SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 2016 MASSES FOR THE WEEK COME PRAY THE ROSARY at 8:30 A.M. Mondays through Saturdays. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13TH, 2016 9:00 People of the Parish Devotion to The Most Precious Blood of 5:00 ROS-Ines Doliscar-Posy req. by Yvrose Jesus every Monday night from 7 to 8 P.M. Hendriquez in the church. - - ROS-Clayton and Orner Musso req. by Linda ADORATION AND EXPOSITION of the Blessed SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 2016 Sacrament every Friday after the 9 A.M. Mass until 9:00 Thanksgiving Mass for John & Carol noon. Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Chap- Malinowski req. by selves let of Divine Mercy are every Thursday after the 9:00 - - Birthday Blessings for Carine Paul & A.M. Mass. Yanick Paul req. by Carine Paul ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11:00 Thanksgiving Mass to God req. by Margareth HEALING PRAYERS and Gabrielle Jourdan Christophe Djassoa, Markinson Jean, Geralda Mit- 1:00 ROS-Christiane Remy req. by daughter Patricia Lucas ton, Gertrude Desire, Ruth and Keith Jackson, Ariel - - Action de Grace pour Max Desperot and Lalanne, Emilie Vilson, Tara Singh, Martha Ramirez, Marie Lucienne Pierre req. by Max Desperot Guillaine Fabien, Veronica Catenaro, Jean Di- - - Action de Grace a Notre Dame de Lourdes manche, Gloria Campbell, Betty Frydkowski, Ade- pour Soeurette Domond req. by self line Deus, Jabel Pierre, Ismael - - Birthday Blessings for Roselene Charles req. Panasuk, Dennis Pepitone, Leonara by self Legister, Maurice George Dyer, Ma- - - In Honor or Our Lady of Lourdes req. by rie Therese Juste, Reeva Cara Paul, Carline Vieux Kyde Saticone, Mark Robinson, Ru- 3:00 In Honor of Our Lady of Lourdes req. by Maria and Jose Moreaux by Robinson, Patrick Prevost, Ma- - - 20TH Wedding Anniversary to Jose and rie Malcangi, Rev. Msgr. Patrick Maria Moreaux Uchendu, Msgr. George Graham, Peter Corsi, Antho- ny Rondolfi, Ruth and Keith Jackson, The Home- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH, 2016 bound of the Parish 9:00 People of the Parish Please notify us of changes in our Heal- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH, 2016 ing Prayers list. Names will be removed 9:00 ROS-Alince Pierre, Anne Marie Dorcely, after a month. Andre Pierre and Eleya Fenelus req. by Marie France Pierre PLEASE PRAY For all The Deceased Members of the Parish Family. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH, 2016 9:00 People of the Parish PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL OUR PARISH- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH, 2016 IONERS WHO ARE IN THE MILITARY 9:00 ROS-Delfina Narduzzi, Jermaina and Narciso Biagioni req. by Narduzzi family SERVICE. Please call the rectory to update our list. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, 2016 9:00 People of the Parish Paul St. Hill, Christopher Aching, Jr., Yvonne St. Hill, Vanes Alabre, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH, 2016 Keith St. Hill, Derby Ronelus, 9:00 People of the Parish Johnson Joseph, Mary Ann R. 5:00 ROS-Thomas Martin req. by Carol, children Varias, Emmanuel Jeanty, Emeka and grandchildren Oparah, Hayden Brandon Baker, Shanan Cesar, Janelle Alexander The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT ST. PIUS X SPANISH PRAYER GROUP FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM: CCD meets on Friday nights in the church. Any Span- Our Faith Formation program is open to all children from ish speaking parishioners are welcome to come Kindergarten age to grade 8. All children together for intercessory prayer and praise to God must have a required two years of instructions in Spanish. prior to the reception of the sacraments. If you are registering your child for the first MYRIAM PRAYER GROUP meet every Satur- time, please bring his baptismal certificate day evenings beginning at 7:00 P.M. in the with you. Classes are on Sundays at 9:45 church. A.M. sharp. If your child is over the age of 8 and is not yet baptized, we The ENGLISH CHOIR meets every Tues- offer the Rite of Christian Initiation adapted for children. days at 7:30 P.M. Please call Mrs. Jean for more details. The SPANISH CHOIR meets every Satur- SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARENTS: Children should re- days at 3:00 P.M. ceive the sacraments in their own parish. The HAITIAN CHOIR meets every Fridays ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at 7:00 P.M. in the rectory except for Lent. RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The RCIA is the process by which people can question, COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND search and inquire into the Catholic faith. It is for any un- Anyone unable to attend Mass because of illness may baptized individual over the age of 8. The RCIA is also for receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. any adult who was baptized in another Christian tradition Please call the rectory. and for baptized Catholic adults seeking to receive the Sac- rament of Confirmation. Please contact Fr. Miguel at 718- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 525-9099. SPECIAL MASSES: You can now request special Masses for Memorial, Birthday, Sweet 16, and Wed- ding Anniversary. Please call the rectory and speak to Fr. Miguel. Mass Book for 2016 is open and Mass Offering is $20. BECOME AN ALTAR SERVER AT SAINT PIUS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boys and girls who have received their First Commun- BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS! ion are invited to become altar servers. Parents are Birthday Blessings February Babies! If you would encouraged to speak to their children about this special like the parish to pray for you, call the rectory at the pastoral ministry for the young people in the church. beginning of the month and leave your name. Please call the rectory for info. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARISH MEMBERSHIP Every family in the parish THE LITURGICAL MINISTRY welcomes should be registered. We cannot vouch for you if you youths between the ages of 7 to 25. Rehears- need a letter to be a sponsor or godparent. Registra- als are held on Fridays in the Church at 7 to tion forms are available at the rectory or in back of the 8:30 P.M. Contact info: Barnica Laveau at church. If you are new in the parish, please see one of 347-233-0090. No Dance experience needed. Join us the volunteers. in expressing our praise through dance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEENS GROUP will meet on Saturday, February 27 BLACK HISTORY MONTH from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the rectory. New members Venerable Pierre Toussaint 6/27/1766 - ages 12-18 welcome. 6/30/1853 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Pius X Parish are formed by the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Baptism to be- come part of the Mystical Body of Christ. We strive through the power of Christ in the Holy Sacrifice to the Mass to show forth God’s transforming love to teach Gospel values; to share time, talent and treasure in good Stewardship, to invite all to share our joy and share Jesus’ message of His Father’s love with all around us and to restore all things in Christ. COLLECTION last week was $3,682.00. If you are pregnant or will be having a child baptized, We ask you to please use your donation you will need to attend a baptism preparation work- envelopes. Thank You! shop. St. Pius X offers the workshop the First Wednesday of every month at 7:30 P.M. by appoint- ST. VINCENT DE PAUL collection was ment only. Please call the rectory to reserve at least $46.00 two (2) days in advance. Next session will be March 2 in the rectory at 7:30 P.M. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 WEEKS WITH THE BIBLE - Please join us as RELIGIOUS ARTICLES are now on sale in back of we explore the Sunday Gospel readings for Lent us- the church the first and third weekend of the month ing the book "Lenten Longings: Seeing with God's after all the Masses. Eyes". We meet every Tuesday at 7:30 PM in the rec- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tory, for more information please call the rectory 718- If you are in need of food for you and your family, 525-9099 please come to the rectory. ******************************************************* We are in need of dry pasta and mashed potatoes. According to Canon Law, we have to offer a Mass Please bring them to the church or rectory. Thank you. Intention at least one time a year. Examples are ******************************************* birthday blessings, good health, in honor of a saint, Our parish has a website. Please visit us at Stpiusx- deceased person, etc. queens.org. We appreciate your comments. Thank ******************************************************* You. If you would like to have a letter with your weekly contributions for 2015 for your tax purpos- ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL NEWS! We have es, Please call the rectory at 718-525-9099 not met our goals for the 2015 appeal. We now owe and have your envelope number ready. the Diocese $3,675.00. We ask that you Please allow one (1) week from the time please help us pay the amount. If you of your request for this to be completed. are able to contribute, please write out a Thank you. check made out to St. Pius X church and write a notation Catholic Appeal dona- tion. If you are giving cash, please put it HAPPY 20TH in an envelope marked Catholic Appeal donation. You can drop it in the dona- MARIA AND JOSE tion basket, mail it or bring it to the rec- tory. So far we have collected $430. Thank you for your generous support. Monday Est C:12, 14–16, 23–25 FEBRUARY 15 Mt 7:7–12 Lenten Weekday Friday Lv 19:1–2, 11–18 FEBRUARY 19 Gabrielle Jourdan Marie Faubert Mt 25:31–46 Lenten Weekday Alexander Jean Lelio Junior Vieux Marie F.
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