Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 172.515 Common name Scientific name Limitations Sandalwood, white (yellow, or East Indian) ... Santalum album L. Sandarac ........................................................ Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl.), Mast .............................. In alcoholic beverages only Sarsaparilla ..................................................... Smilax aristolochiaefolia Mill., (Mexican sarsaparilla), S. regelii Killip et Morton (Honduras sarsaparilla), S. febrifuga Kunth (Ecuadorean sarsaparilla), or undetermined Smilax spp. (Ecuadorean or Central American sarsaparilla). Sassafras leaves ............................................ Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees ................................. Safrole free Senna, Alexandria .......................................... Cassia acutifolia Delile. Serpentaria (Virginia snakeroot) .................... Aristolochia serpentaria L ........................................... In alcoholic beverages only Simaruba bark ................................................ Simaruba amara Aubl ................................................. Do. Snakeroot, Canadian (wild ginger) ................ Asarum canadense L. Spruce needles and twigs .............................. Picea glauca (Moench) Voss or P. mariana (Mill.) BSP. Storax (styrax) ................................................ Liquidambar orientalis Mill. or L. styraciflua L. Tagetes (marigold) ......................................... Tagetes patula L., T. erecta L., or T. minuta L. (T. As oil only glandulifera Schrank). Tansy .............................................................. Tanacetum vulgare L .................................................. In alcoholic beverages only; finished alcoholic beverage thujone free 1 Thistle, blessed (holy thistle) .......................... Onicus benedictus L ................................................... In alcoholic beverages only Thymus capitatus (Spanish ‘‘origanum’’) ....... Thymus capitatus Hoffmg. et Link. Tolu ................................................................ Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms. Turpentine ...................................................... Pinus palustris Mill. and other Pinus spp. which yield terpene oils exclusively. Valerian rhizome and roots ............................ Valeriana officinalis L. Veronica ......................................................... Veronica officinalis L .................................................. Do. Vervain, European ......................................... Verbena officinalis L ................................................... Do. Vetiver ............................................................ Vetiveria zizanioides Stapf ......................................... Do. Violet, Swiss ................................................... Viola calcarata L. Walnut husks (hulls), leaves, and green nuts Juglans nigra L. or J. regia L. Woodruff, sweet ............................................. Asperula odorata L ..................................................... In alcoholic beverages only Yarrow ............................................................ Achillea millefolium L .................................................. In beverages only; fin- ished beverage thujone free 1 Yerba santa .................................................... Eriodictyon californicum (Hook, et Arn.) Torr. Yucca, Joshua-tree ........................................ Yucca brevifolia Engelm. Yucca, Mohave .............................................. Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies (Y. mohavensis Sarg.). 1 As determined by using the method (or, in other than alcoholic beverages, a suitable adaptation thereof) in section 9.129 of the ‘‘Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists,’’ 13th Ed. (1980), which is incorporated by ref- erence. Copies may be obtained from the AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 481 North Frederick Ave., suite 500, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, or may be examined at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federallregister/codeloflfederallregulations/ ibrllocations.html. [42 FR 14491, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 14644, Apr. 7, 1978; 49 FR 10104, Mar. 19, 1984; 54 FR 24897, June 12, 1989; 69 FR 24511, May 4, 2004; 72 FR 10357, Mar. 8, 2007] § 172.515 Synthetic flavoring sub- vants generally recognized as safe in stances and adjuvants. food, prior-sanctioned for such use, or Synthetic flavoring substances and regulated by an appropriate section in adjuvants may be safely used in food in this part. accordance with the following condi- Acetal; acetaldehyde diethyl acetal. tions. Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal. (a) They are used in the minimum Acetanisole; 4′-methoxyacetophenone. quantity required to produce their in- Acetophenone; methyl phenyl ketone. tended effect, and otherwise in accord- Allyl anthranilate. Allyl butyrate. ance with all the principles of good Allyl cinnamate. manufacturing practice. Allyl cyclohexaneacetate. (b) They consist of one or more of the Allyl cyclohexanebutyrate. following, used alone or in combination Allyl cyclohexanehexanoate. with flavoring substances and adju- Allyl cyclohexaneproprionate. 63 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:35 Jun 28, 2017 Jkt 241072 PO 00000 Frm 00073 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\241072.XXX 241072 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR § 172.515 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–17 Edition) Allyl cyclohexanevalerate. Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal; acetaldehyde Allyl disulfide. benzyl b-methoxyethyl acetal. Allyl 2-ethylbutyrate. Benzyl phenylacetate. Allyl hexanoate; allyl caproate. Benzyl propionate. Allyl a-ionone; 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclo-hex- Benzyl salicylate. ene-1-yl)-1,6-heptadiene-3-one. Birch tar oil. Allyl isothiocyanate; mustard oil. Borneol; d-camphanol. Allyl isovalerate. Bornyl acetate. Allyl mercaptan; 2-propene-1-thiol. Bornyl formate. Allyl nonanoate. Bornyl isovalerate. Allyl octanoate. Bornyl valerate. Allyl phenoxyacetate. b-Bourbonene; 1,2,3,3a,3bb,4,5,6,6ab,6ba-deca- Allyl phenylacetate. hydro-la-isopropyl-3aa-methyl-6-meth- Allyl propionate. ylene-cyclobuta [1,2:3,4] dicyclopentene. Allyl sorbate; allyl 2,4-hexadienoate. 2-Butanol. Allyl sulfide. 2-Butanone; methyl ethyl ketone. Allyl tiglate; allyl trans-2-methyl-2- Butter acids. butenoate. Butter esters. Allyl 10-undecenoate. Butyl acetate. Ammonium isovalerate. Butyl acetoacetate. Ammonium sulfide. Butyl alcohol; 1-butanol. Butyl anthranilate. Amyl alcohol; pentyl alcohol. Butyl butyrate. Amyl butyrate. Butyl butyryllactate; lactic acid, butyl -Amylcinnamaldehyde. a ester, butyrate. a-Amylcinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal. a-Butylcinnamaldehyde. -Amylcinnamyl acetate. a Butyl cinnamate. a-Amylcinnamyl alcohol. Butyl 2-decenoate. a-Amylcinnamyl formate. Butyl ethyl malonate. a-Amylcinnamyl isovalerate. Butyl formate. Amyl formate. Butyl heptanoate. Amyl heptanoate. Butyl hexanoate. Amyl hexanoate. Butyl p-hydroxybenzoate. Amyl octanoate. Butyl isobutyrate. Anisole; methoxybenzene. Butyl isovalerate. Anisyl acetate. Butyl lactate. Anisyl alcohol; p-methoxybenzyl alcohol. Butyl laurate. Anisyl butyrate Butyl levulinate. Anisyl formate. Butyl phenylacetate. Anisyl phenylacetate. Butyl propionate. Anisyl propionate. Butyl stearate. Beechwood creosote. Butyl sulfide. Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal. Butyl 10-undecenoate. Benzaldehyde glyceryl acetal; 2-phenyl-m-di- Butyl valerate. oxan-5-ol. Butyraldehyde. Benzaldehyde propylene glycol acetal; 4- Cadinene. methyl-2-phenyl-m-dioxolane. Camphene; 2,2-dimethyl-3-methylene- Benzenethiol; thiophenol. norbornane. Benzoin; 2-hydroxy-2-phenylacetophenone. d-Camphor. Benzophenone; diphenylketone. Carvacrol; 2-p-cymenol. Benzyl acetate. Carvacryl ethyl ether; 2-ethoxy-p-cymene. Benzyl acetoacetate. Carveol; p-mentha-6,8-dien-2-ol. Benzyl alcohol. 4-Carvomenthenol; 1-p-menthen-4-ol; 4- Benzyl benzoate. terpinenol. Benzyl butyl ether. cis Carvone oxide; 1,6-epoxy-p-menth-8-en-2- Benzyl butyrate. one. Benzyl cinnamate. Carvyl acetate. Benzyl 2,3–dimethylcrotonate; benzyl methyl Carvyl propionate. tiglate. b-Caryophyllene. Benzyl disulfide; dibenzyl disulfide. Caryophyllene alcohol. Benzyl ethyl ether. Caryophyllene alcohol acetate. Benzyl formate. b-Caryophyllene oxide; 4-12,12-trimethyl-9- 3-Benzyl-4-heptanone; benzyl dipropyl ke- methylene-5-oxatricylo [ 46] dode- tone. cane. Benzyl isobutyrate. Cedarwood oil alcohols. Benzyl isovalerate. Cedarwood oil terpenes. Benzyl mercaptan; a-toluenethiol. 1,4-Cineole. 64 VerDate Sep<11>2014 11:35 Jun 28, 2017 Jkt 241072 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\241072.XXX 241072 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with CFR Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 172.515 Cinnamaldehyde ethylene glycol acetal. p-Dimethoxybenzene; dimethyl hydro- Cinnamic acid. quinone. Cinnamyl acetate. 2,4-Dimethylacetophenone. Cinnamyl alcohol; 3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol. a,a-Dimethylbenzyl isobutyrate; phenyldi- Cinnamyl benzoate. methylcarbinyl isobutyrate. Cinnamyl butyrate. 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal. Cinnamyl cinnamate. 2,6-Dimethyl octanal; isodecylaldehyde. Cinnamyl formate. 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol; tetrahydrogeraniol. Cinnamyl isobutyrate. a,a-Dimethylphenethyl acetate; benzyl- Cinnamyl isovalerate. propyl acetate; benzyldimethylcarbinyl ac- Cinnamyl phenylacetate. etate. Cinnamyl propionate. a,a-Dimethylphenethyl alcohol; dimethyl- Citral diethyl acetal; 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octa- benzyl carbinol. dienal diethyl acetal. a,a-Dimethylphenethyl butyrate; benzyl-
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