WHAT IS THE ACLU? The purpose of tr~e American CIvil Liberties Union-and its only purpose-is the preservation & strengthening of the freedoms guaranteed to us under the Bill of Rights. There are many government officials & private citizens &: special 1n­ terrest groups who think our constitutional guarantees of freedom of inquiry & expression, due process of law &: equality before the law should be denied to certain c1 tlzehs vrhorn they consider undeserving. They be­ li~ve they have the right to de­ cide who ID or Is not descrving. ACLU believes, as our nation's founding fathers believed, that nc one should have the privil­ ege of deciding who is deserving of the rights guaranteed to us under the Constitution. Th~se rights belong to all-}'/lthout exceftion. WHAT DOES THE ACLU DO? n The Coubt: The everyday business of the ACLU is heiping people whose civil liberties have been violated. Much of this work is in the courts. Each year the ACLU enters into hundreds of court cases . It may supply coun­ sel for the person whose civil liberties have been denied, or it may submit a "friend of the court" brief which argues the constitutional question at stake Many of the cases,fought by the ACLU are of historic significan­ ce-such as the famed Scopes v. State of :Sennessee Imonkey trial ' In recant years,ACLU and its affiliates have won many notable victories before the U.S.Supreme Court p~ote ctin g rights of free speech, the right of peaceful protest,the right to counsel, freedom o~ the pr~ss,decisions religion in the public schools & the widespread evil of introducing illegally seized ev­ idence in state courts. Constant activities by ACLU aff­ iliates across the nation are ssary t o prevent unfair court proceedures. In THE COMr:. tj1'1 - : Through contacts with pub­ officials, ACLU is frequent­ able to secure the adoption enlightened policies designea protect & extend constitution nights. For example, the ACLU of Greater Philadelphia some l years ago secured the creation What are your rights? of the nationls first Police Re­ i ·"lew Board, an official agency t o rr The American people ha"e obtain redress for citizens ag- tt ... Durin• • 1.. 43 y_,. of Feen ,,,created allention Vol.l #9 19rieved by unlawful police ac­ ii, e%;IIenCe, .he Almerican Cidl to ci"jI ri«h .. ' , • 'he Liber'ie. Vnion ha. pl,."ed a memben of Ihe American Itlons, ACLU can often be effect­ ';.nifican. role in defendln. our Ci"il Liber';e, Vnion a"d ive by arousing public interrest tHr.ic democratic freedom., 'he Ollervhelmi"« major;'y foar ~c:e ha' al_y' been raited 01 my lell_ citise", are A noteworthy example is the re­ dear/,. and ,harply ..he" our ..orkin« .o«etlu!r in ,hi, port issued by the Illinois Div • liber'ie' ha..,., boeen Ihrea'ened." field ..i.h .._d/a .. "i,or on 'Secret Detention by the Chi­ John F. Kennedy a"d u"der"a"d,n«," 9 DwiCht D. EI.enhower . cago Police.' ACtU has effective ly supported anti-disc~imination THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION ' lsVls,legal assistance ror the is a national organization \Vith headquart­ :poor, the rights of IndlanTribes ers in New York. It was founded in 1920 tp {I &leglslntlon to provide irnproveq combat violations of the Bill Of Rights lcourt procedures and reapportion resultlng from post war hysteria ag~inst : l!1~l',l~,?~.~~~~~.!~e:!~~~~'A't;~: .... political dissenters. ~ Among the founders were Roger Baldwin, (.r, you would like to jOin- ths ACLU or obtain more information­ Jane Addams, Clarence Darrow, John Dewey, write to ACLU (Cleveland) , Helen Keller, Monsignor John Ryan and Bld~,1302 Norman Thomas. Today there are 31. regional 207 Lawyers OntariO, : Glelveland Ohio 44113 : By j oining tbe arrillates with over 75,600 members. Each i Te ,e!?l:one ~ 7.81-6276 'nalional .~q.u, afriliate has chapters which carry the you w,ll JO~ Ihe a.llihale In your area and participale ,n the work into the local communities. ,defense 01 ciyil 1i!:te"!1ea on lhe lou) Kene . -S'fORE-OWl1ER: !fLEES CLEVELAND KANGAROO <m"iiWf PRAY FO~ CLEVELAND :here i s mv official statement, as the papers will elth~r distort it or not print it, I leave The University Christian 110yement recent­ it to you. Please Publish it. ly held Co conference at The Sheriton. I - - - --- - - - - --- - - - -- -- - -- - road the neNspaper accounts ~ diar.t want In 1936 my Uncle Na than fled Germany and the small to go, but happened to be downtown and newspaper which he had been running. He had learned stopped in for kicks. It wasnt a kick. I thrQugh., a frlenct that hig name was on the arrest got s toned in awe. The ne~'fspapers played list for the follo1'1in!-'; dave The specific charge 'Nas u? the beards & the confUSion, what I saw !'possessl':m of an 111egal' weapon!1 but there was 'liere thousands of young people, most of little pretense that he was to be arrested for them dressed ;Jretty well, ministers,nuns, :'spreadine danserous ideas . 1I priests all working together trying to As The Plain Dealer will Undoubtedly print one of corr,municate, to resolve conflicts, to in­ th~ tr custonary "Dope Piend ?lees'l star-ies (od: they crease their awareness. (there was also did), I 'wish t o ~9k e it clear to anyone concerned a­ an excess of plain clotLesmen). A friend bout the '!'ea$ons for my leaving. The narcotics char­ going to school in athens stopped to talk ges against me are thinly disguised maneuvers to with a group of leather jacketed greasers cle::>t; m~\· book store. I an. not guilty of these charges inahallway. The police came over & TOLD jthat is not why I a~ running . I had naIvely believed them to leave. Someone should have told that OQ~ constitutional guarantees were specifically the pol tce that the conference was open framed to protect those with controversial ideas .The to everyone. !d !d !d !d !d artists, intellectuals,hipples and students in general ............................. ............ have been suffering outrage after ou~ra ge from the Rumor bas it that the usual information police. We h&ve been crying out in pain but to deaf suppressants haKe been at work again and ears. Those reporters who have been aware of what has ~HEETAH baa been pulled fr o~ many sub-ur­ been g oi~ g on have been unable to print their obser­ ban neVisstands, this was after a few of vations because of reactionary, police- cmntrolled those friendly phone-calls had been made . editors. Instead, those elements of society who are Is Cheetah worth banr. ingo ~ most com~ite d and concerned are ~ad e the public scape­ For an annual subscription to N~~ Cheetah, send $5.00 in check or ::"'1(. goats for conservative reaction against the many frus­ money order to Cheetah Magazine, . tratIons of social change which are so confusing to 1790 Broadway, N.Y., N.Y. 10019.) ,_ all oft t~3 . • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I am cel'tain that you, th~ hard working respectable The police must be sleep ing again, the people of Cleveland cannot ac cept my claim that a po­ forgot to censor WILDPLO'I/ERS by Judy y lice state is being thrust \:Ipon USj you do not feel Co llins, or in a city where the sun is its effects. vou regard us as criminals, traitors and banned how did this record manage to get troublemakers who des~rve the \yrath of the Law. But smuggled in? Wildflowers(Electra) is sum­ when they b~5in silencing the books, the ideas, the thing of the sun for where ever you're .. trea-:hercus road to Fascism · is being well paved. If at: :: AFTER BATHHG AT BIIX'rERS by the we are screwballs It Is l)ecausu our warnings to you jefferson airplanes (capital) they did it are met with police clubs . You do not believe us when again, but you need at least 3 heads to we say your newspapers are controlled, your leaders ab$O~b i~ at once, lines like 'wake ne lie. And a& you continue t.J coni'1"0nt 1968 with 1.9hO warm 7 i want a country that will die &.t; :.. itudes you will be lead deeper !.nto i nsanity abroad for me act as triggering nechanisms fo~ and civil "G.":" at home. You :!.n Lakewood L..,d Sha!-:er will lost chakras:::pEP~LS BEFORE SWlNE(ESP)' begin to feel the weight of the Ignorant autho:d tar~ . an ONE NATION UNDERGROUND "did you f1 d t·, beaurocra ts JlS we havG . tne universe doesnt care at all?U.? hlit I regret deeply that I can:;.ot stay here and help.It ~To!!E PONEYS EVERGREEN VOL.2 (c~pit~i?e is not just Russia or Greece that free men must flee OES it to m. everytime::::CELEBRATIONS for their lives. As I have already suffered great :i.n­ ~~~r~ 1~FL~~!(dv,,~gUard) & justice at the hands of our sa~rosanct public official .. )r!.imi Hichard the author of b ee~c da~ed is or was also s, I ha~dly expect better in thc courtroom. As you ~ own so long it 1 k conttnue to see your children arrested ·fel' smoking li1{e up to me)::::SANDY BULL' oo~s marIjuana end having long hair, perhaps my flight will (vanguard) a quiet re d inventions begin to have meaning to a fe';[ of you. Just as lJarmany those after-hours cor to be saved rop MUSIC(Lyrichord 114')ints.
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