Thousandsstage anti-nuclear energy Capitol Hill protest WASHINGTON (AP/UPI) -- Upwards of he did urge the crowd to "take the charge of solar power is like put- vironment Subcommitte, was scheduled 65,000 people jammed Capitol Hill cause back to your own states. ting Dracula in charge of a bldod to be out of town conducting a first yesterday to demand the shutdown of "Now is the time to speak out, to bank," she said. hand investigation of atomic power the nation's nuclear energy plants. speak to our president" and call for Her husband, activist Tom Hayden, plants and the problem In sheer numbers the rally far sur- of nuclear an immediate moratorium on new nu- said President Carter "is involved waste disposal. passed previous anti-nuclear demon- clear energy projects, he said. in policies that will destroy him. Together with a dozen of his col- strations. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader also He is protecting and covering up the leagues he was, scheduled to travel The protesters chanted "No more addressed the crowd shouting, "The nuclear priesthood of the Schlesin- to Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania nukes, no more Harrisburgs," and use of nuclear power is too unsafe, gers." today on the first leg of a close-up some raised signs reading "Hell no, too uneconomic, too unreliable to President Carter didn't attend but look at all aspects of the govern- we won't glow." be tolerated in our land." told reporters the government is do- ment's nuclear policies. The One of the main speakers was Cali- He added: probe "Can't we find a better ing all it can to reassure people is expected to last three months. fornia Governor Jerry Brown. way to boil water?" that "what nuclear reactors we have Brown, who is considered a likely are safe." Udall and his panel are expected nonent of President Jimmy Carter Jane Fonda whose latest film "The The demonstrators -- mostly from to find the situation calm at the - the 1980 Democratic presidential China Syndrome" is about nuclear the Northeast -- had scheduled meet- damaged Three Mile Island plant. paign, promised reporters nuclearIpower and safeguards against acci- ings today with at least 13 of their The Nuclear Regulatory Commission power will be an issue in the cam- dents at nuclear plants, lambasted representatives and senators. reported conditions "stable" over paign.] Energy Secretary James Schlesinger the weekend after installation of In his speech to the crowd, he at the demonstration. Representative Morris Udall, a new system to reduce the level didn't mention Carter by name, but "Putting James Schlesinger in chairman of the House Energy and En- of iodine radiation emmissions. Guantanamo Gazette Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Vol. 34 No. 86 Monday, May 7, 1979 American gasoline problems eased but not solved NEW YORK (AP) -- The start of the to top their tanks. had run dry while waiting in a line the Garden State Parkway. new month has eased many service California hopes to ease the outside the station. That's to fill up at toll road stations' gasoline supply problems crunch at the service stations It's a bit less tense elsewhere service stations, where purchases for the moment. through the odd-even day gasoline in the nation. are limited to $5. That's because the new month's distribution system pinned to ve- The recent spate of promotional Many other stations around the allocations have arrived. hicle license plate numbers which #oline gas sales continued this weekend in state were closed yesterday to some counties, including Los Angel- Boston where two of the city's ser- stretch limited allocations. Even so, gas supplies are tight es, are expected to adopt today. vice stations sold gas for 25 cents In other states: the allocation across America. and some stations a gallon for a two-hour period. story continued to be one of small- were closed .yesterday. Police said a man cut in front The sale was part of a promotion er supplies. Of those that were open, many of about 50 motorists at a gas sta- sponsored by two radio stations. Some Pennsylvania and Deleware were ringed by lines of anxious mo- tion in Hollywood yesterday, pulled The station managers said they dealers are warning torists. that, with a Derringer and held off the crowd sold 7,500 gallons to delighted Bos- smaller supplies, they'll have a It's apparently worst in Califor- when he was arrested. ton motorists. The radio stations tough time getting through the Me- nia where there have been many re- A tow truck driver told police estimated their bill at more than morial Day weekend. ports of violence flaring at the that about 20 people tried to mug $4,000. And in Georgia, one dealer said pumps and some drivers waiting him yesterday as he took six gal- Some New Jersey drivers are also supplies at some stations are only hours, sometimes overnight, just lons of gas to a motorist whose ca paying 25 cents to get on and off half of what they were a year ago. Chances for trade are good PEKING (AP) -- China's foreign trade ment negotiated by Treasury Secre- minister, Li Qiang, said the condi- tary Blumenthal for settlement of Dateline. tions for economic and tracd , a- outstanding claims on assets seized tions between his country and the in the two countries after the Com- U.S. "have never been better." munist takeover of Peking in 1949. He made that comment in Peking Speaking at the banquet, Mrs. CHILLICOTHE, Ohio (UPI) -- Fire officials permitted 1,000 residents yesterday at a banquet welcoming Kreps said: "The opportunities be- to return to their homes here last night. U.S. Commerce Secretary Juanita fore us in the next several days are The evacuation was ended after firefighters secured a leak of highly Kreps. historic." toxic and volatile chemical from a railroad tank car that had derail- Today the two were scheduled to "Despite our differences, we ap- ed. open trade negotiations. proach this work with a shared be- No serious injuries were reported. Before she leaves Peking Friday lief that from cooperation will to tour three other cities, Mrs. come important benefits for both BOSTON (UPI) -- Police here had two men in custody last night who Kreps said she hopes to sign, or at your country and ours." were accused of two unrelated murders over the weekend. least initial, a comprehensive In his toast, the Chinese foreign The victims were the nineth and tenth black women to die in South agreement extending most-favored trade minister said China's foreign oston since Jan. 29. The slayings marked the second straight week- nation trade status to China. trade will be undergoing a major ex- end in which two women were slain in the Roxbury-Dorchester neighbor- She also expected to discuss mari- pansion along with the development hood. time and aviation agreements and of the national economy. conclude science and technology ac- And he emphasized that China would WASHINGTON (AP) -- Representative Toby Moffett said President Carter cords. continue to import advanced technol- is jeopardizing his chances for reelection by lifting price controls Mrs. Kreps hoped to sign an agree- ogy and equipment from abroad. from oil. The Moffett, D-Conn., is head of an energy subcommittee and leader of a House effort to block the decontrol plan. Nations But George Bush, a Republican who wants to run against Carter for discuss resources MANILA (AP) -- Representatives of tions, the presidency, said he thinks Carter made the right decision in phas- which met earlier this year ing out those price controls. 150 nations including the United in Tanzania. States were scheduled to assemble The poor bloc is known as the in Manila today to debate the best NEW YORK (UPI) -- A Columbia University political science professor Group of 77 -- the number of coun- way to divide the world's dwindling warned that the nation risks " a mass alienation of blacks" if society tries that first participated in resources. does not renew its commitment to end poverty and discrimination. the organization in 1964. The gathering is the fifth ses- Doctor Charles Hamilton predicts an upsurge in individual acts of The group accuses the world's sion of the United Nations violence rather than a replay of the racial upheavals of the 1960's. Confer- rich nations of hindering third ence on Trade and However, Hamilton told U.S. News.and World Report magazine that he Development, and world development through protec- the United States remains generally optimistic about the future of American blacks. will be represent- tion trade policies. ed by Ambassador Andrew Young. The third world nations also say WASHINGTON (UPI) -- A survey conducted by National Journal magazine they are the victims of a world At a 1976 UNCTAD meeting in Nai- says that about 8 million Americans get all of most of their income economic system in which they are robi, indirectly from the federal government. members agreed to a timetable hostages to the fluctuating prices for establishing a common fund to The Journal said -- for every government worker officially on the of commodities they sell. buy surpluses of 19 basic commodi- payroll, the federal budget pays four workers who do not directly They contend that the industrial- work for Washington. ties on the world market and there- ized world keeps them from develop- by stabilize prices. Included among these are persons receiving government grants, ing advanced industrial economies con- The common tracts and matching payments. fund debate could be- that would end their economic de- come heated at this session, espe- pendence on the sale of raw materi- cially among a bloc of 80 poor na- als.
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