I media and the equally strong pressure to make it’s media operations pay off." Arch Madsen, President of the holding company for Church broadcast operations, Bonneville International Corporation, is cited as representative pdate of many in the LDS hierarchy: "The proper use of mass media (according to Madsen) is going to mean the differ- ence between chaos and the solid val- BYU’s 1980 Women’s Conference can Mainstream in Historical Narra- ues of civilization." In the context of "Blueprints for Living" is the theme for tive," by R. Laurence Moore, Profes- this responsibility Madsen is quoted as the 1980 Women’s Conference to be held sor of History, Cornell (October 30) saying, "I’m not one of those people at Brigham Young University during the "Joseph Smith and the Apocalyptic who subscribes to the notion that the last three days of Women’s Week Tradition," C. Wilfred Griggs, news side is separate from the corpo- January 31 to February 2, 1980. Accord- Brigham Young University rate side. Journalists don’t know every- ing to Kimberly Ford, chairman of the (November 19) thing." conference, workshops will be based on "The Book of Mormon as Typological The article describes in some detail such admonitions as: "Study the scrip- Narrative,’" by Bruce W. Jorgensen, recent developments at the Church- tures," "The righteous woman can help Brigham Young University (De- owned Deseret News and KSL-TV (as save the home," "Let there be no ques- cember 3) well as providing an overall view of tion in your mind about your value as an The series will continue during the Church media holdings). Demographic individual," and "Learn all you can." spring, concluding with a mini- studies in the late 1960’s showed that A complete class schedule will be availa- conference to take place on April 30, while both operations had a stable and 1980, titled, "Contemporary Ap- profitable audience base, particularly ble in December by writing: ASBYU proaches to Mormon History." Particip- among older viewers and readers, they Women’s Office, 432 Wilkinson Center, ants at the mini-conference will include were not reaching "the prime BYU, Provo, Utah, 84602, Attention: Leonard J. Arrington, Richard L. eighteen-to-thirty-four year old audi- Women’s Conference. Bushman, and Jan Shipps. ence." In 1974 the Deseret News re- Society for the Sociological sponded with the city’s first investiga- Study of Mormon Life tive journalism group, the three- The Society was officially organized at a member Pinpoint Team headed by Dale meeting held in conjunction with the Van Atta (now with Jack Anderson). Pacific Sociological Association April Similarly, in 1977 KSL created the 1979. Membership is open to anyone in- Probe 5 Unit to do occasional in-depth terested in the scholarly study of Mor- investigative reporting and also in- mon life. Officers include: Glenn M. itiated the local TV news magazine Di- Vernon, University of Utah; Armand mension Five. But the article points out: Mauss, Washington State University; "It is hard to investigate in Utah with- Marie Cornwall, University of Min- out turning up a Mormon connection. nesota; Joan Menke, UCLA; and Arland The Church either owns or has sub- Thornton, University of Michigan. stantial influence in banks, department The 1979 annual meeting was held in stores, insurance, real estate, agribusi- conjunction with the American hess, and energy and utility com- Soci61ogical Association meetings in panies." Boston August 29. The following papers "Static in Zion" then details con- were presented: "Quackery and Mor- troversies arising from aggressive re- monism: A Latter-Day Dilemma," by L. porting by these teams of journalists, Kay Gillespie, Weber State College; notably the Deseret News on Mountain "Peripheral Mormondom: The Frenetic Fuel Supply (attempts to secretly tape- Frontier," by Dean R. Louder, Univer- A Churchly Media? record consumer groups and to set up a site Laval, Quebec; summary by Arland "Long stuck with a churchly image, non-regulated subsidiary which would Thornton, University of Michigan, of re- the Mormon media reach out for the allow the company to pass on costs of cent publication by Jon P. Altson and young--and are called back by the el- exploration to utility rate-payers) and David Johnson of Texas A & M on "A ders" is the lead-in for a feature article Dimension Five on the subject of Mor- . Cross-Cultural Analysis of Mormon "Static in Zion," written by Bob mon women and depression. The can- Missionary Success." Gottlieb and Peter Wiley and published celing of the original show on depres- in the respected Columbia Journalism Re- sion produced by Louise Degn promp- Cornell University Lectures view (July/August 1979). Citing tensions ted sharp internal and external protest "Scholarly Perspectives on Mormonism within the Church regarding acceler- and eventually the show was revamped after 150 Years" is the subject of a lecture ated growth worldwide and fear of and aired--according to the article series being sponsored at Cornell Uni- losing control at home, the article fo- "more flattened than rounded." (Full vesity by the Religious Studies Commit- cuses on related tensions concerning transcript of the show as finally aired tee and the Society for the Humanities the role of the Church’s vast flung appeared in Sunstone, Vol. 4, No. 2.) there. Lectures for the fall series include: media business: "between the Church’s The article concludes on a some- "Mormon Outsiders and the Ameri- stress on the moral mission of the what pessimistic note. The furors oc- III casioned by these stories (and others) mounting (AP articles in SL Tribune defended Gary Gilmore in 1977, says may have subsided, but "the conflict September 8, and October 23, 1979). that he will ask that the case be dismis- between the interests of journalism and Provo Police Chief Swen Nielsen and sed on the grounds of entrapment. He those of ideology remains." Manage- Utah County Sheriff Mack Holley, who maintains that his client may have been ment is more willing to intervene and share their jurisdictions with BYU, say set up for arrest when he responded to news staffs feel more cautious about they are on good terms with BYU Sec- a letter, written by a BYU detective and controversial programs. "In another urity Chief Robert Kelshaw. They ap- published in a gay Salt Lake news- city,"is the final comment by the au- preciate BYU’s security force, contain- paper, the Open Door, asking for the thors, "this conflict would make an in- ing experienced officers and often names of students interested in form- teresting subject for a documentary." utilizing sophisticated surveillance and ing a "BYU gay underground." Kel- Computer Analyzes Book of Mormon other equipment ahead of city and shaw says the letter was unauthorized, Computer analysis has shown that county units, but admit some uneasi- and BYU President Dallin Oaks says he the Book of Mormon was not the work ness. "There’s never been a problem ordered a halt to such tactics as soon as of one man, but the work of dozens, with the present people involved," found out about them. according to Alvin C. Rencher, statis- says Holley, "but there could be at But Utah’s homosexual community tics professor at BYU and Wayne Lar- some time, under this new law." remains unconvinced. Rev. Robert sen, statistician at Eyring Research Shirley Pedler, director of the Waldrop, an ex-Mormon who ministers Center. (AP article in Salt Lake American Civil Liberties Union in Utah, to Salt Lake’s gays, and Joe Redburn, Tribune, October 7, 1979.) says the ACLU plans to test the law in owner of Salt Lake’s gay bar the Sun, The researchers say that different court. "The law is blatantly unconstitu- suspect that BYU security officers have authors develop different patterns in tional for allowing police power to be staked out the bar. the frequency of such non-contextual used to enforce views, if not exclusively BYU’s President Dallin Oaks has words as "for," "it," "as," and limited to, at least included in church denied that the school is harassing "which." Three different methods of doctrine," she said. homosexuals but says that the campus wordprint analysis were used to Other groups fear the potential security force will continue to enforce analyze these differences. According to power of a police force responsible to all laws forbidding illicit sexual ac- authors, one analysis indicated that Church officials. Attention was recently tivities. He denies that university police "odds against a single author exceeded focused on the situation when David "have a mission to enforce the univer- 100 billion to one." Chipman, not a BYU student, was ar- sity Code of Honor except for violations Comparisons indicated that Joseph rested by BYU’s security force off cam- of the law." Kelshaw adds that BYU Smith could not have authored the pus and charged with forcible sexual has no intention of using its statewide book and that at least 24 different writ- abuse of a BYU student acting as an police authority and that officers are ers were involved, said the statisticians. undercover agent. Chipman’s attorney confining their activities to the BYU Ron Stanger, a Mormon lawyer who Antitrust Suit Against Church Dismissed campus. An antitrust suit against LDS Church owned Elberta Farms Corp. and Deseret Title Holding Co. has been dismissed by Judge Bruce S. Jenkins, U.S. District Court for Utah. Utah County cherry growers, Garn L. and Peggy Baum, failed to prove that a ews boycott by the two LDS-owned firms forced them out of business, the judge ruled. (SL Tribune, October, 23, 1979.) The Baums, who ran a cherry proces- The Highest in Us sing plant in Provo, claimed that sometime Teacher-Priest outing; when Daddy is Truman G.
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