Index Aarhus Convention 122 Annan, Kofi 85 Absurdocene 146 Antarctica 38–9, 250–251 accountability 7, 12, 16–17, 23, 30, 44, Anthropocene 93–5, 145–8, 185, 186, 245 201 prosecutorial 42 avoiding Faustian 150–151 speciesism 235 humanity and technology in 148–50 activism, shallow 101 anthropocentrism 92, 96–7, 98, 136, 158, Acton, Lord 88 164, 165, 186–7, 235–6, 238, 242, Adams, J.L. 203, 259 245 Addams, Jane 258 Appiah, K.A. 61, 62 advertising 185, 269 Aquinas, Thomas 193, 195 Africa 87, 88, 220 Arab Charter on Humans Rights 122 African Charter on Human and Arab Spring 119 People’s Rights 122 Arctic Council 112 see also individual countries Arendt, H. 6, 26, 95, 96, 203, 205, 206, Agenda 21 39, 110, 111 212, 259 Agenda 2030 281 Argow, W. 255 Alley, R. 74 Aristotelianism 165, 191–2 Amnesty International 101 Aristotle 193, 247 Angus, I. 93–4 artificial intelligence (AI) 145, 148, 251 animals 82–3, 85, 87, 88, 91, 231–4, Asia 88 250–251 see also individual countries commodity value 170 assembly, freedom of 68 Earth systems science 94 assent/consent combination 162, 165, ecocentrism 97, 234–6 166 alternatives to axiological Aung Sang Suu Kyi 6 236–8 austerity 133, 218 human diet 188 Australia 150, 239 intrinsic value of 225, 236, 237, 240, authoritarianism 12, 209 241, 243, 244, 245 authority, exchange and persuasion remaking our covenant with 242–5 systems 130–132, 135, 139 rewilding with compassion 238–41 autocratic governments 118, 247, 248 rights of 15, 25, 230, 238, 243–4 Avatar 223 welfare 243–4 293 Peter Burdon, Klaus Bosselmann and Kirsten Engel - 9781786430878 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 12:17:04PM via free access 294 The crisis in global ethics and the future of global governance Bacon, Francis 183, 188 Cambodia 192 Bakken, P. 260 Cameron, J. 223 Bangladesh 218–19 Canada: Leap Manifesto 26 Barber, William 49, 54, 56 cancer 188 beauty, appreciation of 116 cap-and-trade 58, 140 behavioural economics 140 capitalism 29–30, 35, 36, 53, 58–60, 84, Bekoff, M. 240 99, 102–3, 131, 133, 136, 145, Berry, T. 28, 109, 182, 186, 187 148, 214, 223, 246 betrayal and deceit 28, 51 climate change 217–18 bias 141, 183 co-evolution 184 bio-regionalism 157 disaster 219 biocentrism 159, 164, 186, 236–7, 238, instrumental rationality 170, 172, 242, 245 174 biodiversity 15, 52, 77, 78, 87, 122, 154, thin democracy 211 168, 185, 251 Capitolecene 146 mass extinction of species 11, 52, Carson, Rachael 111 151, 186 Cartesian dualism 208 rewilding 239–40, 241 casteism 213, 217–18 biophilia 83 Catholic Church 22, 85, 116, 185, 218 Biosphere Ethics Initiative (BEI) 49, 63, Chakrabarty, D. 94, 95 64, 68, 271 China 106, 110, 199 Relato Methodology 49, 61, 63–6, Third Epoch Confucian Dialogue 271 206–11 Blake, William 182 Christianity 56, 86, 117, 165, 188–9, Boff, L. 18, 26 199, 200, 260 Borgese, E.M. 45 Catholic Church 22, 85, 116, 185, Bosnia 185 218 Bosselmann, K. 18, 123, 266, 267 Unitarianism 255, 257, 258, 259, Bradley, F.H. 159 260 Braudel, F. 94–5 Chthulucene 146 Brazil: social movements 26 citizen pilgrims 249, 251 Brooks, P. 256 civil society 16, 20, 35, 36, 152, 153, Brown, Richard 257–8, 259 154, 157, 268, 269, 270, 274, 281 Brown, Wendy 103–4, 106 critical role of 44–6 Brundtland Report (1987) 32, 40, 109–10 democracy 193 Bryde, B.-O. 42–3 Ecozoic 187 Buddhism 4, 165, 267–8 ethical issues 171, 173, 180 Burckhardt, J. 94 precautionary principle 175 Burdon, P.D. 18, 266 see also non-governmental Burns, J.M. 139 organizations class 8, 102, 103, 216, 220 Cáceres, Berta 29 Peter Burdon, Klaus Bosselmann and Kirsten Engel - 9781786430878 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 12:17:04PM via free access Index 295 climate change 9–10, 16, 25, 52, commons, colonization of the 217–18, 110–111, 118, 122, 129–30, 145, 222–3 147, 151, 168 Commons Law Project 15 cap-and-trade 58 communitarianism 159 co-evolution: people and machines eco- see separate entry 149 community of life 4, 6, 13, 18, 21, 23, colonization of the commons 26, 27, 35, 75, 77, 79, 82, 112, 217–18 113, 114, 125, 128, 151, 153, 164 escalation since drafting of Earth compassion 25 Charter 153 rewilding with 238–41 evasion of reality 61 complex adaptive system 147 instrumental rationality 171, 173, Cone, J. 217, 219 174–5 confirmation bias 183 Intergovernmental Panel on (IPCC) Confucian Dialogue, Third Epoch 179–80 206–11 lost language of moral movement 59 Confucius 4 market logic 53–4 consent/assent combination 162, 165, Paris Climate Conference (2015) see 166 separate entry constitutional order, world 32–47, 123–4 planetary boundary breached 154 Chicago World Constitution 45–6 problematization of 217–19, critical role of civil society 44–6 220–221 Earth Charter as covenant 35–7 refugees 218–19, 220–221 greening of international law 37–41 small island nation states 214 legitimacy of global constitution UN Framework Convention on 38 41–4 Kyoto Protocol 174 constitutions, national 41, 112, 121, precautionary principle 175 122–3, 196 Clugston, R. 231 United States 183, 193, 194 co-evolution 148–9, 184–5 consumption 25, 54, 66, 77, 184 co-value 237 over- 83–4 cognitive psychology 140 contract 8, 24, 139, 152, 155, 159 Collins, Michael 90–91 First Nations people 150–151 Collyer, Robert 258 natural 80, 83 colonialism 36, 53, 150, 183, 186, 211, social 112, 185, 208 219 to covenant 128, 134–5, 144 common but differentiated Convention on Biological Diversity responsibilities 17, 26, 62, 118 (CBD) 87 see also rooted cosmopolitanism Convention on the Conservation common good 5, 14, 33, 45, 50, 55, 87, of Antarctic Marine Living 114–15, 154, 191–2, 195, 197, Resources (CCAMLR) 38–9 207, 217 Peter Burdon, Klaus Bosselmann and Kirsten Engel - 9781786430878 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 12:17:04PM via free access 296 The crisis in global ethics and the future of global governance Convention on International Trade in covenantal, global ethics as 157, 158–62, Endangered Species of Wild 166–7 Fauna and Flora (CITES) 85, 87 consent and assent 162, 165, 166 Coons, J. 18 Earth Charter: covenant and cooperative worker-owned economic progress 162–6 enterprises 12 split advocacy 161–2 corporations/corporate economic covenants that sustain us constrain us interests 10, 11, 12, 29–30, 144, 50–51 146, 174, 201, 213, 221, 230, 235, crimes against humanity 197 266 critical theory 205 corruption 11, 17, 54, 65, 88, 118 see also subaltern ethical critique cosmopolitan regionalism see rooted critical thinking 204 cosmopolitanism Cronin, W. 146 cosmopolitanism 157, 159 cross-border nature conservation 120 rooted see separate entry Cullinan, C. 18 cost-benefit analysis (CBA) 140, 141, cultural diversity 57, 67, 76, 78, 80, 119, 170, 172–4, 188 165, 194, 229, 265 Cottier, T. 42 cyanobacteria 147 covenant with Earth 22–30, 35–7, 80, 86, Czech Republic 272 89, 158–9 clear, well-reasoned positions 28–30 Dalai Lama 24, 265 covenanted democratic movement Daly, H. 188 30 Dasgupta, P. 59 critical dialogue on global ethics deceit and betrayal 28, 51 24–6 Declaration towards a Global Ethic strong stand on truth 26–8 (1993) of the Parliament of World covenant, from contract to 128, 134–5, Religions 161, 166–7, 215 144 definitions covenant making in the Anthropocene covenant 23, 33, 50, 86, 225–6 143–55 ecojustice 259 Anthropocene 145–8 Delbrück, J. 43–4 avoiding Faustian 150–151 democracy 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 17–18, 21, humanity and technology in 148–50, 34, 36, 99, 131, 153, 164, 229, 154 254 revisited 145–8 Confucianism 208, 209, 211 covenanting with the devil 144–5 constitutional order, world 43–4 towards covenantal Earth Charter Council Rings 18, 64–5, 261 151–3 covenanted democratic movement covenantal approach and First Nations 30, 153 people 150–151 different perceptions of 117–20 covenantal ethics 225–7, 266, 279 Earth Democracy 18, 23, 28, 47, 88–9 Peter Burdon, Klaus Bosselmann and Kirsten Engel - 9781786430878 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/26/2021 12:17:04PM via free access Index 297 every part of nature 18 new axial age 4–6, 158 as world faith 199–202 renewal of movement ecology 79, 80 clear, well-reasoned positions erosion of 56 28–30 faith in democratic, community covenant with Earth 22–30, decision making 115, 117–21 35–7 funding of political parties 190, 195 covenanted democratic instrumental rationality 170 movement 30 pause, democratic 247 critical dialogue on global power imbalances 55 ethics 24–6 public things and 103–7 hope and reality 20–22 quest for 190–197 strong stand on truth 26–8 Relato methodology 64 state of world 9–13 rights-talk 102 Earth Charter Initiative 4, 14, 21, 25, 29, technocentrism 235 30, 202, 232, 267, 280, 281, 282 thin vs thick 191–3, 197, 211 earth engineering and/or Earth Charter Democratic Republic of Congo 192 73–5 developing countries 118 Earth system thinking 93–4, 133 see also Global South Earth systems science 96, 97–8, 129, development, right to 118 130, 137, 185 Dewey, John 203, 254, 260, 265 Earth Trusteeship Initiative (ETI) 279–83 dialogue 198–212, 216 eco-communitarianism 128–9, 136, critical dialogue on global ethics 137–9, 142 24–6 transformational political morality Earth Democracy as world faith 139, 141–2 199–202 eco-modernism 98, 128, 129, 136–9, inner life 203–4 142, 185 relational ontology in practice 204–6 transactional political morality 139, Third Epoch Confucian 206–11 140–141, 142 do no harm 240 ecocentrism 96, 97, 159, 165, 234–6, Dolman, B.
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