

l9o"l ct:aue8 aq1 lB crlsou8erp lou sr .ueql ueo,rleq qsrn8urlstp ol ru?gluog Ag._ pasn_- ._ 'Jegllrnu. eln^o Jo Jelc?JaqJoqJ l? el"rrl oleldruoc llroqllr lFcurp seuqeuos uoJl"ululelep cueuo8 ,lncco 8ur{eru sJrlsuolceJBrloeseqt Jo oruos ol iuJgdocxe ure8y \Eq snt),,(u.toDtA _:?]ll1-9,:lolnpr"d e;rq,^{s:1nro poqreyie-.{11ercre1.,o durpuec.o .eq 'luaut-?!!,It! eql rlr\oddo jqr 4.:sl?trd atz snHtruo.tt!tr!.1oosoqr Jlrq* iledtr orr.oddd "_:" srrJeds peqruels-g ^"::!-!:!!t,lr! Jo eql go suerurls eql : d.r;^b pue unrceorpu" eql Jo slelc"ll?qc Aq Jerllo qc?o ruo:g pegstn8uqstp ete sry.tIuto.Qt1,ttrpul- auau)o1d()t11 ."tTEJlsllV l€tlueJ eprslno sJn3colr :urnrJeoJpu?anbrun stt,{q poqsFultsp sr lnq slelcer?qc aru"s eqt _{u€rus€g (616I uooJr) ojaqpou{)o2 .sry.ttrLuo.tJrn Jo snuei peqlJcsap-Allueceleql ro auauo|dtr.trlJ o1 Buolaq ,ty:eelc sercads eseql .] sJ JcrEqJ { ro[BLu ,:errJdi !:r1?l:i9" Jo eqI prpr\ord u,cr-,.arui srrrro.,eq.rrsrq] Jo aLuos Jj AELU,suoitdrJ\r qSnoqr .{lqgl :^1..1-1:"] uorl ruEqlur8t crpoururBlstnoqlr\\ puE allnb '\ledrs rqt €lrsod^do .gl--,o lTlLcl! ro qr,\\ rlpurJtjE,{FelnBoL g.uauets Bu,ieq Aq EJouJbpJl"ler uro{ pJqsrn8ul(rp ,{llplruJB JJE sitriu,orr!W'pue dtDluurJ!(rqJ' ernt?lcueluouJo ,T_l:""qtd 1p"n suelqord e^los ot et"nbep?ur pe^ord l"uel?ru u"rlErlsnv u-11"suorlcolloc upedoJna o] .sl:qel l:!l Jpeur sp,\\ asrnoteg .rreqtuo pelr, st"]rqeq Jo p:" SuourBuoncrur.erdrr .ur8uo .rruerJodLUr ::.Y:l-?y]'^llrq1-'ue^ :ElEqrrrl rrqcicLBbaA leJrorrrq JcJrboloqdJouiJrJqt uo ps(eq peurLuE\J:.oqlJo uolJJJJse oi ,{te:s:rau s€\\ plrJ surlurrejs .suorr;J11o.r ::Y)-qilf:l Jo reqLunurq | raqro .Joe1dr.ue. u puc ed^t rtll 3ur(n dn u,\\ErpJrr,{ (uorldrrJ.JC .H .,AAS\ .l1r^l :r_3LulJ,:d:'gNyc 'lus ',1\ov 'ov LUld puc l\ ' :pouruexe ore,\\11n?qrerl Bur,ronoj eqj ruofl iuiiiirijog--' o,r1 pur sercadsr!\ou oerrlt Surpnlcur) stlt.ttLuo,, N Jo 1r{Aropu" (r"\X;lt"^lj: ".lr)t:y,,t: 11?1 tuawotdtrtLll _YilBlllrl) Jo ur^e: BrJErqt !!ro{ u,^{oule.re .aD!d. urar;! reqra8or c4"tuITJolBurolsEA Jqt u1 ,{11cdPur.rdp:1nqr.r1irp erE rlcrq,r DtaLaoxaq.14[ ]jy_ -Y"ll"U 'J 'Dtol{t^lDd .(g/bl l,i: !rl,!?:atl _Ztdrr\; \rN puc urlsnV)uorSad Jrreurrlr,rB Iu.rruoJ rnJJorJrq qlrl\ :-,11-Y]^l-U"l!1 ll?rp srrrJdsJql suorSar,{q.:ecu urorJ rllros \r1 llJ\1 \E ::-lljl:i Y lEJluU Jo ?Joll SururoJquoJ.aqt Jo r8uEJJrqder8oe8 rqi urq r Buij.rrrlo snll^utotJtrllpuu awwotd[.tqJJo \olJJdslll] sJ1?1\1llrpuE sJqqJ.Jpjabra .r111 .sDllto .A o\\t.roJ lpeur Jle fyral, r.rrl\ pue rutl14.A r \uolpJrquror \\eu pur? {rrrl,r././J| puc olDJd!tgruU:.N .DDqtrq .y,,1.s1u.,joau .ii,,iti.,, :oto1u.,t,nu '/-).^J:r A f 1 s,e_poqlrrcJp rre xrS prpr\ord (1r1ueprjr:qi oi .,1!1 p.rr u:rrS:re"uorr.,qr.ir,rp rr:ql Jo sdpLUpup cerJrds rqt uo srloUp)tel\nill pue p:qr.Lrsip::e suorserpr:e-ruos l' pue prrc w64 sn1.tr,uto.rt1,1Jo rq'e pue)uaaortery, ,Jt{:ij:lyr,:l'"1tt 'elrerrsnv pne-r..,espu' prleur (rmtreri{tr r) snu(u,or.rrn p"" :?gf,llrlof;?t.i'!r".fl:l}$ lJB4sqY rueql0H uErlerlsnv urolsel\ 'ld uoorD t,{g €Ilu4sny plft-.ruros puB plrs ul (aEar8lr,{trN)snlr,truorrltr l puEauelllolalj{rql €8I ?llE4snv I€Jlu.J ur snu{uoJcrtrt pue ououlold,{rgJ ,uoorC ,ld .I 184 NuYtsiaVol. 3 (2) 1980 It must be emphasised that the key to genera given here is designed to apply only to the inland ALrstialian region; complications present elsewherehave been deliberately ignored. Some indication of the variation outside the present area is given in the generic descriptions. Specialised terminology-The relating to the androecium and gynoecium follows Green (l979iand Creen(1q80). termforal rubeis prelerred rotaly\-tubc. used by Bentharn it8tli fot lhe rea\on\stated by Parlin (1955)and Douglas{1957) The r5eof ttomium for a resion of dehiscencein ihe anther is explained by Esau (1965) and illustrated by Fahn (1974). The rnorphology of the gland on the connective requires some explanation, as it does not appear to have been previously used as a diagnostic character in this group: it may vary'from a near-globular, | featureless structrue, as in M. helmsii (Fig. l12) throueh a serieshaving an increasingly prominent neck, with an apparently porate, terminal orificel In T. patviflira (Fig. 17)and T. nuviculqta (Fig. 30) the gland usually-protrudes onlv shortlv between the microsporangia and is termed trunc(tte or compressed-urceolate; wh6n it js i contracted below the apex, as in T. v,ittv'eri (Fig. 37) and T. hexantlra (Fig. 63). it is termed urceolqte, while at the extreme, when the neck is long and curved, as in T. elliotrii tFie. 54), it is termed urceolate-falcata. The shape of the gland may also be clavqte, as \n-Tl. mqisonneuvcitFigs. 6-7) ot conpound, with smaller lateral bulges, as in M..finbrisepala (Fig. 100). The flower stalk is here interpreted as a peduncle as it appears homologous with the structure bearing two or three flowers with pedicels in related genera Onlv for unusually variable parameters are dimensions qualified as approximate. Characters omitted from sone descriptions can be assumed to be unknown. Key to the genera,basetl on inland Australian species -i- 1. Stamens less than 10, usually opposite the sepals; ovules 2 or 2 2 super- gland prominent, often equalling 'orDosed. ascending or lateral; anther connective exceedins thi anther, clavate or + urceolate . Thryptomene Endl. (p.184) 1*. Stamens10, or 5 oppositethe petals;ovules 2 or 6 10,collateral, apical; anther connectivegland lessthan half as large as the anther,t'iltl:"O,ill,1i", ;"rth. (p. 195) THRYPTOMENE Endl. Glabrousslrubs, slenderor spreading,mostly 0 5 2 m high (one speciesoutside the areaarborescent); bark usuallysmooth, dark greyIo bro\.\n. occasionally6brou'. Lenves small. entire. opposite,mostly + flat above and convex below, with severalto many i.-.is.a ghnds'especiallyvisible on the lower surface. F/ouers sessile,subterded by a pair of iomplicatL braCteoles,at least in the bud stage,inflorescence mostly solitary wiih a very short to long peduncle,borre singlyin the-upper leaf axils;some specie-s with inflordscencespairedll|the axrls. Floral tubemostly less than 3 mm long, cylindrical, tulbinate. hemisphirjcator rarely laterally flattened,smooth, ribbed or rugose,adnate to the ovary, sornetimesproduced beyond it making-the. disc- surrounding the style + concave. Sezdlsand petils 5 or rarely 6, borne on the rim of the tube; sepalsas long ur ifr" tot " tb very shbrt, scarious.petaloid or petaloidwith scariousmargins, entire or denticulate;petaliaboul as longas the tubeor shorter.rnostly rounded. entire. moslly (antesepalous)or 10 (in a single 'whorl,pink, white or the two suffused. ,Slarrersusually either 5 not aluays regularlyopposite the perianth parts).1rarely 6 (antesepalous,f. /rex- an,Jra),ya.iable between 6 and 9, or between15 and 30 (in one speciesoutside the area); filurodotfilifotm, .rsuallyat leasttwice as long asthe anthel at maturity; connectivebearing a Drominentgland which may be globular, truncate,urceolate or falcatewith a porate orifice. and sometimesprotruding betweenthe two microsporangia;anther tetraspor- 'squ .puq3cs '8uol lnoq€ s/rdas trnoqlr,r lo eso8ru-l?FpuelS dlolnuru 'eJ?urqJn]JEurpnlfuol ,snor.rBcs ruur 9. L lnoqE f,lpeorq aqnt ,paddrl-ftlsau €eJ€ quprru eql 'JlnJE '8uoT ,el"Joecu€l\oto1g .luelsrsJed,Z .slrxB surbrBrrrrqt utu I lnoq" ,{lp?olq sapapp.tg laddll Jql ur ItElrTos 'elrssJss./ ).|o/!r .[Bla^esspu"l8 ,,r\oleq p3urolloq-}?U ,pEoJq 'e^oq" Io lee{ '8uol daep € qtr,\\ xe^uoc l?q,reulos '{crql 'l?lnarqJo to ,{lpeolq u[u 'ellsses 's,{\oJ 'ole3rJqurr 'elessncep le3rldrllo 'dtededZ I t ur ,{l.leolc sa$aI u,rolq-qsrppoJ 'pEorq IJEq Jo snorqg ^luos qlr^\.sualsJ ru t.Z ol dn pur,;q8rq uI S.I t.0 qn.rF tx A '€uulqeplno_ (€Il0/ lgtr{ :oloq) ..8uno^ le sue)torI :sns:re^eBu€U s,e^Er8snl{ s.luoru uolr rou to qeplnol seuorletsedotd,, :adtrJ .lZ:0I .urierl '.[anl.ll|.d otolD!.trDeuauntd, qJ '(Zll0l'IaI,,{:oloq).,l1€rus pcefi t srlErluoce€rlEr}snv elurC uelrlng py,, . adlq .{rr^nauuosr€W,, '(t98I) 'llenI,,\tr'C 9-t9 :t ru3"rl ra^nouroslsruouauold,{rql'I .,4A.S.N- (eOt d) artq,t I J BrpuBXoq'L O uoo,\\leqeere JepJoquJolse,rl"JlueJ g 9 sueu?ls :9 syqed pur sledes *Z .I .V./lA ,r?u€3uoo-I (Z6I d) IIenIN d lllloqa 9 'V 'elsn8nv ,{Jtq1 ,Jl?^oqoJo qlrou ol S od uroJC e,\oqr \o^uoa 'peuell"U '*E so^?ol :elcunpod erll tEou el?JJes ,{[e]el?l oqnl l?lolC (g6y 'd) ueerg 'ld slsualBou.J f 'v 'uollcunfE dt eleaN slrssesqnssre,rog 'e^oqe 'eN^oqo-J"eurT '+9 :8uol turu t lnoq" xo^uoc se^"ef (06T 'd) uoorg .J 'J .,(elle^ "VlAI(\'l 'snlsn8nvlronulJ^t t N rul?d lW Suol Lrlru ot dn selcur.r '}eg 'urql 'o1"^oqo-,rojr?uS.I .9 -ped l3uol rutrl g-9 + seapo-I 'pos?q-psorqs1zde5'*y (gg1 d) ueerg 'lA 'f Blatnrr^Bu.I'E .V.,46 'tueulurodd"sro e{€.I .le3N elerlrc sut8.r?or ,3uo1 ruru 'pelaol '{crrll 'ele^oqo 7 .xg ueql ssel lo leJrtdue ,{lpeorq so^?o-I .1 '7 (r8I d) urruoq ( gluog xe lanhtr C) z.rogpr.red '0 ulols€3-rpnos 01 errlue sut8reur '3uo1 'e1",\oqo-,roJJ"uIl?JlueC 'leu ,urql .g uru t-g flsoul + sc^?e-I 'pe,te1c spdeg b '0^oqE 'urrll'Jl?ourl ,E e,\ef,uoc se^"el :uorlf,os osJo^suEJlur r"Tnctrc eqnl Iplolg '9 sl:1ed pue s1ede5 Z peqqlr + aqnt lElou :snou?rq -uau ol euqelad sl"des :elEJtInJl.lo elEloaJlll pu€l? e^rlcauuoc:Z seln^O .*T (991'd) g .J 'Y urelser\\-guou pu? uleqlnos 'V/{1en11 la^nauuosrzrn I S J N l"Jlrrec prerdseprl6 esoSllJoqn} plou :dq uaeJS',{rlsJuP t[]r\\ sno -u?rqureru .I sledes ielz,te1cpu"l8 e^rlceuuoo ls;rrd pesodredns o,{\1ur t seln^O sarcadsuerprlsny pue1ulo1 .{ay 'Z 'luJoJrueJl"prosdrllo 'e[8urs floler ,{[?nsn pees :sor$ds lsou ur peSJ"lue 'lnu 'srred ,seln^o flecr€Jseqnl IeJoUoql lueJstqepurue 1rr.ig pesodlednsur

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