DanishDanish energyenergy policypolicy andand MiddelgrundenMiddelgrunden OffOff--shoreshore WindWind FarmFarm Jens H. M. Larsen, M.Sc. Copenhagen Environment and Energy Office Energysavings Local information and implementation DanishDanish NetworkNetwork ofof EnergycentersEnergycenters Energyservice Energyservice Offices: 13 People: 50 DanishDanish EnergyEnergy PolicyPolicy z Danish olie in 1972 and oliecrisis in 1973 z Energyplans in year 76, 81, 90, z Year 1996 (Energy 21) z Green majority in parliment 1980-2000 z New libral goverment in 2001 DanishDanish EnergyEnergy PolicyPolicy -- updateupdate z Liberal Energy Market z Electricity Saving Fund, labelling ect. z Energy savings in buildings, new regulation z 2 % energy saving pr. year z 2 new offshore windfarms z Retrofit of 350 MW new wind on land NewNew DanishDanish WindWind PolicyPolicy No new capacity 2003-2006 Low expectations for new capacity after 2007 Market + Added price (Max 0.049 euro/ kWh) From Centralized to Decentralized CHP DK annual consumption 32 TWh Centralized production in the mid 80’s Decentralized production of today Transmission system in Denmark Two autonomy systems. Connection to Norway, Germany and Sweden Annual consumption 32 TWh COCO2--EmissionEmission andand EconomicEconomic GrowthGrowth 130 120 GDP fixed prices 110 CO2-emissions 100 Gross energy consumption 90 80 1988 '90 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 Explanatory factors: 1) Renewable energy, 2) Energy savings, 3) Combined Heat Power EmissionEmission ofof danishdanish greenhousegreenhouse gasgas Production Cost at Danish on-shore Wind Power Plants 10 9 8 h W 7 k . 6 Actual 5 nt pr e 4 MG offshore Estimated c * o r 3 u E 2 1 0 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 HistoryHistory ofof DanishDanish WindpowerWindpower HistoryHistory ofof DanishDanish WindpowerWindpower z Gedser møllen, 200 kW z Installed 1957 z shut down, 1967 z Testrun in 1977 was financed by US government HistoryHistory ofof DanishDanish WindpowerWindpower z Oil crisis 1979 z First modern turbine from 1982 z 15 - 45 kW for private household z Privately build z Friend – to - friend HistoryHistory ofof DanishDanish WindpowerWindpower Ready for the big boom in USA 1985 - 88 Ca. 50 % off all wind turbines in the world is made in DK 20.8%20.8% ofof electricityelectricity inin DenmarkDenmark comescomes fromfrom WindWind inin 20042004 WhyWhy diddid wewe havehave thisthis successsuccess ?? z 81% of Danish wind energy projects are local and community-based z We had a policy which supported this development z Feed-in tarif system z Grid connection law Ownership in Denmark Year 2002: 3000 MW, 5000 turbines Utility Others turbines 1% 18% Cooperative turbines Single 23% person 58% Ownership for windturbines in Denmark Private/industry (singel turbines) Cooperative Utility MW 400 Year 2005: 3000 MW 5344 turbines 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 90 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 980- 1 Offshore windfarms in Denmark 2005 Build Location Power in year 1. Vindeby 5 MW 1991 2. Tunø Knob 5 MW 1995 3. Middelgrund 40 MW 2001 4. Horns Rev 160 MW 2002 5. Samsø 22 MW 2002 6. Rødsand 160 MW 2003 AA beautifulbeautiful viewview WindWind turbineturbine CoCo--operativeoperative z Big scale wind energy for the city z Local placement z Local dialog z Local ownership z Involve of people in process z Example of Agenda 21 and cityecology HistoryHistory ofof cooperativescooperatives z N.F.S. Grundtvig, 1783 z Theologian, author and poet z Everyone can and must make a difference z Change his conditions of life z Country high schools z Farmers education z DK agriculture and industry organzed by coops WindWind turbineturbine CoCo--operativeoperative z 8527 members private, organizations, companies z 40,500 shares InvolvementInvolvement ofof 85008500 peoplepeople 500500 membersmembers visitedvisited theirtheir turbineturbine onon openopen--househouse dayday inin JuneJune 20052005 ProcesProces DebateDebate DebateDebate –– beforebefore BeforeBefore DebateDebate DebateDebate GreenGreen landmarklandmark forfor CopenhagenCopenhagen z Said by the: Danish Minister of Environment, Conni Hedegaard, member of danish Conservatives DanishDanish opinionsopinions aboutabout windpowerwindpower z 70-85% of people in Denmark support more windpower in Denmark (from 1992-2006) z People are pleased with existing turbines and the positive attitude is highest among those who can see the turbines every day. z Positive attitude is also highest among those who can see the offshore turbines every day. z Complaints from less than 2% of all turbines (mostly old noisy turbines, not allowed today) DanishDanish opinionopinion poll,poll, ACN,ACN, 2006,2006, WildWild aboutabout windwind z Are you favorable to wind power? 1% 3% Yes No Don't know 96% DanishDanish opinionopinion poll,poll, ACN,ACN, 2006,2006, WildWild aboutabout windwind z Should Denmark continuously erect new wind turbines, so that an increasing share of the electricity production is covered by wind power? 6% 3% Yes No Don't know 91% DanishDanish opinionopinion poll,poll, ACN,ACN, 2006,2006, WildWild aboutabout windwind z We should erect more wind turbines, but not in my local area ? 13% 16% Completely Agree/Agree Disagree/Completely disagree Don't know 71% DanishDanish opinionopinion poll,poll, ACN,ACN, 2006,2006, WildWild aboutabout windwind z Wind turbines in the landscape is a positive symbol of Denmark? 9% Completely 14% Agree/Agree Disagree/Complet ely disagree Don't know 77% DanishDanish opinionopinion poll,poll, ACN,ACN, 2006,2006, WildWild aboutabout windwind z In general, wind turbines integrates well into the Danish landscape? 12% Completely Agree/Agree 24% Disagree/Complet ely disagree 64% Don't know OffshoreOffshore opinionopinion pollpoll 2006,2006, 1400 persons z People with direct views for turbines at Horns Reef and Nysted are more positive than people in general, and more positve towards extension of the farms z Nysted, 9-10 km from coast, pay 1200 DDK to go 50 km from coast. z People in general; 900 DDK to go 50 km from coast. z Horns Rev, 14-20 km from coast, pay 600 DDK to go 50 km from coast. TouristTourist TouristTourist opinionopinion pollpoll aboutabout Middelgrunden,Middelgrunden, 20062006 z Are you favorable to wind power? 3% 3% Yes No Neutrale 94% TouristTourist opinionopinion pollpoll aboutabout Middelgrunden,Middelgrunden, 20062006 z What is your impression of the turbines outside Copenhagen harbour? 22% Positive 7% Negative Neutrale 71% DanishDanish opinionopinion pollpoll byby Sonar,Sonar, 20012001 WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink aboutabout windwind powerpower inin DenmarkDenmark ?? 18% Enough - stop now Stop - too 7% many already Don´t know 7% 68% Yes - more 0,40 0,34 DebateDebate0,35 0,30 0,25 h 0,21 0,20 /kW kr 0,15 0,13 0,10 0,08 0,05 0,00 Paid price Market Saved Real value for CO2 price for health cost CO2 Source: Danish Environment Ministry, ExternE DebateDebate Source: Prof. Mikael Skou Andersen Danish Environment Institut EnvironmentalEnvironmental ImpactImpact AssesmentAssesment EIAEIA z Visual impact z Risk of leaking: debris and heavy metals contamination from the former dumpsite z Noise propagation z Influence on the free flow of water i Oresund z Risk of collision with vessels z Impact on flora and fauna z Fishing z Risk of shipwrecks and findings of archaeological interest BenefitsBenefits forfor thethe EnvironmentEnvironment z 89.000 MWh per. Year z 3% of electricity in Copenhagen z Gives clean air : z 261 tons SO2 z 234 tons NO2 z 76500 tons CO2 z 4950 tons cinders and ash VisualVisual impactimpact 11 z Several configurations were testet using computer image z Visiual background for the Littel Mermaid z Opposition to all configuations, except straight-line z A straight-line type meant fewer turbines than could be supported bv the area VisualVisual impactimpact 22 VisualVisual impactimpact 33 NoiseNoise propagationpropagation z Regulation: Noise levels below 40-45 dB at nearest neighbour z Fact: You can´t hear after 500 m. ImpactImpact onon thethe freefree flowflow ofof waterwater ii OresundOresund z The Baltic Sea is refreshed by water from the Danish straits z Reduced flow by 0,0012% z Compensation treament was not justified RiskRisk ofof collisioncollision withwith vesselsvessels z Result; Reduced risk of oil spill. z Oresund is a busy seaways, 20.000 ships a year. z Simulations have shown 8% risk of one collision to turbine pr. year. z But reduced ground collison 120% to 40% a year because the low water will become visible ImpactImpact onon floraflora andand faunafauna z No negative influence after 3 years z Vegetation was to be controlled prior to construction, three months after, and on yeare after z Tree months later the sea bed had more or less recovered, and the faundations were covered with seaweed z Conclusion: The faundations served as minireefs FineFine recoveryrecovery ofof eelgrasseelgrass afterafter thethe constructionconstruction BirdsBirds atat MiddelgrundenMiddelgrunden z No effect on birds z Or positive effect z Birds often collide with high voltage lines, masts, poles, and windows in buildings. They are also killed by cars and shot. z Birds are seldom bothered by wind turbines, however. FishingFishing inin thethe areaarea z Compensation for ”no fishing” during the construction z Fishing allowed around the cabels z Better fishing place becaus of the faundations ”minireefs” RiskRisk ofof shipwrecksshipwrecks z Many shipwrecks in the area • No archaeological sites was found • Could have delayed the construchen with
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