THE KOREAN WAR clan A9:4 A HISTORY ( toot ie let .•-,• ••% ale draa. • 0%1. • .„ \ •r• • • di 11111 1 41'• di• wrsn..."7 • -s. ve,„411p- • dm0 41N-Nitio6 u". •••• -- 411 • ose - r 011.,r•rw••••••• ate,tit 0it it& ado tem.........,111111111nrra° 1 40 Of ••••••—•S‘ 11••••••••••••••• 4,1••••••• o CUMINGS' •IP • AABOUTBOUT THE AAUTHORUTHOR BRUCE CCUMINGSUMINGS is the Gustavus F. and Ann M.M. Swift DistinguishedDistinguished Service ProfessorProfessor inin HistoryHistory atat the University ofof ChicagoChicago and specializesspecializes inin modernmodem KoreanKorean history,history, internationalinternational history,history, andand EastEast AsianAsian–American–American relations. 2010 Modern LibraryLibrary EditionEdition CopyrightCopyright CD© 2010 by Bruce Cumings Maps copyrightcopyright ©0 2010 by Mapping Specialists AllAll rights reserved. Published in the United States by Modern Library,Library, an imprintimprint ofof TheThe Random HouseHouse PublishingPublishing Group,Group, a division ofof RandomRandom House, Inc., New York.York. MODERN L IBRARY and the T ORCHBEARER DesignDesign areare registeredregistered trademarkstrademarks ofof RandomRandom House,House, Inc.Inc. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGINGCATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION-IN-PUBLICATION DATADATA Cumings,Cumings, Bruce TheThe KoreanKorean War/BruceWar/Bruce Cumings. p. cm.cm.—(A—(A modern librarylibrary chronicleschronicles book)book) eISBN:eISBN: 978-0-679-60378-8978-0-679-60378-8 1.1. Korean War, 1950-1953.1950–1953. 22. KoreanKorean War, 19501950-1953—United–1953—United States. 3. Korean War,War, 19501950-1953—Social–1953—Social aspectsaspects—United—United States. I. Title. DS918.C75D5918.C75 2010 951 951.904 .9042—dc22′2—dc22 2010005629 2010005629 www.modernlibrary.comwww.modemlibrary.com v3.0 CHRONOLOGY 2333 B.C.B.C. Mythical Mythical founding ofof thethe Korean nationnation byby Tangun and hishis bear wifewife.. A.D.A.D. 668-918668–918 Si Sillalla kingdom rules a Korea unifiedunified upup to the Taedong RiverRiver flowing through PyongyangPyongyang.. 918918-1392–1392 KoryoKoryo dynasty governs Korea fromfrom itsits capital at KaesongKaesong and produces the worldworld's’s most exquexquisiteisite celadon potterypottery.. 12311231 MongolsMongols sweep through China and invade KoreaKorea.. 13921392 EstablishmentEstablishment ofof thethe Choson dynasty byby GenGen.. YiYi SongSong-gye,-gye, whowho makes Seoul the capitalcapital.. 14431443 InventionInvention ofof hangul,hangul, Korea'sKorea’s unique alphabet, by scholarsscholars working for King SejongSejong.. 15921592-1598–1598 JapaneseJapanese invasions under the warlord HideyoshiHideyoshi devastate Korea, but are turned back by Adm.Adm. YiYi SunSun-shin's-shin’s forces; Hideyoshi diesdies.. 18761876 JapaneseJapanese gunboats open KoreaKorea's’s ports to foreignforeign trade and imposeimpose the first unequal treatytreaty.. 18821882 UnitedUnited States and Korea sign a similarlysimilarly unequal treatytreaty.. 18941894 TonghakTonghak peasant uprising defeateddefeated.. 18941894-1895–1895 JapanJapan defeats China in Sino-JapaneseSino-Japanese WarWar.. 18941894 SlaverySlavery abolishedabolished.. 19041904-1905–1905 JapanJapan wins Russo-JapaneseRusso-Japanese War; Korea becomes a Japanese protectorateprotectorate.. 19101910 JapanJapan annexes Korea as its colony and abolishes the Choson dynastydynasty.. 19191919 IndependenceIndependence movement against Japanese rule begins on MarchMarch 1,I, andand after many months ofof nationwidenationwide protest isis crushedcrushed.. 19321932 JapaneseJapanese establish the puppet state ofof ManchukuoManchukuo on MarchMarch 1,I, comprisingcomprising three northeastern provinces ofof ChinaChina.. 19371937 JapanJapan provokes Sino-JapaneseSino-Japanese WarWar.. 19411941 JapanJapan attacks the United States at Pearl HarborHarbor.. 19451945 KoreaKorea liberated following the surrender ofof JapaneseJapanese forces toto the Allies. 19451945-1948–1948 U.S.U.S. Army MilitaryMilitary Government inin KoreaKorea.. 19481948 RepublicRepublic ofof KoreaKorea and DemocrDemocraticatic PeoplePeople's’s Republic ofof KoreaKorea establishedestablished.. 19501950-1953–1953 KoreanKorean WarWar.. 19611961 GeneralGeneral Park Chung Hee leads the firstfirst militarymilitary coupcoup.. 19801980 GeneralGeneral Chun Doo Hwan crushes the Kwangju rebellionrebellion andand leads the second militarymilitary coupcoup.. 19871987 NationwideNationwide protests force the military ddictatorshipictatorship to holdhold presidential electionselections.. 19921992 KimKim Young Sam elected president and ushers inin a moremore democraticdemocratic political eraera.. 19941994 KimKim IlIl Sung dies and his son, KimKim Jong Il,Ii, becomes top leader inin the North.North. 19971997 KimKim Dae Jung becomes the first member ofof thethe oppoppositionosition toto winwin the presidency inin the South.South. 2000 FirstFirst summit between Korean heads ofof statestate held inin Pyongyang;Pyongyang; Kim Dae Jung awarded the Nobel Peace PrizePrize.. 2002 RohRoh Moo Hyun electedelected.. 2007 LeeLee Myung Bak electedelected.. GLOSSARY AMG U.S. Army MilitaryMilitary Government CIC CountCounter-Intelligenceer-Intelligence Corps (American)(American) DPRK Democratic People'sPeople’s Republic ofof KoreaKorea (North)(North) GG-2-2 U.S. Military Intelligence JCS Joint Chiefs ofof StaffStaff (American)(American) KCIA Korean Central Intelligence Agency KMAG Korean MilitaryMilitary Advisory Group (American) KNP Korean National Police (S(South)outh) KPA Korean PeoplePeople's’s Army (North)(North) KTRC Korean Truth and Reconciliation Commission (South)(South) KWP Korean WorkersWorkers'’ Party (North)(North) NSC National Security Council NWY Northwest Youth Corps (South) OSS OfficeOffice of StrategicStrategic Services PLA PeoplePeople's’s Liberation Army (China) PRC PeoplPeople'se’s Republic ofof ChinaChina RAF Royal Air Force (British) ROK Republic ofof KoreaKorea (South) ROKA Republic ofof KoreaKorea Army SCAP SupremeSupreme Command, Allied Powers SKWP SouthSouth Korean WorkersWorkers'’ Party UNC United Nations Command (1950(1950—present)–present) UNCOK UN Commission on Korea UNCURK UN Commission on the UnificationUnification and ReconstructionReconstruction ofof KoreaKorea USAF U.S. Air Force USAMGIK U.S. Army MilitaryMilitary Government inin KoreaKorea (1945(1945-48)–48) INTRODUCTION This is a book about the Korean War, written forfor Americans and byby an American about a conflict that is ffundamentallyundamentally Korean, but oneone construed inin thethe United States to have been a discrete, encapsulated storystory beginningbeginning inin June 19501950 and ending in July 1953, in which Americans are the major actors. They intervene on the side ofof thethe good, they appear to winwin quicquicklykly onlyonly toto lose suddenly,suddenly, finally they eke out a stalemated ending thatthat was prelude toto a forgetting. Forgotten,Forgotten, never known, abandoned: AmericansAmericans sought toto grab holdhold of thisthis war and win it, only to see victory slip from their handshands and the warwar sinksink into oblivion.oblivion. A primary reason is that they never knewknew theirtheir enemy— andand theythey stillstill don't.don’t. SoSo this is also a book seeking to uncover truthstruths that mostmost Americans do not know and perhaps dondon't’t want to know, truths sometimes as shocking as they are unpalatable to AmericanAmerican selfself-esteem.-esteem. But today theythey have become commonplace knowledge in a democratized and historicallyhistorically awareaware South Korea.Korea. The year 2010 marks the sixtieth anniversary ofof thethe Korean WarWar's’s conventional start, but also the centennial ofof JapanJapan's’s colonization ofof Korea.Korea. This war had its distant gestation in that imperial history, and especiallyespecially inin northeastnortheast China (or Manchuria as it was called) at the dawn ofof JapanJapan's’s aggression inin 1931.1931. JapanJapan's’s ambitions to colonize Korea coincided withwith JapanJapan's’s rise as the firstfirst modern great power in Asia. Seizing on a major peasant rebellionrebellion inin Korea,Korea, Japan instigated war with China in 1894 and defeated itit a year later.later. After another decade of imperialimperial rivalry over Korea, Japan smashed tsaristtsarist RussiaRussia inin lightning naval and land attacks, stunning the world because a “"yellow"yellow” countrycountry had defeated a “"white"white” power. Korea became a Japanese protectorate inin 1905 and a colony in 1910, with the blessing ofof allall the great powers and especiallyespecially thethe United States (President Theodore Roosevelt admired the skills and “"virility"virility” ofof JapanJapan's’s leaders, and thought they would leadlead Korea intointo modernity.) It was a strange colony, coming “"late"late” in world time,time, after mostmost ofof thethe world had been divided up and after progressive calls had emerged toto dismantldismantlee the entire colonial system. Furthermore, Korea had most ofof thethe prerequisites forfor nationhood long before most other countries: common ethnicity,ethnicity, language, and culture, and wellwell-recognized-recognized national boundaries since the tenth century.century. So the Japanese engagedengaged in substitutions after 1910: exchanging a Japanese rulingruling eliteelite for aristocratic Korean scholarscholar-officials,-officials, most ofof whomwhom were either coco-opted-opted oror dismissed; instituting a strong central state inin place ofof thethe old governmentgovernment administration; exchanging
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