UNIV.ERSITY OF SCRANTON'S STUDENT NEWSPAPER April 18, 1991 · Volume. 63, Number 19 Stories on page 3 Feller arrested on theft charges All classifieds now due Sunday by 7 p.m. Page 2 April 18, 1991 CAMPUS PROFILE ,;~'JDJ!~~~i~,Ji Bo~ v!!!ows economics, finance ,~ ·.SCrimtOJ:l·:~aram:·'&.~cio4 :''will :join.- in. ~tjvof.ld~de ·celebia~Ori Aquinas News Staff 'o(the_.450th.:·~v.ersaiy ·orthe,folinding·.o,r the. $oci(#·:of.Je8us·:wiih a Iinirgy }it:.3:ji#L. on: S~cfuy~.~:.t\pliJ. 21:::at;·:~t·' Pete,;~s:·catl~<hit ·nne 'to Since he moved here from In­ .li:grl~oo:: s~ting;;. ihose,. iil.t~tc!4 .in. :aueriding ·thiS·::· eelebt'lnioit'· are --:fe~ dia in 1961, Mrigen Bose, profes­ . "iii~,·~·:ol>t3,l.n· tick~. ~gh:tli,e· Cain u:s·.-u-;..,;.;t....,_C,.ffi.Ce; FOrm~ sor of economics and f"mance, is q: . .. ... .. .· P.. ...~~·--~J . .info~Waticm;· pl~.~aU -94~':-7419~· ,.. :_· .. :-··· ..... · .· · ·· · · · · very happy with the life he has made for himself in the United .. · .· :..... ·.. ··._· ........__ ::_·_'··,_::: _.:. m~,-Urivi ::· :::· .. ·... · ·' States. His f"U'St teaching offer came . ; -1lie: Rect :~s will_oo spons_oritig ~:blOOd· @ye··ori:.Monday, ApPl from the University, and he has 22, in Eager(A:UditOiiuriL Come.. ·out and :rilake' a·· d6natim· You .inay been so impressed by the Jesuit save. someo_ne•s :life.. .. :.. ·. :-. style of education that he is still here 23 years later. : . Alpha: Mu,Gainnla · .: , "I really like the Jesuit educa­ .. ·.The:· Th~ta Iota Chapter-.' <)f.· t.he Foreign: ·Language .:National. Honor tional philosophy," he said. ''be­ Soci~tj;·Alprui:.:Mu Glli11llla;)s. s~king: the enrol101ent of-graduating cause it emphasizes values, ethics, seniorii.-. RequirementS. -for· full membership ·are .two consecutive ',A'S" ·fu morality and the development of a language. cow:-Se. ai:ihe friie~lnediate· ·levef -~:·above: ·For a.SSociate the whole person." mem~hip, ·a:· siuck:D.t inust hlive twc)·~tive B-i-~s· or:bener··inJa Bose obtained two master's de­ l~glia~e course or exp<>$w,e to:rilo,re·thm.cmidangwige: A cWDUiative grees in economics and business Mrigen Bose . .Q? ..L. of 2.5 or ootteiis also .t;eqUired Appliciiti~.:deaq.J.irie -is ·APril·-~. from the University of Calcutta He is researching the effects of science and engineering to their Me~Qip ,fee. _is. $_20. A~plicatiQris· ·may· be·. ()9~· ejt.her· from and then taught for six years at foreign banks and Japanese direct advantage and are continuously Joyce_ Knott in T352· or :fn>ril J<*iguag~ pro.fessoi'S.·' .: ··. · . : · :·.. · Maharaja Manindra College in investment in the United States, seeking improvements of the cur­ • • . h .. ., Calcutta. He came to the United which he admits is a controversial rent conditions," he said. "I also .. • . :;:-:.:. :. States and received another issue. admire very much the honesty and . u~y~n,~tY ··LectUre.: Series-·~ .. ·;·.... · ·· . master's in economics at the Uni­ "People are sharply divided frankness of the people and the · .The psychology &3>artmedt,, iD ·associati~ ·\Villi die ·uru.v~t}t Lee-. versity of Kentucky. He then went about whether Japanese investment media in the United States." ttire, series~ will sponsor· a Ieemre·by PatriCia A. Gervaize, Ph.D• ." at :7 to the University of Utah and in the United States is a positive or Bose has seen 1he School of p.m., _May_l4, m Zl02. ·Oei:Vaize 'will' .speak. on·"Fei:niillsm; Ethics and obtained his doctorate in econom­ negative thing," he said ''But my Management undergo many Reproductive Teebnology:·. 1)le leetllJ:'C is: free· of .charge .and· oPeri .tO ics. observation is that this has been changes. "The quantity and qual- the public. Additional infonnation may· I:>e obtafned.:.from:Dr. John Bose teaches basic economic . good for both the United States ity of the SOM faculty has greatly Norcross :at 941-7638. · · ',_· theory courses to undergraduate and Japan." improved." he said students and courses in interna­ His other project involves the He believes that the SOM . Energy· Co~ervatlon . .. : .. : ; tional business and multi~national problem of overpopulation in In- should continue to pursue its goal . In an e.ffon to conserv"e energy. please tum off ·all coroputer8;' lii(Us corporations for MBA students. dia. "India has too many people of becoming a member of the and other· electrical equipment when not iii~ Mea.Sures such: as these Bose has not forgotten his heri­ and their family planning is not American Association for the .will avoid extra cost to. the :Univeisil}i .and. e~te· wa5te. · ' · tage, which is the reason that he good," he said "I'm trying to iden- Collegiate Schools of Business has also been the moderator of the tify the socioeconomic reasons for (AACSB). a highly regarded busi­ ·PrO-life Lecture India Club for the past 10 years. this and come up with solutions to ness organization. Mazy Kelly will speak on Abortion and ChaStitY at 8 p.m on April 'We have two programs a year make this situation better." 'The members of this body are 24, in Eagen Auditorium. It is sponsored by Snidents for Life. · where students in the India Club Along with teaching, Bose has very well respected," he said "Tins and Indian families from the Scran­ published material in the econom- would add more prestige to the ton community get together and ics and finance area. He wrote a University and put pressure on the share in cultural activities such as book called "Jauaharlal Nehru and administration to keep improving Indian dance and music," he said his Economic Policy" based on his SOM." One of the future events in­ thesis and has written numerous Bose is very fond of the stu­ cludes a dinner and social program articles on Indian economies in the dents here and offers them his April 20 in Eagen Auditoriwn. United States. advice on how to succeed in life. Apartments Bose is working on two eco­ Bose has many positive opin- "You must have confidence, com- nomic and f"mance research proj­ ions about the United States. petence and compassion for oth- For Rent ects. ''The people here have exploited ers," he said Two eight-room apartments Above Angelo's N.Y. Deli Restaurant *Avoid the high cost of rooms SABS SEZ: *Save on food It's better than Cancun AND All utilities Included you can drink the water!! Call : 344-7140 ask for Angelo FREE DELIVERY W/ORDER . April 18, 1991 Page 3 ' Feller arrested for plate theft at Delaware museum MICHAEL· TYMCZYN he allegedly, stole two porcelain the Monroe plates were missing Police said their investigation Scranton Times reported Aquinas Editor plates from the Winterthur Mu- after a third. more expensive Chi- focused on Feller after the ques- Feller, a faculty member since seum in Wilmington. Del., Dela- nese export porcelain plate was tioning of museum personnel re- 1969, is on sabbatical this semes­ "An unfortunate circumstance" ware state police said reported missing by Feller on Jan. vealed that he was the last person ter and was at Winterthur as a is what Michael DeMichele, chair­ As of press time, no dates had 31. to examine the collection. visiting scholar researching the man of the University histocy de­ been released concerning further Museum security found the On April 8, federal agents plates, DeMichele said partment, called lhe arrest of Jolm legal action. plate, once owned by President searched Feller's Scranton home The University's only official Q. Feller, professor of histoiy. The plates, valued at $11,000 George Washington and valued at and removed .. items of untold statement concerning the arrest Feller was charged with theft each, were once owned by Presi- $-25,000, in a sideboard of the value" which included the Monroe confirms that Feller is employed at and attempted theft April 5. He dent James Monroe: museum, said Lynn Davis, a Win- plates and a manuscrit believed to the University, according to the was released on $5,000 bail after be from a New York museum. the public relations department. Student Possible peace houses Rabin seeks harmony placed despite 'roadblo·cks' KEITH LANIGAN cratic elections for Arab represen­ Managing Editor tation in the knesset," Rabin said on hold Israel has offered the territo­ ries' autonomy with the exception -------------------------~ hnagine what the average Is­ ERIN FLYNN raeli thinks after it takes a super­ of control over foreign policy and Aquinas News Staff power with a 28-nation coalition security, an offer never extended to defeat one Arab coWltry. Imag­ to the Palestinians when the teni­ Several University houses are ine how the Israelis fear for their tories were controlled by the Ar­ tentatively closed for next semes­ security if they are ever to face an abs, acoording to Rabin. ter, said Lawrence J. Morton, dean Arab ooalition in a war again. "The occupied territories were of students. Yitzhak: Rabin, former prime in the hands of the Arabs for the They include Cambria, ministe. of Israel from 1974 to itrSt 19 years of Israel's existence. Bradford, Monroe, Mercer and 1977 and a current member of the The Arabs failed to make a Pales­ Tioga houses. Labor Party in the Israeli knesset, tine state," Rabin said "Why did ''We will know by mid-May the expressed the above thoughts April they not do it? They were under the num~ruinooming~nru» 10 as the guest lecturer at the 1991 illusion that they could destroy transfer figures," Morton said. T. Linus Hoban Memorial Forum Israel. The Si.x Day War proved "Those figures will let us know if in the Eagen Auditoriwn.
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