*'TODAY: ANGOLA,ONE YEAR AfTER THE ELECTIONS *,FREED MAN ATTACKED OUTSIDE COURT * SUPER SPORT!* Bringing Africa South Vol.3 No.258 Ex-death row man set to b ecome"~"'K-. lng Sheehama top candidate for Kwanyamas' STAFF REPORTER Left: Former death row prisoner Leonard A YOUNG man Sheehama is now set who narrowly to become a king in escaped the the North. gallows two years ,ago after he was convicted of five CROWN TECHNOLOGIES murders and P.O. Box 10648 Tel.: (061) 211013 sentenced to death WlNDHOEK Fax: (061) 211647 five times is tipped to become the new For the supply of Medical, Laboratory, Meteorological, King ofOva kw an­ Educational Materials and Teating Equipment, yam a early next sition. at Oihole in southern Dental and Consumables. month. Ifnothing goes wrong, Angola, the K wanyamas One of the committee Sheehama is scheduled have been led by senior members for the rein­ to be introduced to the headmen. statement of the OVakwanyamas on Oc­ It had been believed MEDICAL METEOROLOGICAL Kwanyama Kingdom tober 16. that the whole ECG machines, Monitors Thermometers yesterday confirmed Since the death of K wanyama Kingdom or Sphygmomanometers Thermo-Hygrographs speculation that Leonard King Mandume Royal families had been Stethoscopes Barometers Sheehama is the favour­ Ndemufayo, who was Scissors, Forceps Anemometers' ite candidate for the po- killed in February 1917 cont. on page 2 Hospital Furniture Operating Tables and Lamps Weather Balloons Incubators Etc, Etc Altimeters, Etc, Etc Accused attacked LABORATORY MATERIALS TESTING pH Meters Cbr Machines Conductivity Meters Compression testing Machines and car damaged Ovens Tensile Testing Machines Waterbaths · CBR/Proctor Moulds Kjendhal Apparatus Cube Moulds Incubators Tommy Izaks CBR/Proctor Hammers After Dlurder acquittal Turbidity Meters Liquid Limit Devices Water Level Recorders Will my friends Scales Balances, Etc, Etc and esteemed a murderer. Outside the court a man Density Funnels/Dollies/Rings CHRISTOF MALETSKY who claimed to be the brother of the EDUCATIONAL customers please Ovens, Etc, Etc deceased attacked Coetzee's car and Microscopes note that I have ,.., DRAMA erupted outside the broke his front right window. DENTAL , Windhoek High court yesterday Models joined Only the quick intervention of the Materials , when relatives of the late piet police prevented the car from being Wall Charts Crown Petrus Mienies attacked Kits for Biology and Science Technologies Equipment ·wrecked. Instruments, Etc, Etc Nicolaas Coetzee and damaged Coetzee declined to lay a charge Ammeters his car after Coetzee was against the man and immediately left Voltmeters, Globes acquitted ofmurdering.Mienies. the scene. Overhead Projectors PLEASE PHONE OR FAX There was uproar in the court after An unidentified youI1g man yelled GreenIWhite Boards Judge Theo Frank found Coetzee not at the police, "If you want to hear why Stereoscopes US FOR ALL YOUR guilty of shooting and killing Mienies I did that come to my house in Compasses, Etc, Etc on December 23 last year. Khomasdal." REQUIREMENTS Relatives of the dead man shouted According to the charge-sheet, accusations at Coetzee, labelling him cont. on page 2 2'Wedh'esday:September 29t1993 ~THE"Nj(MiBiAN Former death row'prisoner tipped to become king Left: FROMPAGE-1] sentence five times for Sheehama is too young their King, the Walvis massacre. to become a King. Al- "How can we accept a MOUTHSPINNER wiped out until a delega­ Sheehama was sent to though there are some King whose hands are ••• London, I. tion from OUkwanyama the Pretoria Central 'young Kings in the full of the blood ofinno­ England - Model region announced re­ Prison, where he was on world,like King Mswati cent people," is the bum­ Diana Lauren cently in Windhoek that death row. of Swaziland, many ing question among shows the Spin a King would be ap­ In 1991 the South Af- Kwanyama-speaking many concerned resi­ Pop Candy at pointed in Oukwanyama rican Government par- Namibians fear it will be dents. in the near future. doned hjm and released a difficult task for a Another problem is the Sweetie Leonard Sheehama, him. young man like Sheehama's roots. Peo- exhibition, an , believed to be in his early Although the trial for Sheehama to fulfill his pIe from Okambebe, international thirties, is one of th~iwo the Oshakati bomb blast duties especially as there north-west Owambo, .coofecaQnary men 'earmarked' for this did not take place, the have been no Kings in where he grew up ·told trade' fair, on then SW A Police told the Oukwapyama d1S- ' ' The Namibi'ah that they ~igh position. Mo~d aY. The ,There have been re­ the media in, 1988 .that trictfor ulepjl$t 76 years. had never heard that he ,b~ttery-powered ports that there is ~other Sheehamahadconfessed As a result those who ' was from the Royal'fam- ;' candidate, Mandume that h~ had pl~~ed the hl!veexperieI!cepfKing- ' ily. ' . lollipop; ~which is Hangula, presently bO,mb, allegedly on the domshave either died or Others believe that made in China, ..... workjng at ~DM. · . ' instructions of SW!lpo. ' ar~ t,op. old t9 give' there is no-one left with spins in the However, accQrding to Sheel,tapla also ~lleg- , Sh~ehAma ad"ic~. , "real royal blood" mouth. informed sources, edly tol4 tl\e police ho,w . Ano~her worrying among the Kwanyamas Photo: Reutersl Sheehama is likely to be he watched the bomb go problem raised by resi- and that the appointment Nampa the new King. off from Picadilly, a dentsisShee~ama'sper- of a King is politically Sheehama hit the nearby shopping centre, sonal reputation. motivated. headlines in 1988 after before leaving for There are those who There is also a feeling I' W''W =."""",'W_" •.,"""' , j ;~ he was arrested for the Walvis Bay. still hold him responsi- that a ~ing is not neces- horror bomb blast which After Sheehama's;tr- ble for the mass killing sary now that Namibia is High drama at High Court killed 30 'people at rest, several weapons of ofpeopleatOshakatiand independent and has its Oshakati First National Soviet origin were alleg- for the Walvis Bay own President. ;\ FROM PAGE 1 station, taking Mienies rape against Mienies. Bank and injured Il)any, edly found in his moth- butchery massacre. At the time of going to with them but he alleg- The following day i; others on February 19 er,' s mahangu field at All those who lost their press, no headmen from ' t Coetzee's wife alleg- edly jumped out of Mienies was found - that year. Okambebe. lives in the Oshakati blast the Oukwanyama area edly summoned theircaratanintersec- dead in a storm water After he was arrested Some people The were Wanibo-speaking could'be traced forcql1}­ Mi~iiies ,to her' house, tion. ',I drain and it was estab- I. l _ l '. _ _~.( ..",."'" ~ - • for the Oshakati Namibian spoke to said apart from one white mentand'theOshikango on December 23 where: ,::.. C;::()etzee '~, ' f()ll?w~ d .. ,.U~.~~'th~~ ~,h~died masscare, he was later there were mixed feel- woman from Cape line was out of order. she and her husband Mienies on foot and al- from a bullet to the ,charged for,the bombing ings among residents, Town. It is believed that Sheehama himself questioned him about legedly tired shots at chest. of the Atlantic Butchery and even among the majority of those who could also not be traced the alleged rape oftheir him. After a while, Coetzee was acquit­ at Walvis Bay in which commitee members, died were Kwanyama- as he was reportedly at daughter. Coetzee returned with- ted after the State failed five people were killed. over the re-establish- speaking and it will be his home at Okambebe, Later the Coetzees out Mienies and they to prove his guilt. Danie He was convicted on ment of the difficult for the relatives where there are no com­ andtheirdaughterarid went to the police sta- Small prosecuted and five charges of murder OukwanyamaKingdom. of the murdered people munication facilities. another man went to tion where they laid a George Coetzee ap­ and was given the death Some believe to accept Sheehama as the Katutura Police charge of attempted peared for Coetzee. Registration of Learners " Ella du Plessis High School for 1994 Notice is hereby given that registration for MANAGEMENT Grade 8 and Grade 11 for 1994 will start PASS THE ESTATE Monday, 20 September 1993 until AGENTS BOARD PROGRAMME Wednesday, 20 October 1993 • an intensive four-day wol1<shop for top to middle management, EXAMINATION senior technical managers and senior supervisors Applications must be in writing and the A COURSE PRESENTED BY • guaranteed to significantly improve your company's bottom-line following documents must accompany the . THE INST-ITUTKOF ES-TA-T-E·- - profitability _ le,tt~r. , o f, aJ?p ,ijf~~i,(:)I~ : ~~,;~ , :,. , .. ~ '~., AGEj~fTS: @~"6tffIf'A:FRI CA ° at an introductory price of N$ 800, only half of what is charged in , ~ :,\~~IJ!t , ~eJ?PrJ: , . ,'I ,"" "\' \, ," (Southern Transvaal Branch) South Africa " * ID"or Sitth Certificate Mc Louis Ta\jaard B,A" B. Juris LL.B. (U,O.F.S.) M.I.E.A. '* Testi m o~iii.I from Principal You 'ar.e"trained to: __,.;; .• ;r _rtr r.;~' ; +..; ~-, .. >,. ~ '·i.' .Write to: " The Secretary ' 0 , ' , ,.D.ram.alically: imp(9ve.yo ur pro blem solving ability and therefore Ella doPles !!is H igb School ,""': 'increase your productivity. P/Bag 10399 ••; ; 0 " Master and apply the techniques of Situation Appraisa l. Problem "'" ' .Khomasdal .,' Analysis, Decision Analys i s".P otenti a IP rQb l ~m Analysis, Potential Tel.' 211307 Opportunity ..Analy sis, Risk,Analysis and: Performanoe System ' ~ " ' . • F "21 'J777 Analysis in,thesystematic resolution of daily concerns. " .',. " . ' a~ . , , ... .. ,. '" " 11 'F • F)[ a , , a [ _ ' I1 • Improvemanagerflexibilityin,handling-widely.differing situatiDns.
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