• • • • • • • • • Washing Powder Greeting Cards Chocolate Goods Fancy Car Accessories Sweets Goods Gifts Household Toys RATHCOOLE NEWSLETTER JUNE 2011 Rathcoole Community Council, Rathcoole Community Centre, Main Street, Rathcoole, Co. Times Monday to Saturday Dublin Phone: 01-4580238 / Fax: 01-4586134 Email: [email protected] Web: www.rathcoole.info Opening € 60 per week 8.00am to 5.30pm 8.00am to Camp A th— th Chocolate Bars Monday 11 14 of July Cards Greeting 4 for €2 for 3 for €2 for Camp B Monday 18 th—21 th of July Volunteers wanted for Day Care Centre. See inside for details. Reiki by Sheena Overcome Your Panic or Anxiety Attacks? Reduce Your Stress? Sleep Better? Private Practice in Saggart ,Co. Dublin. Call Sheena 087-6497756 List of Officers and Committee Members 2011 Chairperson Ronan McDiarmada Vice Chairperson Vincent Dempsey Treasurer Neville Graver PRO Terry Ivory Secretary Bernadette McIntyre Assistant Secretary Bernadette Doyne Vice Treasurer Christy McDonnell Centre Development Officer Sean Reid Directors: Harry O’Reilly Stephanie Donnelly Francina O’Neill Co-opted : Deborah Garrett Same day service for: Full same day cleaning service Wash/Dry/Fold and Dry/Fold Ladies and Gents shoe repairs Duvets/Throw-overs Leather and suede cleaning 10% off with this voucher Repairs – Zips –Hems etc Ironing Service For June OFFER Shirts-Jeans-Tops-T-shirts Bed linen / Football Kits 5 items (incl. 1 coat Towel service for hair salons etc 2 GENTS SUITS: or dress): €29.50 €19.50 Free collection and delivery service 20% off curtains 3 Duvets/throw-overs €30 and chair covers Ironing Jeans / t-shirts / Shirts 10 pieces pressed - € 10 2 pair of Ladies Stiletto heels €15 Special rates for Senior Citizens Volunteers wanted for Day Care Centre. PREMISES AVAILABLE IN RATHCOOLE CONTACT : TRICIA O HALLORAN The Four Districts day Care Centre began 30 years ago to provide a place where the senior citizens of Saggart, Rathcoole, Newcastle and Brittas on 087 6937156 or 01-4580238 could meet old and new friends in a safe and friendly environment . Over MANAGER, RATHCOOLE COMMUNITY CENTRE the years it has provided a fantastic service to the area and has been a great Currently being completely refurbished success. It now needs your help to continue with that success. If you have a few hours to spare and would like to assist in any way please contact Chris- (as you can see!) ty on 086 4065656 for further details. Remember, with a bit of luck, we will all want to use the Centre one day. Rathcoole Community Council Ltd. Would like to state that they cannot accept responsibility for the content of adverts placed in the newsletter. Potential customers should satisfy any queries they might have before purchasing from, or contracting with advertisers. Barack Obama Air Force One touched down in Dublin Airport shortly before 9.30am. The Obamas travelled by helicopter to Áras an Uachtaráin where they met President Mary McAleese and Dr McAleese before meeting Taoiseach Enda Kenny at Farmleigh House Obama says Ireland’s best days are still ahead. Never has a nation so small inspired so much in another…… Kilteel Church official opening in 1934. There's always been a little green behind the red, white and blue. Just before 6pm after a short helicopter trip back to Dublin, the US President deliv- ered a rousing 20-minute speech to thou- sands of people at College Green conclud-ing with 'is féidir linn' - the Irish version of his 2008 campaign slogan 'yes we can. Blackchurch Inn Johnstown Kennedy N E W L E A R N IN G C E N T R E F O R R A T H C O O L E R a th c o o le C o m m u n ity I.T . h a s b e e n o p e ra tin g fo r a n u m b e r o f y e a rs fro m th e C o m m u n ity C e n tre a n d h a s ru n m a n y su c c e s sfu l I.T . c o u rs e s fro m “ A b so lu te B e g in n e rs” to “ E C D L ” fo r th e re s id e n ts o f R a th c o o le , S a g g a rt, N e w c a stle a n d su rro u n d in g a re a s . C o m m u n ity I.T . is c u rre n tly in sta llin g a n e w “ s ta te o f th e a rt” I.T . tra in in g Poitín Stil fa c ility in th e C e n tre w ith 2 2 n ew c o m p u te rs. It is fe lt th a t n o w m ig h t b e th e rig h t tim e , w ith th e c u rre n t d o w n tu rn in th e e c o n o m y , to in c re a se th e s c o p e o f th is I.T . fa c ility a n d e n c o m p a ss o th e r c o u rs e s th a t m a y n o t b e so le ly I.T . re la te d . i.e . “ P e rso n a l D e v e lo p m e n t” c o u rse s , L a n g u a g e C o u rs e s , S k ill R e la ted C o u rse s, e tc . e tc . T h is n e w fa c ility c o u ld b e c a lle d “ R a th c o o le L e a rn in g C e n tre ” o r s o m eth in g sim ila r. T o d o th is w e w ill n ee d m o re v o lu n te e rs a n d a b ig g e r c o m m itte e . A re y o u a p o te n tia l v o lu n te e r? H a v e y o u a n y id e a s ? W o u ld yo u lik e to jo in a n d in p u t in to th is n e w fa c ility ? Y o u w o u ld b e m o st w e lc o m e . A n e w e x te n sio n is als o n e a rin g c o m p le tio n w h ic h w ill e n h a n c e th e C o m m u n ity C e n tre fu rth e r b y m ak in g it m o re c o m fo rta b le , w a rm e r a n d m o re re c e p tiv e . R a th c o o le C o m m u n ity C o u n c il w a s re c e n tly a w a rd e d a d ip lo m a fro m S o u th D u b lin C o u n ty C o u n c il re c o g n isin g its v o lu n te e rs a n d th e g o o d w o rk th e y d o . If y Tassaggart House o u a re in te re s te d in b e c o m in g in v o lv e d in th is n e w L e a rn in g F a c ility p le a se c o n ta c t S e a n R e id a t 0 8 7 6 2 6 1 9 6 5 o r p h o n e th e c e n tre a n d sp e a k to th e C e n tre D e v e lo p m en t T e a m 0 1 -4 5 8 0 2 3 8 . OLD PICTURES OF RATHCOOLE AND SURROUNDING AREAS Rathcoole 1900 Blessington Tram on the move 1932 Blessington Tram at Embankment 1932 Blessington Tram A NEW YOUTH INITIATIVE FOR TEENS OF RATHCOOLE IS ON IT’S WAY!! NEW YOUTH CAFÉ IN THE NEW EXTENSION OF RATHCOOLE COMMUNITY CENTRE IN 2011! OPENING FROM 6TH JULY 2011 FOR WHO? TEENAGERS BETWEEN 12—18 YEARS OLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME AS A ADULT LEADER IN THIS NEW CAFÉ AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE? CONTACT CLAIRE (FORÓIGE) ON 085 1666945 OR CALL INTO COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR MORE INFORMATION ...learn how to DJ, rock climb, hang out, chill, X Box, hip hop dancing, X Factor Talent Show, Come Dine With Me,… the possibilities are endless!!! Minister Frances Fitzgerald Dear resident What a few weeks it has been! On February 25th the people of Dublin Mid West voted to elect a new Government.
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