MINISTERUL EDUCAfiIEI AL REPUBLICII MOLDOVA ISBN 978-9975-61-682-9 9 789975 616829 MINISTERUL EDUCAȚIEI AL REPUBLICII MOLDOVA ENGLISHENGLISH AWARENESS AWARENESS Galina CHIRA, Margareta DUªCIAC, Maria GÎSCÃ, Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC, Mihai CHIRA WorkingWorking TogetherTogether ENGLISH AS A MAJOR LANGUAGE STUDENT’SSTUDENT’S BOOKBOOK 10 10 Editura ARC CZU 811.111 (075.8) E 57 Manualul a fost aprobat prin Ordinul nr. 281 din 04 mai 2012 al Ministrului Educației. Manualul este elaborat con form Curriculumului disciplinar (aprobat în 2010) și finanțat din resursele financiare ale Fondului Special pentru Manuale. Acest manual este proprietatea Ministerului Educației al Republicii Moldova. Școala ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Manualul nr. ............................................................................................................................................................................ Anul Numele de familie Anul Aspectul manualului de folosire și prenumele elevului școlar la primire la returnare 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Dirigintele clasei trebuie să controleze dacă numele elevului este scris corect. • Elevul nu va face nici un fel de însemnări în manual. • Aspectul manualului (la primire și la returnare) se va aprecia: nou, bun, satisfăcător, nesatisfăcător. Comisia de evaluare: Zinaida Orfin, grad didactic superior, Liceul Teoretic „M. Eminescu“, Sîngerei; Nina Enina, grad didactic întîi, Liceul Teoretic „Antioh Cantemir“, Chișinău. Recenzenți: Galina Burdeniuc, dr. habilitat în metodica predării limbilor străine; Constantin I. Ciobanu, dr. habilitat în studiul arte- lor, Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, Academia de Științe a Moldovei; Iulia Ignatiuc, conf. univ., dr., Universitatea „Al. Russo“, Bălți; Ion Negură, conf. univ., dr. în psihologie, Șeful Catedrei de psihologie a Universității Pedagogice de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chișinău Redactor: Iulia Ignatiuc, conf. univ., dr., Universitatea „Al. Russo“, Bălți Copertă și concepție grafică: Mihai Bacinschi, Alexandru Popovici Tehnoredactare: Marian Motrescu Fotografii: Iulian Sochircã, Tudor Iovu, Anne Scheuerman Desene: Galina Bucșa, Anatoli Smișleaev Editura Arc se obligă să achite deținătorilor de copyright, care încă nu au fost contactați, costurile de reproducere a imaginilor folosite în prezenta ediție. Reproducerea integrală sau parțială a textului și ilustrațiilor din această carte este posibilă numai cu acordul prealabil scris al Editurii ARC. Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediții aparțin Editurii Arc. The authors are grateful for the opportunity to acknowledge the people and the organizations that have helped this project become a reality. Special thanks to the administration of the Bell School Saffron Walden, the UK, particularly to Rosemery Wilson, Head of the Bell Teacher Training. Their valuable assistance in organizing special courses for textbook writers has facilitated the process of developing the textbooks for the lyceum level in Moldova. For their careful reading of the first draft and valuable suggestions, as well as for their guidance and consultation, our appreciation to: Bruce Milne, Barbara Webb, and Gillie Canningham, Teacher Trainers, authors of coursebooks in English. We would like to thank the Soros Foundation and the Peace Corps of the United States of America in Moldova for gracious support and for providing access to various materials. We would also like to acknowledge the teachers and students who have piloted and commented on materials included in this textbook. © Editura ARC, 2012 © Galina CHIRA, Margareta DUȘCIAC, Maria GÎSCĂ, Elisaveta ONOFREICIUC, Mihai CHIRA ISBN 9975-61-682-9 2 Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is a progress; working together is success. Henry Ford American Industrialist Dear friend, You are about to start a new three-year cycle in learning English. By the end of it, you are expected to reach an advanced level in using the language. English Textbook is the first book of the series. The present course encourages you to review the elements of grammar, enrich your vocabulary, and develop your speaking abilities. Your trip will be diverse. With English Textbook you will travel through the world of literature, get to know the English-speaking countries, and discuss various topics of everyday life in Moldova and abroad. We encourage you to think critically and express your opinion while participating in class discussions, group and pair work, debate, and while completing various assignments. The textbook challenges you to be active, make decisions, solve problems, and be inventive in your project works. To get you started and learn more about the present book, we ask you to do the quiz below. Good luck! The authors Quiz • How many units are there in the textbook? • How many lessons are there in each unit? Are all the units and lessons simi- lar? What is different? • Where can you find information about the English-speaking countries and Moldova? • How is vocabulary presented to you? • How is grammar presented? • What kind of information can you find in the Info Boxes, Life Skills boxes, Learner Training rubric? • What does the Supplement include? Comment on each of its sections. • What do you like about the textbook so far? 3 CONTENTS ON THE PATH PERSPECTIVES 1 UNIT TO KNOWLEDGE 2 UNIT ON FAMILY AND FRIENDS LESSON 1 Enjoy your Journey 6LESSON 1 Family Ties 24 LESSON 2 On Education 10 LESSON 2 Age and Youth 28 LESSON 3 Literary Focus. Killing Time or Learning? 14 LESSON 3 Literary Focus. Valuing Friendship 32 Culture and Civilization. Just Different 18 Culture and Civilization. The Oldest 36 LESSON 4 LESSON 4 Institution in the UK LESSON 5 More English? 20 LESSON 5 More English? 38 HEALTH AND WELLNESS ON RECREATIONAL 3 UNIT 4 UNIT ACTIVITIES LESSON 1 Fitness and You 42 LESSON 1 I’m Having the Time of My Life 60 LESSON 2 Making Choices 46 LESSON 2 Browsing for Books 64 LESSON 3 Literary Focus. Learn to Love Yourself 50 LESSON 3 Literary Focus. The Reading Public 68 Culture and Civilization. 54 Culture and Civilization. Nothing 72 LESSON 4 Medical Care. History and Facts LESSON 4 Ventured, Nothing Gained LESSON 5 More English? 56 LESSON 5 More English? 74 THINGS WE CAN’T LEARNING ACROSS 5 UNIT DO WITHOUT 6 UNIT CULTURES LESSON 1 Shopping 78 LESSON 1 Language — the Treasure of a Nation 96 LESSON 2 Eating Out 82 LESSON 2 The Country of Traditions 100 LESSON 3 Literary Focus. Just a Bite... 86 LESSON 3 The Country of Democracy 104 Culture and Civilization. Transportation 90 The Land of Paradise 108 LESSON 4 System in London LESSON 4 LESSON 5 More English? 92 LESSON 5 Literary Focus. Believe It or Not! 112 LESSON 6 More English? 116 SUPPLIMENT 119 Holidays and Customs 120 Trying Your Hand at Writing Poems 128 Essay writing tips 129 Transitional Devices / Linking Words / Phrases 131 Tape Scripts 132 List of Irregular Verbs 141 4 ON THE PATH TO KNOWLEDGE UNIT 1 If you wish to have a rich and last- ing heritage, truly love your motherland, your family, your nation, school, and books. Aurelian Silvestru Do you know… how many people speak English around the globe? where and when the first schools started? how British and American schools grade their students? LESSON 1 Enjoy Your Journey Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Henry Ford DISCUSSION POINTS AND WRITING 1 In your notebook answer the following questions to set Dear students, your expectations toward the lyceum level. Keep your You have passed into a new stage of your school notes brief. life. Open the door to the future to find a world full of a. What do you expect to learn during the three years new information and new activities that will give you the ahead of you? possibility to acquire knowledge at a deeper level and b. How different do you think you will be in three years? gain life skills. Write at least ten adjectives to describe yourself. The lyceum level is a very important one, it is meant c. What joys and difficulties do you envision you will meet to prepare you for the baccalaureate exams and indepen- on your way? dent life after graduation. 2 Work in pairs. Share your expectations. Identify common The way is not easy, but motivation and persever- expectations as well as differences. What do differences ance will make it. speak of? Enjoy your journey. 3 As a class, discuss how you see yourselves in three years and how you can make your expectations come true. 4 Work in groups and discuss the following topics. Choose one stu- dent in each group to be the reporter. He or she can make notes of the discussion and report back to the rest of the class. a. advantages of knowing English (Use the Info Box as a refer- ence.) b. the problems some people have in learning English English in the World Today c. the best ways of learning English • One fifth of the world’s population speaks English to some level of compe- tence. READING • Over 300 million people speak English as a first language. 1 Read the introduction to the text. Explain why it is entitled My Life • Worldwide there are over 1400 million List. people living in countries where English has official status. 2 Skim the text and name the categories under which the author • It is estimated that over one billion grouped the goals. Tell which of the categories is more appeal- people are learning English. ing to you and why. • English is the favoured language of international diplomacy, com munication, Match the geographical names in the text with their transcrip- 3 technology, and scholarship. tion in the Pronunciation Key. Pronounce the names of places • More than half of world’s technical and correctly and find them on the world map. scientific periodicals are in English. 4 Read the text and say which goals John Goddard did not • Half of business deals in Europe are achieve. conducted in English. • English is the official voice of the air and sea. Skimming • Today English is the basic language To skim material is to look at it in order to take in the general subject, the divi- of the World Wide Web.
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