FOSTERING INFRASTRUCTURE SHARING IN THE WESTERN BALKANS: Public Disclosure Authorized Blkns Diitl Hihw Pr-fsibilit Studis SUMMARY Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: AUS0000775 Western Balkans Balkans Digital Highway Summary May 2019 DDT Document of the World Bank © 2017 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guaran- tee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. This report has been prepared for the purposes of providing information to the governments and electricity trans- mission operators of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia to fa- cilitate infrastructure sharing nationally and regionally. This report is for information purposes only and has no binding force. The analyses and recommendations in this report are based on desk research and information and opinions collected from interviews undertaken and materials provided by the governments, electricity transmis- sion operators, and other local stakeholders during the course of preparation of this report; and such analyses and recommendations are subject to approval by management of the World Bank. All information contained in this report may be updated, modified or amended at any time. Additionally, the authors of the report are not qualified to practice law in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia. Accordingly, nothing in this report constitutes legal advice and no inference should be drawn as to the completeness, adequacy, accuracy or suitability of any of the analyses or recommendations. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowl- edge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Attribution—Please cite the work as follows: “World Bank. 2019. Western Balkans Digital Highway: Summary. © World Bank.” All queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: pubrights@ worldbank.org. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This summary was prepared by a team led by Mrs. Na- events and in the press. The team would also like to ac- talija Gelvanovska-Garcia, Senior Digital Development knowledge significant efforts by Ms. Boutheina Guer- Specialist of the World Bank’s Digital Development mazi, Senior Director, and Ms. Jane Treadwell, Practice Global Practice and Task Team Leader of the “Balkans Manager, from the Digital Development Global Practice Digital Highway” initiative, under the auspices of which to drive internal visibility to this important work. this document was published. Mrs. Vaiva Maciule was the lead author contributing to the report. Ms. Daria Last but not least, the Program team would like to Lavrentieva, Senior Portfolio Coordinator for Western thank the stakeholders from the participating coun- Balkans Regional Unit, Mr. Rhedon Begolli, Senior Ener- tries for their cooperation under the technical assis- gy Specialist and co-Task Team Leader of the “Balkans tance and support for the Balkans Digital Highway Digital Highway,” Ms. Zhenia Viatchaninova Dalphond, initiative: (from Albania) Mr. Skerdi Drenova, Chief Digital Development Consultant, and Ms. Patricia Car- Executive Officer (CEO), OST sh.a.; Mr. Idajet Projko, ley, Consultant, contributed their time during the docu- Chief of Telecommunications Sector, OST sh.a.; Mr. Al- ment review. The analyses for the report were conduct- ban Ibrahimi, Director of Operation Department, OST ed by consultants Mr. Ludvik Uhan, Mr. Matej Trobis, sh.a.; Mr. Bledi Kasa, Head of SCADA Sector, OST sh.a.; and Mr. Andrej Mihevc, the main authors of pre-feasi- Mr. Daniel Marango, Specialist of Telecommunications bility studies. Sector, OST sh.a.; Ms. Dorina Cinari, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy; Ms. Irena Malolli, The Balkans Digital Highway team wish to extend their Director of Policies and Strategy Development of Tele- gratitude to the World Bank colleagues who were in- communications and Post, Ministry of Infrastructure strumental in helping to achieve the project’s objec- and Energy; Mr. Agim Bregasi, Director of the Director- tives, including: Ms. Odeta Bulo, Senior Executive As- ate of Policies and Electric Power Department, Ministry sistant; Mr. Gazmend Daci, Senior Energy Specialist; of Infrastructure and Energy; Mr. Petrit Ahmeti, Chair- Ms. Ana Gjokutaj, Senior Communications Officer; Ms. man, Energy Regulatory Authority; Mr. Altin Rrapaj, Elda Hafizi, Program Assistant; Ms. Enkelejda Karaj, Director of Economic Regulation and Statistics, Elec- Program Assistant, from Albania Country Office; Ms. tronic & Postal Communications Authority (AKEP); Mr. Samra Bajramovic, Program Assistant; Mr. Zoran Had- Shefqet Meda, Director of the Scarce Resources, Autho- ziahmetovic, IT Officer; Ms. Jasmina Hadzic, Communi- rization and Facilities Administration Directory, AKEP; cations Officer; and Ms. Sanja Tanic, Program Assistant, Mr. Donald Shtrepi, Director of the Information Tech- from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Country Office; nology and Broadband Development Directory, AKEP; Mr. Lundrim Aliu, Communications Officer; Ms. Ivana and Ms. Enkeleda Pojani, Head of Unit for the market Bojic, Program Assistant; Ms. Linda Gorcaj Llalloshi, analysis and regulatory measures, AKEP; (from BiH) Senior Executive Assistant, from Kosovo Country Of- Mr. Mato-Matan Zaric, General Manager, JP Elektropri- fice; Ms. Boba Vukoslavovic, Team Assistant; Mr. Denis jenos – Eletktroprenos; Mr. Cvjetko Zepinic, Executive Mesihovic, Operations Officer fromMontenegro Coun- Director for System Operation and Maintenance, JP try Office; Mr. Luan Aliu, Program Assistant; Ms. Anita Elektroprijenos – Eletktroprenos; Mr. Sinisa Lukic, Head Bozinovska, Communication Assistant; and Mr. Artan of ICT Department; Mr. Nermin Isovic, Head of Telecom- Saliu, IT Analyst, from North Macedonia Country Of- munications Department; Ms. Lejla Mujkanovic-Krka, fice; Ms. Zana Ivanovic, Executive Assistant; Mr. Miro- Head of Cabinet, Ministry of Communications and slav Nesic, Program Assistant; Ms. Svetlana Vukanovic, Transport BiH; Mr. Vlatko Drmic, Assistant Minister, Senior Transport Specialist, from Serbia Country Of- Ministry of Communications and Transport BiH; Mr. fice; Ms. Marga O. de Loayza, Program Assistant; and Suad Zeljkovic, Chairman, State Electricity Regulato- Ms. Marisol Ruelas, Program Assistant, from the Digital ry Commission; Mr. Sasa Scekic, Board Member, State Development Global Practice. Country Managers Mr. Electricity Regulatory Commission; Ms. Meliha Kova- Marco Mantovanelli (for Kosovo and North Macedonia), cevic, Head of Telecommunications Licensing Sector, Mr. Stephen Ndegwa (for Serbia), Mr. Emanuel Salinas Communications Regulatory Agency BiH; Mr. Admir (for BiH and Montenegro), and Ms. Maryam Salim (for Softic, Assistant Minister, BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade Albania), under the leadership of Ms. Linda Van Gelder, and Economic Relations; Ms. Branka Knezevic, Head of Country Director for Western Balkans Regional Unit, Department for Primary Energy and Policy, BiH Minis- were instrumental in supporting this work and rally- try of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations; Mr. Milan ing support for the program at high-level meetings and Jankovic, Head of Electricity Department, RS Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining; (from Kosovo) Mr. Ilir M. Energy; Ms. Jelena Simovic, Assistant Minister, Minis- Shala, CEO, KOSTT J.S.C; Ms. Resmije Ahma, Director of try of Mining and Energy; Ms. Natalija Lukovic, Head of Support Services Department, KOSTT J.S.C.; Mr. Besim the Group for programing projects funded by EU and Gerxhaliu, Director of Transmission Operation Depart- international assistance, Ministry of Mining and En- ment, KOSTT J.S.C.; Mr. Nagip Syla, Telecom Manager, ergy; Ms. Olivera Gudzulic, Head of the Electric Power KOSTT J.S.C.; Mr. Agim Kukaj, Director of Telecommu- Inspection, Ministry of Mining and Energy; Ms. Neda nications, Post and ICT Department, Ministry of Eco- Mijatovic, Head of Department, Ministry of Mining and nomic Development; Mr. Arsim Janova, Acting Head of Energy; Ms. Irini Reljin, Assistant Minister for Electronic the Board, Energy Regulatory Office; and Mr. Kreshnik Communications, Ministry of Trade, Tourism, and Tele- Gashi, Chairman of the Board, Regulatory Authority of communications; Mr. Milan Dobrijevic, Head of Digital Electronic and Postal Communications (ARKEP); (from Agenda Development Group, Ministry of Trade, Tour- Montenegro) Mr. Dragan Kujovic, Executive Director, ism, and Telecommunications; Dr. Gordan Tanic, Head CGES A.D.; Ms. Slavka Markovic, Chief of Telecommuni- of Economics and Finance
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