V·Index of Linguistic Items

V·Index of Linguistic Items

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82348-7 - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of: The English Language: Second Edition David Crystal Index More information V · INDEX OF LINGUISTIC ITEMS A back of 311 dice 201 -ex 201 heightist 177 /k-/, /-k / (sound bad 199 did 347 exist 231 hello 393 symbolism) 251 a indefinite article 222–3, barely 218 different(ly) from/to/than extra- 128 helpmate 139 Kate 153 330 bastard 251 194, 311, 451 herb 260 Kellogg 268 short vs long 307, 325, be 212, 221, 225, 231, 347 dis- 128 F heterosexist 177 Kinki 114 351 inflected 21, 343 div/divent 326 his (= its)65 knave 63 verb particle 347 regional variation 322 do 45, 65, 70, 212, 219, -/f/ (sound symbolism) history 136 a- 128, 315 be- 128 228, 326, 347, 418 251 -hood 198, 208 L -a noun singular 201 be about to 224 does 204–5, 326 F/f 259–60, 268 hopefully 194, 229 noun plural 201 been 347 -dom 198, 208 far 199 house 207 /l/ clear 245, 337, 343, -a- (linking vowel) 129 be going to 224 don’t 219 farther/farthest 199 how (exclamatory) 219 345 A/a 259, 268 best 199 dos 326 -fashion 211 hurting 314 dark 245, 345, 354 AA (abbreviations) 121 be to 224 do so 228 fattyist 177 hyper- 128, 429 sound symbolism 251 -able 198, 211 better 199 dot 429 fi 347 vocalized 327 ableism 177 between you and I 194, 203 dunno 275 -fix 455 I voiceless 335 -acea 198 bi- 128 fore- 128 L/l 261 -ae (plural) 201 bio- 129 E for ti 338 I (pronoun) 347 La- 150 after (aspectual) 338, 343 bloody 98, 173, 352 frae 329 vs me 203 larf 275 -age 198, 208 -body 210 e magic/silent 42, 200, -friendly 133 -i (plural) 201 law(r) and order 247 ageist 177 bomb 310 205, 257, 259, 272 from 451 -i- (linking vowel) 129 -le 199 from (= since) 338 I/i 210, 260 agri- 129 boojum 139 optional 274 lecturer 308 -ful(l) 198, 208, 211, 429 before e 272 -aholic 129 -bot 429 -e (ending in Middle -less 198, 211 further/furthest 199 vs j 67 -aid 133, 179 bowdlerize 455 English) 39 let 219, 338 -ial 198 ain’t 299, 452 bridegroom 139 e (electronic) 428 -let 198, 208 -ian 198, 208 aitch 339 but 213, 226 E/e 259, 268 G lightning 205 each other 210 -ic 198, 211 -like 211 -al 198, 208, 211 adverbial 338, 352, 356 G/g 260 -eau(x) 201 -ice 150 Albert 150 sentence-initial 215 /-g/, /-g-/ (sound line 161 -ectomy 198 -ices (plural) 201 alike 227 by 225 symbolism) 251 -ling 198, 208 -ed form 196, 198, 204, -ies (plural) 200 alphabetist 177 -by 25 g dropping 69, 77 little 442 211, 212, 225, 326, 330 if 345 Americanism 81 gan 326 -’ll 224 C -ed vs-t (verb ending) 204, clause 224 amn’t 338 -gate 120, 133, 179 loadsa- 133 311, 451 -ification 429 amongst 311 Gawd 275 lookist 177 -c (verb base ending) 205 -ee 198, 208 -ify 198 an 223, 330 gay 138 look you 335 C/c 259, 268 -een 338 -im 201 before h 65 G’day 286 lorra 275 can 212 -eer 198, 208 in 438–9 -an 198, 208 ge- 21–2 luvverly 275 car 302, 310 eh 299 in- 128 and 213–14, 226, 283, gels 275 -ly 198, 211, 327, 347 cardigan 155 eh? 218, 342 -in 97 402, 428 get 225, 345, 402 -challenged 133 elder/eldest 199 in behalf of 311 as subordinator 338 give me it, etc. 323 M chic sale(s) 314 Elizabeth 148 inflammable 128 at beginning of a gl- 251 chitterlings 319 -elle 150 -ing form 21, 198, 203–4, M/m 261, 268 sentence 215 glamour 136 classist 177 ‘em 275 208, 211, 212, 225, 330 mad 157 idiomatic uses 227 God 173 c’mon 75 en- 128 innit 275, 327 magnolia 155 -and 330 goes 205 co- 128 encyclopediathon 133 inter- 128 mail 302 -ant 198, 208 gonna 224, 247, 275 cockroach 139 -ene 150 intra- 128 mal- 128 anti- 128 good 199 colour 167 -en form 21, 198, 200, -is 201 man, generic use of 177 any- 210 good afternoon/evening/ contra- 128 326, 429 -ise 198 -mancy 198 anymore (positive) 338 morning/night 286 could 212 -er adjective base ending -ish 198, 211, 400 manger 327 apart from 311 got 311 counter- 128 199 is it 299 Mary Deckers 100 appendix 201 gotcha 275, 380 cowboy 138 familiarity marker 131, -ism 133, 177, 179, 198, -matic 129 arch- 128 gotta 275 crime 164 208 maverick 155 arise 231 198 gotten vs got 311 curate’s egg 411 isn’t it 299, 335 may 212, 329 around 311 noun ending 208 -gram 130 cyber- 424 -ist 177, 179, 198, 208 me (vs I ) 203 -ary 307 spelling 307 grammar 136 -eroo 131 it 210, 420 medium 201 aside from 311 D -gynous 198 -it (verb ending) 330, 332 -ate 198 -ers 131 mega- 128, 133, 179 /d-/, /-d/ (sound -ery 198, 208 -ite 198, 208 -ment 198, 208 -athon 129, 179 H -itude 429 -ation 198, 208 symbolism) 251 -es (plural) 200–1 micro- 129 D/d 259, 268–9 -ese 198, 208 H/h 260, 268 -ity 198, 208, 429 might 212 atop 311 -ive 198, 211 auto 302, 310, 451 da 347 -esque 198, 211 /h/ dropping 42, 319, 416 spellings of 40 dare 212 -ess 198, 208 haitch 339 -ix 201 mines (= mine) 329 auto- 128 -ize 198 aye 326 data 201 -est ending 21 hand 163 mini- 128 daviely 332 -et 307 mis- 128 hardly 218, 326 J B De- 150 -eth 21, 29, 65 har har 275 mono- 128 de- 128 -ette 150, 198, 208 have 212, 310 J /j 67, 260, 268 ’morning 286 /b-/, /-b/ (sound demi- 128 Euro- 129, 179 have got 310 mouse 429 symbolism) 251 Derry 339 Eurocentrist 177 have to 224 K multi- 128 B/b 259, 268 di (verb particle) 347 every- 210 he 210, 451 must 212, 357 babbling 441 di- 128 ex- 128 headache 321 K/k 261, 268 mustn’t 338, 352 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-82348-7 - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of: The English Language: Second Edition David Crystal Index More information V · INDEX OF LINGUISTIC ITEMS 481 N -our 307, 340 sound symbolism 251 Tex-Mex 115 wannabee 275 -ous 198, 211 S/s 263 th,pronunciation of 327, -ward(s) 198, 211 N/n 261 out- 128 long 40, 65, 263, 281 337 -ware 429 na 330 over- 128 said 230, 419 -th noun ending 128 was 311, 327 -na 329 salary 136 verb ending 21, 29, 65 -ways 211 nae 329 P salon 138 thae 329 we 210 nay 326 salt-cellar 139 than 451 web 429 need 212 /p-/, /-p/ (sound sausage 136 that (pronoun) 210 weightist 177 neither . nor 213 symbolism) 251 says 204 that-clause 230 well 289, 345 neo- 128, 400 P/p 262, 268 sch- 243 the 222–3 -ness 198, 208 paleo- 128 sea, Old English words for thee 329 were 311 never 327 pan- 128 23 The Hague 208 wh- 330 news 158 parlour 138 see 329 there (unstressed) 231, 247 wh, pronunciation of 77 nice 136, 402 pavlova 155 seesaw 130, 313 these 210 what (exclamatory) 219 nice and 227 please 289 -self 210 they 210 what (pronoun) 210 nicotine 155 -ploid 198 -selves 210 they (= these) 329 what vswhich 210 night-night 286 poly- 128 semi- 128 they yins 329 whatsisname 130 -nik 198 post 302 senior lecturer 308 thine 290 whenever 338 no particle 329, 330, 347 post- 128 sexist 177 -thing 210 which 210 response 326, 360 pre- 128 sez 275 thingummybob 130 whole 22 tag 299 pro- 128 -sh 251 thir 329 who(m) 79, 194, 210 ways of saying 287 professor 308 Sha- 150 this 210 whose 210 no- 210 proto- 128 shall 194, 212, 224, 299, -thorp 25 Wigan 122 noan 326 pseudo- 128 311, 329 those 210 will 194, 212, 224, 311, nocht 330 psycho- 129 she 210, 451 thou 71, 210, 329 non- 128 punch 136 sheep 201 thwaite 25 338 none 194, 326 -ship 198, 208 thy 290 -wise 198, 211 not 205, 212, 218, 326, Q shit 172 till 313, 338 worse/worst 199 329–30 should 212 till (= so that) 338 -worthy 211 Q/q 262 not so 299 shurrup 275 -tion 198, 208 wot 275, 400 Québec 340 nowt 326 silly 136 tire centre 340 would 212, 345 quh- 330 n’t 205, 212, 218 sirloin 139 to (preposition) 311, 451 nuf(f ) 275 sit-in 97 R to (particle) 45 X -ny 329 sk- 261 -toft 25 sl- 251 /r/ after vowel 69, 77, 93, Toronto 341 X/x 264, 268 O sly 136 95, 99, 245, 247, 312, trans- 128 Smith 151 324, 337, 341, 345, treacle 136 Y O (vocative) 220 sn- 251 355, 356, 360 treat 326 -o familiarity marker 131, so 338, 345 -y adjective base ending colouring 320 tri- 128 352 some- 210 199 noun ending 200–1 intrusive 247 trif(f)ic 275 -some 211 trough 327 adjective suffix 211 -o- (linking vowel) 129 linking 247, 262, 316 -son 26 try and 227 familiarity marker 131, O/o (letter) 262 R/r 262, 275 sparrow-grass 139 -ocracy 198, 208 racist 177 198 -speak 179 U noun ending 200 -oes (noun plural) 200 rain cats and dogs 118 Stanley 43 of 202, 210, 313, 338 -rama 129 verb base ending 205 staple 160 U/u 40–1, 67, 263 off of 311 Rambo- 133 Y/y 264 -ster 198, 208 ultra- 128 -og 307 re- 128 ya 275 stork 136 -um 201 -ogue 307 -re 307 y’all 210 -style 211 un- 128 oh 289 reader 308 sub- 128 uncle 156 ye 65, 71, 329 -oh 352 real 451 super- 128 under 439 ye (= the)41 OK 120 relaid 205 supercalifragilistic- under- 128 yeah 275 OK? 218 relayed 205 expialidocious 131 uni- 128 yes 248, 326, 335, 360 old (-er/-est) 199 right? 218, 299 sur- 128 -us 201 yigh 326 on 338, 438–9 round 311 sw- 251 used be 338 yiz 343 -on 201 .

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