ASSOCIATIONSUEDOISE DE LINGUISTIQUEAPPLIQUEE (ASLA) Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap Language, culture, rhetoric: Cultural and rhetorical perspectives on communication Papers from the ASLA symposium in Örebro, 6-7 November 2003 Utgiven av Cornelia Ilie ASLA ASLA:s skriftserie 17 ASSOCIATION SUEDOISE DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUEE (ASLA) Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap Language, culture, rhetoric: Cultural and rhetorical perspectives on communication Papers from the ASLA symposium in Örebro, 6-7 November 2003 Utgiven av Cornelia Ilie ASLA ASSOCIATION SUEDOISE DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUEE (ASLA) Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap ASLA ingår i den internationella huvudorganisationen AILA som har med­ lemmar i drygt trettio länder världen över. Föreningen har som huvndsyfte att på olika vägar främja och sprida information om språkvetenskaplig forskning med anknytning till praktiska språkproblem i samhället. 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Medlem i ASLA blir man genom att betala avgiften (200:- för medlemsåret 04/05, för utlandsbetalningar 260:-) till Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språk• vetenskap, postgiro 40 32 86-8. Medlemmar får årsboken i ASLA:s skriftserie, ASLA-Information och AILA Review. Bland övriga medlemsförmåner kan nämnas att till rabatterat pris delta i föreningens symposier samt att - också till nedsatt pris - köpa tidigare nummer i ASLA:s skriftserie. Beställning av ASLA:s skrifter sänds till följande adress: ASLA, c/o FUMS, Box 527, 751 20 UPPSALA. Language, culture, rhetoric: Cultural and rhetorical perspectives on conununica­ tion. Papers from the ASLA symposium in Örebro, 6-7 November 2003. Corne­ lia Ilie (utg./ed.) ASLA, Svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap. Stockholm 2004. ISBN 91-87884-17-8 ISSN 1100-5629 Akademihyck © ASLA och författarna Valdemarsvik 2004 CONTENTS PREFACE .................................................................. LANGUAGING, RHETORICAL THINKING, CULTURAL A WARENESS Michael Hoey Interactivity in text: committed, shallow and targeted readings ............... 3 Jens Allwood Språk och världsbilder .............................................................. 21 Rafael Jimenez Catano Wishful thinking and argumentation through metonymy ...................... 36 THE RHETORIC OF POLITICAL DISCOURSE Tine Van Hecke Grateful USA.: A speech act analysis ofthanking behaviour .................. 49 Raphael Micheli On rhetorically constructed emotions : The appeal to fear in President Bush's address to the nation ............................... 59 Birgitta Almgren Argumentationsstrategier i ideologiserande diskurser ......................... 72 Scott Cawelti Rhetoric and Propaganda in Documentary Filmmaking: Riefenstahl's Triumph oj the Will and Resnais' Night and Fog ............... 83 Piotr Chruszczewski Political discourse as a case ofpotential verbal aggression ................... 91 Paul Dan/er SE-<:onstructions in Spanish and Portuguese from a rhetorical-functional perspective ............................................... 102 THE RHETORIC OF THE MEDIA Birgit Hoffinann The presentation of self in everyday job ads - emotiva utt1yck i tyska och svenska företags självpresentationer i platsannonser ............ 117 Maria Bonner Different styles, different image(s), different cultures? Preferences in German and Swedish advertising style ........................ 131 Margot van Mulken, Natasja Boon and Saskia Kleijer Verbal Anchoring and Implicit Meaning in Magazine Adve1iisements .... 143 Nadine Lucas The enunciative stmcture ofnews dispatches: A contrastive rhetorical approach ................................................ 154 THE RHETORIC OF ARGUMENTATIVE DIALOGUE Asa Brumark Ironi som maktmedel vid middagsbordet? ..................................... 167 Asta Cekaite "Titta, jag klar" [Look, I ready] Rhetorical devices in an immersion classroom ............................... 178 Karolina Wirdenäs Kan man argumentera som man vill? Om ungdomar som ogiltigförklarar resonemang ............................. 190 Ibolya Maricic Facework in cyber-conflict: A pragmalinguistic study of an online discussion ........................... 204 THE RHETORIC OF LEXICAL CO-OCCURRENCES TonyBastow 'Friends and allies': Binomials in a corpus ofUS defence speeches ...... 223 Leszek Berezowski The pragmatic underbelly of English: Nickname granllllar and rhetoric ................................................ 233 Maria Kela From a mistranslation to a theological term ................................... 243 THE RHETORIC OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE MonaBlåsjö "Blir du logisk, lille vän?" Medierande redskap i nationalekonomi ....... 257 Philip Shaw Rhetorical prescriptions and types of cultural difference ................... 267 Gunvor Nilsson Kan du använda din medicin när du ammar? En språkvetenskaplig analys av bipacksedelstexter ......................... 280 Preface Applied linguistics is steadily gaining ground and is increasingly practiced in an interdisciplinary fashion and in ever-expanding multicultural settings. More than ever before, the 2003 edition of the ASLA Conference• at Örebro University was the meeting place for schalars of many nationalities from fourteen different countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland, ltaly, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, U.K. and U.S.A. Furthermore, the participants represented different disciplinary backgrounds. The theme of the conference, "Language, culture, rhetoric: Cultural and rhetorical perspectives 011 communication", elicited a great variety of conference papers on a wide range of topical issues. Many of them are based on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural approaches to language use and to communication practices. The expertise of the contributors covers the following fields and orientations: linguistics (semantics, pragmatics, discourse analysis), rhetoric, philosophy, as well as translation and film studies. The contributions selected for the present volume represent several areas of rhetoric-based and/or cross-cultural studies of language use in a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches. They explore different types of linguistic communication in terms of discourse genres, semantic choice, argumentation pattems, figures of speech, rhetorical practices and socio-cultural traditions. Some of the major questions raised by several of the conference papers are the following: In what way is linguistic and extralinguistic communication culture-specific? How should linguistic and non-linguistic communication be studied in a holistic approach? Which are the functions fulfilled by various rhetorical devices and argumentation strategies in casual and institutional communication? Rhetoric as theory and method plays an essential role in problematising and exploring the relation between the written and the spoken word, between culhire-based writer and reader understanding patterns, between thinking and communicating, between overt and covert communication, between institutional and conversational communication strategies, between fictional and non­ fictional language contextualisation, between culture-specific and language­ based conventions, between source language and target language constraints in terms of translation goals. ii The three introductory papers of this volume highlight central issues of the conference theme, namely the writer-reader interaction in the transmission of cultural and scholarly knowledge through different reading practices in mono­ lingual and plurilingual environments (Hoey), the relationship between language usage, thinking processes and socio-cultural practices (Allwood), and the culture-specific metonymic pattems of reasoning and arguing with valid/fallacious definitions (Jimenez). Political discourse has been the central topic of several papers. Some of them analyse patticular rhetorical strategies, such as the speech act of thanking by official USA representatives (Van Hecke), the rhetorically constructed emotions in President Bush's address to the nation (Micheli), verbal aspects of verbal aggression in President Truman's inaugural addresses (Chruszczewski) and the use of the Romance SE-diathesis in Franco's and Salazar's speeches (Danler). Two closely related papers expose ideology-based propaganda mechanisms in political writings about Nazi Germany and G.D.R. (Almgren) and reveal manipulative rhetorical appeals in Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda documentary films about Nazi Germany (Cawelti). The rhetoric of the media has been investigated cross-culturally by examining German and Swedish job ads (Hoffmann), German and Swedish magazine ads (Bonner), the uptake of Dutch and French magazine ads (van Mulken et al.), as well as English and Japanese news dispatches
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