R R A A NN D D Y Y O O V V Rİ Rİ AZ AZ DY DY OY OY ON ON QUARTERLYQUARTERLY RADIO RADIO MAGAZINE MAGAZINE / APRIL / APRIL 2016 2016 / 6 / 6 V V HAVEHAVE YOU YOU EVER EVER READ READ RADIO RADIO? ? İ İ Z Z YE YE ON ON EE NG NG L L I I FILE:FILE: THE THE FUTURE FUTURE OF OF EXTERNAL EXTERNAL BROADCASTING BROADCASTING - - S S IIII WW H H NN SS WW E E S S “We“We have have some some words words to tellto tell the the world. world. This This country country has hasa lot a lotto to say,say, and and people people of this of this country country have have a lot a lotto say.to say. TRT TRT is a is powerful a powerful tooltool to tomake make this this voice voice and and these these words words heard heard all allaround around the the world.world. TRT TRT External External Services Services Department Department is bringingis bringing Turkey’s Turkey’s EXTERNALEXTERNAL BROADCASTING BROADCASTING THROUGH THROUGH Naci Naci KORU KORU voicevoice and and words words to theto the whole whole world world through through radio radio broadcasts broadcasts in in A FOREIGNA FOREIGN POLICY POLICY PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE 37 37languages languages and and web web broadcasts broadcasts in 41in 41languages.” languages.” INTERVIEWINTERVIEW WITH WITH EBU EBU DIRECTOR DIRECTOR GENERAL GENERAL Ingrid Ingrid DELTENRE DELTENRE THE THE FUTURE FUTURE OF OFINTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL RADIO RADIO BROADCASTING BROADCASTING Steve Steve Ahern Ahern ŞenolŞenol GÖKA GÖKA DIGITALDIGITAL RADIO RADIO WAVE WAVE CROSSES CROSSES EUROPE EUROPE David David Fernández Fernández QUIJADA QUIJADA TRTTRT Director Director General General 6 6 AN ANEVALUATION EVALUATION OF OFEXTERNAL EXTERNAL BRODCASTING BRODCASTING WITHIN WITHIN Assoc. Assoc. Prof. Prof. Enderhan Enderhan KARAKOÇ KARAKOÇ THETHE CONTEXT CONTEXT OF OFPUBLIC PUBLIC DIPLOMACY DIPLOMACY BROADCASTING BROADCASTING WITHOUT WITHOUT BORDERS BORDERS IN THE IN THE 21st 21 CENTURYst CENTURY Dr. Dr.Mike Mike McCLUSKEY McCLUSKEY TO THETO THE WHOLE WHOLE WORLD WORLD FROM FROM A TINY A TINY MICROPHONE MICROPHONE Serkan Serkan ERSÖZ ERSÖZ | Tayfun | Tayfun YÖNLÜ YÖNLÜ Turkish Folk Music repared in collaboration of TRT and Kalan Music, the Aşık VEYSEL Project was created P with the recordings from TRT archives and a selection of pieces from Aşık Veysel gramophone records. Voice restoration was handled by Kalan Music. You can purchase the album through www.trtmarket.net and TRT Market stores. In the first one of the albums prepared in two discs Aşık Veysel performs his own works. In the second album, Aşık Veysel performs the pieces of masters that lived before him. TRT is a force, whose weight is felt ever more in the global scene. Şenol GÖKA TRT Director General e make words out of sounds. When sounds turn into words a We Have Some song, a strongly effective piece of news or a comment comes out. WFor instance, certain geographies are a touching song for us. Our Words to Tell hearts hear certain parts of the world like a song, that’s how our tongues voice them... Certain geographies are ancient lands that we the World embrace and protect with our words. Yet, some parts are wounds in our hearts; tongues are tied and voice just turns into a scream buried in our hearts. And there are things that need to be said to the word as a responsible global actor. Like the words of Turkey –such an actor and regional leader... We have some words to tell the world. This country has a lot to say, and people of this country have a lot to say. TRT is a powerful tool to make this voice and these words heard all around the world. TRT External Services Department is bringing Turkey’s voice and words to the whole world through radio broadcasts in 37 languages and web broadcasts in 41 languages. TRT is a force, whose weight is felt ever more in the global scene. On top of radio and web broadcasts delivered to parts of the world in their own languages, we have added our TV channel in English. TRT World news channel has already become a standout global brand. Our magazine Radyovizyon contributes to our efforts in this field and current affairs from an academic perspective. First part of our file on external broadcasting met with positive interest from broadcasting networks, radio stations and radio broadcasters. I believe the edition in your hand will also receive the same attention. We will continue to meet in a song, a news item or in a magazine, but always in words. In our day, communication is quite a powerful force in propagating from local to global or in establishing perception management. Dr. Süleyman ERDAL Head of TRT External Services Department Future of External Broadcasting II ear readers, certain thoughts or used merely as a propaganda asset have presently changed their forms and Radyovizyon is investigating the future of external D nd expressed themselves as “soft power” to back up broadcasting in its 22 edition as well and bringing classic diplomacy. In other words, they introduce us you the views of experts in the field. In the previous to the concept called “public diplomacy.” edition, we tried to portray the historical background and present picture of external broadcasting. In this In fact, public diplomacy is not a new term but in edition, you will find future-bound perspectives. recent times it has become extraordinarily popular. If we take public diplomacy as a process of persuasion World famous self-improvement expert and or perception management, communication tools strategy developer Anthony Robbins’ findings on are irreplaceable tools for the purpose. Whatever communication are extremely precious: “Efficient is “good, beautiful and right” for you in culture, communication is a two-way process; it is an economy, society, technology and traditions and exchange of ideas between a giver and a taker. what have you; when you express it to target minds Participation of each part in this process is based or cultures in the right way, there cannot be a single upon past experiences, values, needs and personal winning side. There will not be active or passive. perceptions earned through feelings. In order to have efficient interaction, we should realize that Evolution of these processes into public diplomacy we all perceive the world in a different way and -in the context of external broadcasting- makes that we use these perceptions as a guide in our our broadcasting mediums even more precious. communication with others.” Now, the next step is reforming the dimensions of the influence of these mediums considering In our day, communication is quite a powerful the prosperity level of nations and rates of force in propagating from local to global or in technology usage. It must be understood that establishing perception management. Those, who external broadcasting will continue to exist ever use this force properly, can promote and infuse more strongly. Maybe its present form will evolve their values, thoughts and cultures to different into an even more complex nature in the future. parts of the world through communication tools What matters is the “correct” use of technology and they can “create awareness.” They can change and terminology of the time without making any others’ opinions and assessments of themselves. concessions on “ethics, aesthetics and dialectic” in In this regard, the field of external services holds a communication between the giver and recipient of distinguished place for it picks people in different the message. parts of the world as “target audience and basic work field.” Media elements that assume mediation From now on, external services will become the of such intense and varied “exchange of values” and multi-verses of broadcasting, which is evolving from their use of ways and purpose bring them closer biased news outlets into instruments of “building a to spotlight. Communication tools that enforced social future.” Quarterly RADIO MAGAZINE Publisher on Behalf of Turkish Radio and Television Corporation Dr. Süleyman Erdal, Head of TRT External Services Department Editor-in-Chief R A N D Dr. Süleyman Erdal Y O V Rİ AZ DY OY ON QUARTERLY RADIO MAGAZINE / APRIL 2016 / 6 V HAVE YOU EVER READ RADIO? İ Z Editorial Coordinator YE ON E NG L I FILE: THE FUTURE OF EXTERNAL BROADCASTING - II Şirin Sümer S W H N Editor in Charge S W E Eda Kotanoğlu Cardona S From the Editor “We have some words to tell the world. This country has a lot to Editors say, and people of this country have a lot to say. TRT is a powerful tool to make this voice and these words heard all around the world. TRT External Services Department is bringing Turkey’s EXTERNAL BROADCASTING THROUGH Naci KORU Olgu Tokdemir voice and words to the whole world through radio broadcasts in A FOREIGN POLICY PERSPECTIVE 37 languages and web broadcasts in 41 languages.” INTERVIEW WITH EBU DIRECTOR GENERAL Ingrid DELTENRE External Broadcasting on Radio THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL RADIO BROADCASTING Steve Ahern Şenol GÖKA DIGITAL RADIO WAVE CROSSES EUROPE David Fernández QUIJADA TRT Director General Sultan Yanmaz 6 AN EVALUATION OF EXTERNAL BRODCASTING WITHIN Assoc. Prof. Enderhan KARAKOÇ THE CONTEXT OF PUBLIC DIPLOMACY BROADCASTING WITHOUT BORDERS IN THE 21st CENTURY Dr. Mike McCLUSKEY In this issue we continue to take up the future of external broadcasting in terms Aksel Koçak TO THE WHOLE WORLD FROM A TINY MICROPHONE Serkan ERSÖZ | Tayfun YÖNLÜ of radio. We have laid the past, present and future of external broadcasting on Didem Güneri Öztaşbaşı Nurettin Turan the table with international radio broadcasters, academicians and high level media Özlem Yalçın managers.
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