Summer sounds: The Jeep World Outdoor Festival brings rockers like Sheryl Crow, O.A.R. and Train to Coors Ampitheatre on July 25 . See hiatus, page 8 THE UCSD Circulation MONDAY 11,000 July 15, 2002 u : ~r\.'\ IJI[ (;O www. 1tcsdguflrdinn.org \ 'OI.L'.\IE 106. ISSL't- 21 Charges against the Koala are dropped J-board not convinced that the humor publication disrupted a MEChA meeting By EVAN MCLAUGHLIN nati onal spec tacle. " It is extrem ely IInpon ant to News Editor T he struggle between th e uni­ understand that the action t:lken versity and the Koala has gai ned by the ul1l vcrsity have nothing to Charg e::~ tha t the KUfl la disrupt­ attention from national media o ut­ do with the Koa la's coment, but ed ,\ ,'v1 ovmi ento Estudi'lntil lets, including TIN WflII S tru t rathe r with its conduct of behav­ C hlCana/o de Aztian meeting Nov. Journfll, Dr. Laura Schlessinger's ior," W atson sa id. 19, ]001, were dropped by the sy ndicated ra dio program a nd According to George Liddle, UCS[) administrati on after the United Press International. The editor in chi ef o f the KUflla, the ca mpus-wid e jud icial board found Freedom of Individual Ri ghts in media's attention o f the contlict has that there:: was ll1sufficient evidence Educa tion center has also posted a stelllmed fr om a set of e-mails against the snldent publication in a press release on its Web sitt! accus­ between /\1 EChA member Ernesto June S hearing. ing the UCSO administration of Martinez, the stude nt complaint:lnt "The complaint was dismissed bias against the Koala for its con­ of the N ov. 19 incident, and hy th~ designated dean o f students tent. Within its June 2 1 statemenr, Agui lar. T he series of e- mails, based Ilil the lindings and conclu­ EI.R.E. accused Aguilar of "aban­ Liddle all eged, are evidence of the sions submitted to the dean by the doning eve n the appearance of un iversity's "gigantic amount of Guordlan file pOOIO campus-wide judicial board," sai d impartiali ty." favo ritism" towards MEChA in the Looking for answers: While the Koala won its case in front of the Judi Cial Director o f Student Poli cies and Vice Chancellor of Student resolutio n process. board, it seeks furth er legal ad ion in a pending lawsuit against the univerSi ty. Judicial Affairs Nicholas S. Aguilar. Affairs Joseph W . Watson asserts Also an issue , Liddle sa id, is the While the judicial 'board case that the judicial board hearing was failure on Aguilar's part to address this can stop," stated Martinez in color wi ll have to retaliate." against the Koala has been never a question of the KOllla's case, violent implications made by one e -mail. "If no positive support Liddle condemned the adll1ll1lS­ brought to a close, the conflict but was in regards to the isolated Martinez in the e- mails. is rereivcd frol11 UCSD admll1is­ tration's response to M artinez's between the Koalo and the UCSD incident involving the MEChA "It has crossed my mind sever­ tratio n [such as puning a stop to admini stration ha s erupted into a meeting. al tim es to physica lly fight back so the Koala ], then we as students of See KOALA, PaRe 6 Showing the way A.S. Council passes budget Mandate reserves used to pay for extra expenses By LAURA MCGANN "Thousands of sn.dents had to for over 20 years, was initially cut Associate News Editor be turned away last year," Brown fwm the A.S. Counci l budget. said. After much protest from Marsh,.11 A $1.2 million 2002-2003 A.S. This year's council has also set students o ver the program's Council Executive Budget was the improvement of school spirit remova l in the ea rl ier budget passed during the tenth week of on campus as a high priority. drafts, T MC senators lobbied hard spring quarter during the A.S. Because of this, the budget has all o­ for the rei nstatement of fu nding for Council's final meeting of the year. ca ted an additional $1 4,000 to the event. The executi ve budget, written by Athletic Relations to fund the spir­ Accordin g to Brown , the initi al A.S. President Jenn Brown , deter­ it association Triton T id e. remova l of the C ult ura l min es how each UCSD student's "With Robin Shelton as the Celebration (rom the blldg-c t $21 quarterly activity fee will be commissioner of a thletics next year, received more response than 'Ill y spent during the upcoming year. we expect Triton T ide to just other action she has taken during T he A.S. programming depart­ explode," Brown said. her three years as a member of A.S. ment, which organizes sllch con­ Thurgood M arshall Coll ege's Counci l. certs as Fall Fest, WinterFesr and traditional Cultural Celebration, Sun G od, received the largest allo­ which has been a Marshall trad.tion See BUDGET, PaRe 6 cation of the total $425,000. While WinterFest and Sun God will be operating under the same budget as they did during the 2001 -2002 school year, Fall Fest has received UCSD student arrested an additional $15,000. The funding increase will be use d to move the concert from its uSlial venue, for manufacturing IDs RIMAC Arena, out to RIMAC City apartment on L ebon lyon liM/Guotdion field, which has a larger capacity. Fake ID ring Avenue, investi gators discovered Brown said that the reason for On displ.y: UCSD college ambassador Brian latham guides a group a state seal hologram printer and moving the concert to the field was of visiting prospective students and their parents past Center Hall. had customers other computer equipment that due to the 2002 concert's inability could be used to make fake IDs. to accommodate the number of as far away as Investi gators also seized $H,HOO students wishing to attend. in cash from the aparonent. Lake Shasta T he arrest of 21-year-old David James Kl ein was the cul ­ Weather By BRENT HECHT mination of a two-m onth ~1ht200H)2IIIM' __ . ..d MotIMr. July IS: Hi~ 74 I lo;y 63 \~{ INSIDE ... Associate News Editor undercover operati on that piQ '.... ., lilt 5eIrs Cup. TunMy. July II: Hi;l 73 I lo;y 59 {) began when local police recov­ EwnIs 2 ... pqe 12 ......,. July 17: High 72 I lo;y 59 ,1 A UCSD student was arrest­ ered a series of false driver's ~ . - .-----..- 2 ed and charged with allegedly licenses confisca ted by UCSO ~ c-.aion .' n..I-'- manufacturing and distributing police and San D iego bars and ()pinion ..,....... ~emely important to ~!hundIr~~Coypons==-------~' lIIecrou IIDpMDln~ understand that the actions taken by hundreds of counterfeit restaurants. A joint task force of ~HiIIus~~:=:~==::::::::::::::~' his ...... ""*XNriIy the university against the /(00/0 has California driver's licenses fol ­ state and local law enforcement _______fi" 1qlJll*'lll. ~AIJUiiI~~"'~"~U!...- nothing to dO ~ iIs content, but lowing a June 11 raid of the stu­ agencies, including the UCSD ~a.....~!!!!.... ________*n ... -4 Spons I' rather With iIs conduct of behMlr.' dent's apartment. r-.- - Joseph W. WIbon In the student's University Va Chancellor of Student AIfoirs See ID, Page 7 2 NEWS THE UCSD GUARDIAN MONDAY, JU LY 15, 2002 MONDAY , JULY I S, 2002 THE UCSD GUARDIAN NEWS 3 EVENTS ETCETERA Tuesday, June 16 r I CE N ' v I CE BY Ke nrick L e ung JOSH CROUSE Groundbreaking of the Editor in Chief Pawka Memorial Green LAUREN I. COARTNEY & CHARLIE TRAN Debate rises over cross MI/ nllgillg EthlU1 1 Berkeley among colleges Scripps Institute of Oceanography will be holding the CARRIE ELIZABETH SKLAR Cupy Editu,' ground brea lcing ceremony of the on college campus Steve n Siner Pawka Memorial EVAN MdAUGHLlN to track foreign students G reen on J uly 16 at 9 a.m. The Nrw .< Editor Questions over separation of church ncw park will be located between BRENT HECHT & Ritter and Va ughan H alls and will HA ! I TOLD YOU NOT WHA T ARE YOU LAURA MCGANN TO WEAR THA T SHIRT Government-launched program will and state emerge over memorial overl ook the Pac ific O cean to the TAL KI N ABOUT? ,,/,.,.u";//I, Nrw,. Edilor.f ALL TH E TIME! NOW THIS TAN IS MAJOR wes t. LOOK AT YOUI BABE APPEA L. CLAIRE J. VANNETTE shot Ida Lee Shaw D ela ncy to Opinion Edilor monitor activities of international visitors (U-WIRE) HOUSTON - Steven Paw ka graduated from After .being pull ed over by a death on a Houston freeway aft er a Revelle C ollege in 197 1 wi th an JESSICA LlNGEL & (lJ-WIRE) BERKELEY, Cali f. enter the srudents into the pro­ Some international students H ouston Police Department patrol traffic altercation. Both Gillll m DANIELWAm undergraci uate degree in physics. - Some certified schools across the gram until the system has a "batch also oppose the constr uction of car on his way to work in the ea rl y and Delaney were blac k. In Ih e In 1982, he completed hi s doctor­ A.f.roriat< Opiniun Editor. .. nation began helping the U.S. gov­ capability." T he upgrade would the database and say it is a viola­ hours of a November night, Byron Gillum case, the H oustO n Police lItc in oceanography at Scripps ANU KUMAR ernment track international sru­ all ow the system to process large tion of a srudent's privacy.
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