AGENDAFOR NATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING TO BEHELD ON THURSDAY30 APRIL2015 AT t2.00pm AT THEHEAPHY ROOM, RUTHERFORD HOTEL, NELSON 1. Present: 2. Bytele-conf: Simon Berry, Maree Baker-Galloway 3. Apologies:RosemaryDixon 4_ MinutesPrevious Meetings: Tele-conf 9 March2015 5. ActionsAriringfrom National Commiftee Minutes of Tele-Conf9 March2015: MartinWilliams / lan Fraser/ AndreaRickard to discussthe draft communicationplan anddraft job description/portfoliofor sponsorshipwith CamilleAshbury by tele-conf- ocfiored.Subsequent to this,a Workshophas been held on 30 April2015. 5.2 lanFraserto contact Kim Kelleher, Po rts of tyttleton andAndrea Rickard to contactDave Conalofthe ContractorsFederation to increaseawareness about the Association. Mareeto revievauditthe Editorialbudget. 5.4 Martin/Andreato reviewthe Bayparkcontract and advise of anyissues- octioned. 5.5 Re8ionalDevelopment / Co-operation/ YoungRMLA (Martinrames) - Jamesto progressahead of 30 April2015meeting. Treasurei'sReport and Annual Budget: 7. lacomingCor.espondence: 7.t. AUPIHPreport on ExternalPeer Review dated 11 March2015. 1.2. Emailfrom CatherinePeters, Praxis Public Relations dated 25 March2015. 7.3. Letterfrom AndrewScragg & Associatesdated 2 April2015 re PLl. 7.4. EmailtoJames Gardner-Hopkins from KathrynEdmonds dated 13 April2015 re expert conferencingfacilitation wo*shop. 7.5. Q&MMagazine -April 2015. 7.6. NZLGMagazine -April 2015. OutgolngCorrespondence: 7.7. Letterto ChrisThomsen dated 14 April 2015. 7.4. Letterto RachelBrooking dated 15 April2015. 7.9. Letterto VickvRobertson dated 20 ADril 2015. 8. RegionalReports 8.1 Auckland(Kitt Littlejohn)- Minutes dated 14 April 2015 4.2 Northland(Julian Dawson). 8.3 Waikato(loan Forret). 4.4 Bayof Plenty(Cushla Loomb). 8.5 Hawke'sBay (scott Smith). 8.6 Wellin8ton(Nicky Mclndoe/Maia Wikaira). C/ 4 Shawway, Hillsborough, Auckland 1041 Email:[email protected] Telephone:+649 6266068 www.rmla.org.nz 2 8.7 Taranaki(cam Twigley). 8.8 Nelson/Marlborough(AntoinetteBesier). 8.9 Canterbury(Andy Carr) - Minutesdated 3 March2015. 8.10 Otago/Southland(Rachel Brooking) - Minutes dated 1 April2015. 8.11 Queenstown/CentralOtago(JennyCarter). 9. Editorial/Publications: (Jacinta Ruru) 9.1 Emailfromiacinta Ruru dated ?. 9.2 Outcomeof MartinWilliams' discussion with TDW. 10. websiteand MembershipStats: (Karol Helmink) 10.1 Websiteupgrade (to be standing item on agenda). 11. GovernmentInformation (James GardneFHopkins) 11.1 Feedbackfrom session held on 22April 2015 with MFE National Direction team. 12. RMLA2015 Conference lKate/Bianca)- lTauranga -24-26 September2015)-ASB Bavpark andA,ena 12.7 Draftprogramme as at 23 March2015. 13. RMLA2016 Conterence (Xate/Eianca) - (Nelson- September2016 at the RutherfordHotel) 14. Portfolios 14.1 Awards(Andrea/Rachel/5imon) 74.2 Courts(Martin/simon) 14.3 StrategicRelations(Martin/Kate/Maree) (a) Minutesof Meetingbetween Exec and MfE dated 2 April2015. 14.4 Legislationand Special Interest Groups (lames/Bianca/Maree) 14.5 MembershipRecruitment/Retention(lan/Rosemary) 14.6 QPWebsite (James GH) 74.7 RegionalDevelopment / Co-operation / Young RMLA (Martinrames) 14.8 Roadshows{Kate/Rachel/lan). 14.9 scholarships(Rachel/Rosemary) 15. AnnualworkPlan: 15.1 Establishlocal Conference Committee and develop theme for nextyear (Feb to May)- ot 30April meeting in Nelson. 75.2 ReviewAnnual Conference Key Performance Indicators. 15.3 ReviewConference Committee and Speaker Entitlement Policy. 16- GeneralBusiness: 16.1 Any? Date for Next M€etines: Dat€ MINUTESOF NATIONALCOMMITTEE MEETING HELDBY TELE-CONF ON TUESDAY9 MARCH2015 AT 2.00pm 1. Present:Martin williams, Maree Baker-Galloway, Kate Barry-Piceno, lames Gardner-Hopkins, RosemaryDixon, Simon Berry and Rachel Devine lNote: Kategarry-Piceno left the meetingat 3.15pmandJames Gardner-Hopkins left the meetingat4pm (due to phonetrouble)l 2. Apologies:Bianca Tree, lan Fraser,Andrea Rickard 3. MinutesPrevious Meetings: 27 January 2015 MOTION:That the Minutesof Meetingheld on 27 January2015 be acceptedas a true and correctrecord. MOVED:Simon Berry SECONDEDMalee gaker€alloway 4. ActionsArisingfrom National Committee Minutes of27 January2015: 4.7 MartinWilliams / lan Fraser/ AndreaRickard to discussthe draft communicationplan and draft job description/portfoliofor sponsorshipwith CamilleAshbury by tele-coni lan, Martin and Kateare to hold a tele-confmeeting on 11 Marchfrom 3.30pmto 4.30pmwith camilleAshbury. Camille's charge out ratefor this is S120per hour. They will reportback to the nextmeeting. AcTloN: Martin/lan/Kateto reporton tele-confmeeting 4.2 lanFraserto contact Kim Kelleher, Ports of Lyttletonand Andrea Rickard to contactDave Conalof the ContractorsFederation to increaseawareness about the Association. Deferred. 4.3 lan Fraserto circulatethe Worksightconcept design for the Scholarshipposter to the Committee- ocfioned. Therewasone spelling mistake (thesesshould bethesis), and it wasfelt that morecolour was required; ie changethe word Scholarshipto the Orange colourof the RMLAlogo, as well asthe logoitselfto be in the RM[Acolours. 4.4 Rachelto circulatethe roadshow team's notes to the NationalCommittee - Rachel's noteswere distributed to the Executiveonlv - seeitem 14.8. 4.5 Biancato providean updateddraft ConferencePortfolio to the Committee- octioned (seeoftoched). ltem 5 to read:"Liaise with NzPland EnvironmentalDefence Society (and other relevantorganisations as appropriate)to discussconference themes and reducethe potentialforoverlap in contentand speakers." MOTION: lt was agreedto adopt the portfolio with the amendmentto item 5 as aDove. MOVED:Martin williams SECONDED:Rachel Devine C/' 4 ShawWay, H illsborough, Auckland 1 041 Email:[email protected] Telephone:+649 626 6068 wwwrmla.org.n2 4.6 Mareeto reviedaudit the Editorialbudget- deferred 4.7 Karolto draft a letter to ThomsonReuters re the RoyaltyIncome - octioned(see OutgoingCorrespondence). No responsehas been received to date. 4.8 Kateto providea reporton the benefitsof usingGiglv- octioned(see item 12 1) 4.g Martin/Andreato reviewthe Bayparkcontract and adviseof anv issues.The contGct has been reviewedby Martin and Andreaand they will liaisewith RachelCook to finaliseand execute same. 4.10 lanto telephoneNicola Hulley to discussher enrolmentapplication etc _ octioned. Thiswas resolvedto the Scholarshipcommittee's satisfaction and no firrtheraction is required. 5. Treasurer'sReport and Annual Budgetl TheTreasurer's Report dated 3 March2015 was tabled noting a total of 5383,897.54As at 28 Februarv,the Associationis below budgetedcash flow by 547 mainlydue to the timing of conferencepref unding/proceeds and GsT refunds. MOTION:That the Treasure/sRepon dated 3 March2015 be receivedand that all expenses in the Treasure/sReport are ratified by the NationalCommittee having been approved by the Treasuterfor payment. Thanksare recordedto SandraMillar for pteparationof the Financia I Accountsand for atlendingthe meetingin Auckland' MOVED:MareeBaker-Galloway SECONDED:Rachel Devine 6. IncomingCorrespondenae: 5.1. AnnualReview bv membersofthe EnvironmentCourt lt wasagreed that this was a veryvaluable resource and that it shouldbe promotedto members ACTION:Martin Williamsto dmft an emailto memberswith a link to this documenton the RMLAwebsite-octro,ed 6.2. LocalGovernment Magazine - tabled. 6.3. Flyeradvertising EDs conference "Wild Thin8s", 11-13 Au8ust 2015 - tabled. 6.4. Letterfrom Catherinelorns re nominationfor PublicationAward. Thisdocument will beforwarded to the AwardsCommittee. ACIION:Karol Helmink to forwardto the AwardsCommittee - ocflored. 6.5. lnfrastructureMagazine Feb/March 2015 -tabled. 5.5. Emailfrom PhilDoole dated 4 March2015 re CommissionerPradice Guide Mr Doole'semail is to be sentto the SpecialInterest Group for commissionersas well as notifiedby socialmedia. ACTION:Karot Helminkto emailthe slc andpost on socialmedia- octioned OutgoingCorrespondence: 6.7. Letterto JoanForret dated 27 January 2015 re waikatobranch - noted. 6.8. letterto ThomsonReuters dated 29 January 2015 re RoyaltyIncome - noted. 6.9. Letterto TrevorDaya-Winterbottom dated 5 March2015 - noted. lt wasagreed that Martin Williamswould talk to Trevorabout the most suitableoccasion for him to receivethe Certificate. ACTION:Martin Williams to liaisewith TrevotDaya-Winterbottom - octiored 7. RegionalReports 7.7 Auckland(Kitt Littlejohn). 7.2 Northland(Julian Dawson). 7.3 Waikato(loan Forret). 7.4 Bayof Plenty(Cushla Loomb). 7.5 Hawke'sBay (Scott Smith). 7.6 Wellington(Nicky Mclndoe/Maia Wikaira). 1.7 Taranaki(Cam Twigley). 7.8 Nelson/Marlborough(AntoinetteBesier). 7.9 Canterbury{Gerard Cleary). 7.10 otago/Southland(ChrisThomsenl. 7.11 Queenstown/CentralOtago (Jenny Carter). 8. Editorial/ Publicationsr(lacinta Ruru) 8.1 Emailfrom lacintaRuru dated 5 March2015 - noted. 9. Websiieand MembershipStats: (Karol Helmink) The website stats were tabled. lt was noted that 1068 membershave renewedtheir membershipfor the 2014/15year and 91 havenow been cancelled. This remains consistent with membershipstats for thistime ofyear. 9.1 Websiteupgrade -this itemto remainon the agenda. 10. GovernmentInformation (James Gardner-Hopkins) - lames had not hadthe opportunityto discussthis portfoliowith PrueFullerton-smith, but wouldmake contact in the nextday ortwo andorovide an emailreDort to the Committee, ACTION:lames Gardner-Hopkins to reportto Committee 11. RMtA 2014Conference-The 2014 Conference account has now been closed and it madea lossofS8,779.28 as predicted. 12. RMLA2015 Conference (Kate/Bianca) - (Tauranga-24-26 September2015)-ASB
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