That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club All 8s Starting G- GABBARDS AABBDGRS GABBARD, barge [n] GABBARTS AABBGRST GABBART, gabbard (barge) [n] GABBIEST ABBEGIST GABBY, talkative [adj] GABBLERS ABBEGLRS GABBLER, one that gabbles (to jabber (to talk rapidly)) [n] GABBLING ABBGGILN GABBLE, to jabber (to talk rapidly) [v] GABBROIC ABBCGIOR GABBRO, type of rock [adj] GABBROID ABBDGIOR GABBRO, type of rock [adj] GABELLED ABDEEGLL GABELLE, tax on salt [adj] GABELLES ABEEGLLS GABELLE, tax on salt [n] GABFESTS ABEFGSST GABFEST, informal gathering for general talk [n] GADABOUT AABDGOTU one that gads about [n -S] GADARENE AADEEGNR headlong (rash; impetuous) [adj] GADFLIES ADEFGILS GADFLY, biting fly [n] GADGETRY ADEGGRTY devising or constructing of gadgets [n -RIES] GADROONS ADGNOORS GADROON, to decorate with bands of fluted or reeded molding [v] GADWALLS AADGLLSW GADWALL, wild duck [n] GADZOOKS ADGKOOSZ used as mild oath [interj] GAGEABLE AABEEGGL GAGE, to pledge as security [adj] GAGGLING AGGGGILN GAGGLE, to cackle (to make sound of hen) [v] GAGSTERS AEGGRSST GAGSTER, gagman (one who writes jokes) [n] GAHNITES AEGHINST GAHNITE, mineral (naturally occurring inorganic substance having characteristic set of physical properties) [n] GAIETIES AEEGIIST GAIETY, festive activity [n] GAINABLE AABEGILN GAIN, to acquire (to come into possession of) [adj] GAINLESS AEGILNSS profitless [adj] GAINLIER AEGIILNR GAINLY, graceful (having beauty of form or movement) [adj] GAINSAID AADGIINS GAINSAY, to deny (to declare to be untrue) [v] GAINSAYS AAGINSSY GAINSAY, to deny (to declare to be untrue) [v] GAITERED ADEEGIRT GAITER, covering for lower leg [adj] GALABIAS AAABGILS GALABIA, djellaba (long hooded garment) [n] GALABIEH AABEGHIL djellaba (long hooded garment) [n -S] GALABIYA AAABGILY djellaba (long hooded garment) [n -S] GALACTIC AACCGILT pertaining to galaxy (large system of celestial bodies) [adj] GALANGAL AAAGGLLN medicinal plant [n -S] GALANGAS AAAGGLNS GALANGA, galangal (medicinal plant) [n] GALATEAS AAAEGLST GALATEA, strong cotton fabric [n] GALAVANT AAAGLNTV to gad about [v -ED, -ING, -S] GALAXIES AAEGILSX GALAXY, large system of celestial bodies [n] GALBANUM AABGLMNU gum resin [n -S] GALEATED AADEEGLT GALEA, helmet-shaped anatomical part [adj] GALENITE AEEGILNT galena (principal ore of lead) [n -S] GALETTES AEEGLSTT GALETTE, flat round cake [n] GALILEES AEEGILLS GALILEE, type of porch (covered structure at entrance to building) [n] GALIPOTS AGILOPST GALIPOT, type of turpentine [n] GALIVANT AAGILNTV to gad about [v -ED, -ING, -S] GALLANTS AAGLLNST GALLANT, to court woman [v] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club GALLATES AAEGLLST GALLATE, chemical salt [n] GALLEASS AAEGLLSS large war galley [n -ES] GALLEINS AEGILLNS GALLEIN, green dye [n] GALLEONS AEGLLNOS GALLEON, large sailing vessel [n] GALLERIA AAEGILLR roofed promenade or court [n -S] GALLETAS AAEGLLST GALLETA, perennial grass [n] GALLETED ADEEGLLT GALLET, to fill in mortar joints with stone chips [v] GALLIARD AADGILLR lively dance [n -S] GALLIASS AAGILLSS galleass (large war galley) [n -ES] GALLICAN AACGILLN pertaining to French religious movement [adj] GALLICAS AACGILLS GALLICA, European rose [n] GALLIOTS AGILLOST GALLIOT, small galley [n] GALLIPOT AGILLOPT small earthen jar [n -S] GALLIUMS AGILLMSU GALLIUM, metallic element [n] GALLNUTS AGLLNSTU GALLNUT, abnormal swelling of plant tissue [n] GALLOONS AGLLNOOS GALLOON, ornamental braid [n] GALLOOTS AGLLOOST GALLOOT, galoot (awkward or uncouth person) [n] GALLOPED ADEGLLOP GALLOP, to ride horse at full speed [v] GALLOPER AEGLLOPR one that gallops (to ride horse at full speed) [n -S] GALLOWAY AAGLLOWY breed of hornless cattle [n -S] GALLUSED ADEGLLSU GALLUS, suspender for trousers [adj] GALLUSES AEGLLSSU GALLUS, suspender for trousers [n] GALLYING AGGILLNY GALLY, to frighten (to make afraid) [v] GALOPADE AADEGLOP lively round dance [n -S] GALOPING AGGILNOP GALOP, to dance galop (lively round dance) [v] GALOSHED ADEGHLOS GALOSH, overshoe (protective outer shoe) [adj] GALOSHES AEGHLOSS GALOSH, overshoe (protective outer shoe) [n] / GALOSHE, galosh (overshoe (protective outer shoe)) [n] GALUMPHS AGHLMPSU GALUMPH, to move clumsily [v] GALVANIC AACGILNV pertaining to direct electric current [adj] GAMASHES AAEGHMSS boots worn by horseback riders [n GAMASHES] GAMBADES AABDEGMS GAMBADE, gambado (leap made by horse) [n] GAMBADOS AABDGMOS GAMBADO, leap made by horse [n] GAMBESON ABEGMNOS medieval coat [n -S] GAMBIERS ABEGIMRS GAMBIER, extract obtained from Asian vine [n] GAMBLERS ABEGLMRS GAMBLER, one that gambles (to play game of chance for money or valuables) [n] GAMBLING ABGGILMN GAMBLE, to play game of chance for money or valuables [v] GAMBOGES ABEGGMOS GAMBOGE, gum resin [n] GAMBOLED ABDEGLMO GAMBOL, to leap about playfully [v] GAMBRELS ABEGLMRS GAMBREL, part of horse's leg [n] GAMBUSIA AABGIMSU small fish [n -S] GAMEBOOK ABEGKMOO book of strategies used by sports team [n -S] GAMECOCK ACCEGKMO rooster trained for fighting [n -S] GAMEFISH AEFGHIMS fish caught for sport [n -ES] GAMEFOWL AEFGLMOW gamecock (rooster trained for fighting) [n -S] GAMELANS AAEGLMNS GAMELAN, type of orchestra [n] GAMELIKE AEEGIKLM similar to game (contest governed by set of rules) [adj] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club GAMENESS AEEGMNSS quality of being game (plucky (brave and spirited)) [n -S] GAMEPLAY AAEGLMPY way computer or video game is played [n -S] GAMESMAN AAEGMMNS one who plays games [n -MEN] GAMESMEN AEEGMMNS GAMESMAN, one who plays games [n] GAMESOME AEEGMMOS playful (frolicsome) [adj] GAMESTER AEEGMRST gambler (one that gambles (to play game of chance for money or valuables)) [n -S] GAMIFIED ADEFGIIM GAMIFY, to turn into game [v] GAMIFIES AEFGIIMS GAMIFY, to turn into game [v] GAMINESS AEGIMNSS quality of being gamy (plucky (brave and spirited)) [n -ES] GAMMADIA AAADGIMM Greek ornamental designs [n GAMMADIA] GAMMIEST AEGIMMST GAMMY, lame (physically disabled) [adj] GAMMONED ADEGMMNO GAMMON, to mislead by deceptive talk [v] GAMMONER AEGMMNOR one that gammons (to mislead by deceptive talk) [n -S] GAMODEME ADEEGMMO somewhat isolated breeding community of organisms [n -S] GANACHES AACEGHNS GANACHE, creamy chocolate mixture [n] GANDERED ADDEEGNR GANDER, to wander (to move about with no destination or purpose) [v] GANGBANG AABGGGNN to participate in gang-related activities [v -ED, -ING, -S] GANGLAND AADGGLNN criminal underworld [n -S] GANGLIAL AAGGILLN gangliar (pertaining to ganglion (group of nerve cells)) [adj] GANGLIAR AAGGILNR pertaining to ganglion (group of nerve cells) [adj] GANGLIER AEGGILNR GANGLY, gangling (awkwardly tall and lanky) [adj] GANGLING AGGGILNN awkwardly tall and lanky [adj] / GANGLE, to move awkwardly [v] GANGLION AGGILNNO group of nerve cells [n -IA, -S] GANGPLOW AGGLNOPW agricultural implement [n -S] GANGRELS AEGGLNRS GANGREL, vagabond [n] GANGRENE AEEGGNNR to suffer loss of tissue in part of body [v -D, -NING, -S] GANGSTAS AAGGNSST GANGSTA, member of street gang [n] GANGSTER AEGGNRST member of criminal gang [n -S] GANGWAYS AAGGNSWY GANGWAY, passageway [n] GANISTER AEGINRST type of rock [n -S] GANNETRY AEGNNRTY place where gannets breed [n -RIES] GANTLETS AEGLNSTT GANTLET, to overlap railroad tracks [v] GANTLINE AEGILNNT rope on ship [n -S] GANTLOPE AEGLNOPT former military punishment [n -S] GANTRIES AEGINRST GANTRY, structure for supporting railroad signals [n] GANYMEDE ADEEGMNY youth who serves liquors [n -S] GANZFELD ADEFGLNZ technique of controlled sensory input used in parapsychology [n -S] GAOLBIRD ABDGILOR jailbird (prisoner (one that is imprisoned)) [n -S] GAPESEED ADEEEGPS something that causes wonder [n -S] GAPEWORM AEGMOPRW worm that causes disease of young birds [n -S] GAPINGLY AGGILNPY in gaping manner [adv] GAPPIEST AEGIPPST GAPPY, having openings [adj] GARAGING AAGGGINR GARAGE, to put in garage (car shelter) [v] GARBAGES AABEGGRS GARBAGE, food waste [n] GARBAGEY AABEGGRY GARBAGE, food waste [adj] GARBANZO AABGNORZ chickpea (Asian herb) [n -S] That’s All Folks! That’s right, folks – ALL BINGOS STARTING with EACH LETTER of the ALPHABET. compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club GARBLERS ABEGLRRS GARBLER, one that garbles (to distort meaning of) [n] GARBLESS ABEGLRSS being without clothing [adj] GARBLING ABGGILNR GARBLE, to distort meaning of [v] GARBOARD AABDGORR plank on ship's bottom [n -S] GARBOILS ABGILORS GARBOIL, turmoil [n] GARDENED ADDEEGNR GARDEN, to cultivate plot of ground [v] GARDENER ADEEGNRR one that gardens (to cultivate plot of ground) [n -S] GARDENIA AADEGINR tropical shrub or tree [n -S] GARDYLOO ADGLOORY used as warning cry [interj] GARGANEY AAEGGNRY small duck [n -S] GARGLERS AEGGLRRS GARGLER, one that gargles (to rinse mouth or throat) [n] GARGLING AGGGILNR GARGLE, to rinse mouth or throat [v] GARGOYLE AEGGLORY ornamental figure [n -S] GARIGUES AEGGIRSU GARIGUE, low scrubland [n] GARISHLY AGHILRSY GARISH, gaudy (tastelessly showy) [adv] GARLANDS AADGLNRS GARLAND, to deck with wreaths of flowers [v] GARLICKY ACGIKLRY smelling or tasting of garlic [adj -KIER, -KIEST] GARMENTS AEGMNRST GARMENT, to clothe (to provide with clothing) [v] GARNERED ADEEGNRR GARNER, to gather and store [v] GAROTING AGGINORT GAROTE, to garrote (to execute by strangling) [v] GAROTTED ADEGORTT GAROTTE, to
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