Contributions to Zoology, 69 (3) 157-177 (2000) SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague Geographic distribution of ebony leaf monkey Trachypithecus auratus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812) (Mammalia: Primates: Cercopithecidae) Vincent Nijman Institute for Systematics ami Population Biology (Zoological Museum), University ofAmsterdam, P.O. Box 94766, 1090 GT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Key words: Bali, Colobinae, colobine monkeys, distribution, Indonesia, Java, langur, Lombok, primates Abstract Introduction As one ofthe fundamental units ofecology and biogeography, Being located in the extreme east of the Sundaic the geographicdistributionofthe endemic and threatened ebony subregion, Java and Bali are the most isolated of leaf monkey Trachypithecus auratus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, land the remaining masses and also furthest from 1812) on the islands of Java, Bali, and Lombok (Indonesia) has the Asian been mainland. Java harbours a im- assessed. All localities where the species has been collected slightly are non-human fauna listed, and forty-two areas (each in itself consisting of poverished primate compared to numerous smaller where the has been recorded the other sites) species Sundaic islands. There are 5 species, are discussed. The forest species occurs in a large variety of including one nocturnal prosimian, the slow loris types, including mangrove, beach, and freshwater swamp forest; 13 Nycticebus coucang, compared to species on everwet lowland and hill forest; dry decidious forest; montane forest Borneo and 12-13 species on mainland Sumatra; to - up 3,000 3,500 m a.s.l.; and in some forest plantations (teak the exact number the Tectona grandis, rasamala Altingia excelsa, acacia Aca- species depends on taxonomy cia spp). In East Java, certain populations are dimorphic, followed. However, a relative high proportion of containing, besides the more common melanic individuals, also them are endemic, viz. 60% (compared to 38-43% erythristic individuals. This erythristic pelage morphonly occurs and 8-17% on Borneo, on mainland Sumatra). The in the easternmost part of Java of which the line between Mt. endemics comprise one species of Hylobatidae, the Penanggunang and the surroundings ofMojokerto running south- Javan or silvery gibbon Hylobates moloch wards, via Wonosalam and Blitar, to Mts Kidul roughly forms (Aude- the western boundary. Localities where individuals of the bert, 1799) and two species of Colobinae, the erythristic pelage morph have been collected or observed are grizzled leaf monkey Presbytis comata (Desmarest, given. 1822) and the ebony leaf monkey 1 Trachypithecus auratus (E. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812). The Javan gibbon and the grizzled leaf monkey are confined Contents to the wettest forest types, which are more com- the mon to western part of the island, and can be Abstract 157 Mts found as far east as Dieng and Mt. Lawu, re- Introduction 157 Methods and Sozer, 1995; 1995, 159 spectively (Nijman Nijman, Results The leaf 160 1997). ebony monkey’s range encompasses Province the of West Java (inch OKI Jakarta) 160 a larger area, and species can be found in other Province of Central Java (inch DI Yogyakarta) 164 Province of East Java 167 Island of Bali 170 leaf is also known as 1 Ebony monkey ebony, moor or negro Island of Lombok 170 langur, Javan leaf monkey / langur, silver(ed) leaf monkey / Discussion 171 others. Some these langur, amongst of names, however, are Habitat and range • 171 also used for the grizzled leaf monkey Presbytis comata and Distribution ofthe erythristic 173 pelage morph silvered leaf monkey Trachypithecus cristatus. Locally ebony cknowledgements 174 leaf monkeys are known as either lulling (both melanic and references 174 erythristic individuals) and in parts of East Java budeng (usu- ally only the melanic individuals) 158 V. Nijman - Ebony leafmonkey Trachypithecus auratus in Indonesia and Lombok. 2 have from forest types as well, on Java, Bali an erythristic female, must originated its the of Java also Brandon- Despite distribution encompassing a larger area easternmost part (see than the other its is still 1995). Javan endemics, range Jones, restricted, and its habitat has largely dissappeared. Little is known about the of the in Ebony leaf monkey are listed as Vulnerable ac- ecology species forest since limited number cording to the IUCN threat criteria (Eudey, 1987; natural areas, only a have Most II of studies been conducted so far. of the 1UCN, 1996). The species is listed on Appendix those of the CITES convention. comprehensive studies, i.e., of Brotoisworo and (Brotoisworo, 1983; Brotoisworo The ebony leaf monkey has for a long-time been Dirgayusa and Dirgayusa, 1991), Kool (1993; Kool and Croft, regarded as conspecific with the silvered leaf 1992), and to a lesser extend Megantara (1994) monkey, T. cristatus (e.g., Pocock, 1935; Napier, have been conducted in the Pangandaran nature 1985; Wolfheim, 1983), but it was given its spe- reserve. Pangandaran is a small c. 500 ha. uplifted cific status by Weitzel and Groves (1987). The southeastern limestone peninsula at the corner of species specific status of T. auratus is now gener- West Java. Parts of the area are covered with teak, ally accepted (e.g., Weitzel et al., 1988; 1UCN, Tectona grandis and mahogany, Swietenia spp., 1994; Brandon-Jones, 1984, 1995; Corbet and Hill, stands, while the remainder consists of rather dry 1992; Oates et al., 1994; Maryanto et al., 1997). evergreen forest (Whitten et ah, 1996). Data pre- T. cristatus and T. auratus occur allopatrically with sented by Brotoisworo (1983) suggest densities of the former having a disjunct distribution with popu- 185 195 km 2 c. to individuals . Typical densities lations from southern Burma, southern Thailand, in where the areas species has been studied, which Cambodia and southern Laos and Vietnam, and are often selected because the species is relatively from the western coast of West Malaysia, Sumatra individu- common, range in the order of 20 to 75 and Borneo(Corbet andHill, 1992), while the latter, 2 als km' (Kartikasari, 1986; Supriatna et ah, 1988; eastwards as stated before, ranges from Java to Bismark and Wiryosoeparto, 1980 in Supriatna et Lombok. Both species can be distinguished by skull ah, 1988; Nijman and van Balen, 1998), with prob- and dental characters (Weitzel and Groves, 1987; ably the more typical density leaning towards the Maryanto et ah, 1997). Furthermore, T. cristatus lower figure (unpubl. data). Pangandaran receives is brown, brownish-grey or blackish brown, while than conservation in more visitors any other area the Javan species is more blackish tingled with Indonesia, possibly 500,000 annually (Whitten et brown and grey. In both species some populations ah, 1996), quite possibly having an effect on the are polymorphic in pelage coloration, with mcla- socio-ecology and structure of the ebony leaf nic and usually a small proportion of erythristic monkey population. Hence, findings and conclu- individuals occurring together. This proportion may, conducted the sions arising from studies on spe- between leaf these vary areas. In the ebony monkey, cies in Pangandaran are probably not representa- populations are restricted to the easternmost part tive and cannot unhesitatingly be extrapolated to of Java (see Discussion), while in the silvered leaf other areas. monkey these populations hitherto only have been As many other species within the genus Trachy- recorded from Abai at the mouth of the Kinaba- the leaf lives pithecus, ebony monkey in groups tangan River in eastern Sabah, Borneo (Davis, 1962; with one adult male and a number of immature Payne et ah, 1985). Weitzel and Groves (1987) males, females, and young(see reviews by Bennett concluded that the type specimen of T. auratus. and Davies, 1994; Newton and Dunbar, 1994). from 3 30 indi- These group sizes range to over 2 Based on a single from the north- skin, probably originating viduals (pers. observ.; Supriatna et ah, 1988; western part of Vietnam, Brandon-Jones (1984, 1995) de- Brotoisworo, 1983). Group sizes on Java seem to scribed subspecies Semnopithecus (Trachypitecus) auratus differ between areas with different climatic con- ebenus. As it is of little relevance the and to present paper, ditions; median sizes in areas with a more pending more information on this taxon and its distribution, it group is found not discussed further. pronounced dry season, which are mainly Contributions to 69 - 2000 Zoology, (3) 159 in the Java well eastern half of as as along the their relevance ranges, to biogeographic processes island’s northern coast, tend to be than those and the larger structure of local species assemblages, and found in areas with a perhumid climate the of in (unpubl. potential sources error estimating spe- data). Extra-group males either live as solitaries cies-range-size distributions have recently been or can team with other bachelor males in bands up discussed by Jones (1998) and Gaston (1996). or small groups (pers. observ.; Bennett and Davies, for the Furthermore, proper assessment of a species’ 1994; Brotoisworo, 1983). conservation status and in order to monitor changes A number of studies have been in performed on abundance, range, and status an accurate descrip- the species’ behaviour tion of feeding (Kartikasari, 1986; its range of occurrence is essential. There- Supriatna et Brotoisworo ah, 1988; and fore, as an Dirgayusa, part of ongoing study on the ecology 1991; Kool, 1993; et ah, Djuwantoko 1994) often and conservation status of ebony leafmonkey, the partially in teak Like all colobines, plantations. present paper attempts to thoroughly assess the ebony leaf a fore-stomach monkeys possess diges- geographical distribution of ebony leaf monkeys tive which allows break down system, them to on Java, Bali and Lombok. cellulose (Bauchop and Martucci, 1968; Kay and Davies, This makes the able 1994). species to cope with a substantial amount of foliage, a relative Methods unnutricious food in source, their diet (for an over- view of food selection in colobines see The data from the e.g., originate surveys conducted by author overa Waterman of 16 months in and Kool, 1992).
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