1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUS~ 903 - That completes "the· Executive Calen- .John' A. Twaddle · Edwin C. Welsh imperial soul shall breast the tides· of da~ · Wallace R. Van Den Clifford A. Wiethotf . · Bosch change and live on with freedom .as its RECESS immortal pursuit and life's richest at­ To be lieutenant Mr. CHAVEZ. I move that the. Senate tainment. In our Rede.emer's name. Frank L; Lawlor Amen. take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to­ To be assistcr,nt paymaster, with the rank of morrow. · ensign The Journal of the proceedings of The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 Ralph G. Leedy . yesterday was read and approved. o'clock and 34 minutes p.m.) the Senate • IN THE MARINE CORPS RESIGNATION FROM COMMITTEE took a recess until 'tomorrow, Wednes­ T" be Pa.ymaster General of the Marine Corps ' The SPEAKER laid before the House day, February 6, 1946, at 12 o'clock for a period ot 4 years from February 1, the following resignation from com- meridian. 1946 Raymond R. Wright mittee: · JANUARY 28, 1946. NOMINATION POSTMASTERS Hon. SAM RAYBURN, GEORGIA Spealcer of the House of Representatives, Executive nomination received by the Dora L. Raulerson, Hortense. Washington, D. C. Senate February· 5 (legislative day of DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I hereby tender my January 18), 1946: INDIANA resignation as a. member of the Committee John Leonard, Birdseye. WAR AssETS ADMINISTRATOR on Elections No. 3 of the House of Repre­ James Perona, Blanford. sentatives. Lt Gen. Edmund B. Gregory to be War. Dorothy Fohl, Cedar Grove. Respectfully, Assets Administrator, effective upon retire­ William 0. Burgess, Gas City. HUGH PETERSON. ment from the Army. James E. Cox, Newburgh. Elsie B. Johnson, Westpoint. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the·resignation is accepted. CONFffiMATIONS KANSAS Marjorie A. Cain, Delphos. There was no objection. Executive nominations confirmed by George M. Thomas, Morrowville. EXTENSION OF REMARKS the Senate February 5 (legislative day of MISSOURI January 18), 1946: Mr. DONDERO asked and was given Frank A. Johnson, Gainesville. permission to extend his remarks in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGES MONTANA RECORD and include an article fJ.·om the Roy M. Shelbourne to be United States Albert Leo Nix, Wibaux. -New York Journal-American. · district judge for the western district of Kentucky. NEBRASKA Mr. ROBERTSON of North Dakota EdwardS. Kampf to be United States dis­ Julius E. Arnold, Big Springs. asked and was given permission to extend trict judge for the northern district of New Edward Borzych, Farwell. his remarks in the RECORD in two in­ York. Martha E. Castor, Stockville. stances and include in one a quotation from James Madison and one from CHIEF JUDGE, MUNICIPAL COURT OF APPEALS FOR NORTH CAROLINA Bessie L. Adams, Blounts Creek. Abraham Lincoln and in the other two THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA letters written to him on the question of Nathan Cayton to be chief judge, Munici­ W1111e T. Smith, Dudley. pal Coui·t of Appeals for the District of Co­ Mildred C. Thompson, Hallsboro. the Offlce 'of Price Administration. lumbia. Helen J. Dellinger, Iron Station. Mr. DOLLIVER asked and was given William R. Miller, Laurel Springs. _ permission to extend his remarks in the . UNITED STATES ATTORNn:s OKLAHOMA RECORD and include a statement from Alexander M. Campbell to be United States Leroy K. Hawkins, Boynton. R. K. Bliss, Iowa director of the Exten­ attorney for the northern district of Indiana.. Evah Kirksey, Porter. sion Service. J. Vincent Keogh to be United States attor­ ney for the eastern district of New York. WEST VIRGINIA Mr. ELLIS asked and was given per­ mission to extend his remarks in the UNITED STATES MARSHALS Cordia H. Covert, Yawkey. WISCONSIN RECORD and include an editorial. Al W. Rosinski to be United States marshal Mr. COLE of Missouri as).{ed and was for the northern district of Indiana. (Now Helen A. Feye, Eastman. serving under an appointment which expired Rachel P. Porter, Fontana. given permission to extend his remarl{S in July 3, 1945.) Stella J. McCollow, River Falls. the RECORD and include a poem written John M. Comeford to be United States by F. J. Lyons, of Conception Junction, marshal for the we~ttern district of Wisconsin. Mo. (Now serving uriden an appointment which CALENDAR WEDNESDAY BUSINESS expired October 30, 1945.) · HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I .IN THE NAVY TuESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1946 ask unanimous consent that the business APPOINTMENTS IN TH!: NAVY FOR TEMPORARY in order tomorrow, Calendar Wednesday, SERVICE The House met at 12 o'clock noon. be dispensed with. Patrick N. L. Bellinger to be vice admiral, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera The SPEAKER. Is there objection to for temporary service, to .rank from October the request of the gentleman from 5, 1943. Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ ing prayer: Massachusetts? APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR SERVICE There was no objection. To be assistant s~rgeons with the rank of 0 Thou merciful and mighty Spirit, come and rule in our hearts and direct THE GREAT WAR WORK OF MR. PETER lieutenant (junior grade) HANSEN, OF BEATRICE, NEBR. Charles D. Adams Carl L. Johnson our minds and labors. Breathe through Alfred Agrin Edward A. Johnson t e heats of our desire that all our Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask John H. Annegers, Jr. Andrew Johnston efforts may be for the solution and the unanimous consent to address the House l!lrnest M. Barker Lloyd H. Klefstad transfiguration of the hard paths of for 1 minute and to revise and extend Bernard A. L. Bellew John A. Learn toil. Let us proclaim to the· discouraged my remarks. Frank W. Bussard Gordon ·v. Lillie and all in ··need the evangel of · our The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Joseph P. Cannon Joseph T. Lucas, Jr. George C. Chaney Glenn L. Marshall, Jr,. Elder )lrother and meet courageously the request of the gentleman from Ne­ James F. Clearly, Jr. Theodore R. Marvin the test of -our stewardship. In word braska? Edwarci B. crohn Hugh B. McAdams · and deed, may we confess that the best There was no objection. Ber1;1ard F. Danton, Jr. Hoyt B. Miles, Jr. and the most enduring contribution we Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Francis D. Donahue Albert D. Nelson, Jr. can make to our country is our faith in pay tribute to a great patriot. I refer to Frederick F. Ferguson Leonard R. Ortega God and our fellow men. Vouchsafe to Mr. Peter Hansen, of Beatrice, Nebr. Al­ Rodes C. Garby Ralph R. Preston · the Congress a very earnest sense of its though Mr. Hansen is past 77 years of William D. Grant Alan Raftery age, and has spent most of the last 2 Alfred E. Gras Wilfred N. Sanders responsibility by proving its fidelity to Jack M. Gruender David J. Sanderson all the fundamental Pl'inciples . of our years in a hospital, when VJ-day came Robert L. Henry, Jr. Clinton R. Strong Republic. Allow us not to walk in paths he was knitting his one hundred and Wt:liam L. HutchinsonLoy T. Swinehart of blind confusion or tarry in the chill thirty-eighth sweater for the members William J. J·enkins Frank M. Thornburg of doubt, but so serve our land that its of our armed forces. i>ince that time he 904 CONGR_ESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 5 has completed two more. Mr. Hansen. TENDERING THANKS OF CONGRESS TO Mr:: SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I ask was born ·in Denmark, the ninth.child in GENERAL. OF THE ARMY GEORGE C,' unanimous .consent that this bill. be a family of 10. When he was 6 years old_ MARSHALL AND MEMBERS OF ARMY OF passed over without prejudice. his mother taught him to knit. During UNITED STATES . The SPEAKER. Is there objection to World War I he used to knit in his idle The Clerk called the joint r-esolution the request of the gentleman from In­ moments while traveling· on the train as <H. J.· Res. · 243) tendering the thanks diana? · a ·salesman. · When this war came he of Congress to Genera;l of . the Army T~ere w~s no objection. started to knit a-gain and made 12 sweat­ George C. Marshall, an·a the members . ORVIS WELCI~ ers in the bundles for Britain cam­ of the Army of the United States who paign. When the United States entered The Clerk called the bill <H. R. 2167) have fought under his .direction during to confer jurisdiction upon the District the war his time and talents were given the wars; and providing that the Presi­ to the buridles for America program, Court of the United ·states for the East­ dent of the United States shall cause a ern District of Texas to,hear, d·etermine, and it was in that program that he made medal to be struck to be presented to the 140 sweaters. · and render judgment upon the claims of General Marshall in the name of the Orvis Welch. Mr. Speaker, we a~e a great nation b~­ people of the United States o( Ameri~a. cause of individuals like Mr. Peter Han­ · ·There being no objection:· the Clerk There ·being no objection, the Clerk read the bill, as follows: · sen. He is a man who loves p~s . country read the joint resolution, as follows: Be it enacted, etc., ·That jurisdiction is­ more than self, and who gives his· time Resolved, etc., That the thanks of the -and his talents for the preservation of_ hereby conferred upon the District Court of American people -and of the Congress be, the United States for the Eastern District our great Republic.
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