B-;wKwir>toXifi'*Sili"55i&5iiBh5Uwi • ! - i " '■ . J. ■ » . -I-. ■■ V.<TTFV7lJfl tfHrW’Jt , I ■ . ''i' - ?:rs y 7 ' fi! ' . WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1960 ........ F ^ oi TWEaWY-B^UB Averace Daily Net Preen Rod ■ H e W e i ^ ^anrl][i‘0f?r "?:--■ •'?^v r « r She W eek b d e n • t e f O . Hm . Si, u e e farS iy elMNBr, 13,270 SiMU. la w ^m IkM > la MA'yB%h mil- . ’* FfMayMMiS'M,, . M anehetter^A City of ViUtfge Charm (CHeesMsS AivwSWag fa m e* »> VOL. LXXX, NO. 85 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—IN TWO SEGTlONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 .PRICE FTVB CENTS [ 'O f t f t B K , l e r A M P ^ Cites Wnion Pact • . ' • ' , ^ - ■ S. > ta te NA) . ew• s R o u n d u p r u i * and friday till 9:00 p.m ♦ ♦ Blaze Guts F ireH quse New Haven, l^Ov.^10 (ff)— f;tud«it fare is cents; r i ^ faw West Redaing, Nov, 10 (IP). .. beyond firat wme to remain un- — West Redding Volun­ The Connecticut Company has changed. filed an application for a fare Stamford Division: Single zone teer Fire House was destroy­ increase xm its bus lines. adult fare, 26 centa cash; student ed by flames early tojiay. Earl R. Mortemore, vice presi­ fllre 15 centa; rate# of fare beyond fD Vote Result P r e s id e n t dent and general maimger, today first zope to remain unchanged. Fire .broke out In the unmanned aald the action *waa taken "with "The anticipated revenue from station shortly after midnight. reluctance,” but had to be done this new .ikiale of fares ,wlU juat The'blaze was discovered by Don­ In 3* States '!to forestall a serious impairment about provide the funds necessary ald Wicks of Redding, one of tee Offers ' f Full of bus service bec»usf. of unfortu­ to meet the arbitrated wage In­ volunteer firemen, who happened nate circumstances beyond its con­ crease,” ha said. - to be passing at the time. trol." j On dct. 12, a 3-member arWtra- In addition to tee wooden struc­ U ndecided r;-- He blauned the decision, to seek tion board awarded tee A Pp^O ture. two engines and a truck were A ssistance AJ higher fares on a new contract Bus Drivers Union a new contract destroyed. / ' won by the union representing the providing for a pay raise of 24^ The cause of tee fire was not Associfited Press iiAtion- By RELMAN MORIN cents an hour *i>reaa over^a 33- determined. ’There was no Im­ bus drivers and mechanics. month period dating back to Oc­ wide returns at 1 :15 p.in. Hyannis Port, Mass., 'Nov. Mortemore said the company hak mediate estimate of damage. From 163,688 of 166,072 vot­ 10 {IP)— John F. Kennedy call­ asked the SUte Public Utilities tober 1 ^ . ; Volunteers from West Redding. Commission (PUC) to authorize At tee time, a union epokeaman Georgetown, Redding and Bethel ing units: ^ ed his first formal press con- V tee following scale of fares said tee pay ralaetl will bring tee resoonded to an alarm, but the Kennedy 33,520,701 (SQ>2 j !'erence as President-elect to­ hourly rate of some 1,060 bus fire was already out of control. ■ Hartford Division: Single zone drivers and mechanics to $2.40 by i>er cent). day, presumably to announce adult fare 25 centb cash or 22Vi January 1961. The employes were Nixon 33,197,233 (49.8 per ;he initial steps in arranging I cfnts token to be sold four for 90 getting $2.15% cents an hour. Cook* Wanted :ent). ' iaison with the Eisenhower cents; studept fare 15 cents, rates Middletown, Nov. 10 — A of fare beyond firat Z«»no to re­ The 2-year contract dispute Kennedy led in 23 sLatbs administration. centered on a ■ controversial clause shortage of cooks is delaying the main unchanged. with 332 electoral votes, Nix- Whether he has replied to Preit- ooenlng of tee Connecticut State dent Eisenhower’s telegram yes­ New Haven Dlvlston: Single HoBoltal’s new $5 tnillion Merritt m in 26 states with 191. PLAYTEX LIVING BRA! zone adult fart, 25 centa cash; (Oontinned on Page Four) terday about considerii^ “irob- Hall. ^feeded to win 269. lems of continuity of government \ The new building has a kitchen and orderly transfer of executtva .teat’ will feed an estimated 1,000 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS responsibility'’ waa not disclosed. Normally Declines in Fall patients. , The electoral vote winners In Kennedy’s answer to tee Presi­ playtex will send you thp But tee hospital has been un­ California, Alaska and Hawaii still dent had been ex'pected early tela able to. find cooks for the hall, were undecided today. The results, morning. ^ famous living bra as a gift! which was originally scheduled to however,, will not alter the fact A number of matters also wars open in October. that Sen. John F, Kennedy .won on tee desk of tee President-eleot. Dr. Harry 8. Whiting, superin­ tee election. .all you do is mail them Jobless Total Jumps In Bonn, Germany, Chancellor tendent of the' mental hospital, to­ 'California may not know , for Conrad Adenauer said ba la meet­ ddy issued an appeal to residents sure who won out In Its presiden­ *the coupon we will give ing Kennedy next February. Ad- interested In Jobs as cooks to ap­ tial .election until absentee ballots enatMr said ”I will discuaa with ply. are 'counted. you when you select your him everything I - have on my 191,000 for October The new building Is a 250-bed Kennedy squeezed out a hard- mind.” Adenauer said he was pri­ intensive treatment center. fought lead of Just 36,546 In nearly marily concerned with world dis­ new playtejc living girdlel Its kltrljen \vill be used to feed complete returns on better than 6.2 armament, especially nuclear dis­ about 1,000 of the hospital’s 2.800 r^iilllon votes that trickled In from Washington. Nov. 10 (JP) - U n-9 W o l f ^ ’ H'* armament. TTwuus , j ^ unemployment problem Is some patients. Vice Preslt^nt Nixon’s home state. From Soviet Premier Nikita •mplojrment Jiunped by 191,000 in jjj nusiness.actlvit ' • ■ - The standings (30.666 o f 30.682 slsrVnees in business. activity and With his mother, Mrs. Joseph Kennedy, left, and his Wife, Jacqueline, watching Intently, President­ Khrushchev there was also a mas­ October although the Idle rate In faUure of ataal producUon to in­ Launching'Speaker precin cts); Nixon 3.083, 727, Ken­ elect John F. Kennedy talks to newsmen at tee H}mnnia Armory yesterday afternoon following hla sage Indicating tee Russian lead­ WITH THE PURCHASE OF A normally declinao in tee fall. Em­ crease from its present rate of Groton,. Nov. 10 {JP) — Gen. Ly­ nedy 3,120.273. ^ elecUon. (AP Photofax). er would hke to meet trite Ken­ ployment dropped by 277,000. llttlo mors than 80 per eent o< ca- man L. Lemnltzer, chairman of There wei^ niore than enoug^ nedy. When the figures were released padity. ■ tee U.S. Joint Chlefsvof Staff, vrill absentees out’e-; an estimated ISO,"- There waa no indication as to at tee lisbor Department, a gov­ The Job report showed an In­ 000 to 200,000'"— to award the Kennedy’s attitude toward such crease In tee factory work waek In be the main speaker at the ernment apbkesman acknowledged launching of the nuclear sub- state’s unneeded 32 electoral votes a-face-to-face conference. October from 39.5 to 39.6 hours. to either candidate. In response to questions teat tee ttiariiie Ethan Allen here Nov. 22, Kennedy Holds 300 Electoral Earlier, Kennedy conferred with report could have been announced Herbert Klein,\ Nlx6n’s press (Oonttnaed on Fage Fourteen) It was announced today. hla aides about selection of a rep­ before Tuesday’s’ election. ' / The generiil has been serving as' secretary, 'declard^ -the absentees resentative to act as liaison with pair at ^ 8<nna Democratic partisans Md chalrnrijui o f the liation’s highest assured the. Vice \ President "an President Eisenhower’s aidiM. contended the administration was mlllWify body since Sept. 30. easy maigin.” He smd Republicans Kennedy bad not yet replied to holding up an unfavorable em­ Tlu Ethan Allen Is the first of traditlonlilly carry these ballots— Votes, Popular Margin Facing Elsenhower’s talagram on the queer ployment report for political retT m Unit Starts 'hfw class of Polaris missUe-fir- a sG^tement open to dispute. tloh of "the orderty transfer of 8^95 or 10.95 sons. ' ' ' xThe^law requires tihe 58 coun- executive responsibility.” , short. .designed for wom­ ■eymonr Wolfbein, tee ^ Labor X ffA iA C K flE LL 9 States and--tee.-cause of atatteouM Kennedy’ s press Morstary, Xle^ffteent’a mani^wer - chief, B e i i a i ^ o n biilt'ots by next Monday. These re WsshihZtpn, N<y. "'10 . (M i-b e around tee world.” total to $4-^th6ir^hfghest' since en 4' to 5'2"; medium. designed with a new, soft, cool l(obert H. HopMns, ^ Brook^ihe, Workilng with him will be a 1938. O f the 27 state pasta at aald teat the over-all employment- Mass., a gerat-great-great grand­ turns often follow the pattern of spits a dwlAdii^ ipopuia? margin (Oonttaned <nb Page T M ) 5'2" to 5'6"; tall.. .5’6" to tee direct voting, but the unpre­ Demdcratic-controlled Congress in stake. Democrats won 16 and tea cotton lining! magjc controller unemployment data was available daughter o f Ethan Alien.
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