AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL, 1961 Officer& of the A11sociation President, RoBERT E. L. FARIS, University of Washington President-Elect, PAUL F. LAZARSFELD, Columbia University Vice-President, GEORGE C. RoMANS, Harvard University Vice-President-Elect, WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wisconsin Secretary, TALCOTT PARSONS, Harvard University Editor, American Sociological Review, HARRY ALPERT, University of Oregon Executive Officer, RoBERT BIERSTEDT, New York University Administrative Officer, JANICE W. HARRis, New York University Former President& RoBIN M. WILLIAMS, JR., Cornell University KINGSLEY DAVIS, University of California, Berkeley WILBERT E. MooRE, Princeton University, for HowAJID BECKER Elected at Large GEORGE C. RoMANS, Harvard University WILLIAM H. SEWELL, University of Wie­ SEYMOUR M. LrPsET, University of Cali- consin fornia, Berkeley RALPH H. TURNER, University of California, CHARLES P. LooMIS, Michigan State Uni­ Los Angeles versity DoNALD R. CREssEY, University of Cali- JoHN W. RILEY, JR., Rutgers University fornia, Los Angeles REINHARD BENDIX, University of California, REUBEN L. HILL, University of Minnesota Berkeley WILLIAM L. KoLB, Carleton College WILLIAM J. GooDE, Columbia University MELVIN TUMIN, Princeton University Elected from Affiliated Societies WALTER FrnEY, Southwestern WILBERT E. MooRE, Eastern MARGARET JARMON HAGOOD, District of Co- IRwm T. SANDERs, Rural lumbia HAROLD SAUNDERS, Midwest PROGRAM REx D. HoPPER, Society for the Study of RUPERT B. VANCE, Southern Social Problems FRANK R. WESTIE, Ohio Valley WALTER T. MARTIN, Pacific Editor, Sociometry, JoHN A. CLAUSEN, University of California, Berkeley SECTION OFFICERS, 1961 Criminology Chairman, THoRSTEN SELLIN, University of Pennsylvania Chairman-Elect, PAUL W. TAPPAN, New York University Secretary-Treasurer, DANIEL GLASER, University of Dlinois Sociology of Education Chairman, ORVILLE G. BRIM, JR., Rnssell Sage Foundation Chairman-Elect, BURTON CLARK, University of California, Berkeley Secretary-Treasurer, DAVID GoTTLIEB, University of Chicago Medical Sociology Chairman, ODIN W. ANDERSON, Health Information Foundation THE Chairman-Elect, EVERETT C. HuGHES, University of Chicago Secretary-Treasurer, SAMUEL W. BLOOM, Baylor University College of Medicine Methodology CHASE-PARK PLAZA HOTEL Chairman, DANIEL 0. PRICE, University of North Carolina Chairman-Elect, LEsLIE K:rsa, University of Michigan Secretary-Treasurer, RoBERT McGINNIS, Univ.ersi.ty -of Wisconsin ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI Social P11y9'-~' <>g:r ....... Chairman, RALPH H. TURNER, University of California, Los Anaeles Chairman-Elect, to be announced Secretary-Treasurer, FRED L. STRODTBECK, University of Chicago EXECUTIVE OFFICE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION · New York University Wuhinjfton Square, New York 3, N. Y. AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM OUTLINE WEDNESDAY, August 30 i' 10:00 A.M.-Sect!on on ~nology: Bnsiness Meeting ....................... -~AG~ The American Sociological Association has received from. The Asia Foundation a Section on Medical Sociology: Business Meeting 6 &rant of $2500, for the purpose of encouraiffig closer relations bet;veen Asian ·and 1:30 P.M.-Sect!on on Medical Sociology: Panel Discussion:::::::::::::::::::: 6 N American Sociolopts. The funds will be used in three ways: : Sect~on on Mef:bodology: Business Meeting......................... 6 3 30 P.M.-Sec~on on Soc~al Psychology: ~airman's Session................... 6 (1) To enable Asian sociologists resilfing in Asia to becotne .. memb:ers of. the 4:00 P.M.-Sec~on on Soc~ology of EducatiOn: Business Meeting................ 6 American Sociological Association and to receive a three-year subscription to one o~ 5:30 P.M.-Section on SoCJal Psychology: Business Meeting.................... 6 more of its official publications. THURSDAY, August 31 (Membership in the Association and a three-year· subscription to tfle AlfterJcan FRIDAY, September I SATURDAY, September 2 Sociological Review will be $1.00; if all Association publicatfqns ru:~ desir¢, PAGE 8:30-10:00 A.M. PAGE PAGE the three-year cost will be $2.00. Applicnnts s,ha,uld·· wijte ~rectly to The 9:00-11:00 A.M. 9:00-11:00 A.M. Re,;istration . 7 American Sociological Association, New York Uniyersity, WalihiJiiton $q~e, Mass Communication and Aginp; and Retirement. 20 New York 3, New York. Payment may be made in UN~CQ · cqupoiis or 10:00 A.M.-12:00 M. Public Opinion . 14 Criminology . 20 in any way convenient and .acceptable under. the exchangC' reaW.ations of the Medical Sociology . 14 Mass Communication and ~omplex Organization . 7 Methodology . .. 14 Asian country concerned. The privilege is extended to itaduate ~~ta u uman Ecology . 7 Public Opinion . .. .. 20 well as to established socioloaists.) · Occupations and Professions.. 7 Race and Ethnic Relations. 15 Medical Sociology . 21 Race and Ethnic Relations.. 7 Sociology of Politics. 15 Occupations and Professions .. 21 (2) To enable horaries, university departments, and research institutes fu Asia, Social Change and Social His- Sociology of Religion. ] 5 Social Psychology . • . 21 who have heretofore been unable to subscn1Je, · to sublcrihe to publication~ tory ..................... 8 11:00 A.M.-12 :00 M. Social Structure and Differ- of the Association at reduced rateS. Social Psychology. 8 Business Meeting . 16 entiation . • 22 Sociology of Science. 8 (The cost of a tllr~-year institutional subscription to the .A.~tfciin Socio­ 1:30-3:30 P.M. 11:00 A.M.-12 :00 M. logical Review will be $2.00; ·and foJ; 1111 the pubJic~tions of the Association, in­ 1:30-3:30 P.M. Complex Organization . 16 Bnsiness MeeJ:.i!lg .. .. .. .. 22 cluding Sociometry, $3.00-payable as above.) International Sociology . 9 Family and Kinship. 16 Maas Communication and Small Groups . .. .. .. 16 1:30-3:30 .P.M. (3) To supplement travel expe.nse5 for Asiatt· soeioloaists who arc W: the U!]ited Public Opinion . 9 Social Change and Social His- Human Ecology and Demog- States· and who wish tci attend meetings of tlie American SOciological Methodology . 9 tory ..................... 17 raphy ................... 22 Association. · ' Groups .............. 10 Social Psychology . 17 International Sociology . 22 Deviance and Disor- Theoretical Sociology . l7 Open Discussion: Trends ...• 22 • ization ............... 10 (Applicants must be at least .at the &rad,UI\tO le'Ve1 ~d. !fillY co.me frllm any 3:30-5:30 P.M. Small Groups .. .. .. .. 23 Asian country from Afghanistan eastward. An ~ppli~t should to. the Sociology of Education ...... 10 Sociology of Education. 23 wnte Complex Organization ...... 17 Chairman of the administering coiiuirlttee, u listed belgw. In hia req~ Sociology of Politics. .. 10 Sociology of Politics. .. 23 International Sociology . 18 Theoretical Sociology . 24 the applicant mould give t4J regular ~cac:Iemi¥ posif!on1 tlJ.e natli(e 9f hia 3:30-5:30 P.M. Medical Sociology . 18 study or visit in the United States; the meetinJ. which he pfans to afiend, and, Analytical Uses of the Census 11 Methodology .......... : . 18 3:30-5:30 P.M. the sum necessary for trlmspcirtation to and lrom the meetlq.) Criminology . .. • . 11 Rural Sociology . .. 19 Rural Sociology . 24 Family and Kinship ......... 11 Urban Sociology and Com- Social Deviance and Disor- Medical Sociology . 12 munity Studies . 19 The grant is being adnlinistered by a ipecl111 ~ftee ~CiinJi~ ot ~· followinl: Social Stratification . 12 g~tion ............... 24 8:00P.M. Sociology of Science. 24 Professor Kingsley· Davis, Dep~ent ·of SooioloiY' and Social' Thltitutions, Sociology of Education ...... 12 Theoretical Sociology . 25 Theoretical Sociology . 13 Presidential Address and In­ Urban Sociology and Commu- · University of California, Berkeley, Califo~ formal Gathering . 19 8:00P.M. nity Studies . .. 25 Professor Wolfram Eberhard, Department of Sociology and ~ocial IDJti­ tutions, University of Califc:irill&, Berkeley, ClllifoiJm. · Special Session: Sociology and Hi~her Education . 13 Professor Amos H. Hawley, Department of Soeiology, Univerlity cl Michipn, Ann Arbor, Michipn. Profesaor Madon J~ Levy,, Jt,, Department of SocioloJY, Princ«oa u~ Teraity, Princeton, New leney., . Council Committees, Boards, Special Meetings. • • • See pag~s 26-28. NOTE ESPECIALLY-All Day Council Meeting, Tuesday, August 29th. Professor Bcyce F. Ryan, Department of Sociolo11 ud Alltkropolesr, UJii.. venity of Miami, Coral Gablcil 46, FloridL Al1o mee~s in St. Louis: Rni-al Sociological Society Soe1ety for the Study of Social Problems 7 6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 8:30-10:00 A.M. REGISTRATION 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M.-12:00 M.. SECTION ON CRIMINOLOGY: BUSINESS. MEETING COMPLEX ORGANIZATION SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY: BUSINESS MEETING Chainnan, BURTON R. CLARK, University of California, Berkeley fucHARD D. ScHWARTZ and }AMES C. MILLER, Yale University "Legal Institutions and Societal Complexity" 1:30 P.M. WILLIAM M. EvAN, Bell Telephone Laboratories SECTION ON MEDICAL SOCHl;LOGY: DISCUSSION O]f ''TEAcHiNG COM­ "Due Process of Law in Formal· Organizations: A Comparative Analysis" PREHENSIVE MEDICAL CARE: A PSYCHOLOGICAJ;. STJ]DY OF CHANGE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION" BY KENNETH R. HAMMOND, OscAR GRUSKY, University of California, Los Angeles AND OTHERS . · . "Corporate Size, Bureaucratization and Managerial Succession" Chairman, ODIN W. ANDERSON, Health Information Cep.ter FRED H. GoLDNER, International Business Machines Corporation "Sources of 'Staff' Dominance" Panel: PAUL SHEATSLEY, NationalOpi~on Rese~ch Ce~ter', ~ew Ym:k. "Methodology"
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