personal communi- thopodomyia signiftra (Coquillett) and Toxorhyn- cation). Additionally, Anophe le s mav erlius Reinert, chites rutilus septentrionalis (Dyar and Knab) were a newly described species, was expected based on present in 16 and l47o of the tree holes, respec- the geographical distribution noted by Reinert et al. tively. Aedes albopictus (Skuse) was present
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