As a general rule, people, Wilkes College even the wicked, are much We Wish You All A more naive and simple-hearted Merry Christmas than we suppose. And we our- and selves are, too. A Happy New Year The Brothers Karamazov' Dostoevski and a good term paper ,1 Vol. 7, No. 14 BEACWILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARBE, PENNSYLVANIA PRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1952 The BEACON's Choice George McMahon 'Athlete of the Year' TOP BANANA HARVARD AMONG THOSE BEATEN BY Football-Wrestler Fulfills Standards; KRUGER'S DEBATERS IN FIRST MATCH Ten Honorable Mentions Also Named DORIS GATES By By PAUL B. BEERS The Wilkes Varsity Debating Team tied with Columbia, St. Peter's, and Navy to place second in the Hall of Fame Debate Tournament The BEACON's choice of 'Athlete of the Year' is George McMahon. sponsored by New York University last week. Each of the teams won Ten men given honorable mentions in the choice are: Len Batroney, six out of eight debates, while St. John's University, victorious in all Eddie Davis, George Elias, Flip Jones, Joe Kropiewnicki, Bill Morgan, of its debates, won the tournament in which 30 colleges competed. Russ Picton, Bobby Reynolds, Joe Trosko and Bill Veroski. The affirmative team of Sally White's talk was most stimulating The sports staff of the BEACON Ralston would second it. Harvey and Roxy Reynolds defeat- to the debaters and coaches. did the choosing of the 'Athlete of George is a senior with hopes of ed Columbia, Fordham, and Hof s- On Saturday afternoon a panel the Year' and the ten honorable someday becoming a doctor. Last tra, losing only to Brooklyn. Jim discussion was held on the debate mentions. Last year the BEACON year and years before he made -the Neveras and Mike Lewis, the Neg- topic. The members of the Panel set aside funds to buy a huge sil- Deans List, he is now president of ative team won over Harvard, were Dr. Dan W. Dodson, Director ver cup, which now stands in the the Senior Class, ex-president of Rhode Island U., and CCNY, while of Research for Human Relations Gymnasium, and decided in the in- the Lettermen's Club, and a mem- losing to Vermont. 'In view of the Studies at NYU; Mr. Henry Spitz, terests of Wilkes athletes and bcr of the Collegiate Who's Who. terrific competition, .the team post- General Consul, New York State BEACON sports coveragd to each We of the BEACON congratu- ed an exceptional record. Commission Against Discrimina- year choose one 'Athlete of the late our choice for 'Athlete of the One of the tournament's high- tion; Mr. John Sullivan, Director Year' and ten honorable mentions. Year', George McMahon. lights was an address on Friday of Education, New York State In its first choice last year Parker evening by Walter White execu- Commission Against Discrimina- Petrilak was given the nod. George THE 'TEN HONORABLE tion. The tournament be- tive secretary of the National Asso- directors McMahon's name will succeed Par- MENTIONS lieved that such a workshop atmo- ker's on the trophy. ciation for the Advancement of sphere was of greater benefit to GEORGE McMAHON LEN BATRONEY Colored People. Mr. White spoke the debater than the usual formal 'ATHLETE OF THE YEAR'- Basketballer-baseballer Len Bat- on the topic of Fair Empldyment lecture. According to Dr. Kruger McMAHON roney is known valley-wide for his Practices Legislation. Because of and the team, the entire tourna- fire and talent. The Junior speed- his wide experience and deep un- ment was both beneficial and inter- WINTER CARNIVAL Senior George McMahon quali- boy not only keeps going all the derstanding of the problem, Mr. esting for them. fies for the choice of 'Athlete of time, but does it in a grand fashion. PLANS BEING MADE the Year in every way. He has For of the past two seasons he's led shown in his four years varsity Coach Partridge's baseball team in TROSKO, PINKY, VEROSKI, BATRONEY AND Beautiful Split Rock Lodge will ball, both in wrestling and football, hitting and base stealing. Last again be the location of the annual the highest type of sportsmanship. year in basketball he ran himslef Winter Carnival for Wilkes Col- None will argue on that point. Mac JONES HONORED AT ATHLETIC BANQUET the time a fea- mad, scoring an all-time Wilkes lege. Plans are being formed by has displayed all high of 439 points, a 19.09 average the Student Council to make this ture rarely found in college sports DAVIS GETS H. W. DAVIS MEMORIAL TROPHY; MORGAN per game. And the nice part about year's affair one to be remembered today, that of the earnest dseire to Bart is that he keeps practicing. GETS JOE GALLAGHER MEMORIAL TROPHY for a long while. play the game. Football injuries Roxy Reynolds, president of the have never kept him out of action, EDDIE DAVIS The big Athletic Banquet was held this past Monday evening with Student Council, reports that 'the except under doctor's orders. Mac Eddie Davis is Wilkes' big triple_ the lettermn of all sports receiving their awards and seven exceptional Lodge management has made sev- could have easily remained on the sport man, a standout in football, men being singled out. eral requests concerning the use of sidelines this past season if he had baseball, and basketball. lie's the Ed Davis, a junior, was awarded the highest award that a football the facilities at the famous winter wished, but that wasn't his desire. dream of an athletic director. The the Howard W. Davis Memorial player at Wilkes can receive. Bill playground. Since there is to be no None can argue his hustle. And in 5-10 junior from Plymouth is a Trophy, donated by the college pub- earned the trophy by not missing restriction to any one spot in the ability Mac has shined. He was sure-chucking quarterback, a long- lic relations staff, for all-around one single practice sessicin in four Lodge, all Wilkes students are ex- first-string end on that great 1949 ball hitting third baseman, and a athletic ability. Eddie was a top years and by constantly giving his pected to be on their good behavior. team, a Wilkes club that rated with dead-eyed hoopster. The future for man in baseball, football and bas- all. There will be skiis to rent and the the State's best and had top-notch- Ed in athletics stands before him ketball, Last year's winner was Al Football coach George Ralston main dining room will be opened if ers for substitutes. He has been panting. Molash. presented the three single football we so desire. varsity every year since, with the Billie Morgan, a graduating sen- awards. Linemen Joe Trosko and The date for the occasion has exception of last year when a sev- GEORGE ELIAS ior, was awarded the Joe Gallagher Danny Pinkowsifi were named the been set at Friday, January 30, '53. ere knee injury forced him out of A senior and active footballer Memorial Trophy, estalbished in Linemen of the Year, and halfback Everyone who goes will have a action. Two seasons ago when he for four years, though confined to meemory of a former great Colonel Billy Veroski was called the Out- great time, and that 'snow kiddin'. last wrestled he was the top man the ungloried task of running in- gridder. The Joe Gallagher Trophy standing Back of 1952. Last year's on Coach Laggen's squad, only terference or p}aying backfield de- winner is chosen by the members winner was George Elias. Olympian LaRock defeating him. fense, George Elias at last achiev- of the football team themselves for Two new annual awards were This Is The Last Beacon For inspiration and the ability to ed national recognition a few weeks the fellow showing the most presented. Flip Jones got the Reg- get along with his coach and his ago when he and Russ Picton were sportsmanship and spirit and con- gie Burr Soccer Award, a trophy Until Friday, January 9 teammates Mac has few equals. named honorable mention, Little tributing the most to the club's given to the School by that grand Last season he co-captained the All-American. Like his fellow hon- general welfare. It is felt by many old gentleman, and Len Batroney The Editors and Reporters Must football team. Last year he served orable mentioners in the BEACON is received the Outstanding Baseball as president of the Lettermen's that the Joe Gallagher Trophy Have the Opportunity to Do Their contest, George would have also Player trophy, one donated by Club. Any fellow athlete would made a splendid 'Athlete of the Coach Partridge himself. Studies, No Matter How It May vouch for there not being a better Year'. (continued on page 5) Pain You the Reader. man than Mac, and Coach George WILKES REPRESENTED FLIP JONES AT N.S.A. CONVENTION A very solid choice for honor- able mention, Flip Jones has set the standards high for what Coach two Ten Wilkesmen Make The Student Council sent Bob Partridge would like to see in representatives, Nancy Hannye and Wilkes soccer players. The captain Tom Thomas, to the regional con- of the booting Colonels is not only vention of the N. S. A. The Con- Collegiate 'Who's Who' a spirited hustler but a real good vention was held at Bryn Mawr soccer player to boot, no pun in- College on December 12 and 13. It Lettermen's Club. tended. The Flipper holds the all- was attended by representatives of Krohn, MeMahon, Lucille Mae Reese, president of time Colonel goal mark with still student governments from all over Croker, Ecker, Reese, Smith, Theta Delta Rho and honor stu- next season to improve upon it.
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