
1949 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8809 (U. s. C., 1946 ed., title 29, ch. 4), to amend agreed to by the Senate; agreed to the [Mr. HOLLAND] are absent by leave of the Randolph-Sheppard Act (U. S. C., 1946 conference asked by the Senate on the the Senate. en,. title 20, ch. 6A), to authorize grants-in­ aid to the States for special programs for the disagreeing votes of the two Houses Mr. WHERRY. I announce that' the blind and other severely disabled persons, thereon, and that Mr. SPENCE, Mr. Senator from Maine [Mr. BREWSTER], and for other purposes; to the Committee on BROWN of.Georgia, Mr. PATMAN, Mr. MoN­ the senior Senator from Massachusetts Education and Labor. RONEY, Mr. WOLCOTT, Mr. GAMBLE, and [Mr. SALTONSTALL]' and the junior Sena­ By Mrs. NORTON: Mr. SMITH of Ohio were appointed man­ tor from Massachusetts [Mr. LonGE] are H. Res. 276. Resolution provldlng for the agers on the part of the House at the necessarily au&ent. consideration of H. R. 3199, a bill making conference. The Senator from New Hampshire unlawful the requirement for the payment of [Mr. BRIDGES], the senior Senator from a poll tax as a prerequisite to voting in a The message also announced that the primary or other election for national offi­ House agreed to the amendments of the Indiana [Mr. CAPEHART], the junior Sen­ cers, and for other purposes; to the Commit­ Senate to the bill <H. R. 2282) to make ator from Indiana [Wr. JENNER J, and the tee on Rules. certain Government-owned facilities Senator from Maine [Mrs. SMITH] are available for international broadcasting absent on official business. in the f urthernnce of authorized pro­ The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. grams of the Department of State, and GURNEY] and the Senator from North SENATE for other purposes. Dakota [Mr. YouNG] are absent by leave The message further announced that of the Senate. TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1949 the House had passed a joint resolution The Senator from Connecticut [Mr. <H. J. Res. 287) extending section 1302 BALDWIN] and the Senator from Penn­ <Legislative day of Thursday, June 2, (a) of the Social Security Act, as amend­ sylvania [Mr. MARTIN] are detained on 1949) ed, until June 30, 1950, in which it re­ official business. The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is The Senate met, in executive session, quested the concurrence of the Senate. in the former Supreme Court chamber ENROLLED BILL SIGNED pres~mt. in the Capitol at 12 o'clock meridian, on The message also announced that the ARRANGEMENTS IN TEMPORARY SENATE the expiration of the recess. Speaker had affixed his signature to the CHAMBER The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown enrolled bill <H. R. 2282) to make certain The VICE PRESIDENT. Before pro­ Harris, D. D., offered the following Government-owned facilities available ceeding further, the Chair would like to prayer: for international broadcasting in the have the Secretary read a statement on Our Father, God, with grateful hearts furtherance of authorized programs of behalf of the Sergeant at Arms con­ stirred anew as a Nation of freemen has. the Department of State, and for other cerning the arrangements in the cham­ been celebrating the birthday of the purposes, and it was signed by the Vice ber the Senate is now occupying. state, WP. bow with reverence within the President. The Chief Clerk read as follows: walls of this historic chamber saturated CALL OF THE ROLL Because of limited space, the individual with national memories. We are vividly desks of all Senators could not be placed in Mr. LUCAS. I suggest the absence of this chamber. However, chairs are avail­ conscious this hallowed moment of in­ a quorum. able for every Senator. Senators of the ma­ visible galleries filled with a cloud of wit­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre­ jority party are assigned chairs on the left nesses from the heroic and creative past. tary will call the roll. of the chamber and those of the minority These mellowed walls are vocal this hour. party are assigned chairs on the right. Ex­ They speak to us of towering public The roll was called, and the follo·.ving cept for the majority and minority leaders, servants, of legislators and judges, of Senators answered to their names: no Senator has been assigned a desk or a momentous debates and decisions, of Aiken Hunt Myers particular chair, so Senators may sit wher­ Anderson Ives Neely ever they choose on a "first come, first served" laws made and interpreted. These great Bricker Johnson, Colo. O'Conor basis. · :figures of the yesterdays have entrusted Butler Johnston, S. C. O'Mahoney Senators will notice that two desks have to our hands the flaming torch of free­ Byrd Kefauver Pepper Cain Kem Reed been placed on each side of the chamber. dom once held by theirs. They admonish Chapman Kerr Robertson These are to be used by Senators handling us that eternal vigilance is the price of Chavez Kilgore Russell legislation and by those who desire to speak liberty. Connally Knowland Schoeppel from prepared manuscripts. Cordon Langer Smith, N. J. Give us courage, give us vision, give Donnell Long Sparkman The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair us wisdom for the facing of these crucial Douglas Lucas Stennis would like to say that it is obvious that days. May our America be the channel Downey McCarran Taft Ecton McCarthy Thomas, Okla. the acoustics of this chamber are very of Thy grace, helping to heal the open Ferguson McClellan Thomas, Utah excellent. From the standpoint of the sores of this torn and tortured world. In Flanders McFarland Thye Chair they are, because the Chair can the Redeemer's name. :Amen. Frear McGrath Tobey Fulbright McKellar Tydings hear even a whisper coming from any THE JOURNAL Gillette McMahon Vandenberg point in the chamber. Therefore the Graham Malone Watkins Chair suggests that conversation be kept On request of Mr. LUCAS, and by unani­ Green Miller Wherry mous consent, the reading of the Jour­ Hayden , Milli.kin Wiley to a minimum in order that order may nal of the proceedings of Friday, July 1, Hendrickson Morse William• be preserved. 1949, was dispense<;i with. Hickenlooper Mundt Withers May the Chair also say that he is hap­ Hoey Murray py to see so many Senators back after MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Mr. MYERS. I announce that the the holiday, on the first day's session in Messages in writing from the Presi­ Senator from Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND], this historic chamber. The Chair hopes dent of the United States were commu­ the Senator from Alabama [Mr. HILL], the Members of the Senate will not think nicated to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. HUM­ him guilty of flattery when he says that of his secretaries. PHREY], the Senator from Texas [Mr. he does not believe a finer-looking body MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE JOHNSON], the Senator from Washington of legislators has ever met here than [Mr. MAGNUSON J, the Senator from that which is before him at this moment. A message from the House of Repre­ [Applause. J sentatives, by Mr. Swanson, one of its South Carolina [Mr. MAYBANK], and the reading clerks, announced that the Senator from Idaho [Mr. TAYLOR] ·are PHCYl:'OGRAPH8 OF SENATE SITTING IN House had insisted upon its amendment ab.sent on public business. OLD SUPREME COURT CHAMBER to the bill <S. 1070) to establish a na­ The Senator from Louisiana [Mr. EL­ Mr. LUCAS. Mr. President, I should tional housing objective and the policy LENDER] is absent by leave of the Senate like to make a brief announcement along to·be followed in the attainment thereof, on official business, having been ap­ the line of the statement prepared by the to provide Federal aid to assist slum­ pointed an adviser to the delegatien of Sergeant at Arms. I sincerely hope the clearance projects and low-rent public­ the United States of America to the administrative assistants and all others housing projects initiated ty local agen­ Second World Health Organization As­ who have business here with Senators cies, to provide for financial assistance sembly meeting at Rome, Italy. will conduct their business with them ex­ by the Secretary of Agriculture for farm The Senator from Georgia [Mr. peditiously as possible, because we have housing, ancl for other purposes, dis- GEORGE] and the Senator from Florida little or no space for our secretaries or 8810 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JULY 5 those who have business with Senators in and resolutions, present petitions and By Mr. TYDINGS: this chamber. memorials, and submit matt ers for print­ S. 2192. A bill to authorize the adjustment of the lineal positions of certain officers of I should like also to make a unani­ ing in the RECORD, without debate, as in the naval service, and for other purposes; mous-consent request. Four photog­ legislative session. to the Committee on Armed Services. raphers would like very much to take The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ pictures of the Senate at this time. It is jection, it is so ordered. GRANTING OF CERTAIN EXTENSIONS OF my understanding that they will pool the TIME FOR TAX PURPOSES-AMEND­ REPORT OF NATIONAL ADVISORY COUN­ MENTS pictures and distribute them throughout CIL ON INTERNATIONAL MONETARY the country. As everyone knows, we AND FINANCIAL PROBLEM~MESSAGE Mr. McCARRAN submitted four have a very strict precedent in the Sen­ FROM THE PRESIDENT (H. DOC. NO. 250) amendments intended to be proposed by ate Chamber against any kind of pho­ him to the bill <H. R. 3905) to grant tography. However, I am informed that The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the certain extensions of time for tax pur­ photograph::; were taken when the Sen­ Senate a message from the President poses and to facilitate administration; ate convened in this chamber in 1940.
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