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WHORM Subject File Code: CO (Countries – Geographic Areas) Casefile Number(s): 053000-056784 Box 2 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name WHITE HOUSE OFFICE OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT Withdrawer (WHORM): SUBJECT FILE DLB 12/30/2009 File Folder co (053000-056784) FOIA Sl0-306 SYSTEMATIC Box Number 2 11 ID Doc Document Description No of Doc Date Restrictions Type Pages 82130 MEMO ALLEN LENZ TO RICHARD ALLEN, RE: 2 9/10/1981 Bl HEADS OF STATE/GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCE R 4/5/2019 NSC/STATE WAIVERS 82131 LIST SUMMARY OF SELECTED HEADS OF 1 ND Bl ST ATE/GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCE R 4/5/2019 NSC/STATE WAIVERS 82132 MEMO ALLEN LENZ TO RICHARD ALLEN, RE: 2 9/18/1981 Bl HEADS OF STATE/GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCE R 4/5/2019 NSC/STATE WAIVERS 82133 LIST SUMMARY OF SELECTED 1 ND Bl CORRESPONDENCE FROM HEADS OF STATE/GOVERNMENT R 4/5/2019 NSC/STATE WAIVERS The above documents were not referred for declassification review at time of processing Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified Information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose Internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIAJ B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIAJ B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial Information [(b)(4) of the FOIA] B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] B-7 Release would disclose Information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] B-8 Release would disclose Information concerning the regulation of financial Institutions [(b)(8) of the FOIAJ B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical Information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIAJ C. Closed In accordance with restrictions contained In donor's deed of gift. EMvRANDUM ~ 'S L9~0~■~;~ NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL ..3' / tJ C) "'=~ 5224 {/JC) ACTION September 10 ~/ltJ()/✓tJI MEMORANDUM FOR RICHARD V. ALLEN FROM: ALLEN J. LENZ ?&t9CJb~- SUBJECT: Heads of State/Government Correspondence -~ Here is summary of Heads of State/Government correspondence from August 27-September 10. A memo for the President is also provided. Presidential letters signed/messages sent to: King Sobhuza of Swaziland's .Diamond Jubilee & national day Incoming Uruguayan President Alvarez Chancellor Schmidt on FRG · budget predictions next year Nigerian President Shagari on Namibia Pak President Zia on delivery o~ F16s/IAEA safeguards Colombian President Turbay on treaty ratification King Hussein's Aug 13 letter/hospitality extended to Viets Portuguese Prime Minister Balsemao's inauguration Condolence to Mitterand on French Ambassador to Lebanon's assassination National day greetings to Brazilian President Figueiredo, Bulgarian Chairman Zhivkov, Guinea-Bissau President Vieira, Amir of Qatar, Ethiopian Chairman Mengistu & Presidents of El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala Incoming messages/letters received from: -- King Khalid thanks for 8/19 letter on Lebanon situation Italian Prime Minister Spadolini '& President Mitterand thank for message on outcome Ottawa Summit Austrian Chancellor Kreisky on additional refugee quota into US Prime Minister Begin's response to AWACs for Saudi Arabia r 00CLA8SIFD ~~ /. ,-- ~J. Sf al.£ uJ~ ,vex- ~-1{ eo If':;, IY. Jlr-- ~D.~TE cf/~/~( 1 - 2 - . King Hussein thanks for greetings on his 29th anniversary accession to throne Polish First Secretary Kania thanks for reelection greetings Korean President Chun & Uruguyan President Mendez thank for national day greetings Lopez Portillo on Mexican-French communique on El Salvador Thanks for Id message from King Hassan of Morocco & Iraq· President Saddam Hussein Pak President Zia thanks for national day greetings Overdue/Pending: National day for Guinea (9/16) Replies to Jamaican Prime Minister Seaga's letters on bauxite for strategic stockpile & US pledge for Caribbean Action Group #4878/2191 (with staff) Congratulations to new Solomon Island Prime Minister #5193 (with you) Proposed letter to Singapore Prime Minister Lee on Taiwan #4340 (with you) Proposed letter to Sgt. Doe regreting inability to meet/complimenting recent Liberian initiatives #5252 (with you) Costa Rican President Carazo on tuna imports #4124 (with President) Belize Premier Price's invitation to attend independence ceremony #4948 (with State) (e1 Attached for your use is a memo to the President summarizing a selection of significant correspondence patterned like the log of Congressional mail provided by Max Friedersdorf. The mail selected for the summary excludes the correspondence you have already forwarded to the President for his information. (..tJ1 RECOMMENDATION: That you sign the memo to the President forwarding the summary Approve--- As amended--- Attachments: Tab I Memo to President with summary CONEIDENTI?Jt ... • .. ·-. -_: . tvfEMOR.AND U:tvi" : . .· :· .. : . :· ., ..: · .. ,'! • . ' .. .. ••' .. ~ : ~· · ;_. •• • • '. t. .., .. •·, • ... • ; ' -:. • • . .. • : : • • • • ; • ' ~-- , • .-: ·· • •• : -~: ~·. :·-...... ~ .. · .··~··· ._. : ' , : .... .. ~ .... ·.· . , ·. ~' ..... ... .. • • ~• • • I • ..... THE WHITE HO USE · UNCLAss1F1;.:;o UPON REMOVAt "''· l OF CLASSIFIED ENCLOSURE(S) \ "'\t(.,. ~\.-_; WASHINGTON 5224 0~~ F NT T ' H NT INFORMATION MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: RICHARD V. ALLEN SUBJECT: Summary of Heads of State and Government Correspondence Attached for your information is a summary of selected corres­ pondence from Heads of State and Government received during the period of August 27-September 10, which I thought you would find of interest. 3 ;, ,'. ~ .• _; ,. :. : :.,:,,,, .;,::;-.,:~ ... -.. ::..:, ,, ~ , .· :,. : ,. , .• ,~ i.:: ..., , ; V ,;_: __ >· ... ~.;;~:'.t.: ;, . CONFID:C:NEI'IM. SUMMARY OF SELECTED HEADS OF STATE/GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCE {August 27-September 10, 1981} .NAME/COUNTRY SUBJECT ... Chancellor Kreisky Compliments US on increasing the number of Austria of refugees permitted from Eastern Europe and expresses the hope that, given Austria's role in transiting Jewish families from the Soviet Union to Israel, we will .. be generous in accepting additional refugees from Austria.· COMMENT: A reply is in preparation. Prime Minister Acknowledges your letter on the outcome Spadolini of Italy of the Ottawa Summit. COMMENT: No reply necessary. King Hussein Acknowledges with appreciation your of· Jordan greetings on the 29th anniversary of his accession to the throne. COMMENT: No reply necessary. King Khalid Acknowledges your August 19 letter delivered of Saudi Arabia by Ambassador Murphy and urges pressing the Co~gress to approve the sale of AWACs. COMMENT: No reply considered necessary • .IECUSSlFIID .. .,Pi ~ \t~~rliJ, 5.,;f J:.e. /,,Va kl er !I l ~ fri:, Iv. jJr NA.~OATEfk I;;,..t)'/q CQ!iFif:l!:i<l'TI:Mr Review 9/10/87 • t " MEMORANDUM 5008 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 1 , 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR ALLEN LENZ FROM: JANET COLSON SUBJECT: Heads of State/ Government Correspondence Since Dick briefs the President on an ad hoc basis , I think we need to find a new procedure for bringing correspondence from heads of state/governments to the President's attention. I am attaching a copy of a document which Max Friedersdorf prepares for the President and which he submits via Dick Darman. As you will note, the Friedersdorf memorandum summarizes selected Congressional correspondence in which Friedersdorf thinks the President may have a particular interest. It seems that this might be a useful approach to follow for our correspondence from heads of state/governments . - ~ 4~~ · ~~- .· . ..l"' 1/... ' . THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 26, 1981 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: MAX L. FRIEDERSDORF SUBJECT: Congressional Correspondence ......l . / For your information, ~ttached is the log of selected Congressional mail received on June 25. This correspondence is being handled by the Office of Legislative Affairs. / / • • )o .. .,:;\ 25 1981 PRESIDE!\'TIAL LOG OF SELECTED HOUSE MAIL SUBJECT CONNENTS ?.£ITERATES HIS SUPPORT OF CHARLES CLAPP FOR • REAPPOI~'TMENT TO THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE C0~1'1TSSION AND ENCLOSES A LIST OF SEVE~'TEEN SE~ATORS AND TWELVE HOUSE ~!EMBERS ALSO SUPPORTING UR. CLAPP DISCCSSES THE HEARINGS HE RECENTLY CONDUCTED ON TH£ SUBJECT OF SOCIAL SECURITY IN FOUR CITIES OF HIS CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT IN IDAHO. STATES THAT THE TESTIMONY GIVEN AT EACH HEARING ILLUSTRATED GREAT CONCERN FOR 'iliE PART OF YOUR PLAN WHICH WOULD REDUCE BENEFITS FOR EARLY RETIREES AS EARLY AS JAN 1, 1982. URGES YOUR CONSIDERATION OF CHA~GING THE REDUCED BENEFIT FOR EARLY ?.ETIREES :::.!....7L\"E:Y FRANK PROTEST THE DISPROPORTIONATELY HEAVY BUDGET ;,.:.so SIGNED BY: CUTS SUFFERED BY CULTURAL PROGRAMS IN YOUR 9 OTHERS BUDGET RECOMMENDATIONS J~!ES V. HANSEN \i"RITES CO~CERNING "THE -CONTINUED ABUSE QF THE REGULATORY FUNCTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES . or THE ENVIRONHE~'TAL PROTECTION AGENCY". QUESTIO~S THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF EPA · E~lPLOYEES WHO HA VE BEEN HELD OVER FROM THE CARTER ADmNISTRATION BOB PACKWOOD EXPRESS DEEP CONCERN OVER THE ALSO SIGNED BY: AD~HKISTRATION'S
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