">~~ "Xi; OCTOBER. 1968 ,.. VOL. 4, NO.9 ~IET HAM 81 2(W CltlCA80 • HUEY ./ HUEY VERDICT: RACIST· COMPROMISE The names of the characters in the were somewhat confused by the verdict. part of its way, though not all of it ... The kidnapping case was thrown out life-death drama have changed but the It seems a contradiction in terms -­ but far more than they had a right to by the judge, at Defense Attorney Charles play remained the same old shit, with a finding of guilty and not guilty at the expect given the truth of the case and Garry'S insistence when a .prosecution a modern twist. The verdict is in, but same time during the same incident. the somewhat clumsy frameup. Their U star witness", the supposed victim, Dell the trial has just begun. As will be seen later, the prosecution goal had been the elimination of Huey Ross refused to testify against Huey. For the trial is not only that of Huey was weak to say the least; weak beyond Newton. They would have preferred to It was clear to most movement people Newton but symbolically of racism in a reasonable doubt. It seems likely that have one of their most creative and who heard his testill'lony that he did Arne::-ica -- actually another test of the some members of the jury, believing effective antagonists put away for life. not consider himself as having been kid- confrontation between black militants and in Huey's innocence, held out for part Instead, unless the case is reversed napped. occupying police. of the four days of deliberation, but on appeal, they will lock him away~or Jensen's theory of the • crimes" of The jury was unable to believe that eventually concluded that the lesser fifteen years ... and Huey does not assault and murder was the following: Huey p. Newton committed murder last charge, which is being appealed, was doubt that they will make him serve that Huey, a convicted felon, was carry­ October 28, but still unable to overcome the wiser cours~. every day of the maximum penalty (2­ ing two matchboxes of marijuana and the pressures of a white racist society Wiser because it could not be predicted 15 years for manslaughter). Fifteen years. a P38 gun in his car. Fearing harsh and vote for an acquittal. what kind of a jury might be obtained It ain't what the establishment wanted prison terms, Huey supposedly shot two The jury of seven women and five men, were there to be a retrial on the same but its the next best thing. cops who;"stopped his car early in the whose foreman was a black bank mana­ charges. At least, they might have reason­ Assistant DA Lowell Jensen was hot morning of October 28. Jensen paraded ger, found Huey Newton guilty of voluntary ed, a new trial now can only choose after the death penalty. He. challenged a long chain of witnesses who were manslaughter and not guilty of assaulting between acq"littal and manslaughter. Huey and threw off every p€lrspective juror a police officer. The manslaughter charge Newton cannot ag:lin be charged with the who was opposed to capItal punishment. CONTINUED ON PG. 8 refers to the dead pOlice officer, John same capital cAlm·~s with which he had Frey, and the acquittal on assault to been charged be!Ort:!. Not again for mur­ the wounded officer, Herbert Heanes. der, kidnap, or assault. THE MOVEMENT PRESS What does the verdict mean? It means What does the verdict mean? It means that the jury decided that Huey N1!wton that a jury unable to .Jlgree on Huey's 449 14.T... STREET shot Frey "in the heat of passion", under guilt was under too much external pres­ SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94103 such provacation that any U reasonable sure from the pOwerful Oakland estab- man would have been provoked." It means .lishment to see their ·way clear to free that Huey, in the jurY's eyes, shot Frey a man against whom the evidence pre­ without malice or premeditation. It means sented was at best dubious and often he did not assault or intentionally shoot clearly false. It means they reached a Patrolman Heanes. political agreement -- a political com­ What does the verdict mean? It means promise -- if even in their own minds -­ that Huey has been found not guilty of and agreed that he must be guilty of first or second degree murder, or of and sentenced for something. Even most assault, or of kidnapping -- all charges establishment news commentators view which the DA sought to pin upon Mm. the verdict as a "pOlitical" one. Even people most familiar with the What does the verdict mean? It means testimony and ~titricacies of the case that the oakland establishment has gotten PAGE 2 THE MOVEMENT OCTOBER, 1968 LETTERS 1IIIIIIIIIIIt111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 SEGAL ON ICE L'INTERNATIONALE some groovy thing. EDITORS NOTE: FOR THE PAST SEV­ Dear Comrades: vanced, highly industrialized countries; other things happen too- so far, it has receivedenthusiastic replies ERAL MONTHS BROTHER JEFF SEGAL like really really understanding the HAS BEEN IN FEDERAL PRISON SERV­ The scope and nature of the insurrect­ from many of the groups. The letter blues - it's pain & beauty & sorrow. It' s ionary actions taken throughout the highly itself, though, only hints at the two sub­ ING A TERM FOR REFUSING INDUCTION a kind of sorrow that's not despair but INTO THE ARMY. AS OUR MOVEMENT industrialized countries this past year stantive questions such an assembly strength to feel pain & suffering with a CONTINUES TO STRUGGLE AGAINST have initiated a new phase of revolutionary raises: the necessity for calling it, and knowledge of strength & survival & not IMPERIALIST AND RACIST AMERICA struggle. It is now clear that the existence the questions to be discussed. hopelessness "Trouble in mind, I'm blue, of anti-imperialist fronts within theim­ At Columbia, the longer the strike went MANY MORE OF US WILL FACE PRISON but I won't be blue always, a little bit a' TERMS. LIFE IN PRISON CAN BE VERY perialist nations is no longer sufficient on, the more we felt the necessity for sun gonna shine in my back door someday-" for revolutionary struggle. The insurrect­ some kind of CRITICAL gauge for our HARD AND VERY LONELY. MAIL FROM It's a fine and beautiful thing to feel. FRIENDS IS VIRTUALLY THE ONLY LINK ion at Columbia University, the Easter own actions; in declaring the strike Com­ Or the agony of the beats that made them Actions in Germany and the May Revo­ mittee, representing some 7000 people, WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD. JEFF IS travel and create the water that we now BEING DENIED THE MAIL PRIVILEGES lution in France all point, with varying holding "liberated" classes, staging con­ swim in. degrees of intensity, towards the forma­ frontation, and establislling the «Libera­ THAT ALL PRISONERS ARE ENTITLED or hate - the longer they attempt to TO. WE ASK THAT ALL BROTHERS AND tion of social anti-capitalist forces within tion School", we constantly felt the need isolate me from my brothers and sisters each country. to be in greater contact with movements SISTERS WRITE TO JEFF AND AT THE the more it builds up inside of me. Now SAME TIME SEND LETTERS OF COM­ The new level of action demands a co­ engaged in similar actions. SUch move­ just standing waiting for my name to ~ ordinated attempt among members of the PLAINT DEMANDING THAT JEFF BE ments certainly existed, yet it was prac­ called when mail is distributed and not movement in different countries to define tically impossible to get any news, for ALLOWED TO RECEIVE HIS MAIL. THE getting any and knowing that the reason more clearly the nature and importance LETTERS TO JEFF SHOULD BE AD­ example, from France, on the way their is that the beasts who run this place are of these actions and the problems facing .. open" assemblies ran, or any detailed DRESSED: afraid of us and a keeping me from hear­ the revolutionary' movements in these . report on the different "Critical Uni- TO JEFF SHOULD BE ADDRESSED': ing from the comrades just enrages me countries. We think that, at this stage of JEFF SEGAL' • versities" being set up in Germany. While further. I don't know when or how long historical and political development, a the movements appeared to be at a simi­ 9689 PC from now but I'm not going to be able to I dialogue! leading to the c~.eation of a lar stage of struggle -- or at least BOX 4000 keep it all bottled up for much longer. coherent revolutionary theory is neces­ suggested that -- there was little or no SPRINGFIELD, MO. 65802 Or jealousy -I think about the things sary if we wish to insure the growth contact among them. THE LETTERS OF COMPLAINT SHOULD you told me you were doing and get to of an international movement. We are BE ADDRESSED TO THE WARDEN OF The questions that will be discussed feeling jealous. Not because you shouldn't therefore calling for an International As­ are precisely those which arise out of THE PRISON AT THE SAME ADDRESS be doin' those things but because it ain't sembly of Revolutionary student Move­ AND/OR TO THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF that stage of struggle: how politically me out there instead. It's irrational & ments which will address itself to two efficacious are exemplary minority acts; PRISONS IN WASHINGTON, D.C. nonsensicai & will go away when I get main themes: the stage of class struggle THE FOLLOWING Is THE TEXT OF A what are the best ways in which thi! out but grabs a hold of me at times any­ in the individual countries and the po­ different movements have made connect­ LETTER THAT JEFF SENT TOAFRIEND way.
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