www.porticolibrerias.es Nº 735 PÓRTICOSemanal Arqueología 93 29 mayo 2006 Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo METODOLOGÍA: 001 — 022 PREHISTORIA. Obras generales: 023 — 030 Paleolítico — Neolítico: 031 — 052 Edad de los metales: 053 — 075 España: 076 — 098 ARQUEOLOGÍA. Obras generales: 099 — 117 Oriente: 118 — 140 Grecia: 141 — 154 Roma: 155 — 191 Península Ibérica: 192 — 206 Medieval: 207 — 225 EPIGRAFÍA — NUMISMÁTICA: 226 — 237 METODOLOGÍA 001 Altuna, J. / K. Mariezkurrena / C. Mariezkurrena: Índices de términos arqueológicos contenidos en las obras completas de D. José Miguel de Barandiarán 1992 – 617 pp. € 12,00 002 Bintliff, J., ed.: A Companion to Archaeology 2006 – xxiv + 544 pp. € 28,80 INDICE: 1. Thinking about Archaeology: S. Shennan: Analytical archaeology — J. Thomas: The great dark book: archaeology, experience, and interpretation — 2. Current Themes and Novel Departures: M. Jones: Archaeology and the genetic revolution — R. Blench: Archaeology and language: methods and issues — M. L. S. Sørensen: The archaeology of gender — M. Johnson: Archaeology and PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 735 — Arqueología 93 2 social theory — R. Fletcher: Materiality, space, time, and outcome — F. Gerritsen: Archaeological pers- pectives on local communities — K. Greene: Archaeology and technology — J. Bintliff: Time, structure, and agency: the Annales, emergent complexity, and archaeology — 3. Major Traditions in Archaeology in Contemporary Perspective: J. A. J. Gowlett: Archaeological dating — J. A. J. Gowlett: Chronology and the human narrative — M. Jansen: Archaeology and indigenous peoples: attitudes towards power in ancient Oaxaca — I. Morris: Classical archaeology — C. E. Orser, Jr.: The archaeologies of recent history: historical, post-medieval, and modern-world — P. Rowley-Conwy: Animal bones and plant remains — F. A. Hassan: Ecology in archaeology: from cognition to action — T. J. Wilkinson: The archaeology of landscape — R. Corbey / R. Layton / J. Tanner: Archaeology and art — A. M. Pollard: Putting infinity up on trial: a consideration of the role of scientific thinking in future archaeologies — J. Bintliff: Experiencing archaeological fieldwork — 4. Archaeology and the Public: T. Darvill: Public archaeology: a european perspective — J. A. Tainter: Persistent dilemmas in american cultural resource management — L. Ellis: Museum studies — M. Rowlands: Relating anthropology and archaeology — M. Shanks: Archaeology and politics — M. Bell: Archaeology and green issues. 003 Cameron, C. M. / S. A. Tomka, eds.: The Abandonment of Settlements and Regions. Ethnoarchaeological and Archaeological Approaches 1996 – xv + 201 pp., fig., fot., tabl. € 32,45 004 Cleere, H. F., ed.: Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World 1990 – 352 pp., Rus., fig. € 51,45 005 Conolly, J. / M. Lake: Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology 2006 – 358 pp., fig., map., tabl. € 40,55 INDICE: Introduction and theoretical issues in archaeological GIS — First principles — Putting GIS to work in archaeology — The geodatabase — Spatial data acquisition — Building surface models — Exploratory data analysis — Spatial analysis — Map algebra, surface derivatives and spatial processes — Regions: territories, catchments and viewsheds — Routes: networks, cost paths and hydrology — Maps and digital cartography — Maintaining spatial data. 006 Conticello, B.: Scuola d’archeologo 2005 – 376 pp., 223 fig. € 98,80 007 Dupré Ollivier, M.: Palinología y paleoambiente. Nuevos datos españoles. Referencias 1988 – ix + 177 pp., 16 lám., 46 fig. € 18,75 008 Evans, T. L. / P. Daly, eds.: Digital Archaeology. Bridging Method and Theory 2006 – 279 pp., fig., fot., gráf. € 26,85 INDICE: 1. Where We’ve Been and Where We Are Going: P. Daly / T. L. Evans: Introduction: PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 735 — Arqueología 93 3 Archeological theory and digital pasts — E. B. W. Zubrow: Digital archaeology: a historical context — 2. Data Collection: M. Bradley: Archaeological survey in a digital world — P. Backhouse: Drowning in data? Digital data in a british contracting unit — 3. Quantification Made Easy: You, me and IT: the application of simple quantitative techniques in the examination of gender, identity and social repro- duction in the early to middle iron age of north-eastern France — 4. Modelling the Past: C. Palmer / P. Daly: Jouma’s tent: bedouin and digital archaeology — M. Frachetti: Digital archaeology and the scalar structure of pastoral landscapes: modeling mobile societies of prehistoric Central Asia — M. Llobera: What you see is what you get? Visualscapes, visual genesis and hierarchy — 5. Virtual Worlds: B. R. Gearey / H. P. Chapman: ‘Digital gardening’: an approach to simulating elements of palaeovegetation and some implications for the interpretation of prehistoric sites and landscapes — G. P. Earl: At the edges of the lens: photography, graphical constructions and cinematography — 6. Disseminating the Data: J. D Richards: Electronic publication in archaeology — G. Lock: Computers, learning and teaching in archaeology: life past and present on the screen — A. Baines / K. Brophy: What’s another word for thesaurus? Data standards and classifying the past — 7. Conclusion — P. Daly / T. L. Evans: Afterword. 009 Fazzio, F.: Gli spazi dell’archeologia. Temi per il progetto urbanistico 2005 – 334 pp., fot., map. € 24,00 INDICE: 1. Archeologia e urbanistica nel processo di trasformazione delle città: Città e stratificazione urbana — Scavi, progetti, piani. L’archeologia in città — Preesistenze storiche e resti archeologici — L’archeologia nel piano urbanistico — L’archeologia per il progetto della città — 2. Città e archeologia. Una nuova lettura: Dal perimetro al contesto — «Città archeologiche» e contesti archeologici locali — 3. «Città archeologiche» e piano urbanistico: alcuni esempi: Piani urbanistici per le «città archeologiche» — Le esperienze recenti: temi, modelli, strumenti — 4. Il caso di Roma come nodo critico: L’immagine della città archeologica — Archeologia tra pianificazione e tutela (1962-2003) — Le prospettive di ricerca — Ripartire dalla città. Gli spazi dell’archeologia nel progetto urbanistico — Appendice: Le schede di analisi dei casi di studio — Allegati. 010 Fernández Manzano, J. / F. J. Sarabia, eds.: Arqueometalurgia del bronce. Introducción a la metodología de trabajo 1998 – 149 pp., fig. € 10,00 011 Fernández Martínez, V. M.: Una arqueología crítica. Ciencia, ética y política en la construcción del pasado 2005 – 270 pp., fot., fig. € 22,95 INDICE: Introducción: El conflicto entre verdad y valor — Ciencia, ética y política: la perspectiva postmoderna — La ética en las ciencias sociales — Arqueología y marxismo — Arqueología y feminismo — Arqueología, postcolonialismo y multiculturalismo — Conclusión: Una nueva forma de pensar el pasado. 012 Francovich, R. / A. Pellicano / M. Pasquinucci, eds.: La carta archeologica fra ricerca e pianificazione territoriale. Atti del seminario di studi organizzato dalla regione toscana, Firenze 1999 2001 – 198 pp., fig., fot., map. € 36,00 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 735 — Arqueología 93 4 013 Francovich, R. / D. Manacorda, eds.: Lo scavo archeologico: dalla diagnosi all’edizione. III ciclo di lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in archeologia 1990 – 590 pp., fig. € 33,00 014 Francovich, R. / R. Parenti, eds.: Archeologia e restauro dei monumenti. I ciclo di lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in archeologia, Certosa di Pontignano (Siena) 28 settembre - 10 ottobre 1987 1988 – 476 pp., fig., fot., map. € 44,00 015 Goldberg, P. / R. I. MacPhail: Practical and Theoretical Geoarchaeology 2006 – xii + 455 pp., fig., fot. € 55,00 INDICE: 1. Regional Scale Geoarchaeology: Sediments — Stratigraphy — Soils — Hydrological systems I: slopes and slope deposits — Hydrological systems II: rivers and lakes — Aeolian settings and geoarchaeological environments — Coasts — Caves and rockshelters — 2. Nontraditional Geoarchaeological Approaches: Human impact on landscape: forest clearance, soil modifications, and cultivation — Occupation deposits I: concepts and aspects of cultural deposits — Occupation deposits II: examples from the Near East, North America, and Europe — Experimental geoarchaeology — Human materials — Applications of geoarchaeology to forensic science — 3. Field and Laboratory Methods, Data, and Reporting: Field-based methods — Laboratory techniques — Reporting and publishing — Concluding remarks and the geoarchaeological future. 016 Guillaume, B.: Les apports de l’archéologie à l’enseignement de l’his- toire, 2 vols. (1: Texte; 2: Annexes) 2004 – 962 pp. € 86,00 017 Mannoni, T. / A. Molinari, eds.: Scienze in archeologia. II ciclo di lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in archeologia. Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), 7-19 no- vembre 1988 1992 – 466 pp., fot., fig. € 33,00 018 Mashkour, M., ed.: Equids in Time and Space. Papers in Honour of Vera Eisenmann 2005 – viii + 240 pp., fig., tabl. € 70,50 INDICE: M. Mashkour: Véra Eisenmann and the equid osteological research — Geographical Dis- tribution of Equids: D. Tao: The fossils of the Przewalski’s horse and the climatic variations of the late pleistocene in China — I. V. Foronova: Late quaternary equids (genus Equus) of south-western and south-central Siberia — M. Picchardo: Update of equids in paleoindian time — S. Reynolds / L. C. Bishop: Craniodental variability in modern and fossil plains zebra (Equus burchellii Gray 1824) — Horses in the Palaeolithic: A. Burke: Palaeoethology as an archaeological tool: a model for the social and spatial behaviour of
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