STUDENT DIRECTORY of the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 1954 - 1955 Price, $1.00 STUDENT DIRECTORY of the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME 1954 - 1955 CONTENTS Officers of Administration ..................................................... 3 Abbreviations ..................... ---- ------- ------ 4 Rectors and Prefects ...................... —.................... 5 Faculty Directory........................................................................ 6 Student Directory ........................................................ -.... -........12 The information contained in this Directory is taken from University records as of October 12, 1954. Changes and alterations not reported to the Office of Student Accounts after the above date are not included herein. THE OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - 1954-1955 PHONE President Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. 235 Executive Vice-President Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. 238 Vice-President-Academic Affairs Rev. Phillip S. Moore, C.S.C. 520 Asst, to Vice-President Rev. Robert J. Lochner, C.S.C. 262 Vice-President-Business Affairs Rev. Jerome J. Wilson, C.S.C. 325 Vice-President-Student Affairs Rev. James E. Norton, C.S.C. 384 Asst, to Vice-President Rev. Charles I. McCarragher-, C.S.C. 666 & Prefect of Discipline Director of Admissions Rev. Louis J. Thornton, C.S.C. 413 Director of Students Accounts Mr. Emerit E. Moore 320 Prefect of Religion _ Rev. Charles M. Carey, C.S.C. 348 Asst. Prefect of Religion Rev. Joseph D. Barry, C.S.C. 427 Asst. Prefect of Religion Rev. Victor F. Dean, C.S.C. 250 Asst. Prefect of Religion Rev. Daniel J. O'Neill, C.S.C. 350 Student Counsellor Rev. Thomas P. Irving, C.S.C. 277 Student Advisor Mr. William M. Burke 577 Purchasing Agent Mr. Jerome J. Seehowski 656 Supervisor of Buildings Rev. George L. Holderith, C.S.C. 524 Director of Maintenance Mr. Vincent H. Fraatz 526 Cashier Brother Albinos Butler, C.S.C. 251 Director, Notre Dame Foundation Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C. 461 Exec. Vice Chairman, N. D. Foundation Mr. James E. Armstrong 241 Secretary, Alumni Association Director of Public Relations Mr. J. Arthur Haley 651 Comptroller Mr. G. Edward Harwood 302 Investment Officer Mr. William J. Broderick 503 Director of Placement Bureau Mr. William R. Dooley 275 Director of Athletics Mr. Edward W. Krause 654 Business Manager of Athletics Mr. Herbert E. Jones 623 Office of Military Information Rev. Robert W. Woodward, C.S.C. 494 Director of Public Information Mr. James E. Murphy 401 Head, Dept, of Testing & Guidance Mr. Edward R. Quinn 395 DEANS OF THE COLLEGES Arts and Letters Rev. Charles E. Sheedy, C.S.C. 315 Commerce Mr. James E. McCarthy 233 Engineering Mr. Karl E. Schoenherr 254 Latf Mr. Joseph O'Meara 644 Science Mr. Lawrence H. Baldinger 314 Graduate School Rev. Paul E. Beichner, C.S.C. 349 ABBREVIATIONS COLLEGES CLASS Arts & Letters .................. AB Freshman Commerce ...... CM Sophomore Engineering..................... Junior General Program ................. GP Senior Graduate L a w ............................. eg Sci e n c e ......................... Special RESIDENCE HALLS A l u m n i .......................... » Aim Badin .......................... Bad Breen-Phillips ................. B-P Cavanaugh ............... Cav D i l l o n ..................... Lil F a r l e y ............................ Bar F i s h e r ........... Esh Eovard....... Bwd L y o n s ..... -......... Lyo Morrissey ........... Mor St. Edward's ................. Edw S o r i n ............................ Bor W a l s h ............................. Wal Zahm ...... Zbm RECTORS AND PREFECTS ALTJMKI HALL HOWARD HALL Rev. Edmund Murray, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Charles Harris, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Frank Cavanaugh, C.S.C. Rev. James Doll, C.S.C. Rev. Raymond Cour, C.S.C. Rev. Alfred Mendez, C.S.C. Rev. George Holderith, C.S.C. Rev. John Bloomenstein, O.5.C. Rev. William McAuliffe, C.S.C. Rev. Francis Healy, O.P. LYONS HALL BAD IN HAIxL Rev. Carl Hager, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Louis Putz, C.S.C. Rev. Robert Felton, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Edward Shea, C.S.C. Rev. Thomas Brennan, C.S.C. Rev. John Reedy, C.S.C. Rev. James Shilts, C.S.C. MORRISSEY HALL BREEN-PHILLIPS HALL Rev. Glenn Boarman, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. George Bernard, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Joseph Haley, C.S.C. Rev. Frederick Gassensmith, C.S.C. Rev. Frederick Connolly Rev. Thomas Lochary, C.S.C. Rev. Francis Phelan, C.S.C. Brother Conan Moran, C.S.C. ST. EDWARD'S HALL CAVANAUGH HALL Rev. Thomas McDonagh, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. John VanWolvlear, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Ralph Davis, C.S.C. Rev. James Moran, C.S.C. Rev. John Gallagher, C.S.C. Rev. George Kahle, C.S.C. Rev. Donald Armbrewster Rev. Robert Sheehan, C.S.C. SORIN HALL DILLON HALL Rev. Thomas Cady, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Lawrence Broestl, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Edward Keller, C.S.C. Rev. Philip Schaerf, C.S.C. Rev. Henry DeBaggis, C.S.C. Rev. Joseph Muckenthaler, C.S.C. Rev. Harry Stegman, C.S.C. Rev. Albert Schlitzer, C.S.C. WALSH HALL Rev. Richard Murphy, C.S.C. Rev. Joseph Keena, C.S.C. Rev. Ferdinand Brown, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Louis Thornton, C.S.C. Rev. Thomas McAvoy, C.S.C. Rev. William Morrison, C.S.C. Rev. Edward O' Connor, C.S.C. Rev. Joseph Garvin, C.S.C. FARLEY HALL ZAHM HALL Rev. Michael Murphy, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Roman Ladewski, C.S.C. Rev. Paul Fryberger, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Henry Glueekert, C.S.C. Rev. James Buckley, C.S.C. Rev. Robert Lochner, C.S.C. Rev. Gene Burke, C.S.C. Rev. Thomas O'Donnell, C.S.C. Rev. Frederick Barr, C.S.C. FISHER HALL Rev. John Walsh, C.S.C. (Rector) Rev. Mark Fitzgerald, C.S.C. Rev. John Cavanaugh,.C.S.C. Rev. Charles Sheedy, C.S.C. 6 FACULTY DIRECTORY HE Bomrich, William T. (Mktg.) Box 156, Notre D&me, Indiana HK i i i i i W S k : HV FACULTY DIRECTORY 7 .Corbaci, Leopoldo M. (Econ.) 110 South Taylor Street, South Bend, Indiana Corhett, James A. (History) 8l8 East Miner Street, South Bend, Indiana Corona, Jose C. (Mod. Langs.) 1121 Belmont Avenue, South Bend, Indiana Coty, Gilbert J. (Mod. Langs.) 417 East Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana Cour, C.S.C., Rev. Raymond F. (Pol. Sci.) Alumni Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana Crisler, Earl H. (Math.) 426 28th Street, South Bend, Indiana Cronin, Edward J. (Gen. Program) 615 East Haney Street, South Bend, Indiana Crosson, Frederick J. (Gen. Program) 1116 East Corby Boulevard, So. Bend, Ind. Croteau, John T. (Econ.) 124 North Eddy Street, South Bend, Indiana Cullather, James L. (Acctg.) IO3 West North Shore Drive, South Bend, Indiana Culliton, James W. (Commerce) 26l8 South Bend Avenue, South Bend, Indiana Cullity, Bernard D. (Metallurgy) Box 145, Notre Dame, Indiana Cunningham, C.S.C., Rev. William F. (Education) Box 146, Notre Dame, Indiana Curran, C.S.C., Brother Columba (Chemistry) Du jarie Hall, ITotre Dame, Indiana Curtin, C.S.C., Rev. Daniel F. (Religion) Old College, Notre Dame, Indiana Daly, Joseph M. (Biology) Box 126,Notre Dame,Ind.; 814 N. Turnock, So. Bend, Ind. Danehy, James P. (Gen.Prog.) Box 31, Notre Dame,Ind.;1O3I N. Niles Ave.,So. Bend Ind. Daniel, Lee (Engr.Dwg.) Box,1413,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1005 Lawndale Ave.,So. Bend,Ind. Davis, C.S.C., Rev. Ralph B. (chemistry) St. Edward1 s Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana Dean, G.S.G., Rev. Victor F. (Religion) Corby Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana DeBaggis, C.S.C., Rev. Henry F. (Math.) Sorin Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana DeCiceo, Michael A. (Mech. Engr.) 816 Lombardy Drive, South Bend, Indiana Delich, Michael (Mech. Engr.) Box 1413,Notre Dame,Ind.; 3620 s. St.Joseph,So.Bend,Ind. Delisle, Albert L. (Biology) Box 126,Notre Dame,Ind.;l00l E. Corby Blvd.,So. Bend,Ind. Denissoff, Elie (Philos.) 1210 Chalfant, South Bend, Indiana Derks, Jr., Richard J. (Mech. Engr.) 119 East Woodside Street, South Bend, Indiana DeSantis, Vincent P. (History) Box 162,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1236 E.Madison St.,So.Bend,Ind. deVogelaere, Rene J. (Math.) 165 Cowles, South Bend, Indiana Dincolo, James (Acctg.)Box 97,Notre Dame,Ind.; 726 N. St. Louis Blvd., So. Bend, Ind. Dineen, Clarence F. (Biology)Box 126,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1125 Cleveland, So. Bend, Ind. Dodson, Edward 0. (fiiologyJBox 126,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1599 Terrace Lane, So. Bend, Ind. Doll, C.S.C., Rev. James P. (Lobund) Lyons Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana Donovan, Mortimer J. (English)Box 2O3 ,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1745 N. Brookfield,So.Bend,Ind. Doyle Edward L. (Speech) 4l6g South Frances Street, South Bend, Indiana Druze, John, Department of Physical Education, Notre Dame, Indiana Duffy, Jr., Joseph M. Department of English, Notre Dame, Indiana Dugas, Amedee (Mod.Langs.)Box 141,Notre Dame,Ind.; l66l N. 28th St.,So. Bend, Ind. Bells, LeClair H. (Finance) 529 River Avenue, South Bend, Indiana Egry, C. Robert, (Mech.Engr.)Box 1413,Notre Dame,Ind.;ll4l Portage, So. Bend, Ind. Eikenberry, Robert S.(Aero.Engr.)Box l4l4,Notre Dame,Ind.;1324 Sunnymede,So.Bend,Ind. Eliel, Ernest L.(cehmistry) 408 South 25th St., Apt. A-3, South Bend, Indiana Ellison, U.S.A., Capt. Richard W. (Mil.Sci.) 8O5 North Michigan St., So. Bend, Ind. Ellithorn, Harold E.(Elec.Engr.)Box 1413,Notre Dame,Ind.; 2101 Bader, So. Bend, Ind. Elsen, William J. (Speech)Box 43,Notre Dame,Ind.; 1255 E.Madison St., So. Bend, Ind. Engels, Norbert A. (English) 810 East Napoleon Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana Engleton, C.S.C., Rev. Thomas J. (History) Presbytery, Notre Dame, Indiana Ervin, Robert F. (Biology)Box 51,Notre Dame,Ind.; 122 S.Ellsworth Place,So.Bend,Ind. Evans, Joseph W. (philos.) 431 LaMonte Terrace, South Bend, Indiana Fagan, Christopher J.(Econ.) Box 92,Notre Dame,Ind.;93° N.Notre Dame,Ave.,So.Bend,Ind.
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